Cib Less Icon SVG

Cib Less

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Svg Code

<svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32"> <path d="M30.635 14.15c0-1.025 0.16-1.63 0.16-2.73 0-1.71-0.63-2.26-2.025-2.26h-1.025v1.21h0.315c0.71 0 0.865 0.235 0.865 1.105 0 0.815-0.080 1.63-0.080 2.575 0 1.21 0.395 1.68 1.18 1.865v0.080c-0.79 0.185-1.18 0.655-1.18 1.865 0 0.945 0.080 1.71 0.080 2.575 0 0.895-0.185 1.13-0.865 1.13v0.025h-0.315v1.26h1.025c1.39 0 2.025-0.55 2.025-2.26 0-1.13-0.16-1.71-0.16-2.73 0-0.55 0.34-1.13 1.365-1.18v-1.365c-1.025-0.035-1.365-0.615-1.365-1.165zM25.355 15.75c-0.79-0.315-1.525-0.5-1.525-1.025 0-0.395 0.315-0.63 0.895-0.63s1.105 0.235 1.68 0.655l1.050-1.39c-0.655-0.5-1.55-1.025-2.76-1.025-1.785 0-2.995 1.025-2.995 2.47 0 1.285 1.13 1.945 2.075 2.31 0.815 0.315 1.605 0.58 1.605 1.105 0 0.395-0.315 0.655-1.025 0.655-0.655 0-1.315-0.265-2.025-0.815l-1.050 1.525c0.79 0.655 1.995 1.105 2.995 1.105 2.1 0 3.23-1.105 3.23-2.55s-1.125-2.050-2.15-2.39zM7.41 18.72c-0.185 0-0.42-0.16-0.42-0.655v-8.91h-3.73c-1.42 0-2.050 0.55-2.050 2.26 0 1.13 0.16 1.76 0.16 2.73 0 0.55-0.34 1.13-1.365 1.18v1.365c1.025 0.025 1.365 0.605 1.365 1.155 0 0.97-0.16 1.55-0.16 2.68 0 1.71 0.63 2.26 2.025 2.26h1.025v-1.21h-0.315c-0.655 0-0.865-0.265-0.865-1.13s0.080-1.605 0.080-2.575c0-1.21-0.395-1.68-1.18-1.865v-0.080c0.79-0.185 1.18-0.655 1.18-1.865 0-0.945-0.080-1.71-0.080-2.575s0.185-1.105 0.865-1.105h0.705v7.54c0 1.605 0.55 2.655 2.155 2.655 0.5 0 0.895-0.080 1.18-0.185l-0.265-1.71c-0.155 0.040-0.23 0.040-0.31 0.040zM18.995 15.75c-0.815-0.315-1.55-0.5-1.55-1.025 0-0.395 0.315-0.63 0.895-0.63s1.105 0.235 1.68 0.655l1.050-1.39c-0.655-0.5-1.55-1.025-2.76-1.025-1.785 0-2.995 1.025-2.995 2.47 0 1.285 1.13 1.945 2.075 2.31 0.815 0.315 1.605 0.58 1.605 1.105 0 0.395-0.315 0.655-1.025 0.655-0.655 0-1.315-0.265-2.025-0.815l-1.025 1.525c0.79 0.655 1.995 1.105 2.995 1.105 2.1 0 3.23-1.105 3.23-2.55 0.005-1.445-1.125-2.050-2.15-2.39zM11.245 12.31c-1.92 0-3.755 1.605-3.705 4.125 0 2.6 1.71 4.125 3.965 4.125 0.945 0 1.995-0.34 2.81-0.895l-0.79-1.39c-0.58 0.34-1.13 0.5-1.71 0.5-1.050 0-1.865-0.5-2.075-1.71h4.76c0.025-0.185 0.080-0.55 0.080-0.97 0.030-2.13-1.13-3.785-3.335-3.785zM9.745 15.62c0.16-1.050 0.79-1.55 1.525-1.55 0.945 0 1.315 0.655 1.315 1.55z"/> </svg>

Cib less


Svg Code

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Cib less


Svg Code

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Cib less


Svg Code

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Cib less


Svg Code

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