⚫ Symbol Emoji meaning is "Black Circle". Unicode of Black Circle "⚫" Emoji is 26ab and HTML entity code is ⚫. Black Circle Emoji text copy paste work well with all platforms like - WhatsApp, Facebook, Google, Mail, Snapchat, Discord, Instagram, and other. This ⚫ Emoji comes under the Symbols (geometric) category. The order of the Black Circle emoji is "681". Check more details of Black Circle Emoji meaning by boy and girl, Unicode, and HTML Text Copy and Paste from below.
Click on the below Symbol Black Circle html icon "⚫ COPY" button and paste or share anywhere.
You can get html icon black circle by simply clicking on download png or copy html code as below.
black circles,deep circles,secret circles,difficult circles,hermetic circles,occult circles,ominous circles,pale circles
Here are the five important steps to add this Emoji icon.
Here are some related emoji icons matching to Black circle.
Emojis unite the world in black and white, copy-paste on any device, iPhone, Android or Apple, spread the love on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, because expression knows no bounds.