Ancv Icon SVG

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Svg Code

<svg width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M19.9999 12C22.209 12 23.9999 10.2091 23.9999 8C23.9999 5.79086 22.209 4 19.9999 4C17.7907 4 15.9999 5.79086 15.9999 8C15.9999 10.2091 17.7907 12 19.9999 12Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M33 10C33 9.44772 32.5523 9 32 9C31.4477 9 31 9.44772 31 10V12.3028L32.1679 14.0547C32.4743 14.5142 33.0952 14.6384 33.5547 14.3321C34.0142 14.0257 34.1384 13.4048 33.8321 12.9453L33 11.6972V10Z" fill="#333333"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M32 18C35.3137 18 38 15.3137 38 12C38 8.68629 35.3137 6 32 6C28.6863 6 26 8.68629 26 12C26 15.3137 28.6863 18 32 18ZM32 16C34.2091 16 36 14.2091 36 12C36 9.79086 34.2091 8 32 8C29.7909 8 28 9.79086 28 12C28 14.2091 29.7909 16 32 16Z" fill="#333333"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M15.7505 27.0617C16.1543 27.3848 16.6449 27.5259 17.1234 27.4962C17.1342 28.8153 17.0857 30.1806 17.0327 31.6742C16.941 34.2576 16.8357 37.2246 16.9999 41V42C16.9999 43.1046 17.8953 44 18.9999 44C20.1045 44 20.9999 43.1046 20.9999 42V41L22.462 33.3079C22.6612 33.247 22.9103 33.1647 23.192 33.0581C23.8686 32.8021 24.7954 32.383 25.6762 31.7425C26.5525 31.1052 27.4916 30.1688 28.0045 28.8499C28.5381 27.4778 28.5216 25.9191 27.8568 24.2572C26.7092 21.3881 24.6141 18.9108 22.9141 17.2108C22.0487 16.3454 21.2507 15.6471 20.6665 15.1631C20.3738 14.9206 20.1332 14.7304 19.9624 14.5986C19.877 14.5327 19.809 14.4812 19.7606 14.445L19.7029 14.4021L19.6856 14.3894L19.6799 14.3852L19.6762 14.3825L19.5334 14.5788L19.5339 14.5779L19.5348 14.5766C19.676 14.3824 19.6762 14.3825 19.6762 14.3825C19.3344 14.1339 18.9221 14 18.4994 14H16.4999C15.736 14 15.1272 14.3317 14.7665 14.5722C14.3718 14.8354 14.0172 15.1641 13.7172 15.4784C13.1139 16.1105 12.5268 16.9018 12.0349 17.6233C11.5339 18.3582 11.0882 19.085 10.7702 19.6232C10.6104 19.8937 10.4808 20.1199 10.3904 20.2799C10.3451 20.36 10.3096 20.4237 10.2849 20.4683L10.256 20.5206L10.2479 20.5354L10.2441 20.5423C9.77964 21.3938 9.9931 22.4558 10.7505 23.0617L15.7505 27.0617ZM16.7176 22.7129L14.6002 21.019C14.8222 20.6598 15.0739 20.2668 15.3398 19.8767C15.5008 19.6406 15.6616 19.4136 15.8193 19.2012C16.2294 20.4424 16.518 21.5968 16.7176 22.7129Z" fill="#333333"/> </svg>



Svg Code

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Svg Code

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Svg Code

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Svg Code

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Ancv Icon SVG - Faq(s)?

⭐Can I get Free Ancv Icon SVG?

Yes, you can get free Ancv SVG icons.

⭐ How to download free Ancv Icon SVG code?

To download free Ancv icons in SVG code click on the copy code button.

⭐How to find the Ancv Icon SVG path file?

You can get the Ancv SVG file path from the above section.

⭐ What are the colors available for SVG Ancv Icon?

You can check the Ancv SVG in your brand color i.e, White, Black, Blue, Red, Green, Pink & Yellow.


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