Apple Watch Icon SVG

Apple Watch

Apple watch SVG Icon Code | Customize color

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Apple watch


Svg Code

<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M16.4975 5.02988C16.4973 5.07798 16.4959 5.12581 16.4934 5.17335C17.662 5.58332 18.5 6.69628 18.5 8.00496V9.00493H19.5V13.0049H18.5V16.005C18.5 17.3129 17.663 18.4254 16.4953 18.8359C16.4984 18.8919 16.5 18.9482 16.5 19.005C16.5 20.6618 15.1569 22.005 13.5 22.005H9.5C7.84315 22.005 6.5 20.6618 6.5 19.005C6.5 18.9482 6.50158 18.8919 6.50468 18.8359C5.33705 18.4254 4.5 17.3129 4.5 16.005V8.00496C4.5 6.69767 5.33618 5.58568 6.50286 5.17465C6.49907 5.11032 6.4973 5.04546 6.49763 4.98011C6.50587 3.32328 7.85569 1.98683 9.51252 1.99508L13.5125 2.01499C15.1693 2.02324 16.5058 3.37305 16.4975 5.02988ZM8.49764 5.00496H14.4975C14.4922 4.45954 14.0498 4.01769 13.5025 4.01496L9.50257 3.99505C8.95029 3.99231 8.50035 4.43779 8.4976 4.99006L8.49764 5.00496ZM15.7049 7.02596L11.4846 7.00496H7.5C6.94772 7.00496 6.5 7.45267 6.5 8.00496V16.005C6.5 16.5568 6.94696 17.0042 7.4986 17.005H15.5014C16.053 17.0042 16.5 16.5568 16.5 16.005V8.00496C16.5 7.52289 16.1589 7.12049 15.7049 7.02596ZM8.5 19.005C8.5 19.5572 8.94772 20.005 9.5 20.005H13.5C14.0523 20.005 14.5 19.5572 14.5 19.005H8.5Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg>

Apple watch


Svg Code

<svg style="color: white" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M16.4975 5.02988C16.4973 5.07798 16.4959 5.12581 16.4934 5.17335C17.662 5.58332 18.5 6.69628 18.5 8.00496V9.00493H19.5V13.0049H18.5V16.005C18.5 17.3129 17.663 18.4254 16.4953 18.8359C16.4984 18.8919 16.5 18.9482 16.5 19.005C16.5 20.6618 15.1569 22.005 13.5 22.005H9.5C7.84315 22.005 6.5 20.6618 6.5 19.005C6.5 18.9482 6.50158 18.8919 6.50468 18.8359C5.33705 18.4254 4.5 17.3129 4.5 16.005V8.00496C4.5 6.69767 5.33618 5.58568 6.50286 5.17465C6.49907 5.11032 6.4973 5.04546 6.49763 4.98011C6.50587 3.32328 7.85569 1.98683 9.51252 1.99508L13.5125 2.01499C15.1693 2.02324 16.5058 3.37305 16.4975 5.02988ZM8.49764 5.00496H14.4975C14.4922 4.45954 14.0498 4.01769 13.5025 4.01496L9.50257 3.99505C8.95029 3.99231 8.50035 4.43779 8.4976 4.99006L8.49764 5.00496ZM15.7049 7.02596L11.4846 7.00496H7.5C6.94772 7.00496 6.5 7.45267 6.5 8.00496V16.005C6.5 16.5568 6.94696 17.0042 7.4986 17.005H15.5014C16.053 17.0042 16.5 16.5568 16.5 16.005V8.00496C16.5 7.52289 16.1589 7.12049 15.7049 7.02596ZM8.5 19.005C8.5 19.5572 8.94772 20.005 9.5 20.005H13.5C14.0523 20.005 14.5 19.5572 14.5 19.005H8.5Z" fill="white"></path> </svg>

Apple watch


Svg Code

<svg style="color: red" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M16.4975 5.02988C16.4973 5.07798 16.4959 5.12581 16.4934 5.17335C17.662 5.58332 18.5 6.69628 18.5 8.00496V9.00493H19.5V13.0049H18.5V16.005C18.5 17.3129 17.663 18.4254 16.4953 18.8359C16.4984 18.8919 16.5 18.9482 16.5 19.005C16.5 20.6618 15.1569 22.005 13.5 22.005H9.5C7.84315 22.005 6.5 20.6618 6.5 19.005C6.5 18.9482 6.50158 18.8919 6.50468 18.8359C5.33705 18.4254 4.5 17.3129 4.5 16.005V8.00496C4.5 6.69767 5.33618 5.58568 6.50286 5.17465C6.49907 5.11032 6.4973 5.04546 6.49763 4.98011C6.50587 3.32328 7.85569 1.98683 9.51252 1.99508L13.5125 2.01499C15.1693 2.02324 16.5058 3.37305 16.4975 5.02988ZM8.49764 5.00496H14.4975C14.4922 4.45954 14.0498 4.01769 13.5025 4.01496L9.50257 3.99505C8.95029 3.99231 8.50035 4.43779 8.4976 4.99006L8.49764 5.00496ZM15.7049 7.02596L11.4846 7.00496H7.5C6.94772 7.00496 6.5 7.45267 6.5 8.00496V16.005C6.5 16.5568 6.94696 17.0042 7.4986 17.005H15.5014C16.053 17.0042 16.5 16.5568 16.5 16.005V8.00496C16.5 7.52289 16.1589 7.12049 15.7049 7.02596ZM8.5 19.005C8.5 19.5572 8.94772 20.005 9.5 20.005H13.5C14.0523 20.005 14.5 19.5572 14.5 19.005H8.5Z" fill="red"></path> </svg>

Apple watch


Svg Code

<svg style="color: blue" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M16.4975 5.02988C16.4973 5.07798 16.4959 5.12581 16.4934 5.17335C17.662 5.58332 18.5 6.69628 18.5 8.00496V9.00493H19.5V13.0049H18.5V16.005C18.5 17.3129 17.663 18.4254 16.4953 18.8359C16.4984 18.8919 16.5 18.9482 16.5 19.005C16.5 20.6618 15.1569 22.005 13.5 22.005H9.5C7.84315 22.005 6.5 20.6618 6.5 19.005C6.5 18.9482 6.50158 18.8919 6.50468 18.8359C5.33705 18.4254 4.5 17.3129 4.5 16.005V8.00496C4.5 6.69767 5.33618 5.58568 6.50286 5.17465C6.49907 5.11032 6.4973 5.04546 6.49763 4.98011C6.50587 3.32328 7.85569 1.98683 9.51252 1.99508L13.5125 2.01499C15.1693 2.02324 16.5058 3.37305 16.4975 5.02988ZM8.49764 5.00496H14.4975C14.4922 4.45954 14.0498 4.01769 13.5025 4.01496L9.50257 3.99505C8.95029 3.99231 8.50035 4.43779 8.4976 4.99006L8.49764 5.00496ZM15.7049 7.02596L11.4846 7.00496H7.5C6.94772 7.00496 6.5 7.45267 6.5 8.00496V16.005C6.5 16.5568 6.94696 17.0042 7.4986 17.005H15.5014C16.053 17.0042 16.5 16.5568 16.5 16.005V8.00496C16.5 7.52289 16.1589 7.12049 15.7049 7.02596ZM8.5 19.005C8.5 19.5572 8.94772 20.005 9.5 20.005H13.5C14.0523 20.005 14.5 19.5572 14.5 19.005H8.5Z" fill="blue"></path> </svg>

Apple watch


Svg Code

<svg style="color: #f3da35" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M16.4975 5.02988C16.4973 5.07798 16.4959 5.12581 16.4934 5.17335C17.662 5.58332 18.5 6.69628 18.5 8.00496V9.00493H19.5V13.0049H18.5V16.005C18.5 17.3129 17.663 18.4254 16.4953 18.8359C16.4984 18.8919 16.5 18.9482 16.5 19.005C16.5 20.6618 15.1569 22.005 13.5 22.005H9.5C7.84315 22.005 6.5 20.6618 6.5 19.005C6.5 18.9482 6.50158 18.8919 6.50468 18.8359C5.33705 18.4254 4.5 17.3129 4.5 16.005V8.00496C4.5 6.69767 5.33618 5.58568 6.50286 5.17465C6.49907 5.11032 6.4973 5.04546 6.49763 4.98011C6.50587 3.32328 7.85569 1.98683 9.51252 1.99508L13.5125 2.01499C15.1693 2.02324 16.5058 3.37305 16.4975 5.02988ZM8.49764 5.00496H14.4975C14.4922 4.45954 14.0498 4.01769 13.5025 4.01496L9.50257 3.99505C8.95029 3.99231 8.50035 4.43779 8.4976 4.99006L8.49764 5.00496ZM15.7049 7.02596L11.4846 7.00496H7.5C6.94772 7.00496 6.5 7.45267 6.5 8.00496V16.005C6.5 16.5568 6.94696 17.0042 7.4986 17.005H15.5014C16.053 17.0042 16.5 16.5568 16.5 16.005V8.00496C16.5 7.52289 16.1589 7.12049 15.7049 7.02596ZM8.5 19.005C8.5 19.5572 8.94772 20.005 9.5 20.005H13.5C14.0523 20.005 14.5 19.5572 14.5 19.005H8.5Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> </svg>

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