Award_trophy Icon SVG

Icon Award_trophy SVG code/vector file is given below and you can use that in websites, apps (Android/IOS), ppt, and other projects. You can use our svg code generator to edit svg icon. Icon can be customized in any color or size using color and size picker.

Award_trophy Icon Svg Code | Path | Download

Download free Award_trophy SVG icons in different sizes (16*16, 24*24, 32*32, 64*64 & Other). Check and download the Award_trophy Icon SVG code in HTML/Css from below.


Award_trophy SVG Icon Code | Customize color

You can get svg icon award_trophy in blue, white, red color and transparent color from below list. You can also customize color using color picker.



Svg Code

<svg width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 7C12 6.44772 12.4477 6 13 6H35C35.5523 6 36 6.44772 36 7V8H41C41.5523 8 42 8.44772 42 9V15C42 17.7614 39.7614 20 37 20H35.3172C33.8847 24.0529 30.3367 27.1065 26 27.8341V34H32C32.5523 34 33 34.4477 33 35V41C33 41.5523 32.5523 42 32 42H16C15.4477 42 15 41.5523 15 41V35C15 34.4477 15.4477 34 16 34H22V27.8341C17.6633 27.1065 14.1153 24.0529 12.6828 20H11C8.23858 20 6 17.7614 6 15V9C6 8.44772 6.44772 8 7 8H12V7ZM36 16V10H40V15C40 16.6569 38.6569 18 37 18H36V16ZM12 10H8V15C8 16.6569 9.34315 18 11 18H12V16V10Z" fill="#333333"/> </svg>



Svg Code

<svg style='color: white' width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 7C12 6.44772 12.4477 6 13 6H35C35.5523 6 36 6.44772 36 7V8H41C41.5523 8 42 8.44772 42 9V15C42 17.7614 39.7614 20 37 20H35.3172C33.8847 24.0529 30.3367 27.1065 26 27.8341V34H32C32.5523 34 33 34.4477 33 35V41C33 41.5523 32.5523 42 32 42H16C15.4477 42 15 41.5523 15 41V35C15 34.4477 15.4477 34 16 34H22V27.8341C17.6633 27.1065 14.1153 24.0529 12.6828 20H11C8.23858 20 6 17.7614 6 15V9C6 8.44772 6.44772 8 7 8H12V7ZM36 16V10H40V15C40 16.6569 38.6569 18 37 18H36V16ZM12 10H8V15C8 16.6569 9.34315 18 11 18H12V16V10Z" fill="#333333"/> </svg>



Svg Code

<svg style='color: red' width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 7C12 6.44772 12.4477 6 13 6H35C35.5523 6 36 6.44772 36 7V8H41C41.5523 8 42 8.44772 42 9V15C42 17.7614 39.7614 20 37 20H35.3172C33.8847 24.0529 30.3367 27.1065 26 27.8341V34H32C32.5523 34 33 34.4477 33 35V41C33 41.5523 32.5523 42 32 42H16C15.4477 42 15 41.5523 15 41V35C15 34.4477 15.4477 34 16 34H22V27.8341C17.6633 27.1065 14.1153 24.0529 12.6828 20H11C8.23858 20 6 17.7614 6 15V9C6 8.44772 6.44772 8 7 8H12V7ZM36 16V10H40V15C40 16.6569 38.6569 18 37 18H36V16ZM12 10H8V15C8 16.6569 9.34315 18 11 18H12V16V10Z" fill="#333333"/> </svg>



Svg Code

<svg style='color: blue' width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 7C12 6.44772 12.4477 6 13 6H35C35.5523 6 36 6.44772 36 7V8H41C41.5523 8 42 8.44772 42 9V15C42 17.7614 39.7614 20 37 20H35.3172C33.8847 24.0529 30.3367 27.1065 26 27.8341V34H32C32.5523 34 33 34.4477 33 35V41C33 41.5523 32.5523 42 32 42H16C15.4477 42 15 41.5523 15 41V35C15 34.4477 15.4477 34 16 34H22V27.8341C17.6633 27.1065 14.1153 24.0529 12.6828 20H11C8.23858 20 6 17.7614 6 15V9C6 8.44772 6.44772 8 7 8H12V7ZM36 16V10H40V15C40 16.6569 38.6569 18 37 18H36V16ZM12 10H8V15C8 16.6569 9.34315 18 11 18H12V16V10Z" fill="#333333"/> </svg>



Svg Code

<svg style='color: #f3da35' width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 7C12 6.44772 12.4477 6 13 6H35C35.5523 6 36 6.44772 36 7V8H41C41.5523 8 42 8.44772 42 9V15C42 17.7614 39.7614 20 37 20H35.3172C33.8847 24.0529 30.3367 27.1065 26 27.8341V34H32C32.5523 34 33 34.4477 33 35V41C33 41.5523 32.5523 42 32 42H16C15.4477 42 15 41.5523 15 41V35C15 34.4477 15.4477 34 16 34H22V27.8341C17.6633 27.1065 14.1153 24.0529 12.6828 20H11C8.23858 20 6 17.7614 6 15V9C6 8.44772 6.44772 8 7 8H12V7ZM36 16V10H40V15C40 16.6569 38.6569 18 37 18H36V16ZM12 10H8V15C8 16.6569 9.34315 18 11 18H12V16V10Z" fill="#333333"/> </svg>

Advance Editor

You can edit award_trophy as below. Change size color and background color of icon using below tool.

tab 2 content
Tab 3 content


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Award_trophy Icon SVG - Faq(s)?

⭐Can I get Free Award_trophy Icon SVG?

Yes, you can get free Award_trophy SVG icons.

⭐ How to download free Award_trophy Icon SVG code?

To download free Award_trophy icons in SVG code click on the copy code button.

⭐How to find the Award_trophy Icon SVG path file?

You can get the Award_trophy SVG file path from the above section.

⭐ What are the colors available for SVG Award_trophy Icon?

You can check the Award_trophy SVG in your brand color i.e, White, Black, Blue, Red, Green, Pink & Yellow.


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