Bezier Curve Icon SVG
Bezier Curve
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Bezier curve
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<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 640 512"><!--! Font Awesome Free 6.1.1 by @fontawesome - License - (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M352 32C378.5 32 400 53.49 400 80V84H518.4C528.8 62.69 550.7 48 576 48C611.3 48 640 76.65 640 112C640 147.3 611.3 176 576 176C550.7 176 528.8 161.3 518.4 140H451.5C510.4 179.6 550.4 244.1 555.5 320H560C586.5 320 608 341.5 608 368V432C608 458.5 586.5 480 560 480H496C469.5 480 448 458.5 448 432V368C448 341.5 469.5 320 496 320H499.3C493.4 253 450.8 196.6 391.8 170.9C383.1 183.6 368.6 192 352 192H288C271.4 192 256.9 183.6 248.2 170.9C189.2 196.6 146.6 253 140.7 320H144C170.5 320 192 341.5 192 368V432C192 458.5 170.5 480 144 480H80C53.49 480 32 458.5 32 432V368C32 341.5 53.49 320 80 320H84.53C89.56 244.1 129.6 179.6 188.5 140H121.6C111.2 161.3 89.3 176 64 176C28.65 176 0 147.3 0 112C0 76.65 28.65 48 64 48C89.3 48 111.2 62.69 121.6 84H240V80C240 53.49 261.5 32 288 32H352zM296 136H344V88H296V136zM88 376V424H136V376H88zM552 424V376H504V424H552z"/></svg>
Bezier curve
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<svg style='color: white' xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 640 512"><!--! Font Awesome Free 6.1.1 by @fontawesome - License - (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M352 32C378.5 32 400 53.49 400 80V84H518.4C528.8 62.69 550.7 48 576 48C611.3 48 640 76.65 640 112C640 147.3 611.3 176 576 176C550.7 176 528.8 161.3 518.4 140H451.5C510.4 179.6 550.4 244.1 555.5 320H560C586.5 320 608 341.5 608 368V432C608 458.5 586.5 480 560 480H496C469.5 480 448 458.5 448 432V368C448 341.5 469.5 320 496 320H499.3C493.4 253 450.8 196.6 391.8 170.9C383.1 183.6 368.6 192 352 192H288C271.4 192 256.9 183.6 248.2 170.9C189.2 196.6 146.6 253 140.7 320H144C170.5 320 192 341.5 192 368V432C192 458.5 170.5 480 144 480H80C53.49 480 32 458.5 32 432V368C32 341.5 53.49 320 80 320H84.53C89.56 244.1 129.6 179.6 188.5 140H121.6C111.2 161.3 89.3 176 64 176C28.65 176 0 147.3 0 112C0 76.65 28.65 48 64 48C89.3 48 111.2 62.69 121.6 84H240V80C240 53.49 261.5 32 288 32H352zM296 136H344V88H296V136zM88 376V424H136V376H88zM552 424V376H504V424H552z"/></svg>
Bezier curve
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<svg style='color: red' xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 640 512"><!--! Font Awesome Free 6.1.1 by @fontawesome - License - (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M352 32C378.5 32 400 53.49 400 80V84H518.4C528.8 62.69 550.7 48 576 48C611.3 48 640 76.65 640 112C640 147.3 611.3 176 576 176C550.7 176 528.8 161.3 518.4 140H451.5C510.4 179.6 550.4 244.1 555.5 320H560C586.5 320 608 341.5 608 368V432C608 458.5 586.5 480 560 480H496C469.5 480 448 458.5 448 432V368C448 341.5 469.5 320 496 320H499.3C493.4 253 450.8 196.6 391.8 170.9C383.1 183.6 368.6 192 352 192H288C271.4 192 256.9 183.6 248.2 170.9C189.2 196.6 146.6 253 140.7 320H144C170.5 320 192 341.5 192 368V432C192 458.5 170.5 480 144 480H80C53.49 480 32 458.5 32 432V368C32 341.5 53.49 320 80 320H84.53C89.56 244.1 129.6 179.6 188.5 140H121.6C111.2 161.3 89.3 176 64 176C28.65 176 0 147.3 0 112C0 76.65 28.65 48 64 48C89.3 48 111.2 62.69 121.6 84H240V80C240 53.49 261.5 32 288 32H352zM296 136H344V88H296V136zM88 376V424H136V376H88zM552 424V376H504V424H552z"/></svg>
Bezier curve
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<svg style='color: blue' xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 640 512"><!--! Font Awesome Free 6.1.1 by @fontawesome - License - (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M352 32C378.5 32 400 53.49 400 80V84H518.4C528.8 62.69 550.7 48 576 48C611.3 48 640 76.65 640 112C640 147.3 611.3 176 576 176C550.7 176 528.8 161.3 518.4 140H451.5C510.4 179.6 550.4 244.1 555.5 320H560C586.5 320 608 341.5 608 368V432C608 458.5 586.5 480 560 480H496C469.5 480 448 458.5 448 432V368C448 341.5 469.5 320 496 320H499.3C493.4 253 450.8 196.6 391.8 170.9C383.1 183.6 368.6 192 352 192H288C271.4 192 256.9 183.6 248.2 170.9C189.2 196.6 146.6 253 140.7 320H144C170.5 320 192 341.5 192 368V432C192 458.5 170.5 480 144 480H80C53.49 480 32 458.5 32 432V368C32 341.5 53.49 320 80 320H84.53C89.56 244.1 129.6 179.6 188.5 140H121.6C111.2 161.3 89.3 176 64 176C28.65 176 0 147.3 0 112C0 76.65 28.65 48 64 48C89.3 48 111.2 62.69 121.6 84H240V80C240 53.49 261.5 32 288 32H352zM296 136H344V88H296V136zM88 376V424H136V376H88zM552 424V376H504V424H552z"/></svg>
Bezier curve
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<svg style='color: #f3da35' xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 640 512"><!--! Font Awesome Free 6.1.1 by @fontawesome - License - (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M352 32C378.5 32 400 53.49 400 80V84H518.4C528.8 62.69 550.7 48 576 48C611.3 48 640 76.65 640 112C640 147.3 611.3 176 576 176C550.7 176 528.8 161.3 518.4 140H451.5C510.4 179.6 550.4 244.1 555.5 320H560C586.5 320 608 341.5 608 368V432C608 458.5 586.5 480 560 480H496C469.5 480 448 458.5 448 432V368C448 341.5 469.5 320 496 320H499.3C493.4 253 450.8 196.6 391.8 170.9C383.1 183.6 368.6 192 352 192H288C271.4 192 256.9 183.6 248.2 170.9C189.2 196.6 146.6 253 140.7 320H144C170.5 320 192 341.5 192 368V432C192 458.5 170.5 480 144 480H80C53.49 480 32 458.5 32 432V368C32 341.5 53.49 320 80 320H84.53C89.56 244.1 129.6 179.6 188.5 140H121.6C111.2 161.3 89.3 176 64 176C28.65 176 0 147.3 0 112C0 76.65 28.65 48 64 48C89.3 48 111.2 62.69 121.6 84H240V80C240 53.49 261.5 32 288 32H352zM296 136H344V88H296V136zM88 376V424H136V376H88zM552 424V376H504V424H552z"/></svg>
Advance Editor
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