Bhim Upi Logo Icon SVG

Bhim Upi Logo SVG icons refers to used by NPCIs, BHIMs, banks, non-bank partners, merchants, third-party partners, and the ecosystem associated with PPIs. Players using UPI based money transfer services. The trademark used as: the BHIM logo will be used only to promote the BHIM app.

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Bhim upi logo


Svg Code

<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.054688 8.902344 L 27.460938 8.902344 L 27.460938 21.238281 L 2.054688 21.238281 Z M 2.054688 8.902344 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" d="M 3.585938 8.902344 L 2.136719 14.511719 L 8.074219 14.511719 C 8.371094 14.511719 8.679688 14.257812 8.757812 13.949219 L 9.050781 12.828125 C 9.160156 12.394531 9.097656 12.003906 8.917969 11.707031 C 9.253906 11.40625 9.515625 11.015625 9.628906 10.582031 L 9.917969 9.460938 C 9.996094 9.152344 9.820312 8.902344 9.519531 8.902344 Z M 11.140625 8.902344 L 9.695312 14.511719 L 10.773438 14.511719 L 11.351562 12.265625 L 15.667969 12.265625 L 15.089844 14.511719 L 16.171875 14.511719 L 17.617188 8.902344 L 16.539062 8.902344 L 15.960938 11.144531 L 11.640625 11.144531 L 12.21875 8.902344 Z M 18.695312 8.902344 L 17.25 14.511719 L 18.328125 14.511719 L 19.777344 8.902344 Z M 20.855469 8.902344 L 19.410156 14.511719 L 20.488281 14.511719 L 21.183594 11.808594 L 22.648438 14.511719 L 25.503906 11.808594 L 24.804688 14.511719 L 25.886719 14.511719 L 27.332031 8.902344 L 23.078125 12.839844 Z M 4.375 10.023438 L 8.691406 10.023438 L 8.402344 11.144531 L 4.085938 11.144531 Z M 3.796875 12.265625 L 8.113281 12.265625 L 7.824219 13.386719 L 3.507812 13.386719 Z M 23.171875 15.625 L 21.726562 21.230469 L 23.28125 19.414062 L 22.808594 21.230469 L 25.207031 18.429688 L 24.257812 15.625 L 23.789062 17.441406 Z M 5.902344 15.632812 L 4.597656 20.679688 C 4.519531 20.988281 4.695312 21.238281 4.996094 21.238281 L 10.390625 21.238281 C 10.691406 21.238281 10.996094 20.988281 11.074219 20.679688 L 12.378906 15.632812 L 11.296875 15.632812 L 10.140625 20.117188 L 5.824219 20.117188 L 6.980469 15.632812 Z M 19.394531 15.632812 L 13.457031 15.632812 L 13.167969 16.753906 L 18.5625 16.753906 L 18.277344 17.875 L 12.878906 17.875 L 12.011719 21.238281 L 13.089844 21.238281 L 13.667969 18.996094 L 18.527344 18.996094 C 18.824219 18.996094 19.128906 18.746094 19.210938 18.4375 L 19.789062 16.191406 C 19.867188 15.882812 19.691406 15.632812 19.394531 15.632812 Z M 21.011719 15.632812 L 19.566406 21.238281 L 20.644531 21.238281 L 22.09375 15.632812 Z M 21.011719 15.632812 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g></svg>

Bhim upi logo


Svg Code

<svg style='color: white' xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.054688 8.902344 L 27.460938 8.902344 L 27.460938 21.238281 L 2.054688 21.238281 Z M 2.054688 8.902344 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" d="M 3.585938 8.902344 L 2.136719 14.511719 L 8.074219 14.511719 C 8.371094 14.511719 8.679688 14.257812 8.757812 13.949219 L 9.050781 12.828125 C 9.160156 12.394531 9.097656 12.003906 8.917969 11.707031 C 9.253906 11.40625 9.515625 11.015625 9.628906 10.582031 L 9.917969 9.460938 C 9.996094 9.152344 9.820312 8.902344 9.519531 8.902344 Z M 11.140625 8.902344 L 9.695312 14.511719 L 10.773438 14.511719 L 11.351562 12.265625 L 15.667969 12.265625 L 15.089844 14.511719 L 16.171875 14.511719 L 17.617188 8.902344 L 16.539062 8.902344 L 15.960938 11.144531 L 11.640625 11.144531 L 12.21875 8.902344 Z M 18.695312 8.902344 L 17.25 14.511719 L 18.328125 14.511719 L 19.777344 8.902344 Z M 20.855469 8.902344 L 19.410156 14.511719 L 20.488281 14.511719 L 21.183594 11.808594 L 22.648438 14.511719 L 25.503906 11.808594 L 24.804688 14.511719 L 25.886719 14.511719 L 27.332031 8.902344 L 23.078125 12.839844 Z M 4.375 10.023438 L 8.691406 10.023438 L 8.402344 11.144531 L 4.085938 11.144531 Z M 3.796875 12.265625 L 8.113281 12.265625 L 7.824219 13.386719 L 3.507812 13.386719 Z M 23.171875 15.625 L 21.726562 21.230469 L 23.28125 19.414062 L 22.808594 21.230469 L 25.207031 18.429688 L 24.257812 15.625 L 23.789062 17.441406 Z M 5.902344 15.632812 L 4.597656 20.679688 C 4.519531 20.988281 4.695312 21.238281 4.996094 21.238281 L 10.390625 21.238281 C 10.691406 21.238281 10.996094 20.988281 11.074219 20.679688 L 12.378906 15.632812 L 11.296875 15.632812 L 10.140625 20.117188 L 5.824219 20.117188 L 6.980469 15.632812 Z M 19.394531 15.632812 L 13.457031 15.632812 L 13.167969 16.753906 L 18.5625 16.753906 L 18.277344 17.875 L 12.878906 17.875 L 12.011719 21.238281 L 13.089844 21.238281 L 13.667969 18.996094 L 18.527344 18.996094 C 18.824219 18.996094 19.128906 18.746094 19.210938 18.4375 L 19.789062 16.191406 C 19.867188 15.882812 19.691406 15.632812 19.394531 15.632812 Z M 21.011719 15.632812 L 19.566406 21.238281 L 20.644531 21.238281 L 22.09375 15.632812 Z M 21.011719 15.632812 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g></svg>

Bhim upi logo


Svg Code

<svg style='color: red' xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.054688 8.902344 L 27.460938 8.902344 L 27.460938 21.238281 L 2.054688 21.238281 Z M 2.054688 8.902344 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" d="M 3.585938 8.902344 L 2.136719 14.511719 L 8.074219 14.511719 C 8.371094 14.511719 8.679688 14.257812 8.757812 13.949219 L 9.050781 12.828125 C 9.160156 12.394531 9.097656 12.003906 8.917969 11.707031 C 9.253906 11.40625 9.515625 11.015625 9.628906 10.582031 L 9.917969 9.460938 C 9.996094 9.152344 9.820312 8.902344 9.519531 8.902344 Z M 11.140625 8.902344 L 9.695312 14.511719 L 10.773438 14.511719 L 11.351562 12.265625 L 15.667969 12.265625 L 15.089844 14.511719 L 16.171875 14.511719 L 17.617188 8.902344 L 16.539062 8.902344 L 15.960938 11.144531 L 11.640625 11.144531 L 12.21875 8.902344 Z M 18.695312 8.902344 L 17.25 14.511719 L 18.328125 14.511719 L 19.777344 8.902344 Z M 20.855469 8.902344 L 19.410156 14.511719 L 20.488281 14.511719 L 21.183594 11.808594 L 22.648438 14.511719 L 25.503906 11.808594 L 24.804688 14.511719 L 25.886719 14.511719 L 27.332031 8.902344 L 23.078125 12.839844 Z M 4.375 10.023438 L 8.691406 10.023438 L 8.402344 11.144531 L 4.085938 11.144531 Z M 3.796875 12.265625 L 8.113281 12.265625 L 7.824219 13.386719 L 3.507812 13.386719 Z M 23.171875 15.625 L 21.726562 21.230469 L 23.28125 19.414062 L 22.808594 21.230469 L 25.207031 18.429688 L 24.257812 15.625 L 23.789062 17.441406 Z M 5.902344 15.632812 L 4.597656 20.679688 C 4.519531 20.988281 4.695312 21.238281 4.996094 21.238281 L 10.390625 21.238281 C 10.691406 21.238281 10.996094 20.988281 11.074219 20.679688 L 12.378906 15.632812 L 11.296875 15.632812 L 10.140625 20.117188 L 5.824219 20.117188 L 6.980469 15.632812 Z M 19.394531 15.632812 L 13.457031 15.632812 L 13.167969 16.753906 L 18.5625 16.753906 L 18.277344 17.875 L 12.878906 17.875 L 12.011719 21.238281 L 13.089844 21.238281 L 13.667969 18.996094 L 18.527344 18.996094 C 18.824219 18.996094 19.128906 18.746094 19.210938 18.4375 L 19.789062 16.191406 C 19.867188 15.882812 19.691406 15.632812 19.394531 15.632812 Z M 21.011719 15.632812 L 19.566406 21.238281 L 20.644531 21.238281 L 22.09375 15.632812 Z M 21.011719 15.632812 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g></svg>

Bhim upi logo


Svg Code

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Bhim upi logo


Svg Code

<svg style='color: #f3da35' xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.054688 8.902344 L 27.460938 8.902344 L 27.460938 21.238281 L 2.054688 21.238281 Z M 2.054688 8.902344 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" d="M 3.585938 8.902344 L 2.136719 14.511719 L 8.074219 14.511719 C 8.371094 14.511719 8.679688 14.257812 8.757812 13.949219 L 9.050781 12.828125 C 9.160156 12.394531 9.097656 12.003906 8.917969 11.707031 C 9.253906 11.40625 9.515625 11.015625 9.628906 10.582031 L 9.917969 9.460938 C 9.996094 9.152344 9.820312 8.902344 9.519531 8.902344 Z M 11.140625 8.902344 L 9.695312 14.511719 L 10.773438 14.511719 L 11.351562 12.265625 L 15.667969 12.265625 L 15.089844 14.511719 L 16.171875 14.511719 L 17.617188 8.902344 L 16.539062 8.902344 L 15.960938 11.144531 L 11.640625 11.144531 L 12.21875 8.902344 Z M 18.695312 8.902344 L 17.25 14.511719 L 18.328125 14.511719 L 19.777344 8.902344 Z M 20.855469 8.902344 L 19.410156 14.511719 L 20.488281 14.511719 L 21.183594 11.808594 L 22.648438 14.511719 L 25.503906 11.808594 L 24.804688 14.511719 L 25.886719 14.511719 L 27.332031 8.902344 L 23.078125 12.839844 Z M 4.375 10.023438 L 8.691406 10.023438 L 8.402344 11.144531 L 4.085938 11.144531 Z M 3.796875 12.265625 L 8.113281 12.265625 L 7.824219 13.386719 L 3.507812 13.386719 Z M 23.171875 15.625 L 21.726562 21.230469 L 23.28125 19.414062 L 22.808594 21.230469 L 25.207031 18.429688 L 24.257812 15.625 L 23.789062 17.441406 Z M 5.902344 15.632812 L 4.597656 20.679688 C 4.519531 20.988281 4.695312 21.238281 4.996094 21.238281 L 10.390625 21.238281 C 10.691406 21.238281 10.996094 20.988281 11.074219 20.679688 L 12.378906 15.632812 L 11.296875 15.632812 L 10.140625 20.117188 L 5.824219 20.117188 L 6.980469 15.632812 Z M 19.394531 15.632812 L 13.457031 15.632812 L 13.167969 16.753906 L 18.5625 16.753906 L 18.277344 17.875 L 12.878906 17.875 L 12.011719 21.238281 L 13.089844 21.238281 L 13.667969 18.996094 L 18.527344 18.996094 C 18.824219 18.996094 19.128906 18.746094 19.210938 18.4375 L 19.789062 16.191406 C 19.867188 15.882812 19.691406 15.632812 19.394531 15.632812 Z M 21.011719 15.632812 L 19.566406 21.238281 L 20.644531 21.238281 L 22.09375 15.632812 Z M 21.011719 15.632812 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g></svg>

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