Chat Line Round Icon SVG

Chat Line Round

Chat line round SVG Icon Code | Customize color

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Chat line round


Svg Code

<svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" xmlns=""><path fill="currentColor" d="m174.72 855.68 135.296-45.12 23.68 11.84C388.096 849.536 448.576 864 512 864c211.84 0 384-166.784 384-352S723.84 160 512 160 128 326.784 128 512c0 69.12 24.96 139.264 70.848 199.232l22.08 28.8-46.272 115.584zm-45.248 82.56A32 32 0 0 1 89.6 896l58.368-145.92C94.72 680.32 64 596.864 64 512 64 299.904 256 96 512 96s448 203.904 448 416-192 416-448 416a461.056 461.056 0 0 1-206.912-48.384l-175.616 58.56z"/><path fill="currentColor" d="M352 576h320q32 0 32 32t-32 32H352q-32 0-32-32t32-32zm32-192h256q32 0 32 32t-32 32H384q-32 0-32-32t32-32z"/></svg>

Chat line round


Svg Code

<svg style="color: white" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" xmlns=""><path fill="white" d="m174.72 855.68 135.296-45.12 23.68 11.84C388.096 849.536 448.576 864 512 864c211.84 0 384-166.784 384-352S723.84 160 512 160 128 326.784 128 512c0 69.12 24.96 139.264 70.848 199.232l22.08 28.8-46.272 115.584zm-45.248 82.56A32 32 0 0 1 89.6 896l58.368-145.92C94.72 680.32 64 596.864 64 512 64 299.904 256 96 512 96s448 203.904 448 416-192 416-448 416a461.056 461.056 0 0 1-206.912-48.384l-175.616 58.56z"></path><path fill="white" d="M352 576h320q32 0 32 32t-32 32H352q-32 0-32-32t32-32zm32-192h256q32 0 32 32t-32 32H384q-32 0-32-32t32-32z"></path></svg>

Chat line round


Svg Code

<svg style="color: red" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" xmlns=""><path fill="red" d="m174.72 855.68 135.296-45.12 23.68 11.84C388.096 849.536 448.576 864 512 864c211.84 0 384-166.784 384-352S723.84 160 512 160 128 326.784 128 512c0 69.12 24.96 139.264 70.848 199.232l22.08 28.8-46.272 115.584zm-45.248 82.56A32 32 0 0 1 89.6 896l58.368-145.92C94.72 680.32 64 596.864 64 512 64 299.904 256 96 512 96s448 203.904 448 416-192 416-448 416a461.056 461.056 0 0 1-206.912-48.384l-175.616 58.56z"></path><path fill="red" d="M352 576h320q32 0 32 32t-32 32H352q-32 0-32-32t32-32zm32-192h256q32 0 32 32t-32 32H384q-32 0-32-32t32-32z"></path></svg>

Chat line round


Svg Code

<svg style="color: blue" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" xmlns=""><path fill="blue" d="m174.72 855.68 135.296-45.12 23.68 11.84C388.096 849.536 448.576 864 512 864c211.84 0 384-166.784 384-352S723.84 160 512 160 128 326.784 128 512c0 69.12 24.96 139.264 70.848 199.232l22.08 28.8-46.272 115.584zm-45.248 82.56A32 32 0 0 1 89.6 896l58.368-145.92C94.72 680.32 64 596.864 64 512 64 299.904 256 96 512 96s448 203.904 448 416-192 416-448 416a461.056 461.056 0 0 1-206.912-48.384l-175.616 58.56z"></path><path fill="blue" d="M352 576h320q32 0 32 32t-32 32H352q-32 0-32-32t32-32zm32-192h256q32 0 32 32t-32 32H384q-32 0-32-32t32-32z"></path></svg>

Chat line round


Svg Code

<svg style="color: #f3da35" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" xmlns=""><path fill="#f3da35" d="m174.72 855.68 135.296-45.12 23.68 11.84C388.096 849.536 448.576 864 512 864c211.84 0 384-166.784 384-352S723.84 160 512 160 128 326.784 128 512c0 69.12 24.96 139.264 70.848 199.232l22.08 28.8-46.272 115.584zm-45.248 82.56A32 32 0 0 1 89.6 896l58.368-145.92C94.72 680.32 64 596.864 64 512 64 299.904 256 96 512 96s448 203.904 448 416-192 416-448 416a461.056 461.056 0 0 1-206.912-48.384l-175.616 58.56z"></path><path fill="#f3da35" d="M352 576h320q32 0 32 32t-32 32H352q-32 0-32-32t32-32zm32-192h256q32 0 32 32t-32 32H384q-32 0-32-32t32-32z"></path></svg>

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