Cholera Icon SVG

Icon Cholera SVG code/vector file is given below and you can use that in websites, apps (Android/IOS), ppt, and other projects. You can use our svg code generator to edit svg icon. Icon can be customized in any color or size using color and size picker.

Cholera Icon Svg Code | Path | Download

Download free Cholera SVG icons in different sizes (16*16, 24*24, 32*32, 64*64 & Other). Check and download the Cholera Icon SVG code in HTML/Css from below.


Cholera SVG Icon Code | Customize color

You can get svg icon cholera in blue, white, red color and transparent color from below list. You can also customize color using color picker.



Svg Code

<svg width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M24 4H10V12H25C25.5523 12 26 12.4477 26 13V14H34C34 8.47715 29.5228 4 24 4Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M36 16H24V20H36V16Z" fill="#333333"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M38 36C38 40.4183 34.4183 44 30 44C25.5817 44 22 40.4183 22 36C22 29 30 22 30 22C30 22 38 29 38 36ZM26.0377 34.2179C25.4854 34.2245 25.0325 33.7821 25.0259 33.2298C25.0051 31.4669 26.4174 30.0209 28.1803 30C28.7326 29.9935 29.1856 30.4359 29.1921 30.9882C29.1986 31.5404 28.7562 31.9934 28.204 31.9999C27.5455 32.0077 27.018 32.5478 27.0258 33.2062C27.0323 33.7585 26.5899 34.2114 26.0377 34.2179ZM32 31C31.4477 31 31 31.4477 31 32C31 32.5523 31.4477 33 32 33C32.5523 33 33 33.4477 33 34C33 34.5523 33.4477 35 34 35C34.5523 35 35 34.5523 35 34C35 32.3431 33.6569 31 32 31ZM29.5881 38.9269C29.7065 39.4664 29.3652 39.9997 28.8257 40.1181C27.1037 40.4961 25.4012 39.4066 25.0232 37.6845C24.9048 37.1451 25.2461 36.6118 25.7855 36.4933C26.325 36.3749 26.8583 36.7162 26.9767 37.2557C27.1179 37.8989 27.7537 38.3058 28.3969 38.1646C28.9364 38.0462 29.4697 38.3875 29.5881 38.9269ZM34 39C34.5523 39 35 38.5523 35 38C35 37.4477 34.5523 37 34 37C33.4477 37 33 37.4477 33 38C33 38.5523 33.4477 39 34 39ZM32 28C32 28.5523 31.5523 29 31 29C30.4477 29 30 28.5523 30 28C30 27.4477 30.4477 27 31 27C31.5523 27 32 27.4477 32 28ZM30 36C30.5523 36 31 35.5523 31 35C31 34.4477 30.5523 34 30 34C29.4477 34 29 34.4477 29 35C29 35.5523 29.4477 36 30 36Z" fill="#333333"/> </svg>



Svg Code

<svg style='color: white' width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M24 4H10V12H25C25.5523 12 26 12.4477 26 13V14H34C34 8.47715 29.5228 4 24 4Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M36 16H24V20H36V16Z" fill="#333333"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M38 36C38 40.4183 34.4183 44 30 44C25.5817 44 22 40.4183 22 36C22 29 30 22 30 22C30 22 38 29 38 36ZM26.0377 34.2179C25.4854 34.2245 25.0325 33.7821 25.0259 33.2298C25.0051 31.4669 26.4174 30.0209 28.1803 30C28.7326 29.9935 29.1856 30.4359 29.1921 30.9882C29.1986 31.5404 28.7562 31.9934 28.204 31.9999C27.5455 32.0077 27.018 32.5478 27.0258 33.2062C27.0323 33.7585 26.5899 34.2114 26.0377 34.2179ZM32 31C31.4477 31 31 31.4477 31 32C31 32.5523 31.4477 33 32 33C32.5523 33 33 33.4477 33 34C33 34.5523 33.4477 35 34 35C34.5523 35 35 34.5523 35 34C35 32.3431 33.6569 31 32 31ZM29.5881 38.9269C29.7065 39.4664 29.3652 39.9997 28.8257 40.1181C27.1037 40.4961 25.4012 39.4066 25.0232 37.6845C24.9048 37.1451 25.2461 36.6118 25.7855 36.4933C26.325 36.3749 26.8583 36.7162 26.9767 37.2557C27.1179 37.8989 27.7537 38.3058 28.3969 38.1646C28.9364 38.0462 29.4697 38.3875 29.5881 38.9269ZM34 39C34.5523 39 35 38.5523 35 38C35 37.4477 34.5523 37 34 37C33.4477 37 33 37.4477 33 38C33 38.5523 33.4477 39 34 39ZM32 28C32 28.5523 31.5523 29 31 29C30.4477 29 30 28.5523 30 28C30 27.4477 30.4477 27 31 27C31.5523 27 32 27.4477 32 28ZM30 36C30.5523 36 31 35.5523 31 35C31 34.4477 30.5523 34 30 34C29.4477 34 29 34.4477 29 35C29 35.5523 29.4477 36 30 36Z" fill="#333333"/> </svg>



Svg Code

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Svg Code

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Svg Code

<svg style='color: #f3da35' width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M24 4H10V12H25C25.5523 12 26 12.4477 26 13V14H34C34 8.47715 29.5228 4 24 4Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M36 16H24V20H36V16Z" fill="#333333"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M38 36C38 40.4183 34.4183 44 30 44C25.5817 44 22 40.4183 22 36C22 29 30 22 30 22C30 22 38 29 38 36ZM26.0377 34.2179C25.4854 34.2245 25.0325 33.7821 25.0259 33.2298C25.0051 31.4669 26.4174 30.0209 28.1803 30C28.7326 29.9935 29.1856 30.4359 29.1921 30.9882C29.1986 31.5404 28.7562 31.9934 28.204 31.9999C27.5455 32.0077 27.018 32.5478 27.0258 33.2062C27.0323 33.7585 26.5899 34.2114 26.0377 34.2179ZM32 31C31.4477 31 31 31.4477 31 32C31 32.5523 31.4477 33 32 33C32.5523 33 33 33.4477 33 34C33 34.5523 33.4477 35 34 35C34.5523 35 35 34.5523 35 34C35 32.3431 33.6569 31 32 31ZM29.5881 38.9269C29.7065 39.4664 29.3652 39.9997 28.8257 40.1181C27.1037 40.4961 25.4012 39.4066 25.0232 37.6845C24.9048 37.1451 25.2461 36.6118 25.7855 36.4933C26.325 36.3749 26.8583 36.7162 26.9767 37.2557C27.1179 37.8989 27.7537 38.3058 28.3969 38.1646C28.9364 38.0462 29.4697 38.3875 29.5881 38.9269ZM34 39C34.5523 39 35 38.5523 35 38C35 37.4477 34.5523 37 34 37C33.4477 37 33 37.4477 33 38C33 38.5523 33.4477 39 34 39ZM32 28C32 28.5523 31.5523 29 31 29C30.4477 29 30 28.5523 30 28C30 27.4477 30.4477 27 31 27C31.5523 27 32 27.4477 32 28ZM30 36C30.5523 36 31 35.5523 31 35C31 34.4477 30.5523 34 30 34C29.4477 34 29 34.4477 29 35C29 35.5523 29.4477 36 30 36Z" fill="#333333"/> </svg>

Advance Editor

You can edit cholera as below. Change size color and background color of icon using below tool.

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Cholera Icon SVG - Faq(s)?

⭐Can I get Free Cholera Icon SVG?

Yes, you can get free Cholera SVG icons.

⭐ How to download free Cholera Icon SVG code?

To download free Cholera icons in SVG code click on the copy code button.

⭐How to find the Cholera Icon SVG path file?

You can get the Cholera SVG file path from the above section.

⭐ What are the colors available for SVG Cholera Icon?

You can check the Cholera SVG in your brand color i.e, White, Black, Blue, Red, Green, Pink & Yellow.


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