Cib Canva Icon SVG

Icon Cib canva SVG code/vector file is given below and you can use that in websites, apps (Android/IOS), ppt, and other projects. You can use our svg code generator to edit svg icon. Icon can be customized in any color or size using color and size picker.

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Cib Canva

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Cib canva


Svg Code

<svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32"> <path d="M16 0c-8.839 0-16 7.161-16 16s7.161 16 16 16c8.839 0 16-7.161 16-16s-7.161-16-16-16zM9.281 10.24c1.005 0 1.787 0.733 1.875 1.599 0.095 0.781-0.229 1.464-1.093 1.875-0.459 0.229-0.641 0.229-0.735 0.093-0.047-0.093 0-0.181 0.093-0.276 0.824-0.681 0.824-1.233 0.729-2.009-0.047-0.505-0.411-0.824-0.776-0.824-1.604 0-3.885 3.563-3.568 6.172 0.141 1.005 0.735 2.193 2.011 2.193 0.412 0 0.871-0.136 1.281-0.317 0.667-0.355 1.068-0.625 1.464-1.068-0.099-1.183 0.937-2.729 2.468-2.729 0.688 0 1.235 0.276 1.281 0.781 0.089 0.683-0.505 0.776-0.687 0.776-0.183 0-0.505-0.047-0.505-0.229-0.041-0.183 0.411-0.093 0.369-0.505-0.047-0.276-0.323-0.364-0.593-0.364-0.964 0-1.511 1.328-1.375 2.145 0.047 0.369 0.228 0.735 0.599 0.735 0.271 0 0.683-0.412 0.817-1.005 0.093-0.412 0.459-0.688 0.781-0.688 0.136 0 0.224 0.047 0.271 0.229v0.183c-0.041 0.183-0.183 0.735-0.135 0.869 0 0.095 0.047 0.229 0.228 0.229 0.12 0 0.579-0.24 1.037-0.615 0.151-0.787 0.333-1.729 0.333-1.807 0.047-0.323 0.183-0.641 0.823-0.641 0.14 0 0.229 0.047 0.276 0.229v0.183l-0.183 0.823c0.595-0.776 1.464-1.323 2.011-1.323 0.229 0 0.412 0.135 0.412 0.364 0 0.136 0 0.365-0.095 0.595-0.181 0.5-0.411 1.281-0.547 1.963 0 0.183 0.047 0.365 0.276 0.365s0.912-0.271 1.459-1.005l0.011-0.005c0-0.089-0.011-0.177-0.011-0.265 0-0.552 0.047-1.005 0.141-1.328 0.093-0.365 0.547-0.683 0.823-0.683 0.135 0 0.276 0.088 0.276 0.224 0 0.047 0 0.14-0.047 0.183-0.183 0.599-0.324 1.145-0.324 1.692 0 0.323 0.048 0.776 0.141 1.052 0 0.047 0.041 0.093 0.088 0.093 0.095 0 0.735-0.593 1.188-1.375-0.412-0.271-0.641-0.729-0.641-1.276 0-0.963 0.6-1.464 1.147-1.464 0.459 0 0.823 0.319 0.823 0.959 0 0.412-0.136 0.871-0.364 1.281h0.135c0.292 0.011 0.579-0.109 0.776-0.317 0.047-0.073 0.109-0.125 0.183-0.156 0.448-0.568 1.104-0.989 1.88-0.989 0.64 0 1.229 0.276 1.276 0.776 0.093 0.687-0.505 0.823-0.688 0.823-0.181 0-0.504-0.047-0.504-0.229s0.411-0.093 0.369-0.5c-0.047-0.276-0.323-0.369-0.599-0.369-0.912 0-1.505 1.187-1.371 2.151 0.047 0.364 0.229 0.776 0.595 0.776 0.276 0 0.687-0.412 0.869-1.005 0.088-0.364 0.459-0.688 0.776-0.688 0.14 0 0.229 0.047 0.276 0.229 0 0.095 0 0.276-0.183 0.871-0.229 0.411-0.229 0.64-0.181 0.823 0.041 0.364 0.224 0.64 0.411 0.776 0.041 0.047 0.089 0.135 0.089 0.135 0 0.095-0.048 0.188-0.183 0.188-0.047 0-0.089 0-0.136-0.047-0.687-0.276-0.963-0.735-1.052-1.193-0.276 0.323-0.593 0.505-0.963 0.505-0.595 0-1.183-0.547-1.276-1.235-0.027-0.291 0.004-0.588 0.099-0.864-0.271 0.172-0.563 0.271-0.833 0.271h-0.224c-0.599 0.869-1.24 1.464-1.693 1.735-0.156 0.083-0.328 0.131-0.505 0.14-0.088 0-0.228-0.047-0.271-0.14-0.129-0.203-0.208-0.521-0.26-0.885-0.641 0.697-1.527 1.072-1.937 1.072-0.459 0-0.729-0.276-0.776-0.733v-0.5c0.135-1.005 0.505-1.604 0.505-1.787-0.005-0.047-0.043-0.089-0.095-0.093-0.317 0-1.369 1.099-1.552 1.833l-0.14 0.593c-0.089 0.411-0.5 0.687-0.776 0.687-0.136 0-0.229-0.047-0.271-0.228v-0.183l0.057-0.312c-0.579 0.411-1.157 0.676-1.433 0.676-0.411 0-0.64-0.229-0.681-0.552-0.276 0.371-0.595 0.552-1.005 0.552-0.475 0-0.932-0.323-1.151-0.791-0.329 0.369-0.699 0.739-1.136 1.020-0.64 0.412-1.369 0.729-2.24 0.729-0.776 0-1.463-0.412-1.828-0.776-0.552-0.505-0.869-1.281-0.916-2.011-0.271-2.239 1.099-5.12 3.197-6.401 0.505-0.276 1.011-0.457 1.511-0.457zM22.307 14.631c-0.135 0-0.228 0.229-0.228 0.452 0 0.371 0.181 0.781 0.411 1.011 0.095-0.249 0.136-0.515 0.141-0.781 0-0.452-0.183-0.681-0.324-0.681z"/> </svg>

Cib canva


Svg Code

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Cib canva


Svg Code

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Cib canva


Svg Code

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Cib canva


Svg Code

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