Cib Goodreads Icon SVG
Cib Goodreads
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Svg Code
<svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32"> <path d="M26.031 21.302v-20.651h-2.745v3.875h-0.083c-0.281-0.604-0.641-1.188-1.125-1.74-0.479-0.552-1.021-1.036-1.641-1.458s-1.281-0.75-2.026-0.984c-0.734-0.224-1.521-0.344-2.359-0.344-1.615 0-3.068 0.302-4.328 0.896-1.266 0.594-2.323 1.406-3.182 2.438-0.854 1.031-1.51 2.234-1.958 3.615s-0.677 2.839-0.677 4.375c0 1.599 0.188 3.104 0.568 4.51 0.38 1.411 0.984 2.635 1.823 3.682 0.844 1.042 1.885 1.865 3.167 2.448 1.281 0.578 2.828 0.88 4.63 0.88 1.661 0 3.104-0.422 4.349-1.26 1.245-0.844 2.182-1.964 2.823-3.37h0.083v3.047c0 2.724-0.563 4.807-1.688 6.271-1.12 1.443-2.964 2.188-5.526 2.188-0.76 0-1.505-0.083-2.224-0.245-0.724-0.156-1.38-0.417-1.984-0.76-0.583-0.359-1.104-0.797-1.521-1.38-0.422-0.583-0.703-1.281-0.844-2.125h-2.813c0.094 1.182 0.422 2.203 0.984 3.068 0.568 0.859 1.281 1.563 2.135 2.125 0.854 0.536 1.823 0.938 2.896 1.198 1.083 0.26 2.188 0.401 3.328 0.401 1.844 0 3.385-0.26 4.646-0.74 1.266-0.5 2.286-1.203 3.068-2.141 0.802-0.948 1.365-2.068 1.724-3.411s0.563-2.844 0.563-4.49zM16.052 20.563c-1.271 0-2.375-0.255-3.302-0.766-0.932-0.505-1.703-1.172-2.313-2-0.62-0.828-1.063-1.776-1.359-2.854-0.302-1.078-0.443-2.177-0.443-3.313 0-1.161 0.141-2.302 0.401-3.417 0.281-1.12 0.719-2.115 1.323-2.984 0.599-0.87 1.38-1.578 2.302-2.115s2.047-0.807 3.349-0.807c1.302 0 2.401 0.281 3.328 0.828 0.901 0.552 1.661 1.281 2.24 2.177 0.583 0.906 1.005 1.906 1.266 3.010 0.26 1.099 0.38 2.208 0.38 3.307 0 1.135-0.161 2.24-0.464 3.313-0.297 1.078-0.76 2.026-1.38 2.854s-1.365 1.495-2.266 2c-0.901 0.51-1.943 0.766-3.146 0.766z"/> </svg>
Svg Code
<svg style="color: white" xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32"> <path d="M26.031 21.302v-20.651h-2.745v3.875h-0.083c-0.281-0.604-0.641-1.188-1.125-1.74-0.479-0.552-1.021-1.036-1.641-1.458s-1.281-0.75-2.026-0.984c-0.734-0.224-1.521-0.344-2.359-0.344-1.615 0-3.068 0.302-4.328 0.896-1.266 0.594-2.323 1.406-3.182 2.438-0.854 1.031-1.51 2.234-1.958 3.615s-0.677 2.839-0.677 4.375c0 1.599 0.188 3.104 0.568 4.51 0.38 1.411 0.984 2.635 1.823 3.682 0.844 1.042 1.885 1.865 3.167 2.448 1.281 0.578 2.828 0.88 4.63 0.88 1.661 0 3.104-0.422 4.349-1.26 1.245-0.844 2.182-1.964 2.823-3.37h0.083v3.047c0 2.724-0.563 4.807-1.688 6.271-1.12 1.443-2.964 2.188-5.526 2.188-0.76 0-1.505-0.083-2.224-0.245-0.724-0.156-1.38-0.417-1.984-0.76-0.583-0.359-1.104-0.797-1.521-1.38-0.422-0.583-0.703-1.281-0.844-2.125h-2.813c0.094 1.182 0.422 2.203 0.984 3.068 0.568 0.859 1.281 1.563 2.135 2.125 0.854 0.536 1.823 0.938 2.896 1.198 1.083 0.26 2.188 0.401 3.328 0.401 1.844 0 3.385-0.26 4.646-0.74 1.266-0.5 2.286-1.203 3.068-2.141 0.802-0.948 1.365-2.068 1.724-3.411s0.563-2.844 0.563-4.49zM16.052 20.563c-1.271 0-2.375-0.255-3.302-0.766-0.932-0.505-1.703-1.172-2.313-2-0.62-0.828-1.063-1.776-1.359-2.854-0.302-1.078-0.443-2.177-0.443-3.313 0-1.161 0.141-2.302 0.401-3.417 0.281-1.12 0.719-2.115 1.323-2.984 0.599-0.87 1.38-1.578 2.302-2.115s2.047-0.807 3.349-0.807c1.302 0 2.401 0.281 3.328 0.828 0.901 0.552 1.661 1.281 2.24 2.177 0.583 0.906 1.005 1.906 1.266 3.010 0.26 1.099 0.38 2.208 0.38 3.307 0 1.135-0.161 2.24-0.464 3.313-0.297 1.078-0.76 2.026-1.38 2.854s-1.365 1.495-2.266 2c-0.901 0.51-1.943 0.766-3.146 0.766z" fill="white"></path> </svg>
Svg Code
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Svg Code
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Svg Code
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