Cib Gulp Icon SVG

Cib Gulp

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Cib gulp


Svg Code

<svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32"> <path d="M20.208 25.912l0.849-1.448c0 0-1.927 0.787-5.145 0.787-3.224 0-5.12-0.756-5.12-0.756l0.948 1.579 0.333 4.968c0 0.543 1.749 0.959 3.916 0.959 2.161 0 3.917-0.416 3.917-0.959l0.301-5.109zM21.027 16.516c-1.021 0.063-1.537 1.203-2.053 2.405-0.187 0.439-0.837 2.319-1.26 2.084-0.427-0.229 0.547-1.771 0.823-2.688-0.317 0.229-1.473 1.131-1.771 0.287-0.479 0.417-1.505 0.641-1.391-0.443-0.255 0.464-0.828 1.099-1.515 0.823-0.901-0.344 0.525-3.219 0.88-3.077 0.353 0.161-0.073 0.801-0.183 1.057-0.251 0.563-0.531 1.281-0.344 1.416 0.323 0.26 1.208-0.932 1.229-0.959 0.161-0.219 0.636-1.635 1.016-1.473 0.38 0.177-0.948 2.057-0.453 2.432 0.099 0.084 0.511-0.036 0.76-0.317 0.156-0.156 0.104-0.557 0.636-1.833 0.541-1.281 1.020-2.875 1.385-2.756 0.369 0.12 0.068 0.939-0.068 1.256-0.62 1.437-1.688 3.792-1.188 3.615 0.5-0.183 0.761-0.183 1.261-0.76 0.5-0.579 0.459-1.537 0.796-1.516 0.324 0.020 0.281 0.339 0.204 0.557 0.317-0.36 1.531-1.156 1.812-0.38 0.344 0.916-1.735 2.26-1.219 2.176 0.5-0.057 1.317-0.577 1.683-1.057l0.959-8.667c0 0-0.98 0.803-7.152 0.803-6.167 0-7.047-0.781-7.047-0.781l0.817 7.907c0.443-1.235 1.48-3.751 3.1-3.652 0.739 0.043 1.733 1.48 0.875 1.516-0.36 0.021-0.401-0.719-0.817-0.817-0.319-0.057-0.74 0.183-1.016 0.464-0.541 0.536-1.74 2.671-1.579 3.733 0.199 1.355 1.875-0.463 2.156-1 0.199-0.38 0.339-1.52 0.756-1.4 0.443 0.119-0.037 1.301-0.36 2.317-0.359 1.161-0.541 2.375-0.973 2.235-0.443-0.141 0.276-1.636 0.235-1.896-0.417 0.401-1.177 1.359-2.172 0.88l0.495 4.932c0 0 1.359 1.057 5.432 1.057s5.489-1.057 5.489-1.057l0.641-5.713c-0.521 0.521-2.157 1.416-2.256 0.401-0.077-0.819 1.776-1.995 1.297-2.021zM23.131 0.891l-3.547 3.735-0.652 2.536c2.511 0.156 4.256 0.516 4.256 0.921 0 0.563-3.219 1.011-7.188 1.011s-7.188-0.457-7.188-1.015c0-0.557 3.219-1.021 7.188-1.021 0.563 0 1.125 0 1.688 0.021l0.744-3.032 3.765-3.995c0.095-0.12 0.376-0.021 0.636 0.199 0.255 0.203 0.396 0.457 0.317 0.577v0.041zM18.016 8.62c0 0-0.699 0-0.813-0.109-0.031-0.032-0.047-0.079-0.047-0.12 0-0.079 0.052-0.12 0.12-0.145l0.057 0.099c-0.027 0.011-0.036 0.020-0.041 0.031 0 0.057 0.416 0.095 0.739 0.089 0.319-0.005 0.709-0.032 0.709-0.084 0-0.016-0.032-0.031-0.084-0.047l0.063-0.093c0.084 0.025 0.156 0.077 0.156 0.161 0 0.145-0.187 0.172-0.307 0.187-0.141 0.021-0.547 0.032-0.547 0.032z"/> </svg>

Cib gulp


Svg Code

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Cib gulp


Svg Code

<svg style="color: red" xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32"> <path d="M20.208 25.912l0.849-1.448c0 0-1.927 0.787-5.145 0.787-3.224 0-5.12-0.756-5.12-0.756l0.948 1.579 0.333 4.968c0 0.543 1.749 0.959 3.916 0.959 2.161 0 3.917-0.416 3.917-0.959l0.301-5.109zM21.027 16.516c-1.021 0.063-1.537 1.203-2.053 2.405-0.187 0.439-0.837 2.319-1.26 2.084-0.427-0.229 0.547-1.771 0.823-2.688-0.317 0.229-1.473 1.131-1.771 0.287-0.479 0.417-1.505 0.641-1.391-0.443-0.255 0.464-0.828 1.099-1.515 0.823-0.901-0.344 0.525-3.219 0.88-3.077 0.353 0.161-0.073 0.801-0.183 1.057-0.251 0.563-0.531 1.281-0.344 1.416 0.323 0.26 1.208-0.932 1.229-0.959 0.161-0.219 0.636-1.635 1.016-1.473 0.38 0.177-0.948 2.057-0.453 2.432 0.099 0.084 0.511-0.036 0.76-0.317 0.156-0.156 0.104-0.557 0.636-1.833 0.541-1.281 1.020-2.875 1.385-2.756 0.369 0.12 0.068 0.939-0.068 1.256-0.62 1.437-1.688 3.792-1.188 3.615 0.5-0.183 0.761-0.183 1.261-0.76 0.5-0.579 0.459-1.537 0.796-1.516 0.324 0.020 0.281 0.339 0.204 0.557 0.317-0.36 1.531-1.156 1.812-0.38 0.344 0.916-1.735 2.26-1.219 2.176 0.5-0.057 1.317-0.577 1.683-1.057l0.959-8.667c0 0-0.98 0.803-7.152 0.803-6.167 0-7.047-0.781-7.047-0.781l0.817 7.907c0.443-1.235 1.48-3.751 3.1-3.652 0.739 0.043 1.733 1.48 0.875 1.516-0.36 0.021-0.401-0.719-0.817-0.817-0.319-0.057-0.74 0.183-1.016 0.464-0.541 0.536-1.74 2.671-1.579 3.733 0.199 1.355 1.875-0.463 2.156-1 0.199-0.38 0.339-1.52 0.756-1.4 0.443 0.119-0.037 1.301-0.36 2.317-0.359 1.161-0.541 2.375-0.973 2.235-0.443-0.141 0.276-1.636 0.235-1.896-0.417 0.401-1.177 1.359-2.172 0.88l0.495 4.932c0 0 1.359 1.057 5.432 1.057s5.489-1.057 5.489-1.057l0.641-5.713c-0.521 0.521-2.157 1.416-2.256 0.401-0.077-0.819 1.776-1.995 1.297-2.021zM23.131 0.891l-3.547 3.735-0.652 2.536c2.511 0.156 4.256 0.516 4.256 0.921 0 0.563-3.219 1.011-7.188 1.011s-7.188-0.457-7.188-1.015c0-0.557 3.219-1.021 7.188-1.021 0.563 0 1.125 0 1.688 0.021l0.744-3.032 3.765-3.995c0.095-0.12 0.376-0.021 0.636 0.199 0.255 0.203 0.396 0.457 0.317 0.577v0.041zM18.016 8.62c0 0-0.699 0-0.813-0.109-0.031-0.032-0.047-0.079-0.047-0.12 0-0.079 0.052-0.12 0.12-0.145l0.057 0.099c-0.027 0.011-0.036 0.020-0.041 0.031 0 0.057 0.416 0.095 0.739 0.089 0.319-0.005 0.709-0.032 0.709-0.084 0-0.016-0.032-0.031-0.084-0.047l0.063-0.093c0.084 0.025 0.156 0.077 0.156 0.161 0 0.145-0.187 0.172-0.307 0.187-0.141 0.021-0.547 0.032-0.547 0.032z" fill="red"></path> </svg>

Cib gulp


Svg Code

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Cib gulp


Svg Code

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