Cib Joomla Icon SVG

Cib Joomla

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Cib joomla


Svg Code

<svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32"> <path d="M22.292 19.677l-7.109 7.12c-1.823 1.818-4.396 2.438-6.729 1.859-0.432 1.901-2.135 3.323-4.172 3.323-2.365 0-4.281-1.917-4.281-4.281 0-2.026 1.406-3.719 3.292-4.167-0.594-2.344 0.021-4.938 1.859-6.771l0.24-0.24 3.161 3.156-0.245 0.245c-1.026 1.036-1.026 2.698 0 3.719 1.026 1.036 2.698 1.036 3.714 0l0.62-0.62 6.495-6.505zM23.526 28.547c-2.432 0.75-5.182 0.161-7.104-1.755l-0.24-0.25 3.151-3.156 0.24 0.245c1.026 1.026 2.693 1.026 3.719 0 1.016-1.021 1.021-2.677-0.005-3.708l-0.625-0.62-3.151-3.161-3.339-3.333 3.161-3.161 7.104 7.12c1.823 1.813 2.464 4.37 1.885 6.693 2.078 0.302 3.677 2.083 3.677 4.24 0 2.38-1.917 4.281-4.281 4.281-2.057 0-3.797-1.458-4.177-3.417zM9.302 12.615l3.344-3.339 3.156-3.161 0.62-0.615c1.896-1.901 4.609-2.5 7.016-1.781 0.286-2.078 2.078-3.698 4.24-3.698 2.365 0 4.281 1.917 4.281 4.276 0 2.177-1.62 3.974-3.719 4.25 0.693 2.401 0.089 5.089-1.802 6.979l-0.24 0.245-3.161-3.156 0.25-0.25c1.021-1.026 1.021-2.688 0-3.708-1.026-1.021-2.682-1.026-3.708 0.005l-0.62 0.615-6.5 6.495zM5.76 16.146l-0.615-0.62c-1.906-1.906-2.5-4.63-1.776-7.047-1.901-0.443-3.328-2.141-3.328-4.182 0-2.359 1.917-4.276 4.276-4.276 2.13 0 3.896 1.552 4.229 3.589 2.307-0.542 4.833 0.083 6.641 1.885l0.245 0.245-3.161 3.161-0.245-0.24c-1.026-1.021-2.688-1.021-3.714 0-1.026 1.042-1.026 2.698-0.005 3.719l7.12 7.12-3.156 3.161-6.51-6.5z"/> </svg>

Cib joomla


Svg Code

<svg style='color: white' xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32"> <path d="M22.292 19.677l-7.109 7.12c-1.823 1.818-4.396 2.438-6.729 1.859-0.432 1.901-2.135 3.323-4.172 3.323-2.365 0-4.281-1.917-4.281-4.281 0-2.026 1.406-3.719 3.292-4.167-0.594-2.344 0.021-4.938 1.859-6.771l0.24-0.24 3.161 3.156-0.245 0.245c-1.026 1.036-1.026 2.698 0 3.719 1.026 1.036 2.698 1.036 3.714 0l0.62-0.62 6.495-6.505zM23.526 28.547c-2.432 0.75-5.182 0.161-7.104-1.755l-0.24-0.25 3.151-3.156 0.24 0.245c1.026 1.026 2.693 1.026 3.719 0 1.016-1.021 1.021-2.677-0.005-3.708l-0.625-0.62-3.151-3.161-3.339-3.333 3.161-3.161 7.104 7.12c1.823 1.813 2.464 4.37 1.885 6.693 2.078 0.302 3.677 2.083 3.677 4.24 0 2.38-1.917 4.281-4.281 4.281-2.057 0-3.797-1.458-4.177-3.417zM9.302 12.615l3.344-3.339 3.156-3.161 0.62-0.615c1.896-1.901 4.609-2.5 7.016-1.781 0.286-2.078 2.078-3.698 4.24-3.698 2.365 0 4.281 1.917 4.281 4.276 0 2.177-1.62 3.974-3.719 4.25 0.693 2.401 0.089 5.089-1.802 6.979l-0.24 0.245-3.161-3.156 0.25-0.25c1.021-1.026 1.021-2.688 0-3.708-1.026-1.021-2.682-1.026-3.708 0.005l-0.62 0.615-6.5 6.495zM5.76 16.146l-0.615-0.62c-1.906-1.906-2.5-4.63-1.776-7.047-1.901-0.443-3.328-2.141-3.328-4.182 0-2.359 1.917-4.276 4.276-4.276 2.13 0 3.896 1.552 4.229 3.589 2.307-0.542 4.833 0.083 6.641 1.885l0.245 0.245-3.161 3.161-0.245-0.24c-1.026-1.021-2.688-1.021-3.714 0-1.026 1.042-1.026 2.698-0.005 3.719l7.12 7.12-3.156 3.161-6.51-6.5z"/> </svg>

Cib joomla


Svg Code

<svg style='color: red' xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32"> <path d="M22.292 19.677l-7.109 7.12c-1.823 1.818-4.396 2.438-6.729 1.859-0.432 1.901-2.135 3.323-4.172 3.323-2.365 0-4.281-1.917-4.281-4.281 0-2.026 1.406-3.719 3.292-4.167-0.594-2.344 0.021-4.938 1.859-6.771l0.24-0.24 3.161 3.156-0.245 0.245c-1.026 1.036-1.026 2.698 0 3.719 1.026 1.036 2.698 1.036 3.714 0l0.62-0.62 6.495-6.505zM23.526 28.547c-2.432 0.75-5.182 0.161-7.104-1.755l-0.24-0.25 3.151-3.156 0.24 0.245c1.026 1.026 2.693 1.026 3.719 0 1.016-1.021 1.021-2.677-0.005-3.708l-0.625-0.62-3.151-3.161-3.339-3.333 3.161-3.161 7.104 7.12c1.823 1.813 2.464 4.37 1.885 6.693 2.078 0.302 3.677 2.083 3.677 4.24 0 2.38-1.917 4.281-4.281 4.281-2.057 0-3.797-1.458-4.177-3.417zM9.302 12.615l3.344-3.339 3.156-3.161 0.62-0.615c1.896-1.901 4.609-2.5 7.016-1.781 0.286-2.078 2.078-3.698 4.24-3.698 2.365 0 4.281 1.917 4.281 4.276 0 2.177-1.62 3.974-3.719 4.25 0.693 2.401 0.089 5.089-1.802 6.979l-0.24 0.245-3.161-3.156 0.25-0.25c1.021-1.026 1.021-2.688 0-3.708-1.026-1.021-2.682-1.026-3.708 0.005l-0.62 0.615-6.5 6.495zM5.76 16.146l-0.615-0.62c-1.906-1.906-2.5-4.63-1.776-7.047-1.901-0.443-3.328-2.141-3.328-4.182 0-2.359 1.917-4.276 4.276-4.276 2.13 0 3.896 1.552 4.229 3.589 2.307-0.542 4.833 0.083 6.641 1.885l0.245 0.245-3.161 3.161-0.245-0.24c-1.026-1.021-2.688-1.021-3.714 0-1.026 1.042-1.026 2.698-0.005 3.719l7.12 7.12-3.156 3.161-6.51-6.5z"/> </svg>

Cib joomla


Svg Code

<svg style='color: blue' xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32"> <path d="M22.292 19.677l-7.109 7.12c-1.823 1.818-4.396 2.438-6.729 1.859-0.432 1.901-2.135 3.323-4.172 3.323-2.365 0-4.281-1.917-4.281-4.281 0-2.026 1.406-3.719 3.292-4.167-0.594-2.344 0.021-4.938 1.859-6.771l0.24-0.24 3.161 3.156-0.245 0.245c-1.026 1.036-1.026 2.698 0 3.719 1.026 1.036 2.698 1.036 3.714 0l0.62-0.62 6.495-6.505zM23.526 28.547c-2.432 0.75-5.182 0.161-7.104-1.755l-0.24-0.25 3.151-3.156 0.24 0.245c1.026 1.026 2.693 1.026 3.719 0 1.016-1.021 1.021-2.677-0.005-3.708l-0.625-0.62-3.151-3.161-3.339-3.333 3.161-3.161 7.104 7.12c1.823 1.813 2.464 4.37 1.885 6.693 2.078 0.302 3.677 2.083 3.677 4.24 0 2.38-1.917 4.281-4.281 4.281-2.057 0-3.797-1.458-4.177-3.417zM9.302 12.615l3.344-3.339 3.156-3.161 0.62-0.615c1.896-1.901 4.609-2.5 7.016-1.781 0.286-2.078 2.078-3.698 4.24-3.698 2.365 0 4.281 1.917 4.281 4.276 0 2.177-1.62 3.974-3.719 4.25 0.693 2.401 0.089 5.089-1.802 6.979l-0.24 0.245-3.161-3.156 0.25-0.25c1.021-1.026 1.021-2.688 0-3.708-1.026-1.021-2.682-1.026-3.708 0.005l-0.62 0.615-6.5 6.495zM5.76 16.146l-0.615-0.62c-1.906-1.906-2.5-4.63-1.776-7.047-1.901-0.443-3.328-2.141-3.328-4.182 0-2.359 1.917-4.276 4.276-4.276 2.13 0 3.896 1.552 4.229 3.589 2.307-0.542 4.833 0.083 6.641 1.885l0.245 0.245-3.161 3.161-0.245-0.24c-1.026-1.021-2.688-1.021-3.714 0-1.026 1.042-1.026 2.698-0.005 3.719l7.12 7.12-3.156 3.161-6.51-6.5z"/> </svg>

Cib joomla


Svg Code

<svg style='color: #f3da35' xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32"> <path d="M22.292 19.677l-7.109 7.12c-1.823 1.818-4.396 2.438-6.729 1.859-0.432 1.901-2.135 3.323-4.172 3.323-2.365 0-4.281-1.917-4.281-4.281 0-2.026 1.406-3.719 3.292-4.167-0.594-2.344 0.021-4.938 1.859-6.771l0.24-0.24 3.161 3.156-0.245 0.245c-1.026 1.036-1.026 2.698 0 3.719 1.026 1.036 2.698 1.036 3.714 0l0.62-0.62 6.495-6.505zM23.526 28.547c-2.432 0.75-5.182 0.161-7.104-1.755l-0.24-0.25 3.151-3.156 0.24 0.245c1.026 1.026 2.693 1.026 3.719 0 1.016-1.021 1.021-2.677-0.005-3.708l-0.625-0.62-3.151-3.161-3.339-3.333 3.161-3.161 7.104 7.12c1.823 1.813 2.464 4.37 1.885 6.693 2.078 0.302 3.677 2.083 3.677 4.24 0 2.38-1.917 4.281-4.281 4.281-2.057 0-3.797-1.458-4.177-3.417zM9.302 12.615l3.344-3.339 3.156-3.161 0.62-0.615c1.896-1.901 4.609-2.5 7.016-1.781 0.286-2.078 2.078-3.698 4.24-3.698 2.365 0 4.281 1.917 4.281 4.276 0 2.177-1.62 3.974-3.719 4.25 0.693 2.401 0.089 5.089-1.802 6.979l-0.24 0.245-3.161-3.156 0.25-0.25c1.021-1.026 1.021-2.688 0-3.708-1.026-1.021-2.682-1.026-3.708 0.005l-0.62 0.615-6.5 6.495zM5.76 16.146l-0.615-0.62c-1.906-1.906-2.5-4.63-1.776-7.047-1.901-0.443-3.328-2.141-3.328-4.182 0-2.359 1.917-4.276 4.276-4.276 2.13 0 3.896 1.552 4.229 3.589 2.307-0.542 4.833 0.083 6.641 1.885l0.245 0.245-3.161 3.161-0.245-0.24c-1.026-1.021-2.688-1.021-3.714 0-1.026 1.042-1.026 2.698-0.005 3.719l7.12 7.12-3.156 3.161-6.51-6.5z"/> </svg>

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