Cib Salesforce Icon SVG
Cib Salesforce
Cib salesforce SVG Icon Code | Customize color
You can get svg icon cib salesforce in blue, white, red color and transparent color from below list. You can also customize color using color picker.
Svg Code
<svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32"> <path d="M13.339 7.219c1-1.057 2.464-1.74 4.063-1.74 2.078 0 3.938 1.203 4.917 2.943 0.844-0.401 1.802-0.604 2.802-0.604 3.802 0 6.88 3.12 6.88 6.964 0 3.839-3.083 6.958-6.901 6.958-0.458 0-0.917-0.057-1.359-0.141-0.859 1.563-2.5 2.604-4.401 2.604-0.802 0-1.542-0.203-2.198-0.5-0.88 2.057-2.922 3.495-5.302 3.495-2.479 0-4.599-1.557-5.401-3.755-0.359 0.078-0.719 0.099-1.099 0.099-2.938 0-5.339-2.401-5.339-5.401 0-2 1.078-3.74 2.677-4.677-0.339-0.76-0.521-1.604-0.521-2.464 0-3.438 2.802-6.198 6.203-6.198 2.042 0 3.797 0.938 4.958 2.401z"/> </svg>
Svg Code
<svg style="color: white" xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32"> <path d="M13.339 7.219c1-1.057 2.464-1.74 4.063-1.74 2.078 0 3.938 1.203 4.917 2.943 0.844-0.401 1.802-0.604 2.802-0.604 3.802 0 6.88 3.12 6.88 6.964 0 3.839-3.083 6.958-6.901 6.958-0.458 0-0.917-0.057-1.359-0.141-0.859 1.563-2.5 2.604-4.401 2.604-0.802 0-1.542-0.203-2.198-0.5-0.88 2.057-2.922 3.495-5.302 3.495-2.479 0-4.599-1.557-5.401-3.755-0.359 0.078-0.719 0.099-1.099 0.099-2.938 0-5.339-2.401-5.339-5.401 0-2 1.078-3.74 2.677-4.677-0.339-0.76-0.521-1.604-0.521-2.464 0-3.438 2.802-6.198 6.203-6.198 2.042 0 3.797 0.938 4.958 2.401z" fill="white"></path> </svg>
Svg Code
<svg style="color: red" xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32"> <path d="M13.339 7.219c1-1.057 2.464-1.74 4.063-1.74 2.078 0 3.938 1.203 4.917 2.943 0.844-0.401 1.802-0.604 2.802-0.604 3.802 0 6.88 3.12 6.88 6.964 0 3.839-3.083 6.958-6.901 6.958-0.458 0-0.917-0.057-1.359-0.141-0.859 1.563-2.5 2.604-4.401 2.604-0.802 0-1.542-0.203-2.198-0.5-0.88 2.057-2.922 3.495-5.302 3.495-2.479 0-4.599-1.557-5.401-3.755-0.359 0.078-0.719 0.099-1.099 0.099-2.938 0-5.339-2.401-5.339-5.401 0-2 1.078-3.74 2.677-4.677-0.339-0.76-0.521-1.604-0.521-2.464 0-3.438 2.802-6.198 6.203-6.198 2.042 0 3.797 0.938 4.958 2.401z" fill="red"></path> </svg>
Svg Code
<svg style="color: blue" xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32"> <path d="M13.339 7.219c1-1.057 2.464-1.74 4.063-1.74 2.078 0 3.938 1.203 4.917 2.943 0.844-0.401 1.802-0.604 2.802-0.604 3.802 0 6.88 3.12 6.88 6.964 0 3.839-3.083 6.958-6.901 6.958-0.458 0-0.917-0.057-1.359-0.141-0.859 1.563-2.5 2.604-4.401 2.604-0.802 0-1.542-0.203-2.198-0.5-0.88 2.057-2.922 3.495-5.302 3.495-2.479 0-4.599-1.557-5.401-3.755-0.359 0.078-0.719 0.099-1.099 0.099-2.938 0-5.339-2.401-5.339-5.401 0-2 1.078-3.74 2.677-4.677-0.339-0.76-0.521-1.604-0.521-2.464 0-3.438 2.802-6.198 6.203-6.198 2.042 0 3.797 0.938 4.958 2.401z" fill="blue"></path> </svg>
Svg Code
<svg style="color: #f3da35" xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32"> <path d="M13.339 7.219c1-1.057 2.464-1.74 4.063-1.74 2.078 0 3.938 1.203 4.917 2.943 0.844-0.401 1.802-0.604 2.802-0.604 3.802 0 6.88 3.12 6.88 6.964 0 3.839-3.083 6.958-6.901 6.958-0.458 0-0.917-0.057-1.359-0.141-0.859 1.563-2.5 2.604-4.401 2.604-0.802 0-1.542-0.203-2.198-0.5-0.88 2.057-2.922 3.495-5.302 3.495-2.479 0-4.599-1.557-5.401-3.755-0.359 0.078-0.719 0.099-1.099 0.099-2.938 0-5.339-2.401-5.339-5.401 0-2 1.078-3.74 2.677-4.677-0.339-0.76-0.521-1.604-0.521-2.464 0-3.438 2.802-6.198 6.203-6.198 2.042 0 3.797 0.938 4.958 2.401z" fill="#f3da35"></path> </svg>
Advance Editor
You can edit cib salesforce as below. Change size color and background color of icon using below tool.