Cil Report Slash Icon SVG

Cil Report Slash

Cil report slash SVG Icon Code | Customize color

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Cil report slash


Svg Code

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"> <rect width="32" height="32" x="240" y="352" fill="var(--ci-primary-color, currentColor)" class="ci-primary"/> <polygon fill="var(--ci-primary-color, currentColor)" points="355.411 16 156.589 16 121.653 53.771 144.298 76.416 170.58 48 341.42 48 464 180.53 464 331.47 432.937 365.055 455.581 387.7 496 344 496 168 355.411 16" class="ci-primary"/> <polygon fill="var(--ci-primary-color, currentColor)" points="240 128 240 172.118 272 204.118 272 128 240 128" class="ci-primary"/> <path fill="var(--ci-primary-color, currentColor)" d="M16,16V38.627l62.164,62.164L16,168V344L156.589,496H355.411l56.681-61.281L473.373,496H496V473.373L38.627,16ZM341.42,464H170.58L48,331.47V180.53l52.808-57.095L240,262.627V320h32V294.627L389.447,412.074Z" class="ci-primary"/> </svg>

Cil report slash


Svg Code

<svg style="color: white" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"> <rect width="32" height="32" x="240" y="352" fill="var(--ci-primary-color, currentColor)" class="ci-primary"></rect> <polygon fill="var(--ci-primary-color, currentColor)" points="355.411 16 156.589 16 121.653 53.771 144.298 76.416 170.58 48 341.42 48 464 180.53 464 331.47 432.937 365.055 455.581 387.7 496 344 496 168 355.411 16" class="ci-primary"></polygon> <polygon fill="var(--ci-primary-color, currentColor)" points="240 128 240 172.118 272 204.118 272 128 240 128" class="ci-primary"></polygon> <path fill="white" d="M16,16V38.627l62.164,62.164L16,168V344L156.589,496H355.411l56.681-61.281L473.373,496H496V473.373L38.627,16ZM341.42,464H170.58L48,331.47V180.53l52.808-57.095L240,262.627V320h32V294.627L389.447,412.074Z" class="ci-primary"></path> </svg>

Cil report slash


Svg Code

<svg style="color: red" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"> <rect width="32" height="32" x="240" y="352" fill="var(--ci-primary-color, currentColor)" class="ci-primary"></rect> <polygon fill="var(--ci-primary-color, currentColor)" points="355.411 16 156.589 16 121.653 53.771 144.298 76.416 170.58 48 341.42 48 464 180.53 464 331.47 432.937 365.055 455.581 387.7 496 344 496 168 355.411 16" class="ci-primary"></polygon> <polygon fill="var(--ci-primary-color, currentColor)" points="240 128 240 172.118 272 204.118 272 128 240 128" class="ci-primary"></polygon> <path fill="red" d="M16,16V38.627l62.164,62.164L16,168V344L156.589,496H355.411l56.681-61.281L473.373,496H496V473.373L38.627,16ZM341.42,464H170.58L48,331.47V180.53l52.808-57.095L240,262.627V320h32V294.627L389.447,412.074Z" class="ci-primary"></path> </svg>

Cil report slash


Svg Code

<svg style="color: blue" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"> <rect width="32" height="32" x="240" y="352" fill="var(--ci-primary-color, currentColor)" class="ci-primary"></rect> <polygon fill="var(--ci-primary-color, currentColor)" points="355.411 16 156.589 16 121.653 53.771 144.298 76.416 170.58 48 341.42 48 464 180.53 464 331.47 432.937 365.055 455.581 387.7 496 344 496 168 355.411 16" class="ci-primary"></polygon> <polygon fill="var(--ci-primary-color, currentColor)" points="240 128 240 172.118 272 204.118 272 128 240 128" class="ci-primary"></polygon> <path fill="blue" d="M16,16V38.627l62.164,62.164L16,168V344L156.589,496H355.411l56.681-61.281L473.373,496H496V473.373L38.627,16ZM341.42,464H170.58L48,331.47V180.53l52.808-57.095L240,262.627V320h32V294.627L389.447,412.074Z" class="ci-primary"></path> </svg>

Cil report slash


Svg Code

<svg style="color: #f3da35" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"> <rect width="32" height="32" x="240" y="352" fill="var(--ci-primary-color, currentColor)" class="ci-primary"></rect> <polygon fill="var(--ci-primary-color, currentColor)" points="355.411 16 156.589 16 121.653 53.771 144.298 76.416 170.58 48 341.42 48 464 180.53 464 331.47 432.937 365.055 455.581 387.7 496 344 496 168 355.411 16" class="ci-primary"></polygon> <polygon fill="var(--ci-primary-color, currentColor)" points="240 128 240 172.118 272 204.118 272 128 240 128" class="ci-primary"></polygon> <path fill="#f3da35" d="M16,16V38.627l62.164,62.164L16,168V344L156.589,496H355.411l56.681-61.281L473.373,496H496V473.373L38.627,16ZM341.42,464H170.58L48,331.47V180.53l52.808-57.095L240,262.627V320h32V294.627L389.447,412.074Z" class="ci-primary"></path> </svg>

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