Cil Yen Icon SVG
Cil Yen
Cil yen SVG Icon Code | Customize color
You can get svg icon cil yen in blue, white, red color and transparent color from below list. You can also customize color using color picker.
Svg Code
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"> <polygon fill="var(--ci-primary-color, currentColor)" points="396.641 97.81 371.359 78.19 256.413 226.312 148.938 78.587 123.062 97.413 238.438 256 152.471 256 152.471 288 240 288 240 322.823 152.471 322.823 152.471 354.823 240 354.823 240 432 272 432 272 354.823 359.529 354.823 359.529 322.823 272 322.823 272 288 359.529 288 359.529 256 273.879 256 396.641 97.81" class="ci-primary"/> </svg>
Svg Code
<svg style="color: white" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"> <polygon fill="var(--ci-primary-color, currentColor)" points="396.641 97.81 371.359 78.19 256.413 226.312 148.938 78.587 123.062 97.413 238.438 256 152.471 256 152.471 288 240 288 240 322.823 152.471 322.823 152.471 354.823 240 354.823 240 432 272 432 272 354.823 359.529 354.823 359.529 322.823 272 322.823 272 288 359.529 288 359.529 256 273.879 256 396.641 97.81" class="ci-primary"></polygon> </svg>
Svg Code
<svg style="color: red" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"> <polygon fill="var(--ci-primary-color, currentColor)" points="396.641 97.81 371.359 78.19 256.413 226.312 148.938 78.587 123.062 97.413 238.438 256 152.471 256 152.471 288 240 288 240 322.823 152.471 322.823 152.471 354.823 240 354.823 240 432 272 432 272 354.823 359.529 354.823 359.529 322.823 272 322.823 272 288 359.529 288 359.529 256 273.879 256 396.641 97.81" class="ci-primary"></polygon> </svg>
Svg Code
<svg style="color: blue" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"> <polygon fill="var(--ci-primary-color, currentColor)" points="396.641 97.81 371.359 78.19 256.413 226.312 148.938 78.587 123.062 97.413 238.438 256 152.471 256 152.471 288 240 288 240 322.823 152.471 322.823 152.471 354.823 240 354.823 240 432 272 432 272 354.823 359.529 354.823 359.529 322.823 272 322.823 272 288 359.529 288 359.529 256 273.879 256 396.641 97.81" class="ci-primary"></polygon> </svg>
Svg Code
<svg style="color: #f3da35" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"> <polygon fill="var(--ci-primary-color, currentColor)" points="396.641 97.81 371.359 78.19 256.413 226.312 148.938 78.587 123.062 97.413 238.438 256 152.471 256 152.471 288 240 288 240 322.823 152.471 322.823 152.471 354.823 240 354.823 240 432 272 432 272 354.823 359.529 354.823 359.529 322.823 272 322.823 272 288 359.529 288 359.529 256 273.879 256 396.641 97.81" class="ci-primary"></polygon> </svg>
Advance Editor
You can edit cil yen as below. Change size color and background color of icon using below tool.