Cone_test_on_nets Icon SVG
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18.0649 33.4297 16.1472 34.0689C15.1937 34.3868 14.5587 34.7216 14.1987 35C14.5587 35.2784 15.1937 35.6132 16.1472 35.9311C18.0649 36.5703 20.8414 37 24 37C27.1586 37 29.9351 36.5703 31.8528 35.9311C32.8063 35.6132 33.4413 35.2784 33.8013 35Z"/> <path d="M38 38C38.5523 38 39 37.5523 39 37C39 36.4477 38.5523 36 38 36C37.4477 36 37 36.4477 37 37C37 37.5523 37.4477 38 38 38Z"/> <path d="M40 30C40 30.5523 39.5523 31 39 31C38.4477 31 38 30.5523 38 30C38 29.4477 38.4477 29 39 29C39.5523 29 40 29.4477 40 30Z"/> <path d="M26 42C26.5523 42 27 41.5523 27 41C27 40.4477 26.5523 40 26 40C25.4477 40 25 40.4477 25 41C25 41.5523 25.4477 42 26 42Z"/> <path d="M40 40C40.5523 40 41 39.5523 41 39C41 38.4477 40.5523 38 40 38C39.4477 38 39 38.4477 39 39C39 39.5523 39.4477 40 40 40Z"/> <path d="M11 39C11 39.5523 11.4477 40 12 40C12.5523 40 13 39.5523 13 39C13 38.4477 12.5523 38 12 38C11.4477 38 11 38.4477 11 39Z"/> <path d="M8 40C7.44772 40 7 39.5523 7 39C7 38.4477 7.44772 38 8 38C8.55228 38 9 38.4477 9 39C9 39.5523 8.55228 40 8 40Z"/> <path d="M42 32C42 32.5523 41.5523 33 41 33C40.4477 33 40 32.5523 40 32C40 31.4477 40.4477 31 41 31C41.5523 31 42 31.4477 42 32Z"/> <path d="M9 31C8.44772 31 8 30.5523 8 30C8 29.4477 8.44772 29 9 29C9.55228 29 10 29.4477 10 30C10 30.5523 9.55228 31 9 31Z"/> <path d="M35 41C35 41.5523 34.5523 42 34 42C33.4477 42 33 41.5523 33 41C33 40.4477 33.4477 40 34 40C34.5523 40 35 40.4477 35 41Z"/> <path d="M18 42C17.4477 42 17 41.5523 17 41C17 40.4477 17.4477 40 18 40C18.5523 40 19 40.4477 19 41C19 41.5523 18.5523 42 18 42Z"/> <path d="M39 41C39 41.5523 38.5523 42 38 42C37.4477 42 37 41.5523 37 41C37 40.4477 37.4477 40 38 40C38.5523 40 39 40.4477 39 41Z"/> <path d="M14 42C13.4477 42 13 41.5523 13 41C13 40.4477 13.4477 40 14 40C14.5523 40 15 40.4477 15 41C15 41.5523 14.5523 42 14 42Z"/> <path d="M9 41C9 41.5523 9.44772 42 10 42C10.5523 42 11 41.5523 11 41C11 40.4477 10.5523 40 10 40C9.44772 40 9 40.4477 9 41Z"/> <path d="M41 37C41.5523 37 42 36.5523 42 36C42 35.4477 41.5523 35 41 35C40.4477 35 40 35.4477 40 36C40 36.5523 40.4477 37 41 37Z"/> <path d="M9 37C9 37.5523 9.44772 38 10 38C10.5523 38 11 37.5523 11 37C11 36.4477 10.5523 36 10 36C9.44772 36 9 36.4477 9 37Z"/> <path d="M9 35C8.44772 35 8 34.5523 8 34C8 33.4477 8.44772 33 9 33C9.55228 33 10 33.4477 10 34C10 34.5523 9.55228 35 9 35Z"/> <path d="M6 32C6 32.5523 6.44772 33 7 33C7.55228 33 8 32.5523 8 32C8 31.4477 7.55228 31 7 31C6.44772 31 6 31.4477 6 32Z"/> <path d="M7 37C6.44772 37 6 36.5523 6 36C6 35.4477 6.44772 35 7 35C7.55228 35 8 35.4477 8 36C8 36.5523 7.55228 37 7 37Z"/> <path d="M37 39C37 39.5523 36.5523 40 36 40C35.4477 40 35 39.5523 35 39C35 38.4477 35.4477 38 36 38C36.5523 38 37 38.4477 37 39Z"/> <path d="M30 42C30.5523 42 31 41.5523 31 41C31 40.4477 30.5523 40 30 40C29.4477 40 29 40.4477 29 41C29 41.5523 29.4477 42 30 42Z"/> <path d="M21 41C21 41.5523 21.4477 42 22 42C22.5523 42 23 41.5523 23 41C23 40.4477 22.5523 40 22 40C21.4477 40 21 40.4477 21 41Z"/> <path d="M39 35C39.5523 35 40 34.5523 40 34C40 33.4477 39.5523 33 39 33C38.4477 33 38 33.4477 38 34C38 34.5523 38.4477 35 39 35Z"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.6801 15.9195C16.1931 15.3313 15.1464 13.9258 15.1464 12.2856C15.1464 10.1159 16.9779 8.35701 19.2373 8.35701C19.4513 8.35701 19.6615 8.3728 19.8666 8.40322C20.7084 6.96874 22.3096 6 24.1464 6C25.9831 6 27.5843 6.96875 28.4261 8.40322C28.6312 8.3728 28.8414 8.35701 29.0554 8.35701C31.3148 8.35701 33.1464 10.1159 33.1464 12.2856C33.1464 14.0214 31.974 15.4943 30.3482 16.014L35.8604 34.388C35.9523 34.5875 36 34.7919 36 35C36 37.2091 30.6274 39 24 39C17.3726 39 12 37.2091 12 35C12 34.7919 12.0477 34.5875 12.1396 34.388L17.6801 15.9195ZM24 31C20.3149 31 17.0177 31.5537 14.8165 32.4251L19.3204 17.412C20.0338 18.9244 21.8599 20 24 20C26.1401 20 27.9662 18.9244 28.6796 17.412L33.1835 32.4251C30.9823 31.5537 27.6851 31 24 31ZM33.8013 35C33.4413 34.7216 32.8063 34.3868 31.8528 34.0689C29.9351 33.4297 27.1586 33 24 33C20.8414 33 18.0649 33.4297 16.1472 34.0689C15.1937 34.3868 14.5587 34.7216 14.1987 35C14.5587 35.2784 15.1937 35.6132 16.1472 35.9311C18.0649 36.5703 20.8414 37 24 37C27.1586 37 29.9351 36.5703 31.8528 35.9311C32.8063 35.6132 33.4413 35.2784 33.8013 35Z"/> <path d="M38 38C38.5523 38 39 37.5523 39 37C39 36.4477 38.5523 36 38 36C37.4477 36 37 36.4477 37 37C37 37.5523 37.4477 38 38 38Z"/> <path d="M40 30C40 30.5523 39.5523 31 39 31C38.4477 31 38 30.5523 38 30C38 29.4477 38.4477 29 39 29C39.5523 29 40 29.4477 40 30Z"/> <path d="M26 42C26.5523 42 27 41.5523 27 41C27 40.4477 26.5523 40 26 40C25.4477 40 25 40.4477 25 41C25 41.5523 25.4477 42 26 42Z"/> <path d="M40 40C40.5523 40 41 39.5523 41 39C41 38.4477 40.5523 38 40 38C39.4477 38 39 38.4477 39 39C39 39.5523 39.4477 40 40 40Z"/> <path d="M11 39C11 39.5523 11.4477 40 12 40C12.5523 40 13 39.5523 13 39C13 38.4477 12.5523 38 12 38C11.4477 38 11 38.4477 11 39Z"/> <path d="M8 40C7.44772 40 7 39.5523 7 39C7 38.4477 7.44772 38 8 38C8.55228 38 9 38.4477 9 39C9 39.5523 8.55228 40 8 40Z"/> <path d="M42 32C42 32.5523 41.5523 33 41 33C40.4477 33 40 32.5523 40 32C40 31.4477 40.4477 31 41 31C41.5523 31 42 31.4477 42 32Z"/> <path d="M9 31C8.44772 31 8 30.5523 8 30C8 29.4477 8.44772 29 9 29C9.55228 29 10 29.4477 10 30C10 30.5523 9.55228 31 9 31Z"/> <path d="M35 41C35 41.5523 34.5523 42 34 42C33.4477 42 33 41.5523 33 41C33 40.4477 33.4477 40 34 40C34.5523 40 35 40.4477 35 41Z"/> <path d="M18 42C17.4477 42 17 41.5523 17 41C17 40.4477 17.4477 40 18 40C18.5523 40 19 40.4477 19 41C19 41.5523 18.5523 42 18 42Z"/> <path d="M39 41C39 41.5523 38.5523 42 38 42C37.4477 42 37 41.5523 37 41C37 40.4477 37.4477 40 38 40C38.5523 40 39 40.4477 39 41Z"/> <path d="M14 42C13.4477 42 13 41.5523 13 41C13 40.4477 13.4477 40 14 40C14.5523 40 15 40.4477 15 41C15 41.5523 14.5523 42 14 42Z"/> <path d="M9 41C9 41.5523 9.44772 42 10 42C10.5523 42 11 41.5523 11 41C11 40.4477 10.5523 40 10 40C9.44772 40 9 40.4477 9 41Z"/> <path d="M41 37C41.5523 37 42 36.5523 42 36C42 35.4477 41.5523 35 41 35C40.4477 35 40 35.4477 40 36C40 36.5523 40.4477 37 41 37Z"/> <path d="M9 37C9 37.5523 9.44772 38 10 38C10.5523 38 11 37.5523 11 37C11 36.4477 10.5523 36 10 36C9.44772 36 9 36.4477 9 37Z"/> <path d="M9 35C8.44772 35 8 34.5523 8 34C8 33.4477 8.44772 33 9 33C9.55228 33 10 33.4477 10 34C10 34.5523 9.55228 35 9 35Z"/> <path d="M6 32C6 32.5523 6.44772 33 7 33C7.55228 33 8 32.5523 8 32C8 31.4477 7.55228 31 7 31C6.44772 31 6 31.4477 6 32Z"/> <path d="M7 37C6.44772 37 6 36.5523 6 36C6 35.4477 6.44772 35 7 35C7.55228 35 8 35.4477 8 36C8 36.5523 7.55228 37 7 37Z"/> <path d="M37 39C37 39.5523 36.5523 40 36 40C35.4477 40 35 39.5523 35 39C35 38.4477 35.4477 38 36 38C36.5523 38 37 38.4477 37 39Z"/> <path d="M30 42C30.5523 42 31 41.5523 31 41C31 40.4477 30.5523 40 30 40C29.4477 40 29 40.4477 29 41C29 41.5523 29.4477 42 30 42Z"/> <path d="M21 41C21 41.5523 21.4477 42 22 42C22.5523 42 23 41.5523 23 41C23 40.4477 22.5523 40 22 40C21.4477 40 21 40.4477 21 41Z"/> <path d="M39 35C39.5523 35 40 34.5523 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16.1472 34.0689C15.1937 34.3868 14.5587 34.7216 14.1987 35C14.5587 35.2784 15.1937 35.6132 16.1472 35.9311C18.0649 36.5703 20.8414 37 24 37C27.1586 37 29.9351 36.5703 31.8528 35.9311C32.8063 35.6132 33.4413 35.2784 33.8013 35Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M38 38C38.5523 38 39 37.5523 39 37C39 36.4477 38.5523 36 38 36C37.4477 36 37 36.4477 37 37C37 37.5523 37.4477 38 38 38Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M40 30C40 30.5523 39.5523 31 39 31C38.4477 31 38 30.5523 38 30C38 29.4477 38.4477 29 39 29C39.5523 29 40 29.4477 40 30Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M26 42C26.5523 42 27 41.5523 27 41C27 40.4477 26.5523 40 26 40C25.4477 40 25 40.4477 25 41C25 41.5523 25.4477 42 26 42Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M40 40C40.5523 40 41 39.5523 41 39C41 38.4477 40.5523 38 40 38C39.4477 38 39 38.4477 39 39C39 39.5523 39.4477 40 40 40Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M11 39C11 39.5523 11.4477 40 12 40C12.5523 40 13 39.5523 13 39C13 38.4477 12.5523 38 12 38C11.4477 38 11 38.4477 11 39Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M8 40C7.44772 40 7 39.5523 7 39C7 38.4477 7.44772 38 8 38C8.55228 38 9 38.4477 9 39C9 39.5523 8.55228 40 8 40Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M42 32C42 32.5523 41.5523 33 41 33C40.4477 33 40 32.5523 40 32C40 31.4477 40.4477 31 41 31C41.5523 31 42 31.4477 42 32Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M9 31C8.44772 31 8 30.5523 8 30C8 29.4477 8.44772 29 9 29C9.55228 29 10 29.4477 10 30C10 30.5523 9.55228 31 9 31Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M35 41C35 41.5523 34.5523 42 34 42C33.4477 42 33 41.5523 33 41C33 40.4477 33.4477 40 34 40C34.5523 40 35 40.4477 35 41Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M18 42C17.4477 42 17 41.5523 17 41C17 40.4477 17.4477 40 18 40C18.5523 40 19 40.4477 19 41C19 41.5523 18.5523 42 18 42Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M39 41C39 41.5523 38.5523 42 38 42C37.4477 42 37 41.5523 37 41C37 40.4477 37.4477 40 38 40C38.5523 40 39 40.4477 39 41Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M14 42C13.4477 42 13 41.5523 13 41C13 40.4477 13.4477 40 14 40C14.5523 40 15 40.4477 15 41C15 41.5523 14.5523 42 14 42Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M9 41C9 41.5523 9.44772 42 10 42C10.5523 42 11 41.5523 11 41C11 40.4477 10.5523 40 10 40C9.44772 40 9 40.4477 9 41Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M41 37C41.5523 37 42 36.5523 42 36C42 35.4477 41.5523 35 41 35C40.4477 35 40 35.4477 40 36C40 36.5523 40.4477 37 41 37Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M9 37C9 37.5523 9.44772 38 10 38C10.5523 38 11 37.5523 11 37C11 36.4477 10.5523 36 10 36C9.44772 36 9 36.4477 9 37Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M9 35C8.44772 35 8 34.5523 8 34C8 33.4477 8.44772 33 9 33C9.55228 33 10 33.4477 10 34C10 34.5523 9.55228 35 9 35Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M6 32C6 32.5523 6.44772 33 7 33C7.55228 33 8 32.5523 8 32C8 31.4477 7.55228 31 7 31C6.44772 31 6 31.4477 6 32Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M7 37C6.44772 37 6 36.5523 6 36C6 35.4477 6.44772 35 7 35C7.55228 35 8 35.4477 8 36C8 36.5523 7.55228 37 7 37Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M37 39C37 39.5523 36.5523 40 36 40C35.4477 40 35 39.5523 35 39C35 38.4477 35.4477 38 36 38C36.5523 38 37 38.4477 37 39Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M30 42C30.5523 42 31 41.5523 31 41C31 40.4477 30.5523 40 30 40C29.4477 40 29 40.4477 29 41C29 41.5523 29.4477 42 30 42Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M21 41C21 41.5523 21.4477 42 22 42C22.5523 42 23 41.5523 23 41C23 40.4477 22.5523 40 22 40C21.4477 40 21 40.4477 21 41Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M39 35C39.5523 35 40 34.5523 40 34C40 33.4477 39.5523 33 39 33C38.4477 33 38 33.4477 38 34C38 34.5523 38.4477 35 39 35Z" fill="#333333"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.6801 15.9195C16.1931 15.3313 15.1464 13.9258 15.1464 12.2856C15.1464 10.1159 16.9779 8.35701 19.2373 8.35701C19.4513 8.35701 19.6615 8.3728 19.8666 8.40322C20.7084 6.96874 22.3096 6 24.1464 6C25.9831 6 27.5843 6.96875 28.4261 8.40322C28.6312 8.3728 28.8414 8.35701 29.0554 8.35701C31.3148 8.35701 33.1464 10.1159 33.1464 12.2856C33.1464 14.0214 31.974 15.4943 30.3482 16.014L35.8604 34.388C35.9523 34.5875 36 34.7919 36 35C36 37.2091 30.6274 39 24 39C17.3726 39 12 37.2091 12 35C12 34.7919 12.0477 34.5875 12.1396 34.388L17.6801 15.9195ZM24 31C20.3149 31 17.0177 31.5537 14.8165 32.4251L19.3204 17.412C20.0338 18.9244 21.8599 20 24 20C26.1401 20 27.9662 18.9244 28.6796 17.412L33.1835 32.4251C30.9823 31.5537 27.6851 31 24 31ZM33.8013 35C33.4413 34.7216 32.8063 34.3868 31.8528 34.0689C29.9351 33.4297 27.1586 33 24 33C20.8414 33 18.0649 33.4297 16.1472 34.0689C15.1937 34.3868 14.5587 34.7216 14.1987 35C14.5587 35.2784 15.1937 35.6132 16.1472 35.9311C18.0649 36.5703 20.8414 37 24 37C27.1586 37 29.9351 36.5703 31.8528 35.9311C32.8063 35.6132 33.4413 35.2784 33.8013 35Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M38 38C38.5523 38 39 37.5523 39 37C39 36.4477 38.5523 36 38 36C37.4477 36 37 36.4477 37 37C37 37.5523 37.4477 38 38 38Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M40 30C40 30.5523 39.5523 31 39 31C38.4477 31 38 30.5523 38 30C38 29.4477 38.4477 29 39 29C39.5523 29 40 29.4477 40 30Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M26 42C26.5523 42 27 41.5523 27 41C27 40.4477 26.5523 40 26 40C25.4477 40 25 40.4477 25 41C25 41.5523 25.4477 42 26 42Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M40 40C40.5523 40 41 39.5523 41 39C41 38.4477 40.5523 38 40 38C39.4477 38 39 38.4477 39 39C39 39.5523 39.4477 40 40 40Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M11 39C11 39.5523 11.4477 40 12 40C12.5523 40 13 39.5523 13 39C13 38.4477 12.5523 38 12 38C11.4477 38 11 38.4477 11 39Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M8 40C7.44772 40 7 39.5523 7 39C7 38.4477 7.44772 38 8 38C8.55228 38 9 38.4477 9 39C9 39.5523 8.55228 40 8 40Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M42 32C42 32.5523 41.5523 33 41 33C40.4477 33 40 32.5523 40 32C40 31.4477 40.4477 31 41 31C41.5523 31 42 31.4477 42 32Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M9 31C8.44772 31 8 30.5523 8 30C8 29.4477 8.44772 29 9 29C9.55228 29 10 29.4477 10 30C10 30.5523 9.55228 31 9 31Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M35 41C35 41.5523 34.5523 42 34 42C33.4477 42 33 41.5523 33 41C33 40.4477 33.4477 40 34 40C34.5523 40 35 40.4477 35 41Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M18 42C17.4477 42 17 41.5523 17 41C17 40.4477 17.4477 40 18 40C18.5523 40 19 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34.388C35.9523 34.5875 36 34.7919 36 35C36 37.2091 30.6274 39 24 39C17.3726 39 12 37.2091 12 35C12 34.7919 12.0477 34.5875 12.1396 34.388L17.6801 15.9195ZM24 31C20.3149 31 17.0177 31.5537 14.8165 32.4251L19.3204 17.412C20.0338 18.9244 21.8599 20 24 20C26.1401 20 27.9662 18.9244 28.6796 17.412L33.1835 32.4251C30.9823 31.5537 27.6851 31 24 31ZM33.8013 35C33.4413 34.7216 32.8063 34.3868 31.8528 34.0689C29.9351 33.4297 27.1586 33 24 33C20.8414 33 18.0649 33.4297 16.1472 34.0689C15.1937 34.3868 14.5587 34.7216 14.1987 35C14.5587 35.2784 15.1937 35.6132 16.1472 35.9311C18.0649 36.5703 20.8414 37 24 37C27.1586 37 29.9351 36.5703 31.8528 35.9311C32.8063 35.6132 33.4413 35.2784 33.8013 35Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M38 38C38.5523 38 39 37.5523 39 37C39 36.4477 38.5523 36 38 36C37.4477 36 37 36.4477 37 37C37 37.5523 37.4477 38 38 38Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M40 30C40 30.5523 39.5523 31 39 31C38.4477 31 38 30.5523 38 30C38 29.4477 38.4477 29 39 29C39.5523 29 40 29.4477 40 30Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M26 42C26.5523 42 27 41.5523 27 41C27 40.4477 26.5523 40 26 40C25.4477 40 25 40.4477 25 41C25 41.5523 25.4477 42 26 42Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M40 40C40.5523 40 41 39.5523 41 39C41 38.4477 40.5523 38 40 38C39.4477 38 39 38.4477 39 39C39 39.5523 39.4477 40 40 40Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M11 39C11 39.5523 11.4477 40 12 40C12.5523 40 13 39.5523 13 39C13 38.4477 12.5523 38 12 38C11.4477 38 11 38.4477 11 39Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M8 40C7.44772 40 7 39.5523 7 39C7 38.4477 7.44772 38 8 38C8.55228 38 9 38.4477 9 39C9 39.5523 8.55228 40 8 40Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M42 32C42 32.5523 41.5523 33 41 33C40.4477 33 40 32.5523 40 32C40 31.4477 40.4477 31 41 31C41.5523 31 42 31.4477 42 32Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M9 31C8.44772 31 8 30.5523 8 30C8 29.4477 8.44772 29 9 29C9.55228 29 10 29.4477 10 30C10 30.5523 9.55228 31 9 31Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M35 41C35 41.5523 34.5523 42 34 42C33.4477 42 33 41.5523 33 41C33 40.4477 33.4477 40 34 40C34.5523 40 35 40.4477 35 41Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M18 42C17.4477 42 17 41.5523 17 41C17 40.4477 17.4477 40 18 40C18.5523 40 19 40.4477 19 41C19 41.5523 18.5523 42 18 42Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M39 41C39 41.5523 38.5523 42 38 42C37.4477 42 37 41.5523 37 41C37 40.4477 37.4477 40 38 40C38.5523 40 39 40.4477 39 41Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M14 42C13.4477 42 13 41.5523 13 41C13 40.4477 13.4477 40 14 40C14.5523 40 15 40.4477 15 41C15 41.5523 14.5523 42 14 42Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M9 41C9 41.5523 9.44772 42 10 42C10.5523 42 11 41.5523 11 41C11 40.4477 10.5523 40 10 40C9.44772 40 9 40.4477 9 41Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M41 37C41.5523 37 42 36.5523 42 36C42 35.4477 41.5523 35 41 35C40.4477 35 40 35.4477 40 36C40 36.5523 40.4477 37 41 37Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M9 37C9 37.5523 9.44772 38 10 38C10.5523 38 11 37.5523 11 37C11 36.4477 10.5523 36 10 36C9.44772 36 9 36.4477 9 37Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M9 35C8.44772 35 8 34.5523 8 34C8 33.4477 8.44772 33 9 33C9.55228 33 10 33.4477 10 34C10 34.5523 9.55228 35 9 35Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M6 32C6 32.5523 6.44772 33 7 33C7.55228 33 8 32.5523 8 32C8 31.4477 7.55228 31 7 31C6.44772 31 6 31.4477 6 32Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M7 37C6.44772 37 6 36.5523 6 36C6 35.4477 6.44772 35 7 35C7.55228 35 8 35.4477 8 36C8 36.5523 7.55228 37 7 37Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M37 39C37 39.5523 36.5523 40 36 40C35.4477 40 35 39.5523 35 39C35 38.4477 35.4477 38 36 38C36.5523 38 37 38.4477 37 39Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M30 42C30.5523 42 31 41.5523 31 41C31 40.4477 30.5523 40 30 40C29.4477 40 29 40.4477 29 41C29 41.5523 29.4477 42 30 42Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M21 41C21 41.5523 21.4477 42 22 42C22.5523 42 23 41.5523 23 41C23 40.4477 22.5523 40 22 40C21.4477 40 21 40.4477 21 41Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M39 35C39.5523 35 40 34.5523 40 34C40 33.4477 39.5523 33 39 33C38.4477 33 38 33.4477 38 34C38 34.5523 38.4477 35 39 35Z" fill="white"></path> </mask> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.6801 15.9195C16.1931 15.3313 15.1464 13.9258 15.1464 12.2856C15.1464 10.1159 16.9779 8.35701 19.2373 8.35701C19.4513 8.35701 19.6615 8.3728 19.8666 8.40322C20.7084 6.96874 22.3096 6 24.1464 6C25.9831 6 27.5843 6.96875 28.4261 8.40322C28.6312 8.3728 28.8414 8.35701 29.0554 8.35701C31.3148 8.35701 33.1464 10.1159 33.1464 12.2856C33.1464 14.0214 31.974 15.4943 30.3482 16.014L35.8604 34.388C35.9523 34.5875 36 34.7919 36 35C36 37.2091 30.6274 39 24 39C17.3726 39 12 37.2091 12 35C12 34.7919 12.0477 34.5875 12.1396 34.388L17.6801 15.9195ZM24 31C20.3149 31 17.0177 31.5537 14.8165 32.4251L19.3204 17.412C20.0338 18.9244 21.8599 20 24 20C26.1401 20 27.9662 18.9244 28.6796 17.412L33.1835 32.4251C30.9823 31.5537 27.6851 31 24 31ZM33.8013 35C33.4413 34.7216 32.8063 34.3868 31.8528 34.0689C29.9351 33.4297 27.1586 33 24 33C20.8414 33 18.0649 33.4297 16.1472 34.0689C15.1937 34.3868 14.5587 34.7216 14.1987 35C14.5587 35.2784 15.1937 35.6132 16.1472 35.9311C18.0649 36.5703 20.8414 37 24 37C27.1586 37 29.9351 36.5703 31.8528 35.9311C32.8063 35.6132 33.4413 35.2784 33.8013 35Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M38 38C38.5523 38 39 37.5523 39 37C39 36.4477 38.5523 36 38 36C37.4477 36 37 36.4477 37 37C37 37.5523 37.4477 38 38 38Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M40 30C40 30.5523 39.5523 31 39 31C38.4477 31 38 30.5523 38 30C38 29.4477 38.4477 29 39 29C39.5523 29 40 29.4477 40 30Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M26 42C26.5523 42 27 41.5523 27 41C27 40.4477 26.5523 40 26 40C25.4477 40 25 40.4477 25 41C25 41.5523 25.4477 42 26 42Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M40 40C40.5523 40 41 39.5523 41 39C41 38.4477 40.5523 38 40 38C39.4477 38 39 38.4477 39 39C39 39.5523 39.4477 40 40 40Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M11 39C11 39.5523 11.4477 40 12 40C12.5523 40 13 39.5523 13 39C13 38.4477 12.5523 38 12 38C11.4477 38 11 38.4477 11 39Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M8 40C7.44772 40 7 39.5523 7 39C7 38.4477 7.44772 38 8 38C8.55228 38 9 38.4477 9 39C9 39.5523 8.55228 40 8 40Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M42 32C42 32.5523 41.5523 33 41 33C40.4477 33 40 32.5523 40 32C40 31.4477 40.4477 31 41 31C41.5523 31 42 31.4477 42 32Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M9 31C8.44772 31 8 30.5523 8 30C8 29.4477 8.44772 29 9 29C9.55228 29 10 29.4477 10 30C10 30.5523 9.55228 31 9 31Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M35 41C35 41.5523 34.5523 42 34 42C33.4477 42 33 41.5523 33 41C33 40.4477 33.4477 40 34 40C34.5523 40 35 40.4477 35 41Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M18 42C17.4477 42 17 41.5523 17 41C17 40.4477 17.4477 40 18 40C18.5523 40 19 40.4477 19 41C19 41.5523 18.5523 42 18 42Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M39 41C39 41.5523 38.5523 42 38 42C37.4477 42 37 41.5523 37 41C37 40.4477 37.4477 40 38 40C38.5523 40 39 40.4477 39 41Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M14 42C13.4477 42 13 41.5523 13 41C13 40.4477 13.4477 40 14 40C14.5523 40 15 40.4477 15 41C15 41.5523 14.5523 42 14 42Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M9 41C9 41.5523 9.44772 42 10 42C10.5523 42 11 41.5523 11 41C11 40.4477 10.5523 40 10 40C9.44772 40 9 40.4477 9 41Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M41 37C41.5523 37 42 36.5523 42 36C42 35.4477 41.5523 35 41 35C40.4477 35 40 35.4477 40 36C40 36.5523 40.4477 37 41 37Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M9 37C9 37.5523 9.44772 38 10 38C10.5523 38 11 37.5523 11 37C11 36.4477 10.5523 36 10 36C9.44772 36 9 36.4477 9 37Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M9 35C8.44772 35 8 34.5523 8 34C8 33.4477 8.44772 33 9 33C9.55228 33 10 33.4477 10 34C10 34.5523 9.55228 35 9 35Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M6 32C6 32.5523 6.44772 33 7 33C7.55228 33 8 32.5523 8 32C8 31.4477 7.55228 31 7 31C6.44772 31 6 31.4477 6 32Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M7 37C6.44772 37 6 36.5523 6 36C6 35.4477 6.44772 35 7 35C7.55228 35 8 35.4477 8 36C8 36.5523 7.55228 37 7 37Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M37 39C37 39.5523 36.5523 40 36 40C35.4477 40 35 39.5523 35 39C35 38.4477 35.4477 38 36 38C36.5523 38 37 38.4477 37 39Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M30 42C30.5523 42 31 41.5523 31 41C31 40.4477 30.5523 40 30 40C29.4477 40 29 40.4477 29 41C29 41.5523 29.4477 42 30 42Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M21 41C21 41.5523 21.4477 42 22 42C22.5523 42 23 41.5523 23 41C23 40.4477 22.5523 40 22 40C21.4477 40 21 40.4477 21 41Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M39 35C39.5523 35 40 34.5523 40 34C40 33.4477 39.5523 33 39 33C38.4477 33 38 33.4477 38 34C38 34.5523 38.4477 35 39 35Z" fill="white"></path> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.6801 15.9195C16.1931 15.3313 15.1464 13.9258 15.1464 12.2856C15.1464 10.1159 16.9779 8.35701 19.2373 8.35701C19.4513 8.35701 19.6615 8.3728 19.8666 8.40322C20.7084 6.96874 22.3096 6 24.1464 6C25.9831 6 27.5843 6.96875 28.4261 8.40322C28.6312 8.3728 28.8414 8.35701 29.0554 8.35701C31.3148 8.35701 33.1464 10.1159 33.1464 12.2856C33.1464 14.0214 31.974 15.4943 30.3482 16.014L35.8604 34.388C35.9523 34.5875 36 34.7919 36 35C36 37.2091 30.6274 39 24 39C17.3726 39 12 37.2091 12 35C12 34.7919 12.0477 34.5875 12.1396 34.388L17.6801 15.9195ZM24 31C20.3149 31 17.0177 31.5537 14.8165 32.4251L19.3204 17.412C20.0338 18.9244 21.8599 20 24 20C26.1401 20 27.9662 18.9244 28.6796 17.412L33.1835 32.4251C30.9823 31.5537 27.6851 31 24 31ZM33.8013 35C33.4413 34.7216 32.8063 34.3868 31.8528 34.0689C29.9351 33.4297 27.1586 33 24 33C20.8414 33 18.0649 33.4297 16.1472 34.0689C15.1937 34.3868 14.5587 34.7216 14.1987 35C14.5587 35.2784 15.1937 35.6132 16.1472 35.9311C18.0649 36.5703 20.8414 37 24 37C27.1586 37 29.9351 36.5703 31.8528 35.9311C32.8063 35.6132 33.4413 35.2784 33.8013 35Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M38 38C38.5523 38 39 37.5523 39 37C39 36.4477 38.5523 36 38 36C37.4477 36 37 36.4477 37 37C37 37.5523 37.4477 38 38 38Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M40 30C40 30.5523 39.5523 31 39 31C38.4477 31 38 30.5523 38 30C38 29.4477 38.4477 29 39 29C39.5523 29 40 29.4477 40 30Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M26 42C26.5523 42 27 41.5523 27 41C27 40.4477 26.5523 40 26 40C25.4477 40 25 40.4477 25 41C25 41.5523 25.4477 42 26 42Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M40 40C40.5523 40 41 39.5523 41 39C41 38.4477 40.5523 38 40 38C39.4477 38 39 38.4477 39 39C39 39.5523 39.4477 40 40 40Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M11 39C11 39.5523 11.4477 40 12 40C12.5523 40 13 39.5523 13 39C13 38.4477 12.5523 38 12 38C11.4477 38 11 38.4477 11 39Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M8 40C7.44772 40 7 39.5523 7 39C7 38.4477 7.44772 38 8 38C8.55228 38 9 38.4477 9 39C9 39.5523 8.55228 40 8 40Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M42 32C42 32.5523 41.5523 33 41 33C40.4477 33 40 32.5523 40 32C40 31.4477 40.4477 31 41 31C41.5523 31 42 31.4477 42 32Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M9 31C8.44772 31 8 30.5523 8 30C8 29.4477 8.44772 29 9 29C9.55228 29 10 29.4477 10 30C10 30.5523 9.55228 31 9 31Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M35 41C35 41.5523 34.5523 42 34 42C33.4477 42 33 41.5523 33 41C33 40.4477 33.4477 40 34 40C34.5523 40 35 40.4477 35 41Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M18 42C17.4477 42 17 41.5523 17 41C17 40.4477 17.4477 40 18 40C18.5523 40 19 40.4477 19 41C19 41.5523 18.5523 42 18 42Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M39 41C39 41.5523 38.5523 42 38 42C37.4477 42 37 41.5523 37 41C37 40.4477 37.4477 40 38 40C38.5523 40 39 40.4477 39 41Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M14 42C13.4477 42 13 41.5523 13 41C13 40.4477 13.4477 40 14 40C14.5523 40 15 40.4477 15 41C15 41.5523 14.5523 42 14 42Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M9 41C9 41.5523 9.44772 42 10 42C10.5523 42 11 41.5523 11 41C11 40.4477 10.5523 40 10 40C9.44772 40 9 40.4477 9 41Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M41 37C41.5523 37 42 36.5523 42 36C42 35.4477 41.5523 35 41 35C40.4477 35 40 35.4477 40 36C40 36.5523 40.4477 37 41 37Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M9 37C9 37.5523 9.44772 38 10 38C10.5523 38 11 37.5523 11 37C11 36.4477 10.5523 36 10 36C9.44772 36 9 36.4477 9 37Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M9 35C8.44772 35 8 34.5523 8 34C8 33.4477 8.44772 33 9 33C9.55228 33 10 33.4477 10 34C10 34.5523 9.55228 35 9 35Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M6 32C6 32.5523 6.44772 33 7 33C7.55228 33 8 32.5523 8 32C8 31.4477 7.55228 31 7 31C6.44772 31 6 31.4477 6 32Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M7 37C6.44772 37 6 36.5523 6 36C6 35.4477 6.44772 35 7 35C7.55228 35 8 35.4477 8 36C8 36.5523 7.55228 37 7 37Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M37 39C37 39.5523 36.5523 40 36 40C35.4477 40 35 39.5523 35 39C35 38.4477 35.4477 38 36 38C36.5523 38 37 38.4477 37 39Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M30 42C30.5523 42 31 41.5523 31 41C31 40.4477 30.5523 40 30 40C29.4477 40 29 40.4477 29 41C29 41.5523 29.4477 42 30 42Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M21 41C21 41.5523 21.4477 42 22 42C22.5523 42 23 41.5523 23 41C23 40.4477 22.5523 40 22 40C21.4477 40 21 40.4477 21 41Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M39 35C39.5523 35 40 34.5523 40 34C40 33.4477 39.5523 33 39 33C38.4477 33 38 33.4477 38 34C38 34.5523 38.4477 35 39 35Z" fill="white"></path> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.6801 15.9195C16.1931 15.3313 15.1464 13.9258 15.1464 12.2856C15.1464 10.1159 16.9779 8.35701 19.2373 8.35701C19.4513 8.35701 19.6615 8.3728 19.8666 8.40322C20.7084 6.96874 22.3096 6 24.1464 6C25.9831 6 27.5843 6.96875 28.4261 8.40322C28.6312 8.3728 28.8414 8.35701 29.0554 8.35701C31.3148 8.35701 33.1464 10.1159 33.1464 12.2856C33.1464 14.0214 31.974 15.4943 30.3482 16.014L35.8604 34.388C35.9523 34.5875 36 34.7919 36 35C36 37.2091 30.6274 39 24 39C17.3726 39 12 37.2091 12 35C12 34.7919 12.0477 34.5875 12.1396 34.388L17.6801 15.9195ZM24 31C20.3149 31 17.0177 31.5537 14.8165 32.4251L19.3204 17.412C20.0338 18.9244 21.8599 20 24 20C26.1401 20 27.9662 18.9244 28.6796 17.412L33.1835 32.4251C30.9823 31.5537 27.6851 31 24 31ZM33.8013 35C33.4413 34.7216 32.8063 34.3868 31.8528 34.0689C29.9351 33.4297 27.1586 33 24 33C20.8414 33 18.0649 33.4297 16.1472 34.0689C15.1937 34.3868 14.5587 34.7216 14.1987 35C14.5587 35.2784 15.1937 35.6132 16.1472 35.9311C18.0649 36.5703 20.8414 37 24 37C27.1586 37 29.9351 36.5703 31.8528 35.9311C32.8063 35.6132 33.4413 35.2784 33.8013 35Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="white"></path> <path d="M38 38C38.5523 38 39 37.5523 39 37C39 36.4477 38.5523 36 38 36C37.4477 36 37 36.4477 37 37C37 37.5523 37.4477 38 38 38Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="white"></path> <path d="M40 30C40 30.5523 39.5523 31 39 31C38.4477 31 38 30.5523 38 30C38 29.4477 38.4477 29 39 29C39.5523 29 40 29.4477 40 30Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="white"></path> <path d="M26 42C26.5523 42 27 41.5523 27 41C27 40.4477 26.5523 40 26 40C25.4477 40 25 40.4477 25 41C25 41.5523 25.4477 42 26 42Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="white"></path> <path d="M40 40C40.5523 40 41 39.5523 41 39C41 38.4477 40.5523 38 40 38C39.4477 38 39 38.4477 39 39C39 39.5523 39.4477 40 40 40Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="white"></path> <path d="M11 39C11 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30.6274 39 24 39C17.3726 39 12 37.2091 12 35C12 34.7919 12.0477 34.5875 12.1396 34.388L17.6801 15.9195ZM24 31C20.3149 31 17.0177 31.5537 14.8165 32.4251L19.3204 17.412C20.0338 18.9244 21.8599 20 24 20C26.1401 20 27.9662 18.9244 28.6796 17.412L33.1835 32.4251C30.9823 31.5537 27.6851 31 24 31ZM33.8013 35C33.4413 34.7216 32.8063 34.3868 31.8528 34.0689C29.9351 33.4297 27.1586 33 24 33C20.8414 33 18.0649 33.4297 16.1472 34.0689C15.1937 34.3868 14.5587 34.7216 14.1987 35C14.5587 35.2784 15.1937 35.6132 16.1472 35.9311C18.0649 36.5703 20.8414 37 24 37C27.1586 37 29.9351 36.5703 31.8528 35.9311C32.8063 35.6132 33.4413 35.2784 33.8013 35Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M38 38C38.5523 38 39 37.5523 39 37C39 36.4477 38.5523 36 38 36C37.4477 36 37 36.4477 37 37C37 37.5523 37.4477 38 38 38Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M40 30C40 30.5523 39.5523 31 39 31C38.4477 31 38 30.5523 38 30C38 29.4477 38.4477 29 39 29C39.5523 29 40 29.4477 40 30Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M26 42C26.5523 42 27 41.5523 27 41C27 40.4477 26.5523 40 26 40C25.4477 40 25 40.4477 25 41C25 41.5523 25.4477 42 26 42Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M40 40C40.5523 40 41 39.5523 41 39C41 38.4477 40.5523 38 40 38C39.4477 38 39 38.4477 39 39C39 39.5523 39.4477 40 40 40Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M11 39C11 39.5523 11.4477 40 12 40C12.5523 40 13 39.5523 13 39C13 38.4477 12.5523 38 12 38C11.4477 38 11 38.4477 11 39Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M8 40C7.44772 40 7 39.5523 7 39C7 38.4477 7.44772 38 8 38C8.55228 38 9 38.4477 9 39C9 39.5523 8.55228 40 8 40Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M42 32C42 32.5523 41.5523 33 41 33C40.4477 33 40 32.5523 40 32C40 31.4477 40.4477 31 41 31C41.5523 31 42 31.4477 42 32Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M9 31C8.44772 31 8 30.5523 8 30C8 29.4477 8.44772 29 9 29C9.55228 29 10 29.4477 10 30C10 30.5523 9.55228 31 9 31Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M35 41C35 41.5523 34.5523 42 34 42C33.4477 42 33 41.5523 33 41C33 40.4477 33.4477 40 34 40C34.5523 40 35 40.4477 35 41Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M18 42C17.4477 42 17 41.5523 17 41C17 40.4477 17.4477 40 18 40C18.5523 40 19 40.4477 19 41C19 41.5523 18.5523 42 18 42Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M39 41C39 41.5523 38.5523 42 38 42C37.4477 42 37 41.5523 37 41C37 40.4477 37.4477 40 38 40C38.5523 40 39 40.4477 39 41Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M14 42C13.4477 42 13 41.5523 13 41C13 40.4477 13.4477 40 14 40C14.5523 40 15 40.4477 15 41C15 41.5523 14.5523 42 14 42Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M9 41C9 41.5523 9.44772 42 10 42C10.5523 42 11 41.5523 11 41C11 40.4477 10.5523 40 10 40C9.44772 40 9 40.4477 9 41Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M41 37C41.5523 37 42 36.5523 42 36C42 35.4477 41.5523 35 41 35C40.4477 35 40 35.4477 40 36C40 36.5523 40.4477 37 41 37Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M9 37C9 37.5523 9.44772 38 10 38C10.5523 38 11 37.5523 11 37C11 36.4477 10.5523 36 10 36C9.44772 36 9 36.4477 9 37Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M9 35C8.44772 35 8 34.5523 8 34C8 33.4477 8.44772 33 9 33C9.55228 33 10 33.4477 10 34C10 34.5523 9.55228 35 9 35Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M6 32C6 32.5523 6.44772 33 7 33C7.55228 33 8 32.5523 8 32C8 31.4477 7.55228 31 7 31C6.44772 31 6 31.4477 6 32Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M7 37C6.44772 37 6 36.5523 6 36C6 35.4477 6.44772 35 7 35C7.55228 35 8 35.4477 8 36C8 36.5523 7.55228 37 7 37Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M37 39C37 39.5523 36.5523 40 36 40C35.4477 40 35 39.5523 35 39C35 38.4477 35.4477 38 36 38C36.5523 38 37 38.4477 37 39Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M30 42C30.5523 42 31 41.5523 31 41C31 40.4477 30.5523 40 30 40C29.4477 40 29 40.4477 29 41C29 41.5523 29.4477 42 30 42Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M21 41C21 41.5523 21.4477 42 22 42C22.5523 42 23 41.5523 23 41C23 40.4477 22.5523 40 22 40C21.4477 40 21 40.4477 21 41Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M39 35C39.5523 35 40 34.5523 40 34C40 33.4477 39.5523 33 39 33C38.4477 33 38 33.4477 38 34C38 34.5523 38.4477 35 39 35Z" fill="red"></path> </mask> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.6801 15.9195C16.1931 15.3313 15.1464 13.9258 15.1464 12.2856C15.1464 10.1159 16.9779 8.35701 19.2373 8.35701C19.4513 8.35701 19.6615 8.3728 19.8666 8.40322C20.7084 6.96874 22.3096 6 24.1464 6C25.9831 6 27.5843 6.96875 28.4261 8.40322C28.6312 8.3728 28.8414 8.35701 29.0554 8.35701C31.3148 8.35701 33.1464 10.1159 33.1464 12.2856C33.1464 14.0214 31.974 15.4943 30.3482 16.014L35.8604 34.388C35.9523 34.5875 36 34.7919 36 35C36 37.2091 30.6274 39 24 39C17.3726 39 12 37.2091 12 35C12 34.7919 12.0477 34.5875 12.1396 34.388L17.6801 15.9195ZM24 31C20.3149 31 17.0177 31.5537 14.8165 32.4251L19.3204 17.412C20.0338 18.9244 21.8599 20 24 20C26.1401 20 27.9662 18.9244 28.6796 17.412L33.1835 32.4251C30.9823 31.5537 27.6851 31 24 31ZM33.8013 35C33.4413 34.7216 32.8063 34.3868 31.8528 34.0689C29.9351 33.4297 27.1586 33 24 33C20.8414 33 18.0649 33.4297 16.1472 34.0689C15.1937 34.3868 14.5587 34.7216 14.1987 35C14.5587 35.2784 15.1937 35.6132 16.1472 35.9311C18.0649 36.5703 20.8414 37 24 37C27.1586 37 29.9351 36.5703 31.8528 35.9311C32.8063 35.6132 33.4413 35.2784 33.8013 35Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M38 38C38.5523 38 39 37.5523 39 37C39 36.4477 38.5523 36 38 36C37.4477 36 37 36.4477 37 37C37 37.5523 37.4477 38 38 38Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M40 30C40 30.5523 39.5523 31 39 31C38.4477 31 38 30.5523 38 30C38 29.4477 38.4477 29 39 29C39.5523 29 40 29.4477 40 30Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M26 42C26.5523 42 27 41.5523 27 41C27 40.4477 26.5523 40 26 40C25.4477 40 25 40.4477 25 41C25 41.5523 25.4477 42 26 42Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M40 40C40.5523 40 41 39.5523 41 39C41 38.4477 40.5523 38 40 38C39.4477 38 39 38.4477 39 39C39 39.5523 39.4477 40 40 40Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M11 39C11 39.5523 11.4477 40 12 40C12.5523 40 13 39.5523 13 39C13 38.4477 12.5523 38 12 38C11.4477 38 11 38.4477 11 39Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M8 40C7.44772 40 7 39.5523 7 39C7 38.4477 7.44772 38 8 38C8.55228 38 9 38.4477 9 39C9 39.5523 8.55228 40 8 40Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M42 32C42 32.5523 41.5523 33 41 33C40.4477 33 40 32.5523 40 32C40 31.4477 40.4477 31 41 31C41.5523 31 42 31.4477 42 32Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M9 31C8.44772 31 8 30.5523 8 30C8 29.4477 8.44772 29 9 29C9.55228 29 10 29.4477 10 30C10 30.5523 9.55228 31 9 31Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M35 41C35 41.5523 34.5523 42 34 42C33.4477 42 33 41.5523 33 41C33 40.4477 33.4477 40 34 40C34.5523 40 35 40.4477 35 41Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M18 42C17.4477 42 17 41.5523 17 41C17 40.4477 17.4477 40 18 40C18.5523 40 19 40.4477 19 41C19 41.5523 18.5523 42 18 42Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M39 41C39 41.5523 38.5523 42 38 42C37.4477 42 37 41.5523 37 41C37 40.4477 37.4477 40 38 40C38.5523 40 39 40.4477 39 41Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M14 42C13.4477 42 13 41.5523 13 41C13 40.4477 13.4477 40 14 40C14.5523 40 15 40.4477 15 41C15 41.5523 14.5523 42 14 42Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M9 41C9 41.5523 9.44772 42 10 42C10.5523 42 11 41.5523 11 41C11 40.4477 10.5523 40 10 40C9.44772 40 9 40.4477 9 41Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M41 37C41.5523 37 42 36.5523 42 36C42 35.4477 41.5523 35 41 35C40.4477 35 40 35.4477 40 36C40 36.5523 40.4477 37 41 37Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M9 37C9 37.5523 9.44772 38 10 38C10.5523 38 11 37.5523 11 37C11 36.4477 10.5523 36 10 36C9.44772 36 9 36.4477 9 37Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M9 35C8.44772 35 8 34.5523 8 34C8 33.4477 8.44772 33 9 33C9.55228 33 10 33.4477 10 34C10 34.5523 9.55228 35 9 35Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M6 32C6 32.5523 6.44772 33 7 33C7.55228 33 8 32.5523 8 32C8 31.4477 7.55228 31 7 31C6.44772 31 6 31.4477 6 32Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M7 37C6.44772 37 6 36.5523 6 36C6 35.4477 6.44772 35 7 35C7.55228 35 8 35.4477 8 36C8 36.5523 7.55228 37 7 37Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M37 39C37 39.5523 36.5523 40 36 40C35.4477 40 35 39.5523 35 39C35 38.4477 35.4477 38 36 38C36.5523 38 37 38.4477 37 39Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M30 42C30.5523 42 31 41.5523 31 41C31 40.4477 30.5523 40 30 40C29.4477 40 29 40.4477 29 41C29 41.5523 29.4477 42 30 42Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M21 41C21 41.5523 21.4477 42 22 42C22.5523 42 23 41.5523 23 41C23 40.4477 22.5523 40 22 40C21.4477 40 21 40.4477 21 41Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M39 35C39.5523 35 40 34.5523 40 34C40 33.4477 39.5523 33 39 33C38.4477 33 38 33.4477 38 34C38 34.5523 38.4477 35 39 35Z" fill="red"></path> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.6801 15.9195C16.1931 15.3313 15.1464 13.9258 15.1464 12.2856C15.1464 10.1159 16.9779 8.35701 19.2373 8.35701C19.4513 8.35701 19.6615 8.3728 19.8666 8.40322C20.7084 6.96874 22.3096 6 24.1464 6C25.9831 6 27.5843 6.96875 28.4261 8.40322C28.6312 8.3728 28.8414 8.35701 29.0554 8.35701C31.3148 8.35701 33.1464 10.1159 33.1464 12.2856C33.1464 14.0214 31.974 15.4943 30.3482 16.014L35.8604 34.388C35.9523 34.5875 36 34.7919 36 35C36 37.2091 30.6274 39 24 39C17.3726 39 12 37.2091 12 35C12 34.7919 12.0477 34.5875 12.1396 34.388L17.6801 15.9195ZM24 31C20.3149 31 17.0177 31.5537 14.8165 32.4251L19.3204 17.412C20.0338 18.9244 21.8599 20 24 20C26.1401 20 27.9662 18.9244 28.6796 17.412L33.1835 32.4251C30.9823 31.5537 27.6851 31 24 31ZM33.8013 35C33.4413 34.7216 32.8063 34.3868 31.8528 34.0689C29.9351 33.4297 27.1586 33 24 33C20.8414 33 18.0649 33.4297 16.1472 34.0689C15.1937 34.3868 14.5587 34.7216 14.1987 35C14.5587 35.2784 15.1937 35.6132 16.1472 35.9311C18.0649 36.5703 20.8414 37 24 37C27.1586 37 29.9351 36.5703 31.8528 35.9311C32.8063 35.6132 33.4413 35.2784 33.8013 35Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M38 38C38.5523 38 39 37.5523 39 37C39 36.4477 38.5523 36 38 36C37.4477 36 37 36.4477 37 37C37 37.5523 37.4477 38 38 38Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M40 30C40 30.5523 39.5523 31 39 31C38.4477 31 38 30.5523 38 30C38 29.4477 38.4477 29 39 29C39.5523 29 40 29.4477 40 30Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M26 42C26.5523 42 27 41.5523 27 41C27 40.4477 26.5523 40 26 40C25.4477 40 25 40.4477 25 41C25 41.5523 25.4477 42 26 42Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M40 40C40.5523 40 41 39.5523 41 39C41 38.4477 40.5523 38 40 38C39.4477 38 39 38.4477 39 39C39 39.5523 39.4477 40 40 40Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M11 39C11 39.5523 11.4477 40 12 40C12.5523 40 13 39.5523 13 39C13 38.4477 12.5523 38 12 38C11.4477 38 11 38.4477 11 39Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M8 40C7.44772 40 7 39.5523 7 39C7 38.4477 7.44772 38 8 38C8.55228 38 9 38.4477 9 39C9 39.5523 8.55228 40 8 40Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M42 32C42 32.5523 41.5523 33 41 33C40.4477 33 40 32.5523 40 32C40 31.4477 40.4477 31 41 31C41.5523 31 42 31.4477 42 32Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M9 31C8.44772 31 8 30.5523 8 30C8 29.4477 8.44772 29 9 29C9.55228 29 10 29.4477 10 30C10 30.5523 9.55228 31 9 31Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M35 41C35 41.5523 34.5523 42 34 42C33.4477 42 33 41.5523 33 41C33 40.4477 33.4477 40 34 40C34.5523 40 35 40.4477 35 41Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M18 42C17.4477 42 17 41.5523 17 41C17 40.4477 17.4477 40 18 40C18.5523 40 19 40.4477 19 41C19 41.5523 18.5523 42 18 42Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M39 41C39 41.5523 38.5523 42 38 42C37.4477 42 37 41.5523 37 41C37 40.4477 37.4477 40 38 40C38.5523 40 39 40.4477 39 41Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M14 42C13.4477 42 13 41.5523 13 41C13 40.4477 13.4477 40 14 40C14.5523 40 15 40.4477 15 41C15 41.5523 14.5523 42 14 42Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M9 41C9 41.5523 9.44772 42 10 42C10.5523 42 11 41.5523 11 41C11 40.4477 10.5523 40 10 40C9.44772 40 9 40.4477 9 41Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M41 37C41.5523 37 42 36.5523 42 36C42 35.4477 41.5523 35 41 35C40.4477 35 40 35.4477 40 36C40 36.5523 40.4477 37 41 37Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M9 37C9 37.5523 9.44772 38 10 38C10.5523 38 11 37.5523 11 37C11 36.4477 10.5523 36 10 36C9.44772 36 9 36.4477 9 37Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M9 35C8.44772 35 8 34.5523 8 34C8 33.4477 8.44772 33 9 33C9.55228 33 10 33.4477 10 34C10 34.5523 9.55228 35 9 35Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M6 32C6 32.5523 6.44772 33 7 33C7.55228 33 8 32.5523 8 32C8 31.4477 7.55228 31 7 31C6.44772 31 6 31.4477 6 32Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M7 37C6.44772 37 6 36.5523 6 36C6 35.4477 6.44772 35 7 35C7.55228 35 8 35.4477 8 36C8 36.5523 7.55228 37 7 37Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M37 39C37 39.5523 36.5523 40 36 40C35.4477 40 35 39.5523 35 39C35 38.4477 35.4477 38 36 38C36.5523 38 37 38.4477 37 39Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M30 42C30.5523 42 31 41.5523 31 41C31 40.4477 30.5523 40 30 40C29.4477 40 29 40.4477 29 41C29 41.5523 29.4477 42 30 42Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M21 41C21 41.5523 21.4477 42 22 42C22.5523 42 23 41.5523 23 41C23 40.4477 22.5523 40 22 40C21.4477 40 21 40.4477 21 41Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M39 35C39.5523 35 40 34.5523 40 34C40 33.4477 39.5523 33 39 33C38.4477 33 38 33.4477 38 34C38 34.5523 38.4477 35 39 35Z" fill="red"></path> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.6801 15.9195C16.1931 15.3313 15.1464 13.9258 15.1464 12.2856C15.1464 10.1159 16.9779 8.35701 19.2373 8.35701C19.4513 8.35701 19.6615 8.3728 19.8666 8.40322C20.7084 6.96874 22.3096 6 24.1464 6C25.9831 6 27.5843 6.96875 28.4261 8.40322C28.6312 8.3728 28.8414 8.35701 29.0554 8.35701C31.3148 8.35701 33.1464 10.1159 33.1464 12.2856C33.1464 14.0214 31.974 15.4943 30.3482 16.014L35.8604 34.388C35.9523 34.5875 36 34.7919 36 35C36 37.2091 30.6274 39 24 39C17.3726 39 12 37.2091 12 35C12 34.7919 12.0477 34.5875 12.1396 34.388L17.6801 15.9195ZM24 31C20.3149 31 17.0177 31.5537 14.8165 32.4251L19.3204 17.412C20.0338 18.9244 21.8599 20 24 20C26.1401 20 27.9662 18.9244 28.6796 17.412L33.1835 32.4251C30.9823 31.5537 27.6851 31 24 31ZM33.8013 35C33.4413 34.7216 32.8063 34.3868 31.8528 34.0689C29.9351 33.4297 27.1586 33 24 33C20.8414 33 18.0649 33.4297 16.1472 34.0689C15.1937 34.3868 14.5587 34.7216 14.1987 35C14.5587 35.2784 15.1937 35.6132 16.1472 35.9311C18.0649 36.5703 20.8414 37 24 37C27.1586 37 29.9351 36.5703 31.8528 35.9311C32.8063 35.6132 33.4413 35.2784 33.8013 35Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="red"></path> <path d="M38 38C38.5523 38 39 37.5523 39 37C39 36.4477 38.5523 36 38 36C37.4477 36 37 36.4477 37 37C37 37.5523 37.4477 38 38 38Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="red"></path> <path d="M40 30C40 30.5523 39.5523 31 39 31C38.4477 31 38 30.5523 38 30C38 29.4477 38.4477 29 39 29C39.5523 29 40 29.4477 40 30Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="red"></path> <path d="M26 42C26.5523 42 27 41.5523 27 41C27 40.4477 26.5523 40 26 40C25.4477 40 25 40.4477 25 41C25 41.5523 25.4477 42 26 42Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="red"></path> <path d="M40 40C40.5523 40 41 39.5523 41 39C41 38.4477 40.5523 38 40 38C39.4477 38 39 38.4477 39 39C39 39.5523 39.4477 40 40 40Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="red"></path> <path d="M11 39C11 39.5523 11.4477 40 12 40C12.5523 40 13 39.5523 13 39C13 38.4477 12.5523 38 12 38C11.4477 38 11 38.4477 11 39Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="red"></path> <path d="M8 40C7.44772 40 7 39.5523 7 39C7 38.4477 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36 35C36 37.2091 30.6274 39 24 39C17.3726 39 12 37.2091 12 35C12 34.7919 12.0477 34.5875 12.1396 34.388L17.6801 15.9195ZM24 31C20.3149 31 17.0177 31.5537 14.8165 32.4251L19.3204 17.412C20.0338 18.9244 21.8599 20 24 20C26.1401 20 27.9662 18.9244 28.6796 17.412L33.1835 32.4251C30.9823 31.5537 27.6851 31 24 31ZM33.8013 35C33.4413 34.7216 32.8063 34.3868 31.8528 34.0689C29.9351 33.4297 27.1586 33 24 33C20.8414 33 18.0649 33.4297 16.1472 34.0689C15.1937 34.3868 14.5587 34.7216 14.1987 35C14.5587 35.2784 15.1937 35.6132 16.1472 35.9311C18.0649 36.5703 20.8414 37 24 37C27.1586 37 29.9351 36.5703 31.8528 35.9311C32.8063 35.6132 33.4413 35.2784 33.8013 35Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M38 38C38.5523 38 39 37.5523 39 37C39 36.4477 38.5523 36 38 36C37.4477 36 37 36.4477 37 37C37 37.5523 37.4477 38 38 38Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M40 30C40 30.5523 39.5523 31 39 31C38.4477 31 38 30.5523 38 30C38 29.4477 38.4477 29 39 29C39.5523 29 40 29.4477 40 30Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M26 42C26.5523 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fill="blue"></path> <path d="M18 42C17.4477 42 17 41.5523 17 41C17 40.4477 17.4477 40 18 40C18.5523 40 19 40.4477 19 41C19 41.5523 18.5523 42 18 42Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M39 41C39 41.5523 38.5523 42 38 42C37.4477 42 37 41.5523 37 41C37 40.4477 37.4477 40 38 40C38.5523 40 39 40.4477 39 41Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M14 42C13.4477 42 13 41.5523 13 41C13 40.4477 13.4477 40 14 40C14.5523 40 15 40.4477 15 41C15 41.5523 14.5523 42 14 42Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M9 41C9 41.5523 9.44772 42 10 42C10.5523 42 11 41.5523 11 41C11 40.4477 10.5523 40 10 40C9.44772 40 9 40.4477 9 41Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M41 37C41.5523 37 42 36.5523 42 36C42 35.4477 41.5523 35 41 35C40.4477 35 40 35.4477 40 36C40 36.5523 40.4477 37 41 37Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M9 37C9 37.5523 9.44772 38 10 38C10.5523 38 11 37.5523 11 37C11 36.4477 10.5523 36 10 36C9.44772 36 9 36.4477 9 37Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M9 35C8.44772 35 8 34.5523 8 34C8 33.4477 8.44772 33 9 33C9.55228 33 10 33.4477 10 34C10 34.5523 9.55228 35 9 35Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M6 32C6 32.5523 6.44772 33 7 33C7.55228 33 8 32.5523 8 32C8 31.4477 7.55228 31 7 31C6.44772 31 6 31.4477 6 32Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M7 37C6.44772 37 6 36.5523 6 36C6 35.4477 6.44772 35 7 35C7.55228 35 8 35.4477 8 36C8 36.5523 7.55228 37 7 37Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M37 39C37 39.5523 36.5523 40 36 40C35.4477 40 35 39.5523 35 39C35 38.4477 35.4477 38 36 38C36.5523 38 37 38.4477 37 39Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M30 42C30.5523 42 31 41.5523 31 41C31 40.4477 30.5523 40 30 40C29.4477 40 29 40.4477 29 41C29 41.5523 29.4477 42 30 42Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M21 41C21 41.5523 21.4477 42 22 42C22.5523 42 23 41.5523 23 41C23 40.4477 22.5523 40 22 40C21.4477 40 21 40.4477 21 41Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M39 35C39.5523 35 40 34.5523 40 34C40 33.4477 39.5523 33 39 33C38.4477 33 38 33.4477 38 34C38 34.5523 38.4477 35 39 35Z" fill="blue"></path> </mask> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.6801 15.9195C16.1931 15.3313 15.1464 13.9258 15.1464 12.2856C15.1464 10.1159 16.9779 8.35701 19.2373 8.35701C19.4513 8.35701 19.6615 8.3728 19.8666 8.40322C20.7084 6.96874 22.3096 6 24.1464 6C25.9831 6 27.5843 6.96875 28.4261 8.40322C28.6312 8.3728 28.8414 8.35701 29.0554 8.35701C31.3148 8.35701 33.1464 10.1159 33.1464 12.2856C33.1464 14.0214 31.974 15.4943 30.3482 16.014L35.8604 34.388C35.9523 34.5875 36 34.7919 36 35C36 37.2091 30.6274 39 24 39C17.3726 39 12 37.2091 12 35C12 34.7919 12.0477 34.5875 12.1396 34.388L17.6801 15.9195ZM24 31C20.3149 31 17.0177 31.5537 14.8165 32.4251L19.3204 17.412C20.0338 18.9244 21.8599 20 24 20C26.1401 20 27.9662 18.9244 28.6796 17.412L33.1835 32.4251C30.9823 31.5537 27.6851 31 24 31ZM33.8013 35C33.4413 34.7216 32.8063 34.3868 31.8528 34.0689C29.9351 33.4297 27.1586 33 24 33C20.8414 33 18.0649 33.4297 16.1472 34.0689C15.1937 34.3868 14.5587 34.7216 14.1987 35C14.5587 35.2784 15.1937 35.6132 16.1472 35.9311C18.0649 36.5703 20.8414 37 24 37C27.1586 37 29.9351 36.5703 31.8528 35.9311C32.8063 35.6132 33.4413 35.2784 33.8013 35Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M38 38C38.5523 38 39 37.5523 39 37C39 36.4477 38.5523 36 38 36C37.4477 36 37 36.4477 37 37C37 37.5523 37.4477 38 38 38Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M40 30C40 30.5523 39.5523 31 39 31C38.4477 31 38 30.5523 38 30C38 29.4477 38.4477 29 39 29C39.5523 29 40 29.4477 40 30Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M26 42C26.5523 42 27 41.5523 27 41C27 40.4477 26.5523 40 26 40C25.4477 40 25 40.4477 25 41C25 41.5523 25.4477 42 26 42Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M40 40C40.5523 40 41 39.5523 41 39C41 38.4477 40.5523 38 40 38C39.4477 38 39 38.4477 39 39C39 39.5523 39.4477 40 40 40Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M11 39C11 39.5523 11.4477 40 12 40C12.5523 40 13 39.5523 13 39C13 38.4477 12.5523 38 12 38C11.4477 38 11 38.4477 11 39Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M8 40C7.44772 40 7 39.5523 7 39C7 38.4477 7.44772 38 8 38C8.55228 38 9 38.4477 9 39C9 39.5523 8.55228 40 8 40Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M42 32C42 32.5523 41.5523 33 41 33C40.4477 33 40 32.5523 40 32C40 31.4477 40.4477 31 41 31C41.5523 31 42 31.4477 42 32Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M9 31C8.44772 31 8 30.5523 8 30C8 29.4477 8.44772 29 9 29C9.55228 29 10 29.4477 10 30C10 30.5523 9.55228 31 9 31Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M35 41C35 41.5523 34.5523 42 34 42C33.4477 42 33 41.5523 33 41C33 40.4477 33.4477 40 34 40C34.5523 40 35 40.4477 35 41Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M18 42C17.4477 42 17 41.5523 17 41C17 40.4477 17.4477 40 18 40C18.5523 40 19 40.4477 19 41C19 41.5523 18.5523 42 18 42Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M39 41C39 41.5523 38.5523 42 38 42C37.4477 42 37 41.5523 37 41C37 40.4477 37.4477 40 38 40C38.5523 40 39 40.4477 39 41Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M14 42C13.4477 42 13 41.5523 13 41C13 40.4477 13.4477 40 14 40C14.5523 40 15 40.4477 15 41C15 41.5523 14.5523 42 14 42Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M9 41C9 41.5523 9.44772 42 10 42C10.5523 42 11 41.5523 11 41C11 40.4477 10.5523 40 10 40C9.44772 40 9 40.4477 9 41Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M41 37C41.5523 37 42 36.5523 42 36C42 35.4477 41.5523 35 41 35C40.4477 35 40 35.4477 40 36C40 36.5523 40.4477 37 41 37Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M9 37C9 37.5523 9.44772 38 10 38C10.5523 38 11 37.5523 11 37C11 36.4477 10.5523 36 10 36C9.44772 36 9 36.4477 9 37Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M9 35C8.44772 35 8 34.5523 8 34C8 33.4477 8.44772 33 9 33C9.55228 33 10 33.4477 10 34C10 34.5523 9.55228 35 9 35Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M6 32C6 32.5523 6.44772 33 7 33C7.55228 33 8 32.5523 8 32C8 31.4477 7.55228 31 7 31C6.44772 31 6 31.4477 6 32Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M7 37C6.44772 37 6 36.5523 6 36C6 35.4477 6.44772 35 7 35C7.55228 35 8 35.4477 8 36C8 36.5523 7.55228 37 7 37Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M37 39C37 39.5523 36.5523 40 36 40C35.4477 40 35 39.5523 35 39C35 38.4477 35.4477 38 36 38C36.5523 38 37 38.4477 37 39Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M30 42C30.5523 42 31 41.5523 31 41C31 40.4477 30.5523 40 30 40C29.4477 40 29 40.4477 29 41C29 41.5523 29.4477 42 30 42Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M21 41C21 41.5523 21.4477 42 22 42C22.5523 42 23 41.5523 23 41C23 40.4477 22.5523 40 22 40C21.4477 40 21 40.4477 21 41Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M39 35C39.5523 35 40 34.5523 40 34C40 33.4477 39.5523 33 39 33C38.4477 33 38 33.4477 38 34C38 34.5523 38.4477 35 39 35Z" fill="blue"></path> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.6801 15.9195C16.1931 15.3313 15.1464 13.9258 15.1464 12.2856C15.1464 10.1159 16.9779 8.35701 19.2373 8.35701C19.4513 8.35701 19.6615 8.3728 19.8666 8.40322C20.7084 6.96874 22.3096 6 24.1464 6C25.9831 6 27.5843 6.96875 28.4261 8.40322C28.6312 8.3728 28.8414 8.35701 29.0554 8.35701C31.3148 8.35701 33.1464 10.1159 33.1464 12.2856C33.1464 14.0214 31.974 15.4943 30.3482 16.014L35.8604 34.388C35.9523 34.5875 36 34.7919 36 35C36 37.2091 30.6274 39 24 39C17.3726 39 12 37.2091 12 35C12 34.7919 12.0477 34.5875 12.1396 34.388L17.6801 15.9195ZM24 31C20.3149 31 17.0177 31.5537 14.8165 32.4251L19.3204 17.412C20.0338 18.9244 21.8599 20 24 20C26.1401 20 27.9662 18.9244 28.6796 17.412L33.1835 32.4251C30.9823 31.5537 27.6851 31 24 31ZM33.8013 35C33.4413 34.7216 32.8063 34.3868 31.8528 34.0689C29.9351 33.4297 27.1586 33 24 33C20.8414 33 18.0649 33.4297 16.1472 34.0689C15.1937 34.3868 14.5587 34.7216 14.1987 35C14.5587 35.2784 15.1937 35.6132 16.1472 35.9311C18.0649 36.5703 20.8414 37 24 37C27.1586 37 29.9351 36.5703 31.8528 35.9311C32.8063 35.6132 33.4413 35.2784 33.8013 35Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M38 38C38.5523 38 39 37.5523 39 37C39 36.4477 38.5523 36 38 36C37.4477 36 37 36.4477 37 37C37 37.5523 37.4477 38 38 38Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M40 30C40 30.5523 39.5523 31 39 31C38.4477 31 38 30.5523 38 30C38 29.4477 38.4477 29 39 29C39.5523 29 40 29.4477 40 30Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M26 42C26.5523 42 27 41.5523 27 41C27 40.4477 26.5523 40 26 40C25.4477 40 25 40.4477 25 41C25 41.5523 25.4477 42 26 42Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M40 40C40.5523 40 41 39.5523 41 39C41 38.4477 40.5523 38 40 38C39.4477 38 39 38.4477 39 39C39 39.5523 39.4477 40 40 40Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M11 39C11 39.5523 11.4477 40 12 40C12.5523 40 13 39.5523 13 39C13 38.4477 12.5523 38 12 38C11.4477 38 11 38.4477 11 39Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M8 40C7.44772 40 7 39.5523 7 39C7 38.4477 7.44772 38 8 38C8.55228 38 9 38.4477 9 39C9 39.5523 8.55228 40 8 40Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M42 32C42 32.5523 41.5523 33 41 33C40.4477 33 40 32.5523 40 32C40 31.4477 40.4477 31 41 31C41.5523 31 42 31.4477 42 32Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M9 31C8.44772 31 8 30.5523 8 30C8 29.4477 8.44772 29 9 29C9.55228 29 10 29.4477 10 30C10 30.5523 9.55228 31 9 31Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M35 41C35 41.5523 34.5523 42 34 42C33.4477 42 33 41.5523 33 41C33 40.4477 33.4477 40 34 40C34.5523 40 35 40.4477 35 41Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M18 42C17.4477 42 17 41.5523 17 41C17 40.4477 17.4477 40 18 40C18.5523 40 19 40.4477 19 41C19 41.5523 18.5523 42 18 42Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M39 41C39 41.5523 38.5523 42 38 42C37.4477 42 37 41.5523 37 41C37 40.4477 37.4477 40 38 40C38.5523 40 39 40.4477 39 41Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M14 42C13.4477 42 13 41.5523 13 41C13 40.4477 13.4477 40 14 40C14.5523 40 15 40.4477 15 41C15 41.5523 14.5523 42 14 42Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M9 41C9 41.5523 9.44772 42 10 42C10.5523 42 11 41.5523 11 41C11 40.4477 10.5523 40 10 40C9.44772 40 9 40.4477 9 41Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M41 37C41.5523 37 42 36.5523 42 36C42 35.4477 41.5523 35 41 35C40.4477 35 40 35.4477 40 36C40 36.5523 40.4477 37 41 37Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M9 37C9 37.5523 9.44772 38 10 38C10.5523 38 11 37.5523 11 37C11 36.4477 10.5523 36 10 36C9.44772 36 9 36.4477 9 37Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M9 35C8.44772 35 8 34.5523 8 34C8 33.4477 8.44772 33 9 33C9.55228 33 10 33.4477 10 34C10 34.5523 9.55228 35 9 35Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M6 32C6 32.5523 6.44772 33 7 33C7.55228 33 8 32.5523 8 32C8 31.4477 7.55228 31 7 31C6.44772 31 6 31.4477 6 32Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M7 37C6.44772 37 6 36.5523 6 36C6 35.4477 6.44772 35 7 35C7.55228 35 8 35.4477 8 36C8 36.5523 7.55228 37 7 37Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M37 39C37 39.5523 36.5523 40 36 40C35.4477 40 35 39.5523 35 39C35 38.4477 35.4477 38 36 38C36.5523 38 37 38.4477 37 39Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M30 42C30.5523 42 31 41.5523 31 41C31 40.4477 30.5523 40 30 40C29.4477 40 29 40.4477 29 41C29 41.5523 29.4477 42 30 42Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M21 41C21 41.5523 21.4477 42 22 42C22.5523 42 23 41.5523 23 41C23 40.4477 22.5523 40 22 40C21.4477 40 21 40.4477 21 41Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M39 35C39.5523 35 40 34.5523 40 34C40 33.4477 39.5523 33 39 33C38.4477 33 38 33.4477 38 34C38 34.5523 38.4477 35 39 35Z" fill="blue"></path> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.6801 15.9195C16.1931 15.3313 15.1464 13.9258 15.1464 12.2856C15.1464 10.1159 16.9779 8.35701 19.2373 8.35701C19.4513 8.35701 19.6615 8.3728 19.8666 8.40322C20.7084 6.96874 22.3096 6 24.1464 6C25.9831 6 27.5843 6.96875 28.4261 8.40322C28.6312 8.3728 28.8414 8.35701 29.0554 8.35701C31.3148 8.35701 33.1464 10.1159 33.1464 12.2856C33.1464 14.0214 31.974 15.4943 30.3482 16.014L35.8604 34.388C35.9523 34.5875 36 34.7919 36 35C36 37.2091 30.6274 39 24 39C17.3726 39 12 37.2091 12 35C12 34.7919 12.0477 34.5875 12.1396 34.388L17.6801 15.9195ZM24 31C20.3149 31 17.0177 31.5537 14.8165 32.4251L19.3204 17.412C20.0338 18.9244 21.8599 20 24 20C26.1401 20 27.9662 18.9244 28.6796 17.412L33.1835 32.4251C30.9823 31.5537 27.6851 31 24 31ZM33.8013 35C33.4413 34.7216 32.8063 34.3868 31.8528 34.0689C29.9351 33.4297 27.1586 33 24 33C20.8414 33 18.0649 33.4297 16.1472 34.0689C15.1937 34.3868 14.5587 34.7216 14.1987 35C14.5587 35.2784 15.1937 35.6132 16.1472 35.9311C18.0649 36.5703 20.8414 37 24 37C27.1586 37 29.9351 36.5703 31.8528 35.9311C32.8063 35.6132 33.4413 35.2784 33.8013 35Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M38 38C38.5523 38 39 37.5523 39 37C39 36.4477 38.5523 36 38 36C37.4477 36 37 36.4477 37 37C37 37.5523 37.4477 38 38 38Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M40 30C40 30.5523 39.5523 31 39 31C38.4477 31 38 30.5523 38 30C38 29.4477 38.4477 29 39 29C39.5523 29 40 29.4477 40 30Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M26 42C26.5523 42 27 41.5523 27 41C27 40.4477 26.5523 40 26 40C25.4477 40 25 40.4477 25 41C25 41.5523 25.4477 42 26 42Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M40 40C40.5523 40 41 39.5523 41 39C41 38.4477 40.5523 38 40 38C39.4477 38 39 38.4477 39 39C39 39.5523 39.4477 40 40 40Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M11 39C11 39.5523 11.4477 40 12 40C12.5523 40 13 39.5523 13 39C13 38.4477 12.5523 38 12 38C11.4477 38 11 38.4477 11 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41C35 41.5523 34.5523 42 34 42C33.4477 42 33 41.5523 33 41C33 40.4477 33.4477 40 34 40C34.5523 40 35 40.4477 35 41Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M18 42C17.4477 42 17 41.5523 17 41C17 40.4477 17.4477 40 18 40C18.5523 40 19 40.4477 19 41C19 41.5523 18.5523 42 18 42Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M39 41C39 41.5523 38.5523 42 38 42C37.4477 42 37 41.5523 37 41C37 40.4477 37.4477 40 38 40C38.5523 40 39 40.4477 39 41Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M14 42C13.4477 42 13 41.5523 13 41C13 40.4477 13.4477 40 14 40C14.5523 40 15 40.4477 15 41C15 41.5523 14.5523 42 14 42Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M9 41C9 41.5523 9.44772 42 10 42C10.5523 42 11 41.5523 11 41C11 40.4477 10.5523 40 10 40C9.44772 40 9 40.4477 9 41Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M41 37C41.5523 37 42 36.5523 42 36C42 35.4477 41.5523 35 41 35C40.4477 35 40 35.4477 40 36C40 36.5523 40.4477 37 41 37Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M9 37C9 37.5523 9.44772 38 10 38C10.5523 38 11 37.5523 11 37C11 36.4477 10.5523 36 10 36C9.44772 36 9 36.4477 9 37Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M9 35C8.44772 35 8 34.5523 8 34C8 33.4477 8.44772 33 9 33C9.55228 33 10 33.4477 10 34C10 34.5523 9.55228 35 9 35Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M6 32C6 32.5523 6.44772 33 7 33C7.55228 33 8 32.5523 8 32C8 31.4477 7.55228 31 7 31C6.44772 31 6 31.4477 6 32Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M7 37C6.44772 37 6 36.5523 6 36C6 35.4477 6.44772 35 7 35C7.55228 35 8 35.4477 8 36C8 36.5523 7.55228 37 7 37Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M37 39C37 39.5523 36.5523 40 36 40C35.4477 40 35 39.5523 35 39C35 38.4477 35.4477 38 36 38C36.5523 38 37 38.4477 37 39Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M30 42C30.5523 42 31 41.5523 31 41C31 40.4477 30.5523 40 30 40C29.4477 40 29 40.4477 29 41C29 41.5523 29.4477 42 30 42Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M21 41C21 41.5523 21.4477 42 22 42C22.5523 42 23 41.5523 23 41C23 40.4477 22.5523 40 22 40C21.4477 40 21 40.4477 21 41Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M39 35C39.5523 35 40 34.5523 40 34C40 33.4477 39.5523 33 39 33C38.4477 33 38 33.4477 38 34C38 34.5523 38.4477 35 39 35Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> </mask> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.6801 15.9195C16.1931 15.3313 15.1464 13.9258 15.1464 12.2856C15.1464 10.1159 16.9779 8.35701 19.2373 8.35701C19.4513 8.35701 19.6615 8.3728 19.8666 8.40322C20.7084 6.96874 22.3096 6 24.1464 6C25.9831 6 27.5843 6.96875 28.4261 8.40322C28.6312 8.3728 28.8414 8.35701 29.0554 8.35701C31.3148 8.35701 33.1464 10.1159 33.1464 12.2856C33.1464 14.0214 31.974 15.4943 30.3482 16.014L35.8604 34.388C35.9523 34.5875 36 34.7919 36 35C36 37.2091 30.6274 39 24 39C17.3726 39 12 37.2091 12 35C12 34.7919 12.0477 34.5875 12.1396 34.388L17.6801 15.9195ZM24 31C20.3149 31 17.0177 31.5537 14.8165 32.4251L19.3204 17.412C20.0338 18.9244 21.8599 20 24 20C26.1401 20 27.9662 18.9244 28.6796 17.412L33.1835 32.4251C30.9823 31.5537 27.6851 31 24 31ZM33.8013 35C33.4413 34.7216 32.8063 34.3868 31.8528 34.0689C29.9351 33.4297 27.1586 33 24 33C20.8414 33 18.0649 33.4297 16.1472 34.0689C15.1937 34.3868 14.5587 34.7216 14.1987 35C14.5587 35.2784 15.1937 35.6132 16.1472 35.9311C18.0649 36.5703 20.8414 37 24 37C27.1586 37 29.9351 36.5703 31.8528 35.9311C32.8063 35.6132 33.4413 35.2784 33.8013 35Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M38 38C38.5523 38 39 37.5523 39 37C39 36.4477 38.5523 36 38 36C37.4477 36 37 36.4477 37 37C37 37.5523 37.4477 38 38 38Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M40 30C40 30.5523 39.5523 31 39 31C38.4477 31 38 30.5523 38 30C38 29.4477 38.4477 29 39 29C39.5523 29 40 29.4477 40 30Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M26 42C26.5523 42 27 41.5523 27 41C27 40.4477 26.5523 40 26 40C25.4477 40 25 40.4477 25 41C25 41.5523 25.4477 42 26 42Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M40 40C40.5523 40 41 39.5523 41 39C41 38.4477 40.5523 38 40 38C39.4477 38 39 38.4477 39 39C39 39.5523 39.4477 40 40 40Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M11 39C11 39.5523 11.4477 40 12 40C12.5523 40 13 39.5523 13 39C13 38.4477 12.5523 38 12 38C11.4477 38 11 38.4477 11 39Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M8 40C7.44772 40 7 39.5523 7 39C7 38.4477 7.44772 38 8 38C8.55228 38 9 38.4477 9 39C9 39.5523 8.55228 40 8 40Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M42 32C42 32.5523 41.5523 33 41 33C40.4477 33 40 32.5523 40 32C40 31.4477 40.4477 31 41 31C41.5523 31 42 31.4477 42 32Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M9 31C8.44772 31 8 30.5523 8 30C8 29.4477 8.44772 29 9 29C9.55228 29 10 29.4477 10 30C10 30.5523 9.55228 31 9 31Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M35 41C35 41.5523 34.5523 42 34 42C33.4477 42 33 41.5523 33 41C33 40.4477 33.4477 40 34 40C34.5523 40 35 40.4477 35 41Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M18 42C17.4477 42 17 41.5523 17 41C17 40.4477 17.4477 40 18 40C18.5523 40 19 40.4477 19 41C19 41.5523 18.5523 42 18 42Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M39 41C39 41.5523 38.5523 42 38 42C37.4477 42 37 41.5523 37 41C37 40.4477 37.4477 40 38 40C38.5523 40 39 40.4477 39 41Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M14 42C13.4477 42 13 41.5523 13 41C13 40.4477 13.4477 40 14 40C14.5523 40 15 40.4477 15 41C15 41.5523 14.5523 42 14 42Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M9 41C9 41.5523 9.44772 42 10 42C10.5523 42 11 41.5523 11 41C11 40.4477 10.5523 40 10 40C9.44772 40 9 40.4477 9 41Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M41 37C41.5523 37 42 36.5523 42 36C42 35.4477 41.5523 35 41 35C40.4477 35 40 35.4477 40 36C40 36.5523 40.4477 37 41 37Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M9 37C9 37.5523 9.44772 38 10 38C10.5523 38 11 37.5523 11 37C11 36.4477 10.5523 36 10 36C9.44772 36 9 36.4477 9 37Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M9 35C8.44772 35 8 34.5523 8 34C8 33.4477 8.44772 33 9 33C9.55228 33 10 33.4477 10 34C10 34.5523 9.55228 35 9 35Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M6 32C6 32.5523 6.44772 33 7 33C7.55228 33 8 32.5523 8 32C8 31.4477 7.55228 31 7 31C6.44772 31 6 31.4477 6 32Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M7 37C6.44772 37 6 36.5523 6 36C6 35.4477 6.44772 35 7 35C7.55228 35 8 35.4477 8 36C8 36.5523 7.55228 37 7 37Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M37 39C37 39.5523 36.5523 40 36 40C35.4477 40 35 39.5523 35 39C35 38.4477 35.4477 38 36 38C36.5523 38 37 38.4477 37 39Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M30 42C30.5523 42 31 41.5523 31 41C31 40.4477 30.5523 40 30 40C29.4477 40 29 40.4477 29 41C29 41.5523 29.4477 42 30 42Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M21 41C21 41.5523 21.4477 42 22 42C22.5523 42 23 41.5523 23 41C23 40.4477 22.5523 40 22 40C21.4477 40 21 40.4477 21 41Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M39 35C39.5523 35 40 34.5523 40 34C40 33.4477 39.5523 33 39 33C38.4477 33 38 33.4477 38 34C38 34.5523 38.4477 35 39 35Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.6801 15.9195C16.1931 15.3313 15.1464 13.9258 15.1464 12.2856C15.1464 10.1159 16.9779 8.35701 19.2373 8.35701C19.4513 8.35701 19.6615 8.3728 19.8666 8.40322C20.7084 6.96874 22.3096 6 24.1464 6C25.9831 6 27.5843 6.96875 28.4261 8.40322C28.6312 8.3728 28.8414 8.35701 29.0554 8.35701C31.3148 8.35701 33.1464 10.1159 33.1464 12.2856C33.1464 14.0214 31.974 15.4943 30.3482 16.014L35.8604 34.388C35.9523 34.5875 36 34.7919 36 35C36 37.2091 30.6274 39 24 39C17.3726 39 12 37.2091 12 35C12 34.7919 12.0477 34.5875 12.1396 34.388L17.6801 15.9195ZM24 31C20.3149 31 17.0177 31.5537 14.8165 32.4251L19.3204 17.412C20.0338 18.9244 21.8599 20 24 20C26.1401 20 27.9662 18.9244 28.6796 17.412L33.1835 32.4251C30.9823 31.5537 27.6851 31 24 31ZM33.8013 35C33.4413 34.7216 32.8063 34.3868 31.8528 34.0689C29.9351 33.4297 27.1586 33 24 33C20.8414 33 18.0649 33.4297 16.1472 34.0689C15.1937 34.3868 14.5587 34.7216 14.1987 35C14.5587 35.2784 15.1937 35.6132 16.1472 35.9311C18.0649 36.5703 20.8414 37 24 37C27.1586 37 29.9351 36.5703 31.8528 35.9311C32.8063 35.6132 33.4413 35.2784 33.8013 35Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M38 38C38.5523 38 39 37.5523 39 37C39 36.4477 38.5523 36 38 36C37.4477 36 37 36.4477 37 37C37 37.5523 37.4477 38 38 38Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M40 30C40 30.5523 39.5523 31 39 31C38.4477 31 38 30.5523 38 30C38 29.4477 38.4477 29 39 29C39.5523 29 40 29.4477 40 30Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M26 42C26.5523 42 27 41.5523 27 41C27 40.4477 26.5523 40 26 40C25.4477 40 25 40.4477 25 41C25 41.5523 25.4477 42 26 42Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M40 40C40.5523 40 41 39.5523 41 39C41 38.4477 40.5523 38 40 38C39.4477 38 39 38.4477 39 39C39 39.5523 39.4477 40 40 40Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M11 39C11 39.5523 11.4477 40 12 40C12.5523 40 13 39.5523 13 39C13 38.4477 12.5523 38 12 38C11.4477 38 11 38.4477 11 39Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M8 40C7.44772 40 7 39.5523 7 39C7 38.4477 7.44772 38 8 38C8.55228 38 9 38.4477 9 39C9 39.5523 8.55228 40 8 40Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M42 32C42 32.5523 41.5523 33 41 33C40.4477 33 40 32.5523 40 32C40 31.4477 40.4477 31 41 31C41.5523 31 42 31.4477 42 32Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M9 31C8.44772 31 8 30.5523 8 30C8 29.4477 8.44772 29 9 29C9.55228 29 10 29.4477 10 30C10 30.5523 9.55228 31 9 31Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M35 41C35 41.5523 34.5523 42 34 42C33.4477 42 33 41.5523 33 41C33 40.4477 33.4477 40 34 40C34.5523 40 35 40.4477 35 41Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M18 42C17.4477 42 17 41.5523 17 41C17 40.4477 17.4477 40 18 40C18.5523 40 19 40.4477 19 41C19 41.5523 18.5523 42 18 42Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M39 41C39 41.5523 38.5523 42 38 42C37.4477 42 37 41.5523 37 41C37 40.4477 37.4477 40 38 40C38.5523 40 39 40.4477 39 41Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M14 42C13.4477 42 13 41.5523 13 41C13 40.4477 13.4477 40 14 40C14.5523 40 15 40.4477 15 41C15 41.5523 14.5523 42 14 42Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M9 41C9 41.5523 9.44772 42 10 42C10.5523 42 11 41.5523 11 41C11 40.4477 10.5523 40 10 40C9.44772 40 9 40.4477 9 41Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M41 37C41.5523 37 42 36.5523 42 36C42 35.4477 41.5523 35 41 35C40.4477 35 40 35.4477 40 36C40 36.5523 40.4477 37 41 37Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M9 37C9 37.5523 9.44772 38 10 38C10.5523 38 11 37.5523 11 37C11 36.4477 10.5523 36 10 36C9.44772 36 9 36.4477 9 37Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M9 35C8.44772 35 8 34.5523 8 34C8 33.4477 8.44772 33 9 33C9.55228 33 10 33.4477 10 34C10 34.5523 9.55228 35 9 35Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M6 32C6 32.5523 6.44772 33 7 33C7.55228 33 8 32.5523 8 32C8 31.4477 7.55228 31 7 31C6.44772 31 6 31.4477 6 32Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M7 37C6.44772 37 6 36.5523 6 36C6 35.4477 6.44772 35 7 35C7.55228 35 8 35.4477 8 36C8 36.5523 7.55228 37 7 37Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M37 39C37 39.5523 36.5523 40 36 40C35.4477 40 35 39.5523 35 39C35 38.4477 35.4477 38 36 38C36.5523 38 37 38.4477 37 39Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M30 42C30.5523 42 31 41.5523 31 41C31 40.4477 30.5523 40 30 40C29.4477 40 29 40.4477 29 41C29 41.5523 29.4477 42 30 42Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M21 41C21 41.5523 21.4477 42 22 42C22.5523 42 23 41.5523 23 41C23 40.4477 22.5523 40 22 40C21.4477 40 21 40.4477 21 41Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M39 35C39.5523 35 40 34.5523 40 34C40 33.4477 39.5523 33 39 33C38.4477 33 38 33.4477 38 34C38 34.5523 38.4477 35 39 35Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.6801 15.9195C16.1931 15.3313 15.1464 13.9258 15.1464 12.2856C15.1464 10.1159 16.9779 8.35701 19.2373 8.35701C19.4513 8.35701 19.6615 8.3728 19.8666 8.40322C20.7084 6.96874 22.3096 6 24.1464 6C25.9831 6 27.5843 6.96875 28.4261 8.40322C28.6312 8.3728 28.8414 8.35701 29.0554 8.35701C31.3148 8.35701 33.1464 10.1159 33.1464 12.2856C33.1464 14.0214 31.974 15.4943 30.3482 16.014L35.8604 34.388C35.9523 34.5875 36 34.7919 36 35C36 37.2091 30.6274 39 24 39C17.3726 39 12 37.2091 12 35C12 34.7919 12.0477 34.5875 12.1396 34.388L17.6801 15.9195ZM24 31C20.3149 31 17.0177 31.5537 14.8165 32.4251L19.3204 17.412C20.0338 18.9244 21.8599 20 24 20C26.1401 20 27.9662 18.9244 28.6796 17.412L33.1835 32.4251C30.9823 31.5537 27.6851 31 24 31ZM33.8013 35C33.4413 34.7216 32.8063 34.3868 31.8528 34.0689C29.9351 33.4297 27.1586 33 24 33C20.8414 33 18.0649 33.4297 16.1472 34.0689C15.1937 34.3868 14.5587 34.7216 14.1987 35C14.5587 35.2784 15.1937 35.6132 16.1472 35.9311C18.0649 36.5703 20.8414 37 24 37C27.1586 37 29.9351 36.5703 31.8528 35.9311C32.8063 35.6132 33.4413 35.2784 33.8013 35Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M38 38C38.5523 38 39 37.5523 39 37C39 36.4477 38.5523 36 38 36C37.4477 36 37 36.4477 37 37C37 37.5523 37.4477 38 38 38Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M40 30C40 30.5523 39.5523 31 39 31C38.4477 31 38 30.5523 38 30C38 29.4477 38.4477 29 39 29C39.5523 29 40 29.4477 40 30Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M26 42C26.5523 42 27 41.5523 27 41C27 40.4477 26.5523 40 26 40C25.4477 40 25 40.4477 25 41C25 41.5523 25.4477 42 26 42Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M40 40C40.5523 40 41 39.5523 41 39C41 38.4477 40.5523 38 40 38C39.4477 38 39 38.4477 39 39C39 39.5523 39.4477 40 40 40Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M11 39C11 39.5523 11.4477 40 12 40C12.5523 40 13 39.5523 13 39C13 38.4477 12.5523 38 12 38C11.4477 38 11 38.4477 11 39Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M8 40C7.44772 40 7 39.5523 7 39C7 38.4477 7.44772 38 8 38C8.55228 38 9 38.4477 9 39C9 39.5523 8.55228 40 8 40Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M42 32C42 32.5523 41.5523 33 41 33C40.4477 33 40 32.5523 40 32C40 31.4477 40.4477 31 41 31C41.5523 31 42 31.4477 42 32Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M9 31C8.44772 31 8 30.5523 8 30C8 29.4477 8.44772 29 9 29C9.55228 29 10 29.4477 10 30C10 30.5523 9.55228 31 9 31Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> 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stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M41 37C41.5523 37 42 36.5523 42 36C42 35.4477 41.5523 35 41 35C40.4477 35 40 35.4477 40 36C40 36.5523 40.4477 37 41 37Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M9 37C9 37.5523 9.44772 38 10 38C10.5523 38 11 37.5523 11 37C11 36.4477 10.5523 36 10 36C9.44772 36 9 36.4477 9 37Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M9 35C8.44772 35 8 34.5523 8 34C8 33.4477 8.44772 33 9 33C9.55228 33 10 33.4477 10 34C10 34.5523 9.55228 35 9 35Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M6 32C6 32.5523 6.44772 33 7 33C7.55228 33 8 32.5523 8 32C8 31.4477 7.55228 31 7 31C6.44772 31 6 31.4477 6 32Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M7 37C6.44772 37 6 36.5523 6 36C6 35.4477 6.44772 35 7 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fill="#f3da35"></path> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.6801 15.9195C16.1931 15.3313 15.1464 13.9258 15.1464 12.2856C15.1464 10.1159 16.9779 8.35701 19.2373 8.35701C19.4513 8.35701 19.6615 8.3728 19.8666 8.40322C20.7084 6.96874 22.3096 6 24.1464 6C25.9831 6 27.5843 6.96875 28.4261 8.40322C28.6312 8.3728 28.8414 8.35701 29.0554 8.35701C31.3148 8.35701 33.1464 10.1159 33.1464 12.2856C33.1464 14.0214 31.974 15.4943 30.3482 16.014L35.8604 34.388C35.9523 34.5875 36 34.7919 36 35C36 37.2091 30.6274 39 24 39C17.3726 39 12 37.2091 12 35C12 34.7919 12.0477 34.5875 12.1396 34.388L17.6801 15.9195ZM24 31C20.3149 31 17.0177 31.5537 14.8165 32.4251L19.3204 17.412C20.0338 18.9244 21.8599 20 24 20C26.1401 20 27.9662 18.9244 28.6796 17.412L33.1835 32.4251C30.9823 31.5537 27.6851 31 24 31ZM33.8013 35C33.4413 34.7216 32.8063 34.3868 31.8528 34.0689C29.9351 33.4297 27.1586 33 24 33C20.8414 33 18.0649 33.4297 16.1472 34.0689C15.1937 34.3868 14.5587 34.7216 14.1987 35C14.5587 35.2784 15.1937 35.6132 16.1472 35.9311C18.0649 36.5703 20.8414 37 24 37C27.1586 37 29.9351 36.5703 31.8528 35.9311C32.8063 35.6132 33.4413 35.2784 33.8013 35Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M38 38C38.5523 38 39 37.5523 39 37C39 36.4477 38.5523 36 38 36C37.4477 36 37 36.4477 37 37C37 37.5523 37.4477 38 38 38Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M40 30C40 30.5523 39.5523 31 39 31C38.4477 31 38 30.5523 38 30C38 29.4477 38.4477 29 39 29C39.5523 29 40 29.4477 40 30Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M26 42C26.5523 42 27 41.5523 27 41C27 40.4477 26.5523 40 26 40C25.4477 40 25 40.4477 25 41C25 41.5523 25.4477 42 26 42Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M40 40C40.5523 40 41 39.5523 41 39C41 38.4477 40.5523 38 40 38C39.4477 38 39 38.4477 39 39C39 39.5523 39.4477 40 40 40Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M11 39C11 39.5523 11.4477 40 12 40C12.5523 40 13 39.5523 13 39C13 38.4477 12.5523 38 12 38C11.4477 38 11 38.4477 11 39Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M8 40C7.44772 40 7 39.5523 7 39C7 38.4477 7.44772 38 8 38C8.55228 38 9 38.4477 9 39C9 39.5523 8.55228 40 8 40Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M42 32C42 32.5523 41.5523 33 41 33C40.4477 33 40 32.5523 40 32C40 31.4477 40.4477 31 41 31C41.5523 31 42 31.4477 42 32Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M9 31C8.44772 31 8 30.5523 8 30C8 29.4477 8.44772 29 9 29C9.55228 29 10 29.4477 10 30C10 30.5523 9.55228 31 9 31Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M35 41C35 41.5523 34.5523 42 34 42C33.4477 42 33 41.5523 33 41C33 40.4477 33.4477 40 34 40C34.5523 40 35 40.4477 35 41Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M18 42C17.4477 42 17 41.5523 17 41C17 40.4477 17.4477 40 18 40C18.5523 40 19 40.4477 19 41C19 41.5523 18.5523 42 18 42Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M39 41C39 41.5523 38.5523 42 38 42C37.4477 42 37 41.5523 37 41C37 40.4477 37.4477 40 38 40C38.5523 40 39 40.4477 39 41Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M14 42C13.4477 42 13 41.5523 13 41C13 40.4477 13.4477 40 14 40C14.5523 40 15 40.4477 15 41C15 41.5523 14.5523 42 14 42Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M9 41C9 41.5523 9.44772 42 10 42C10.5523 42 11 41.5523 11 41C11 40.4477 10.5523 40 10 40C9.44772 40 9 40.4477 9 41Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M41 37C41.5523 37 42 36.5523 42 36C42 35.4477 41.5523 35 41 35C40.4477 35 40 35.4477 40 36C40 36.5523 40.4477 37 41 37Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M9 37C9 37.5523 9.44772 38 10 38C10.5523 38 11 37.5523 11 37C11 36.4477 10.5523 36 10 36C9.44772 36 9 36.4477 9 37Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M9 35C8.44772 35 8 34.5523 8 34C8 33.4477 8.44772 33 9 33C9.55228 33 10 33.4477 10 34C10 34.5523 9.55228 35 9 35Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M6 32C6 32.5523 6.44772 33 7 33C7.55228 33 8 32.5523 8 32C8 31.4477 7.55228 31 7 31C6.44772 31 6 31.4477 6 32Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M7 37C6.44772 37 6 36.5523 6 36C6 35.4477 6.44772 35 7 35C7.55228 35 8 35.4477 8 36C8 36.5523 7.55228 37 7 37Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M37 39C37 39.5523 36.5523 40 36 40C35.4477 40 35 39.5523 35 39C35 38.4477 35.4477 38 36 38C36.5523 38 37 38.4477 37 39Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M30 42C30.5523 42 31 41.5523 31 41C31 40.4477 30.5523 40 30 40C29.4477 40 29 40.4477 29 41C29 41.5523 29.4477 42 30 42Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M21 41C21 41.5523 21.4477 42 22 42C22.5523 42 23 41.5523 23 41C23 40.4477 22.5523 40 22 40C21.4477 40 21 40.4477 21 41Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M39 35C39.5523 35 40 34.5523 40 34C40 33.4477 39.5523 33 39 33C38.4477 33 38 33.4477 38 34C38 34.5523 38.4477 35 39 35Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="4" mask="url(#path-1-inside-1)" fill="#f3da35"></path> </svg>
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