Currency Rupee Icon SVG

Currency Rupee SVG Icons refers to the Indian Rupee is the official currency of India. The rupee is subdivided into 100 paise, although as of 2019, Re 1 denomination coins are the lowest denomination in use. Currency issuance is regulated by the Reserve Bank of India.

Currency rupee SVG Icon Code | Customize color

You can get svg icon currency rupee in blue, white, red color and transparent color from below list. You can also customize color using color picker.

Currency rupee


Svg Code

<svg xmlns="" class="icon icon-tabler icon-tabler-currency-rupee" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="2" stroke="currentColor" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"> <path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/> <path d="M18 5h-11h3a4 4 0 0 1 0 8h-3l6 6" /> <line x1="7" y1="9" x2="18" y2="9" /> </svg>

Currency rupee


Svg Code

<svg style="color: white" xmlns="" class="icon icon-tabler icon-tabler-currency-rupee" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="2" stroke="currentColor" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"> <path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M18 5h-11h3a4 4 0 0 1 0 8h-3l6 6" fill="white"></path> <line x1="7" y1="9" x2="18" y2="9"></line> </svg>

Currency rupee


Svg Code

<svg style="color: red" xmlns="" class="icon icon-tabler icon-tabler-currency-rupee" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="2" stroke="currentColor" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"> <path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M18 5h-11h3a4 4 0 0 1 0 8h-3l6 6" fill="red"></path> <line x1="7" y1="9" x2="18" y2="9"></line> </svg>

Currency rupee


Svg Code

<svg style="color: blue" xmlns="" class="icon icon-tabler icon-tabler-currency-rupee" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="2" stroke="currentColor" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"> <path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M18 5h-11h3a4 4 0 0 1 0 8h-3l6 6" fill="blue"></path> <line x1="7" y1="9" x2="18" y2="9"></line> </svg>

Currency rupee


Svg Code

<svg style="color: #f3da35" xmlns="" class="icon icon-tabler icon-tabler-currency-rupee" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="2" stroke="currentColor" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"> <path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M18 5h-11h3a4 4 0 0 1 0 8h-3l6 6" fill="#f3da35"></path> <line x1="7" y1="9" x2="18" y2="9"></line> </svg>

Advance Editor

You can edit currency rupee as below. Change size color and background color of icon using below tool.

tab 2 content
Tab 3 content


cash,bills,bread,cabbage,coinage,coins,dinero,dough,moolah,notes,roll,specie,wad,almighty dollar,chicken feed,cold cash,folding money,green stuff,legal tender,medium of exchange,Indian rupee.,paisa



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