Goblet Square Full Icon SVG

Goblet Square Full

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Goblet square full


Svg Code

<svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path fill="currentColor" d="M256 270.912c10.048 6.72 22.464 14.912 28.992 18.624a220.16 220.16 0 0 0 114.752 30.72c30.592 0 49.408-9.472 91.072-41.152l.64-.448c52.928-40.32 82.368-55.04 132.288-54.656 55.552.448 99.584 20.8 142.72 57.408l1.536 1.28V128H256v142.912zm.96 76.288C266.368 482.176 346.88 575.872 512 576c157.44.064 237.952-85.056 253.248-209.984a952.32 952.32 0 0 1-40.192-35.712c-32.704-27.776-63.36-41.92-101.888-42.24-31.552-.256-50.624 9.28-93.12 41.6l-.576.448c-52.096 39.616-81.024 54.208-129.792 54.208-54.784 0-100.48-13.376-142.784-37.056zM480 638.848C250.624 623.424 192 442.496 192 319.68V96a32 32 0 0 1 32-32h576a32 32 0 0 1 32 32v224c0 122.816-58.624 303.68-288 318.912V896h96a32 32 0 1 1 0 64H384a32 32 0 1 1 0-64h96V638.848z"/></svg>

Goblet square full


Svg Code

<svg style="color: white" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path fill="white" d="M256 270.912c10.048 6.72 22.464 14.912 28.992 18.624a220.16 220.16 0 0 0 114.752 30.72c30.592 0 49.408-9.472 91.072-41.152l.64-.448c52.928-40.32 82.368-55.04 132.288-54.656 55.552.448 99.584 20.8 142.72 57.408l1.536 1.28V128H256v142.912zm.96 76.288C266.368 482.176 346.88 575.872 512 576c157.44.064 237.952-85.056 253.248-209.984a952.32 952.32 0 0 1-40.192-35.712c-32.704-27.776-63.36-41.92-101.888-42.24-31.552-.256-50.624 9.28-93.12 41.6l-.576.448c-52.096 39.616-81.024 54.208-129.792 54.208-54.784 0-100.48-13.376-142.784-37.056zM480 638.848C250.624 623.424 192 442.496 192 319.68V96a32 32 0 0 1 32-32h576a32 32 0 0 1 32 32v224c0 122.816-58.624 303.68-288 318.912V896h96a32 32 0 1 1 0 64H384a32 32 0 1 1 0-64h96V638.848z"></path></svg>

Goblet square full


Svg Code

<svg style="color: red" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path fill="red" d="M256 270.912c10.048 6.72 22.464 14.912 28.992 18.624a220.16 220.16 0 0 0 114.752 30.72c30.592 0 49.408-9.472 91.072-41.152l.64-.448c52.928-40.32 82.368-55.04 132.288-54.656 55.552.448 99.584 20.8 142.72 57.408l1.536 1.28V128H256v142.912zm.96 76.288C266.368 482.176 346.88 575.872 512 576c157.44.064 237.952-85.056 253.248-209.984a952.32 952.32 0 0 1-40.192-35.712c-32.704-27.776-63.36-41.92-101.888-42.24-31.552-.256-50.624 9.28-93.12 41.6l-.576.448c-52.096 39.616-81.024 54.208-129.792 54.208-54.784 0-100.48-13.376-142.784-37.056zM480 638.848C250.624 623.424 192 442.496 192 319.68V96a32 32 0 0 1 32-32h576a32 32 0 0 1 32 32v224c0 122.816-58.624 303.68-288 318.912V896h96a32 32 0 1 1 0 64H384a32 32 0 1 1 0-64h96V638.848z"></path></svg>

Goblet square full


Svg Code

<svg style="color: blue" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path fill="blue" d="M256 270.912c10.048 6.72 22.464 14.912 28.992 18.624a220.16 220.16 0 0 0 114.752 30.72c30.592 0 49.408-9.472 91.072-41.152l.64-.448c52.928-40.32 82.368-55.04 132.288-54.656 55.552.448 99.584 20.8 142.72 57.408l1.536 1.28V128H256v142.912zm.96 76.288C266.368 482.176 346.88 575.872 512 576c157.44.064 237.952-85.056 253.248-209.984a952.32 952.32 0 0 1-40.192-35.712c-32.704-27.776-63.36-41.92-101.888-42.24-31.552-.256-50.624 9.28-93.12 41.6l-.576.448c-52.096 39.616-81.024 54.208-129.792 54.208-54.784 0-100.48-13.376-142.784-37.056zM480 638.848C250.624 623.424 192 442.496 192 319.68V96a32 32 0 0 1 32-32h576a32 32 0 0 1 32 32v224c0 122.816-58.624 303.68-288 318.912V896h96a32 32 0 1 1 0 64H384a32 32 0 1 1 0-64h96V638.848z"></path></svg>

Goblet square full


Svg Code

<svg style="color: #f3da35" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path fill="#f3da35" d="M256 270.912c10.048 6.72 22.464 14.912 28.992 18.624a220.16 220.16 0 0 0 114.752 30.72c30.592 0 49.408-9.472 91.072-41.152l.64-.448c52.928-40.32 82.368-55.04 132.288-54.656 55.552.448 99.584 20.8 142.72 57.408l1.536 1.28V128H256v142.912zm.96 76.288C266.368 482.176 346.88 575.872 512 576c157.44.064 237.952-85.056 253.248-209.984a952.32 952.32 0 0 1-40.192-35.712c-32.704-27.776-63.36-41.92-101.888-42.24-31.552-.256-50.624 9.28-93.12 41.6l-.576.448c-52.096 39.616-81.024 54.208-129.792 54.208-54.784 0-100.48-13.376-142.784-37.056zM480 638.848C250.624 623.424 192 442.496 192 319.68V96a32 32 0 0 1 32-32h576a32 32 0 0 1 32 32v224c0 122.816-58.624 303.68-288 318.912V896h96a32 32 0 1 1 0 64H384a32 32 0 1 1 0-64h96V638.848z"></path></svg>

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