Hazardous Icon SVG

Icon Hazardous SVG code/vector file is given below and you can use that in websites, apps (Android/IOS), ppt, and other projects. You can use our svg code generator to edit svg icon. Icon can be customized in any color or size using color and size picker.

Hazardous Icon Svg Code | Path | Download

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Hazardous SVG Icon Code | Customize color

You can get svg icon hazardous in blue, white, red color and transparent color from below list. You can also customize color using color picker.



Svg Code

<svg width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M20.3002 30L16.0844 37.4402C15.9985 37.5912 15.9772 37.7687 16.0251 37.9347C16.0728 38.1007 16.1861 38.242 16.3403 38.3282C21.0073 40.9382 26.9938 40.9382 31.6581 38.3282C31.8129 38.2424 31.9266 38.1012 31.9747 37.9351C32.0229 37.769 32.0016 37.5913 31.9154 37.4402L27.7006 30.0002C26.6853 30.7821 25.3994 31.2493 24.0005 31.2493C22.6015 31.2493 21.3155 30.7821 20.3002 30Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M20.8499 17.7241L16.5144 10.3529C16.4266 10.2031 16.2835 10.0958 16.1158 10.0544C15.9482 10.0127 15.7692 10.0401 15.6174 10.1306C11.0236 12.8673 8.03035 18.0518 7.95847 23.3962C7.9554 23.5732 8.02083 23.7423 8.14065 23.867C8.26034 23.9917 8.42493 24.0622 8.59885 24.063L17.1495 24.1329C16.9801 22.8627 17.2184 21.5154 17.9178 20.304C18.6173 19.0924 19.665 18.2123 20.8499 17.7241Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M30.8499 24.2752L39.4013 24.2061C39.5749 24.205 39.7394 24.1347 39.8591 24.0102C39.979 23.8858 40.0448 23.7171 40.0423 23.5404C39.9691 18.1938 36.9759 13.0093 32.3834 10.2748C32.2317 10.1837 32.0525 10.1558 31.8846 10.1972C31.7167 10.2385 31.5734 10.3458 31.4857 10.496L27.1499 17.8661C28.3346 18.3545 29.3823 19.2345 30.0817 20.446C30.7812 21.6575 31.0195 23.0049 30.8499 24.2752Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M29 23.9999C29 26.7613 26.7614 28.9999 24 28.9999C21.2386 28.9999 19 26.7613 19 23.9999C19 21.2385 21.2386 18.9999 24 18.9999C26.7614 18.9999 29 21.2385 29 23.9999Z" fill="#333333"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M24 42C33.9411 42 42 33.9411 42 24C42 14.0589 33.9411 6 24 6C14.0589 6 6 14.0589 6 24C6 33.9411 14.0589 42 24 42ZM24 44C35.0457 44 44 35.0457 44 24C44 12.9543 35.0457 4 24 4C12.9543 4 4 12.9543 4 24C4 35.0457 12.9543 44 24 44Z" fill="#333333"/> </svg>



Svg Code

<svg style='color: white' width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M20.3002 30L16.0844 37.4402C15.9985 37.5912 15.9772 37.7687 16.0251 37.9347C16.0728 38.1007 16.1861 38.242 16.3403 38.3282C21.0073 40.9382 26.9938 40.9382 31.6581 38.3282C31.8129 38.2424 31.9266 38.1012 31.9747 37.9351C32.0229 37.769 32.0016 37.5913 31.9154 37.4402L27.7006 30.0002C26.6853 30.7821 25.3994 31.2493 24.0005 31.2493C22.6015 31.2493 21.3155 30.7821 20.3002 30Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M20.8499 17.7241L16.5144 10.3529C16.4266 10.2031 16.2835 10.0958 16.1158 10.0544C15.9482 10.0127 15.7692 10.0401 15.6174 10.1306C11.0236 12.8673 8.03035 18.0518 7.95847 23.3962C7.9554 23.5732 8.02083 23.7423 8.14065 23.867C8.26034 23.9917 8.42493 24.0622 8.59885 24.063L17.1495 24.1329C16.9801 22.8627 17.2184 21.5154 17.9178 20.304C18.6173 19.0924 19.665 18.2123 20.8499 17.7241Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M30.8499 24.2752L39.4013 24.2061C39.5749 24.205 39.7394 24.1347 39.8591 24.0102C39.979 23.8858 40.0448 23.7171 40.0423 23.5404C39.9691 18.1938 36.9759 13.0093 32.3834 10.2748C32.2317 10.1837 32.0525 10.1558 31.8846 10.1972C31.7167 10.2385 31.5734 10.3458 31.4857 10.496L27.1499 17.8661C28.3346 18.3545 29.3823 19.2345 30.0817 20.446C30.7812 21.6575 31.0195 23.0049 30.8499 24.2752Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M29 23.9999C29 26.7613 26.7614 28.9999 24 28.9999C21.2386 28.9999 19 26.7613 19 23.9999C19 21.2385 21.2386 18.9999 24 18.9999C26.7614 18.9999 29 21.2385 29 23.9999Z" fill="#333333"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M24 42C33.9411 42 42 33.9411 42 24C42 14.0589 33.9411 6 24 6C14.0589 6 6 14.0589 6 24C6 33.9411 14.0589 42 24 42ZM24 44C35.0457 44 44 35.0457 44 24C44 12.9543 35.0457 4 24 4C12.9543 4 4 12.9543 4 24C4 35.0457 12.9543 44 24 44Z" fill="#333333"/> </svg>



Svg Code

<svg style='color: red' width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M20.3002 30L16.0844 37.4402C15.9985 37.5912 15.9772 37.7687 16.0251 37.9347C16.0728 38.1007 16.1861 38.242 16.3403 38.3282C21.0073 40.9382 26.9938 40.9382 31.6581 38.3282C31.8129 38.2424 31.9266 38.1012 31.9747 37.9351C32.0229 37.769 32.0016 37.5913 31.9154 37.4402L27.7006 30.0002C26.6853 30.7821 25.3994 31.2493 24.0005 31.2493C22.6015 31.2493 21.3155 30.7821 20.3002 30Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M20.8499 17.7241L16.5144 10.3529C16.4266 10.2031 16.2835 10.0958 16.1158 10.0544C15.9482 10.0127 15.7692 10.0401 15.6174 10.1306C11.0236 12.8673 8.03035 18.0518 7.95847 23.3962C7.9554 23.5732 8.02083 23.7423 8.14065 23.867C8.26034 23.9917 8.42493 24.0622 8.59885 24.063L17.1495 24.1329C16.9801 22.8627 17.2184 21.5154 17.9178 20.304C18.6173 19.0924 19.665 18.2123 20.8499 17.7241Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M30.8499 24.2752L39.4013 24.2061C39.5749 24.205 39.7394 24.1347 39.8591 24.0102C39.979 23.8858 40.0448 23.7171 40.0423 23.5404C39.9691 18.1938 36.9759 13.0093 32.3834 10.2748C32.2317 10.1837 32.0525 10.1558 31.8846 10.1972C31.7167 10.2385 31.5734 10.3458 31.4857 10.496L27.1499 17.8661C28.3346 18.3545 29.3823 19.2345 30.0817 20.446C30.7812 21.6575 31.0195 23.0049 30.8499 24.2752Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M29 23.9999C29 26.7613 26.7614 28.9999 24 28.9999C21.2386 28.9999 19 26.7613 19 23.9999C19 21.2385 21.2386 18.9999 24 18.9999C26.7614 18.9999 29 21.2385 29 23.9999Z" fill="#333333"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M24 42C33.9411 42 42 33.9411 42 24C42 14.0589 33.9411 6 24 6C14.0589 6 6 14.0589 6 24C6 33.9411 14.0589 42 24 42ZM24 44C35.0457 44 44 35.0457 44 24C44 12.9543 35.0457 4 24 4C12.9543 4 4 12.9543 4 24C4 35.0457 12.9543 44 24 44Z" fill="#333333"/> </svg>



Svg Code

<svg style='color: blue' width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M20.3002 30L16.0844 37.4402C15.9985 37.5912 15.9772 37.7687 16.0251 37.9347C16.0728 38.1007 16.1861 38.242 16.3403 38.3282C21.0073 40.9382 26.9938 40.9382 31.6581 38.3282C31.8129 38.2424 31.9266 38.1012 31.9747 37.9351C32.0229 37.769 32.0016 37.5913 31.9154 37.4402L27.7006 30.0002C26.6853 30.7821 25.3994 31.2493 24.0005 31.2493C22.6015 31.2493 21.3155 30.7821 20.3002 30Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M20.8499 17.7241L16.5144 10.3529C16.4266 10.2031 16.2835 10.0958 16.1158 10.0544C15.9482 10.0127 15.7692 10.0401 15.6174 10.1306C11.0236 12.8673 8.03035 18.0518 7.95847 23.3962C7.9554 23.5732 8.02083 23.7423 8.14065 23.867C8.26034 23.9917 8.42493 24.0622 8.59885 24.063L17.1495 24.1329C16.9801 22.8627 17.2184 21.5154 17.9178 20.304C18.6173 19.0924 19.665 18.2123 20.8499 17.7241Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M30.8499 24.2752L39.4013 24.2061C39.5749 24.205 39.7394 24.1347 39.8591 24.0102C39.979 23.8858 40.0448 23.7171 40.0423 23.5404C39.9691 18.1938 36.9759 13.0093 32.3834 10.2748C32.2317 10.1837 32.0525 10.1558 31.8846 10.1972C31.7167 10.2385 31.5734 10.3458 31.4857 10.496L27.1499 17.8661C28.3346 18.3545 29.3823 19.2345 30.0817 20.446C30.7812 21.6575 31.0195 23.0049 30.8499 24.2752Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M29 23.9999C29 26.7613 26.7614 28.9999 24 28.9999C21.2386 28.9999 19 26.7613 19 23.9999C19 21.2385 21.2386 18.9999 24 18.9999C26.7614 18.9999 29 21.2385 29 23.9999Z" fill="#333333"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M24 42C33.9411 42 42 33.9411 42 24C42 14.0589 33.9411 6 24 6C14.0589 6 6 14.0589 6 24C6 33.9411 14.0589 42 24 42ZM24 44C35.0457 44 44 35.0457 44 24C44 12.9543 35.0457 4 24 4C12.9543 4 4 12.9543 4 24C4 35.0457 12.9543 44 24 44Z" fill="#333333"/> </svg>



Svg Code

<svg style='color: #f3da35' width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M20.3002 30L16.0844 37.4402C15.9985 37.5912 15.9772 37.7687 16.0251 37.9347C16.0728 38.1007 16.1861 38.242 16.3403 38.3282C21.0073 40.9382 26.9938 40.9382 31.6581 38.3282C31.8129 38.2424 31.9266 38.1012 31.9747 37.9351C32.0229 37.769 32.0016 37.5913 31.9154 37.4402L27.7006 30.0002C26.6853 30.7821 25.3994 31.2493 24.0005 31.2493C22.6015 31.2493 21.3155 30.7821 20.3002 30Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M20.8499 17.7241L16.5144 10.3529C16.4266 10.2031 16.2835 10.0958 16.1158 10.0544C15.9482 10.0127 15.7692 10.0401 15.6174 10.1306C11.0236 12.8673 8.03035 18.0518 7.95847 23.3962C7.9554 23.5732 8.02083 23.7423 8.14065 23.867C8.26034 23.9917 8.42493 24.0622 8.59885 24.063L17.1495 24.1329C16.9801 22.8627 17.2184 21.5154 17.9178 20.304C18.6173 19.0924 19.665 18.2123 20.8499 17.7241Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M30.8499 24.2752L39.4013 24.2061C39.5749 24.205 39.7394 24.1347 39.8591 24.0102C39.979 23.8858 40.0448 23.7171 40.0423 23.5404C39.9691 18.1938 36.9759 13.0093 32.3834 10.2748C32.2317 10.1837 32.0525 10.1558 31.8846 10.1972C31.7167 10.2385 31.5734 10.3458 31.4857 10.496L27.1499 17.8661C28.3346 18.3545 29.3823 19.2345 30.0817 20.446C30.7812 21.6575 31.0195 23.0049 30.8499 24.2752Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M29 23.9999C29 26.7613 26.7614 28.9999 24 28.9999C21.2386 28.9999 19 26.7613 19 23.9999C19 21.2385 21.2386 18.9999 24 18.9999C26.7614 18.9999 29 21.2385 29 23.9999Z" fill="#333333"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M24 42C33.9411 42 42 33.9411 42 24C42 14.0589 33.9411 6 24 6C14.0589 6 6 14.0589 6 24C6 33.9411 14.0589 42 24 42ZM24 44C35.0457 44 44 35.0457 44 24C44 12.9543 35.0457 4 24 4C12.9543 4 4 12.9543 4 24C4 35.0457 12.9543 44 24 44Z" fill="#333333"/> </svg>

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Hazardous Icon SVG - Faq(s)?

⭐Can I get Free Hazardous Icon SVG?

Yes, you can get free Hazardous SVG icons.

⭐ How to download free Hazardous Icon SVG code?

To download free Hazardous icons in SVG code click on the copy code button.

⭐How to find the Hazardous Icon SVG path file?

You can get the Hazardous SVG file path from the above section.

⭐ What are the colors available for SVG Hazardous Icon?

You can check the Hazardous SVG in your brand color i.e, White, Black, Blue, Red, Green, Pink & Yellow.


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