Link None 1 Icon SVG

Icon Link none 1 SVG code/vector file is given below and you can use that in websites, apps (Android/IOS), ppt, and other projects. You can use our svg code generator to edit svg icon. Icon can be customized in any color or size using color and size picker.

Link none 1 Icon Svg Code | Path | Download

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Link None 1

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Link none 1


Svg Code

<svg width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M4.56427 3.99988C4.58422 3.99989 4.60445 3.99989 4.62496 3.99989H5.49996C5.7761 3.99989 5.99996 4.22375 5.99996 4.49989C5.99996 4.77603 5.7761 4.99989 5.49996 4.99989H4.62496C4.02108 4.99989 3.78932 5.00213 3.60601 5.03713C2.80287 5.1905 2.19181 5.78883 2.03759 6.53312C2.00257 6.70212 1.99996 6.91739 1.99996 7.49989C1.99996 8.08239 2.00257 8.29766 2.03759 8.46666C2.19181 9.21095 2.80287 9.80928 3.60601 9.96265C3.78932 9.99765 4.02108 9.99989 4.62496 9.99989H5.49996C5.7761 9.99989 5.99996 10.2237 5.99996 10.4999C5.99996 10.776 5.7761 10.9999 5.49996 10.9999H4.62496C4.60445 10.9999 4.58422 10.9999 4.56427 10.9999C4.04159 11 3.70712 11 3.41845 10.9449C2.23814 10.7195 1.29871 9.82937 1.05839 8.66955C0.999782 8.38669 0.999848 8.05992 0.999947 7.56301C0.999951 7.54227 0.999955 7.52123 0.999955 7.49989C0.999955 7.47855 0.999951 7.45751 0.999947 7.43677C0.999848 6.93986 0.999782 6.61309 1.05839 6.33023C1.29871 5.17041 2.23814 4.28027 3.41845 4.05488C3.70712 3.99976 4.04159 3.99981 4.56427 3.99988ZM11.3939 5.03713C11.2106 5.00213 10.9788 4.99989 10.375 4.99989H9.49996C9.22381 4.99989 8.99996 4.77603 8.99996 4.49989C8.99996 4.22375 9.22381 3.99989 9.49996 3.99989H10.375C10.3955 3.99989 10.4157 3.99989 10.4356 3.99988C10.9583 3.99981 11.2928 3.99976 11.5815 4.05488C12.7618 4.28027 13.7012 5.17041 13.9415 6.33023C14.0001 6.61309 14.0001 6.93985 14 7.43676C14 7.4575 14 7.47854 14 7.49989C14 7.52124 14 7.54228 14 7.56302C14.0001 8.05992 14.0001 8.38669 13.9415 8.66955C13.7012 9.82937 12.7618 10.7195 11.5815 10.9449C11.2928 11 10.9583 11 10.4356 10.9999C10.4157 10.9999 10.3955 10.9999 10.375 10.9999H9.49996C9.22381 10.9999 8.99996 10.776 8.99996 10.4999C8.99996 10.2237 9.22381 9.99989 9.49996 9.99989H10.375C10.9788 9.99989 11.2106 9.99765 11.3939 9.96265C12.197 9.80928 12.8081 9.21095 12.9623 8.46666C12.9973 8.29766 13 8.08239 13 7.49989C13 6.91739 12.9973 6.70212 12.9623 6.53312C12.8081 5.78883 12.197 5.1905 11.3939 5.03713Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg>

Link none 1


Svg Code

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Link none 1


Svg Code

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Link none 1


Svg Code

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Link none 1


Svg Code

<svg style='color: #f3da35' width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M4.56427 3.99988C4.58422 3.99989 4.60445 3.99989 4.62496 3.99989H5.49996C5.7761 3.99989 5.99996 4.22375 5.99996 4.49989C5.99996 4.77603 5.7761 4.99989 5.49996 4.99989H4.62496C4.02108 4.99989 3.78932 5.00213 3.60601 5.03713C2.80287 5.1905 2.19181 5.78883 2.03759 6.53312C2.00257 6.70212 1.99996 6.91739 1.99996 7.49989C1.99996 8.08239 2.00257 8.29766 2.03759 8.46666C2.19181 9.21095 2.80287 9.80928 3.60601 9.96265C3.78932 9.99765 4.02108 9.99989 4.62496 9.99989H5.49996C5.7761 9.99989 5.99996 10.2237 5.99996 10.4999C5.99996 10.776 5.7761 10.9999 5.49996 10.9999H4.62496C4.60445 10.9999 4.58422 10.9999 4.56427 10.9999C4.04159 11 3.70712 11 3.41845 10.9449C2.23814 10.7195 1.29871 9.82937 1.05839 8.66955C0.999782 8.38669 0.999848 8.05992 0.999947 7.56301C0.999951 7.54227 0.999955 7.52123 0.999955 7.49989C0.999955 7.47855 0.999951 7.45751 0.999947 7.43677C0.999848 6.93986 0.999782 6.61309 1.05839 6.33023C1.29871 5.17041 2.23814 4.28027 3.41845 4.05488C3.70712 3.99976 4.04159 3.99981 4.56427 3.99988ZM11.3939 5.03713C11.2106 5.00213 10.9788 4.99989 10.375 4.99989H9.49996C9.22381 4.99989 8.99996 4.77603 8.99996 4.49989C8.99996 4.22375 9.22381 3.99989 9.49996 3.99989H10.375C10.3955 3.99989 10.4157 3.99989 10.4356 3.99988C10.9583 3.99981 11.2928 3.99976 11.5815 4.05488C12.7618 4.28027 13.7012 5.17041 13.9415 6.33023C14.0001 6.61309 14.0001 6.93985 14 7.43676C14 7.4575 14 7.47854 14 7.49989C14 7.52124 14 7.54228 14 7.56302C14.0001 8.05992 14.0001 8.38669 13.9415 8.66955C13.7012 9.82937 12.7618 10.7195 11.5815 10.9449C11.2928 11 10.9583 11 10.4356 10.9999C10.4157 10.9999 10.3955 10.9999 10.375 10.9999H9.49996C9.22381 10.9999 8.99996 10.776 8.99996 10.4999C8.99996 10.2237 9.22381 9.99989 9.49996 9.99989H10.375C10.9788 9.99989 11.2106 9.99765 11.3939 9.96265C12.197 9.80928 12.8081 9.21095 12.9623 8.46666C12.9973 8.29766 13 8.08239 13 7.49989C13 6.91739 12.9973 6.70212 12.9623 6.53312C12.8081 5.78883 12.197 5.1905 11.3939 5.03713Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg>

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Link None 1 Icon SVG - Faq(s)?

⭐Can I get Free Link None 1 Icon SVG?

Yes, you can get free Link None 1 SVG icons.

⭐ How to download free Link None 1 Icon SVG code?

To download free Link None 1 icons in SVG code click on the copy code button.

⭐How to find the Link None 1 Icon SVG path file?

You can get the Link None 1 SVG file path from the above section.

⭐ What are the colors available for SVG Link None 1 Icon?

You can check the Link None 1 SVG in your brand color i.e, White, Black, Blue, Red, Green, Pink & Yellow.


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