Malaria_testing Icon SVG

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Svg Code

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Svg Code

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Svg Code

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5 14.8217 5 15.5C5 16.1784 5.18825 16.8463 5.54737 17.4197C5.90684 17.9937 6.42437 18.4513 7.04224 18.7244C7.66105 18.9978 8.34616 19.0706 9.00787 18.9302C9.66897 18.7899 10.2668 18.4455 10.7296 17.9516C11.1073 17.5487 11.0868 16.9158 10.6838 16.5381C10.2809 16.1605 9.64805 16.181 9.27038 16.5839C9.07784 16.7893 8.84062 16.9211 8.59267 16.9738C8.34534 17.0262 8.08818 17 7.85069 16.895C7.61225 16.7897 7.39788 16.6064 7.24241 16.3582C7.08659 16.1094 7 15.8106 7 15.5C7 15.1894 7.08659 14.8907 7.24241 14.6418C7.39788 14.3936 7.61225 14.2103 7.85069 14.105Z" fill="#333333"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M13 36C13 35.4477 13.4477 35 14 35H16.5C17.8807 35 19 36.1193 19 37.5C19 38.8807 17.8807 40 16.5 40H15V41C15 41.5523 14.5523 42 14 42C13.4477 42 13 41.5523 13 41V36ZM15 38H16.5C16.7761 38 17 37.7761 17 37.5C17 37.2239 16.7761 37 16.5 37H15V38Z" fill="#333333"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M34 12C33.4477 12 33 12.4477 33 13V18C33 18.5523 33.4477 19 34 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