Market_stall Icon SVG
Market_stall SVG Icon Code | Customize color
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Svg Code
<svg width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.26322 6C8.88541 6 8.54782 6.26219 8.41801 6.65642L6.10958 13.6672C6.03709 13.8874 6 14.1199 6 14.3544V17.1429C6 18.7208 7.15127 20 8.57143 20C9.99159 20 11.1429 18.7208 11.1429 17.1429C11.1429 18.7208 12.2941 20 13.7143 20C15.1344 20 16.2857 18.7208 16.2857 17.1429C16.2857 18.7208 17.437 20 18.8571 20C20.2766 20 21.4274 18.7221 21.4286 17.1452C21.4297 18.7221 22.5805 20 24 20C25.4202 20 26.5714 18.7208 26.5714 17.1429C26.5714 18.7208 27.7227 20 29.1429 20C30.5623 20 31.7131 18.7221 31.7143 17.1452C31.7154 18.7221 32.8663 20 34.2857 20C35.7059 20 36.8571 18.7208 36.8571 17.1429C36.8571 18.7208 38.0084 20 39.4286 20C40.8487 20 42 18.7208 42 17.1429V14.3544C42 14.1199 41.9629 13.8874 41.8904 13.6672L39.582 6.65642C39.4522 6.26218 39.1146 6 38.7368 6H9.26322Z" fill="#333333"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10 21.2303V29H7.5C7.22386 29 7 29.2239 7 29.5V30.5C7 30.7761 7.22386 31 7.5 31H40.5C40.7761 31 41 30.7761 41 30.5V29.5C41 29.2239 40.7761 29 40.5 29H38V21.2303C37.5766 21.0623 37.1928 20.822 36.8571 20.5266C36.5987 20.754 36.3116 20.9488 36 21.1031V29H12V21.1031C11.6884 20.9488 11.4013 20.754 11.1429 20.5266C10.8072 20.822 10.4234 21.0623 10 21.2303ZM36 19.2725C36.0853 19.1877 36.1654 19.0966 36.2399 19H36V19.2725ZM37.4744 19C37.5716 19.1261 37.6785 19.2427 37.7938 19.3484C37.8598 19.4089 37.9287 19.4658 38 19.5189V19H37.4744ZM10 19.5189C10.0713 19.4658 10.1402 19.4089 10.2062 19.3484C10.3215 19.2427 10.4284 19.1261 10.5256 19H10V19.5189ZM11.7601 19H12V19.2725C11.9147 19.1877 11.8346 19.0966 11.7601 19ZM8.5 33C8.22386 33 8 33.2239 8 33.5V41C8 41.5523 8.44772 42 9 42H39C39.5523 42 40 41.5523 40 41V33.5C40 33.2239 39.7761 33 39.5 33H8.5Z" fill="#333333"/> <rect x="14" y="26" width="4" height="3" rx="0.5" fill="#333333"/> <rect x="16" y="27" width="4" height="2" rx="0.5" fill="#333333"/> <circle cx="22.5" cy="27.5" r="1.5" fill="#333333"/> </svg>
Svg Code
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Svg Code
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Svg Code
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Svg Code
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