Math Percent Icon SVG

Math Percent

Math percent SVG Icon Code | Customize color

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Math percent


Svg Code

<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M16.2426 6.34319C16.6331 5.95266 17.2663 5.95266 17.6568 6.34319C18.0474 6.73371 18.0474 7.36688 17.6568 7.7574L7.75734 17.6569C7.36681 18.0474 6.73365 18.0474 6.34313 17.6569C5.9526 17.2664 5.9526 16.6332 6.34313 16.2427L16.2426 6.34319Z" fill="currentColor" /> <path d="M9.87866 9.87872C9.09761 10.6598 7.83128 10.6598 7.05023 9.87872C6.26918 9.09767 6.26918 7.83134 7.05023 7.05029C7.83128 6.26924 9.09761 6.26924 9.87866 7.05029C10.6597 7.83134 10.6597 9.09767 9.87866 9.87872Z" fill="currentColor" /> <path d="M14.1213 16.9498C14.9023 17.7308 16.1687 17.7308 16.9497 16.9498C17.7308 16.1687 17.7308 14.9024 16.9497 14.1214C16.1687 13.3403 14.9023 13.3403 14.1213 14.1214C13.3403 14.9024 13.3403 16.1687 14.1213 16.9498Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg>

Math percent


Svg Code

<svg style="color: white" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M16.2426 6.34319C16.6331 5.95266 17.2663 5.95266 17.6568 6.34319C18.0474 6.73371 18.0474 7.36688 17.6568 7.7574L7.75734 17.6569C7.36681 18.0474 6.73365 18.0474 6.34313 17.6569C5.9526 17.2664 5.9526 16.6332 6.34313 16.2427L16.2426 6.34319Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M9.87866 9.87872C9.09761 10.6598 7.83128 10.6598 7.05023 9.87872C6.26918 9.09767 6.26918 7.83134 7.05023 7.05029C7.83128 6.26924 9.09761 6.26924 9.87866 7.05029C10.6597 7.83134 10.6597 9.09767 9.87866 9.87872Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M14.1213 16.9498C14.9023 17.7308 16.1687 17.7308 16.9497 16.9498C17.7308 16.1687 17.7308 14.9024 16.9497 14.1214C16.1687 13.3403 14.9023 13.3403 14.1213 14.1214C13.3403 14.9024 13.3403 16.1687 14.1213 16.9498Z" fill="white"></path> </svg>

Math percent


Svg Code

<svg style="color: red" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M16.2426 6.34319C16.6331 5.95266 17.2663 5.95266 17.6568 6.34319C18.0474 6.73371 18.0474 7.36688 17.6568 7.7574L7.75734 17.6569C7.36681 18.0474 6.73365 18.0474 6.34313 17.6569C5.9526 17.2664 5.9526 16.6332 6.34313 16.2427L16.2426 6.34319Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M9.87866 9.87872C9.09761 10.6598 7.83128 10.6598 7.05023 9.87872C6.26918 9.09767 6.26918 7.83134 7.05023 7.05029C7.83128 6.26924 9.09761 6.26924 9.87866 7.05029C10.6597 7.83134 10.6597 9.09767 9.87866 9.87872Z" fill="red"></path> <path d="M14.1213 16.9498C14.9023 17.7308 16.1687 17.7308 16.9497 16.9498C17.7308 16.1687 17.7308 14.9024 16.9497 14.1214C16.1687 13.3403 14.9023 13.3403 14.1213 14.1214C13.3403 14.9024 13.3403 16.1687 14.1213 16.9498Z" fill="red"></path> </svg>

Math percent


Svg Code

<svg style="color: blue" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M16.2426 6.34319C16.6331 5.95266 17.2663 5.95266 17.6568 6.34319C18.0474 6.73371 18.0474 7.36688 17.6568 7.7574L7.75734 17.6569C7.36681 18.0474 6.73365 18.0474 6.34313 17.6569C5.9526 17.2664 5.9526 16.6332 6.34313 16.2427L16.2426 6.34319Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M9.87866 9.87872C9.09761 10.6598 7.83128 10.6598 7.05023 9.87872C6.26918 9.09767 6.26918 7.83134 7.05023 7.05029C7.83128 6.26924 9.09761 6.26924 9.87866 7.05029C10.6597 7.83134 10.6597 9.09767 9.87866 9.87872Z" fill="blue"></path> <path d="M14.1213 16.9498C14.9023 17.7308 16.1687 17.7308 16.9497 16.9498C17.7308 16.1687 17.7308 14.9024 16.9497 14.1214C16.1687 13.3403 14.9023 13.3403 14.1213 14.1214C13.3403 14.9024 13.3403 16.1687 14.1213 16.9498Z" fill="blue"></path> </svg>

Math percent


Svg Code

<svg style="color: #f3da35" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M16.2426 6.34319C16.6331 5.95266 17.2663 5.95266 17.6568 6.34319C18.0474 6.73371 18.0474 7.36688 17.6568 7.7574L7.75734 17.6569C7.36681 18.0474 6.73365 18.0474 6.34313 17.6569C5.9526 17.2664 5.9526 16.6332 6.34313 16.2427L16.2426 6.34319Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M9.87866 9.87872C9.09761 10.6598 7.83128 10.6598 7.05023 9.87872C6.26918 9.09767 6.26918 7.83134 7.05023 7.05029C7.83128 6.26924 9.09761 6.26924 9.87866 7.05029C10.6597 7.83134 10.6597 9.09767 9.87866 9.87872Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> <path d="M14.1213 16.9498C14.9023 17.7308 16.1687 17.7308 16.9497 16.9498C17.7308 16.1687 17.7308 14.9024 16.9497 14.1214C16.1687 13.3403 14.9023 13.3403 14.1213 14.1214C13.3403 14.9024 13.3403 16.1687 14.1213 16.9498Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> </svg>

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