Plantation_worker Icon SVG

Icon Plantation_worker SVG code/vector file is given below and you can use that in websites, apps (Android/IOS), ppt, and other projects. You can use our svg code generator to edit svg icon. Icon can be customized in any color or size using color and size picker.

Plantation_worker Icon Svg Code | Path | Download

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Svg Code

<svg width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M34 16C34 21.5228 29.5228 26 24 26C18.4772 26 14 21.5228 14 16C14 10.4772 18.4772 6 24 6C29.5228 6 34 10.4772 34 16ZM32 16C32 20.4183 28.4183 24 24 24C19.5817 24 16 20.4183 16 16C16 11.5817 19.5817 8 24 8C28.4183 8 32 11.5817 32 16Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M38.9999 24C38.9999 25.5326 37.8725 26.6894 36.9999 27.3551V29.7012C37.1293 29.5821 37.2747 29.4753 37.4381 29.3839C38.8214 28.6105 40.6012 29.1839 41.4722 29.5559C41.805 29.698 42.0007 30.0324 41.9601 30.3919C41.8574 31.3007 41.49 33.0122 40.1751 33.6232C39.085 34.1297 37.832 34.031 36.9999 33.8694V35.7012C37.1293 35.5821 37.2747 35.4753 37.4381 35.3839C38.8214 34.6105 40.6012 35.1839 41.4722 35.5559C41.805 35.698 42.0007 36.0324 41.9601 36.3919C41.8574 37.3007 41.49 39.0122 40.1751 39.6232C39.085 40.1297 37.832 40.031 36.9999 39.8694V41C36.9999 41.5523 36.5522 42 35.9999 42C35.4476 42 34.9999 41.5523 34.9999 41V39.8694C34.1678 40.031 32.9148 40.1297 31.8247 39.6232C30.5098 39.0122 30.1424 37.3007 30.0397 36.3919C29.9991 36.0324 30.1949 35.698 30.5276 35.5559C31.3986 35.1839 33.1784 34.6105 34.5617 35.3839C34.7251 35.4753 34.8706 35.5821 34.9999 35.7012V33.8694C34.1678 34.031 32.9148 34.1297 31.8247 33.6232C30.5098 33.0122 30.1424 31.3007 30.0397 30.3919C29.9991 30.0324 30.1949 29.698 30.5276 29.5559C31.3986 29.1839 33.1784 28.6105 34.5617 29.3839C34.7251 29.4753 34.8706 29.5821 34.9999 29.7012V27.3551C34.1274 26.6894 32.9999 25.5326 32.9999 24C32.9999 22.0969 34.7384 20.7733 35.5685 20.2497C35.8348 20.0818 36.1651 20.0818 36.4313 20.2497C37.2614 20.7733 38.9999 22.0969 38.9999 24Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M6 35.5383C6 32.303 9.68906 30.3375 14 29.2286V34.9999H13C12.4477 34.9999 12 35.4476 12 35.9999V41.9998H6V35.5383Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M24 35.9999C20.5 35.9999 18 34.9999 18 34.9999H16V28.7804C17.3478 28.5194 18.7099 28.3318 20 28.2061V29.9998C20 31.1044 20.8954 31.9998 22 31.9998H26C26.5323 31.9998 27.016 31.7919 27.3744 31.4528C27.4066 31.5621 27.4415 31.6748 27.4794 31.7898C27.6381 32.2719 27.8735 32.873 28.2199 33.459C28.3003 33.5952 28.394 33.7428 28.5024 33.896C27.7961 34.3024 27.2952 34.9741 27.0957 35.7432C26.21 35.89 25.1599 35.9999 24 35.9999Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M24 37.9999C25.1834 37.9999 26.2622 37.8968 27.191 37.7534C27.2586 38.0459 27.3526 38.4048 27.4794 38.7898C27.5967 39.1462 27.7559 39.5676 27.9709 39.9999H14V36.9999H17.6514C17.7053 37.0182 17.7643 37.0378 17.8283 37.0586C18.1639 37.1674 18.639 37.3078 19.2294 37.4467C20.4068 37.7237 22.0634 37.9999 24 37.9999Z" fill="#333333"/> </svg>



Svg Code

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Svg Code

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Svg Code

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Svg Code

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Plantation_worker Icon SVG - Faq(s)?

⭐Can I get Free Plantation_worker Icon SVG?

Yes, you can get free Plantation_worker SVG icons.

⭐ How to download free Plantation_worker Icon SVG code?

To download free Plantation_worker icons in SVG code click on the copy code button.

⭐How to find the Plantation_worker Icon SVG path file?

You can get the Plantation_worker SVG file path from the above section.

⭐ What are the colors available for SVG Plantation_worker Icon?

You can check the Plantation_worker SVG in your brand color i.e, White, Black, Blue, Red, Green, Pink & Yellow.


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