Pytorch Icon SVG
Pytorch SVG Icons refers to an open source machine learning framework based on the Torch library used for applications such as computer vision and natural language processing, mainly developed by Meta AI. It is free and open source software under the modified BSD license.
Pytorch SVG Icon Code | Customize color
You can get svg icon pytorch in blue, white, red color and transparent color from below list. You can also customize color using color picker.
DownloadSvg Code
<svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><title>PyTorch</title><path d="M12.005 0L4.952 7.053a9.865 9.865 0 000 14.022 9.866 9.866 0 0014.022 0c3.984-3.9 3.986-10.205.085-14.023l-1.744 1.743c2.904 2.905 2.904 7.634 0 10.538s-7.634 2.904-10.538 0-2.904-7.634 0-10.538l4.647-4.646.582-.665zm3.568 3.899a1.327 1.327 0 00-1.327 1.327 1.327 1.327 0 001.327 1.328A1.327 1.327 0 0016.9 5.226 1.327 1.327 0 0015.573 3.9z"/></svg>
DownloadSvg Code
<svg style="color: white" role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><title>PyTorch</title><path d="M12.005 0L4.952 7.053a9.865 9.865 0 000 14.022 9.866 9.866 0 0014.022 0c3.984-3.9 3.986-10.205.085-14.023l-1.744 1.743c2.904 2.905 2.904 7.634 0 10.538s-7.634 2.904-10.538 0-2.904-7.634 0-10.538l4.647-4.646.582-.665zm3.568 3.899a1.327 1.327 0 00-1.327 1.327 1.327 1.327 0 001.327 1.328A1.327 1.327 0 0016.9 5.226 1.327 1.327 0 0015.573 3.9z" fill="white"></path></svg>
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<svg style="color: red" role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><title>PyTorch</title><path d="M12.005 0L4.952 7.053a9.865 9.865 0 000 14.022 9.866 9.866 0 0014.022 0c3.984-3.9 3.986-10.205.085-14.023l-1.744 1.743c2.904 2.905 2.904 7.634 0 10.538s-7.634 2.904-10.538 0-2.904-7.634 0-10.538l4.647-4.646.582-.665zm3.568 3.899a1.327 1.327 0 00-1.327 1.327 1.327 1.327 0 001.327 1.328A1.327 1.327 0 0016.9 5.226 1.327 1.327 0 0015.573 3.9z" fill="red"></path></svg>
DownloadSvg Code
<svg style="color: blue" role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><title>PyTorch</title><path d="M12.005 0L4.952 7.053a9.865 9.865 0 000 14.022 9.866 9.866 0 0014.022 0c3.984-3.9 3.986-10.205.085-14.023l-1.744 1.743c2.904 2.905 2.904 7.634 0 10.538s-7.634 2.904-10.538 0-2.904-7.634 0-10.538l4.647-4.646.582-.665zm3.568 3.899a1.327 1.327 0 00-1.327 1.327 1.327 1.327 0 001.327 1.328A1.327 1.327 0 0016.9 5.226 1.327 1.327 0 0015.573 3.9z" fill="blue"></path></svg>
DownloadSvg Code
<svg style="color: #f3da35" role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><title>PyTorch</title><path d="M12.005 0L4.952 7.053a9.865 9.865 0 000 14.022 9.866 9.866 0 0014.022 0c3.984-3.9 3.986-10.205.085-14.023l-1.744 1.743c2.904 2.905 2.904 7.634 0 10.538s-7.634 2.904-10.538 0-2.904-7.634 0-10.538l4.647-4.646.582-.665zm3.568 3.899a1.327 1.327 0 00-1.327 1.327 1.327 1.327 0 001.327 1.328A1.327 1.327 0 0016.9 5.226 1.327 1.327 0 0015.573 3.9z" fill="#f3da35"></path></svg>
Advance Editor
You can edit pytorch as below. Change size color and background color of icon using below tool.