Settings 5 Fill Icon SVG

Settings 5 Fill

Settings 5 fill SVG Icon Code | Customize color

You can get svg icon settings 5 fill in blue, white, red color and transparent color from below list. You can also customize color using color picker.

Settings 5 fill


Svg Code

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <g> <path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/> <path d="M2.132 13.63a9.942 9.942 0 0 1 0-3.26c1.102.026 2.092-.502 2.477-1.431.385-.93.058-2.004-.74-2.763a9.942 9.942 0 0 1 2.306-2.307c.76.798 1.834 1.125 2.764.74.93-.385 1.457-1.376 1.43-2.477a9.942 9.942 0 0 1 3.262 0c-.027 1.102.501 2.092 1.43 2.477.93.385 2.004.058 2.763-.74a9.942 9.942 0 0 1 2.307 2.306c-.798.76-1.125 1.834-.74 2.764.385.93 1.376 1.457 2.477 1.43a9.942 9.942 0 0 1 0 3.262c-1.102-.027-2.092.501-2.477 1.43-.385.93-.058 2.004.74 2.763a9.942 9.942 0 0 1-2.306 2.307c-.76-.798-1.834-1.125-2.764-.74-.93.385-1.457 1.376-1.43 2.477a9.942 9.942 0 0 1-3.262 0c.027-1.102-.501-2.092-1.43-2.477-.93-.385-2.004-.058-2.763.74a9.942 9.942 0 0 1-2.307-2.306c.798-.76 1.125-1.834.74-2.764-.385-.93-1.376-1.457-2.477-1.43zM12 15a3 3 0 1 0 0-6 3 3 0 0 0 0 6z"/> </g> </svg>

Settings 5 fill


Svg Code

<svg style='color: white' xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <g> <path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/> <path d="M2.132 13.63a9.942 9.942 0 0 1 0-3.26c1.102.026 2.092-.502 2.477-1.431.385-.93.058-2.004-.74-2.763a9.942 9.942 0 0 1 2.306-2.307c.76.798 1.834 1.125 2.764.74.93-.385 1.457-1.376 1.43-2.477a9.942 9.942 0 0 1 3.262 0c-.027 1.102.501 2.092 1.43 2.477.93.385 2.004.058 2.763-.74a9.942 9.942 0 0 1 2.307 2.306c-.798.76-1.125 1.834-.74 2.764.385.93 1.376 1.457 2.477 1.43a9.942 9.942 0 0 1 0 3.262c-1.102-.027-2.092.501-2.477 1.43-.385.93-.058 2.004.74 2.763a9.942 9.942 0 0 1-2.306 2.307c-.76-.798-1.834-1.125-2.764-.74-.93.385-1.457 1.376-1.43 2.477a9.942 9.942 0 0 1-3.262 0c.027-1.102-.501-2.092-1.43-2.477-.93-.385-2.004-.058-2.763.74a9.942 9.942 0 0 1-2.307-2.306c.798-.76 1.125-1.834.74-2.764-.385-.93-1.376-1.457-2.477-1.43zM12 15a3 3 0 1 0 0-6 3 3 0 0 0 0 6z"/> </g> </svg>

Settings 5 fill


Svg Code

<svg style='color: red' xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <g> <path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/> <path d="M2.132 13.63a9.942 9.942 0 0 1 0-3.26c1.102.026 2.092-.502 2.477-1.431.385-.93.058-2.004-.74-2.763a9.942 9.942 0 0 1 2.306-2.307c.76.798 1.834 1.125 2.764.74.93-.385 1.457-1.376 1.43-2.477a9.942 9.942 0 0 1 3.262 0c-.027 1.102.501 2.092 1.43 2.477.93.385 2.004.058 2.763-.74a9.942 9.942 0 0 1 2.307 2.306c-.798.76-1.125 1.834-.74 2.764.385.93 1.376 1.457 2.477 1.43a9.942 9.942 0 0 1 0 3.262c-1.102-.027-2.092.501-2.477 1.43-.385.93-.058 2.004.74 2.763a9.942 9.942 0 0 1-2.306 2.307c-.76-.798-1.834-1.125-2.764-.74-.93.385-1.457 1.376-1.43 2.477a9.942 9.942 0 0 1-3.262 0c.027-1.102-.501-2.092-1.43-2.477-.93-.385-2.004-.058-2.763.74a9.942 9.942 0 0 1-2.307-2.306c.798-.76 1.125-1.834.74-2.764-.385-.93-1.376-1.457-2.477-1.43zM12 15a3 3 0 1 0 0-6 3 3 0 0 0 0 6z"/> </g> </svg>

Settings 5 fill


Svg Code

<svg style='color: blue' xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <g> <path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/> <path d="M2.132 13.63a9.942 9.942 0 0 1 0-3.26c1.102.026 2.092-.502 2.477-1.431.385-.93.058-2.004-.74-2.763a9.942 9.942 0 0 1 2.306-2.307c.76.798 1.834 1.125 2.764.74.93-.385 1.457-1.376 1.43-2.477a9.942 9.942 0 0 1 3.262 0c-.027 1.102.501 2.092 1.43 2.477.93.385 2.004.058 2.763-.74a9.942 9.942 0 0 1 2.307 2.306c-.798.76-1.125 1.834-.74 2.764.385.93 1.376 1.457 2.477 1.43a9.942 9.942 0 0 1 0 3.262c-1.102-.027-2.092.501-2.477 1.43-.385.93-.058 2.004.74 2.763a9.942 9.942 0 0 1-2.306 2.307c-.76-.798-1.834-1.125-2.764-.74-.93.385-1.457 1.376-1.43 2.477a9.942 9.942 0 0 1-3.262 0c.027-1.102-.501-2.092-1.43-2.477-.93-.385-2.004-.058-2.763.74a9.942 9.942 0 0 1-2.307-2.306c.798-.76 1.125-1.834.74-2.764-.385-.93-1.376-1.457-2.477-1.43zM12 15a3 3 0 1 0 0-6 3 3 0 0 0 0 6z"/> </g> </svg>

Settings 5 fill


Svg Code

<svg style='color: #f3da35' xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <g> <path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/> <path d="M2.132 13.63a9.942 9.942 0 0 1 0-3.26c1.102.026 2.092-.502 2.477-1.431.385-.93.058-2.004-.74-2.763a9.942 9.942 0 0 1 2.306-2.307c.76.798 1.834 1.125 2.764.74.93-.385 1.457-1.376 1.43-2.477a9.942 9.942 0 0 1 3.262 0c-.027 1.102.501 2.092 1.43 2.477.93.385 2.004.058 2.763-.74a9.942 9.942 0 0 1 2.307 2.306c-.798.76-1.125 1.834-.74 2.764.385.93 1.376 1.457 2.477 1.43a9.942 9.942 0 0 1 0 3.262c-1.102-.027-2.092.501-2.477 1.43-.385.93-.058 2.004.74 2.763a9.942 9.942 0 0 1-2.306 2.307c-.76-.798-1.834-1.125-2.764-.74-.93.385-1.457 1.376-1.43 2.477a9.942 9.942 0 0 1-3.262 0c.027-1.102-.501-2.092-1.43-2.477-.93-.385-2.004-.058-2.763.74a9.942 9.942 0 0 1-2.307-2.306c.798-.76 1.125-1.834.74-2.764-.385-.93-1.376-1.457-2.477-1.43zM12 15a3 3 0 1 0 0-6 3 3 0 0 0 0 6z"/> </g> </svg>

Advance Editor

You can edit settings 5 fill as below. Change size color and background color of icon using below tool.

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