Slack Icon SVG
Slack SVG Icons refers to a messaging program designed specifically for the workplace. Developed by US software company Slack Technologies, now owned by Salesforce, Slack offers a number of IRC-style features, including persistent chat rooms organized by topic, private groups, and direct messaging.
Slack SVG Icon Code | Customize color
You can get svg icon slack in blue, white, red color and transparent color from below list. You can also customize color using color picker.
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<svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-slack" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M3.362 10.11c0 .926-.756 1.681-1.681 1.681S0 11.036 0 10.111C0 9.186.756 8.43 1.68 8.43h1.682v1.68zm.846 0c0-.924.756-1.68 1.681-1.68s1.681.756 1.681 1.68v4.21c0 .924-.756 1.68-1.68 1.68a1.685 1.685 0 0 1-1.682-1.68v-4.21zM5.89 3.362c-.926 0-1.682-.756-1.682-1.681S4.964 0 5.89 0s1.68.756 1.68 1.68v1.682H5.89zm0 .846c.924 0 1.68.756 1.68 1.681S6.814 7.57 5.89 7.57H1.68C.757 7.57 0 6.814 0 5.89c0-.926.756-1.682 1.68-1.682h4.21zm6.749 1.682c0-.926.755-1.682 1.68-1.682.925 0 1.681.756 1.681 1.681s-.756 1.681-1.68 1.681h-1.681V5.89zm-.848 0c0 .924-.755 1.68-1.68 1.68A1.685 1.685 0 0 1 8.43 5.89V1.68C8.43.757 9.186 0 10.11 0c.926 0 1.681.756 1.681 1.68v4.21zm-1.681 6.748c.926 0 1.682.756 1.682 1.681S11.036 16 10.11 16s-1.681-.756-1.681-1.68v-1.682h1.68zm0-.847c-.924 0-1.68-.755-1.68-1.68 0-.925.756-1.681 1.68-1.681h4.21c.924 0 1.68.756 1.68 1.68 0 .926-.756 1.681-1.68 1.681h-4.21z"/> </svg>
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<svg style='color: white' xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-slack" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M3.362 10.11c0 .926-.756 1.681-1.681 1.681S0 11.036 0 10.111C0 9.186.756 8.43 1.68 8.43h1.682v1.68zm.846 0c0-.924.756-1.68 1.681-1.68s1.681.756 1.681 1.68v4.21c0 .924-.756 1.68-1.68 1.68a1.685 1.685 0 0 1-1.682-1.68v-4.21zM5.89 3.362c-.926 0-1.682-.756-1.682-1.681S4.964 0 5.89 0s1.68.756 1.68 1.68v1.682H5.89zm0 .846c.924 0 1.68.756 1.68 1.681S6.814 7.57 5.89 7.57H1.68C.757 7.57 0 6.814 0 5.89c0-.926.756-1.682 1.68-1.682h4.21zm6.749 1.682c0-.926.755-1.682 1.68-1.682.925 0 1.681.756 1.681 1.681s-.756 1.681-1.68 1.681h-1.681V5.89zm-.848 0c0 .924-.755 1.68-1.68 1.68A1.685 1.685 0 0 1 8.43 5.89V1.68C8.43.757 9.186 0 10.11 0c.926 0 1.681.756 1.681 1.68v4.21zm-1.681 6.748c.926 0 1.682.756 1.682 1.681S11.036 16 10.11 16s-1.681-.756-1.681-1.68v-1.682h1.68zm0-.847c-.924 0-1.68-.755-1.68-1.68 0-.925.756-1.681 1.68-1.681h4.21c.924 0 1.68.756 1.68 1.68 0 .926-.756 1.681-1.68 1.681h-4.21z"/> </svg>
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<svg style='color: red' xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-slack" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M3.362 10.11c0 .926-.756 1.681-1.681 1.681S0 11.036 0 10.111C0 9.186.756 8.43 1.68 8.43h1.682v1.68zm.846 0c0-.924.756-1.68 1.681-1.68s1.681.756 1.681 1.68v4.21c0 .924-.756 1.68-1.68 1.68a1.685 1.685 0 0 1-1.682-1.68v-4.21zM5.89 3.362c-.926 0-1.682-.756-1.682-1.681S4.964 0 5.89 0s1.68.756 1.68 1.68v1.682H5.89zm0 .846c.924 0 1.68.756 1.68 1.681S6.814 7.57 5.89 7.57H1.68C.757 7.57 0 6.814 0 5.89c0-.926.756-1.682 1.68-1.682h4.21zm6.749 1.682c0-.926.755-1.682 1.68-1.682.925 0 1.681.756 1.681 1.681s-.756 1.681-1.68 1.681h-1.681V5.89zm-.848 0c0 .924-.755 1.68-1.68 1.68A1.685 1.685 0 0 1 8.43 5.89V1.68C8.43.757 9.186 0 10.11 0c.926 0 1.681.756 1.681 1.68v4.21zm-1.681 6.748c.926 0 1.682.756 1.682 1.681S11.036 16 10.11 16s-1.681-.756-1.681-1.68v-1.682h1.68zm0-.847c-.924 0-1.68-.755-1.68-1.68 0-.925.756-1.681 1.68-1.681h4.21c.924 0 1.68.756 1.68 1.68 0 .926-.756 1.681-1.68 1.681h-4.21z"/> </svg>
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<svg style='color: blue' xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-slack" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M3.362 10.11c0 .926-.756 1.681-1.681 1.681S0 11.036 0 10.111C0 9.186.756 8.43 1.68 8.43h1.682v1.68zm.846 0c0-.924.756-1.68 1.681-1.68s1.681.756 1.681 1.68v4.21c0 .924-.756 1.68-1.68 1.68a1.685 1.685 0 0 1-1.682-1.68v-4.21zM5.89 3.362c-.926 0-1.682-.756-1.682-1.681S4.964 0 5.89 0s1.68.756 1.68 1.68v1.682H5.89zm0 .846c.924 0 1.68.756 1.68 1.681S6.814 7.57 5.89 7.57H1.68C.757 7.57 0 6.814 0 5.89c0-.926.756-1.682 1.68-1.682h4.21zm6.749 1.682c0-.926.755-1.682 1.68-1.682.925 0 1.681.756 1.681 1.681s-.756 1.681-1.68 1.681h-1.681V5.89zm-.848 0c0 .924-.755 1.68-1.68 1.68A1.685 1.685 0 0 1 8.43 5.89V1.68C8.43.757 9.186 0 10.11 0c.926 0 1.681.756 1.681 1.68v4.21zm-1.681 6.748c.926 0 1.682.756 1.682 1.681S11.036 16 10.11 16s-1.681-.756-1.681-1.68v-1.682h1.68zm0-.847c-.924 0-1.68-.755-1.68-1.68 0-.925.756-1.681 1.68-1.681h4.21c.924 0 1.68.756 1.68 1.68 0 .926-.756 1.681-1.68 1.681h-4.21z"/> </svg>
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<svg style='color: #f3da35' xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-slack" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M3.362 10.11c0 .926-.756 1.681-1.681 1.681S0 11.036 0 10.111C0 9.186.756 8.43 1.68 8.43h1.682v1.68zm.846 0c0-.924.756-1.68 1.681-1.68s1.681.756 1.681 1.68v4.21c0 .924-.756 1.68-1.68 1.68a1.685 1.685 0 0 1-1.682-1.68v-4.21zM5.89 3.362c-.926 0-1.682-.756-1.682-1.681S4.964 0 5.89 0s1.68.756 1.68 1.68v1.682H5.89zm0 .846c.924 0 1.68.756 1.68 1.681S6.814 7.57 5.89 7.57H1.68C.757 7.57 0 6.814 0 5.89c0-.926.756-1.682 1.68-1.682h4.21zm6.749 1.682c0-.926.755-1.682 1.68-1.682.925 0 1.681.756 1.681 1.681s-.756 1.681-1.68 1.681h-1.681V5.89zm-.848 0c0 .924-.755 1.68-1.68 1.68A1.685 1.685 0 0 1 8.43 5.89V1.68C8.43.757 9.186 0 10.11 0c.926 0 1.681.756 1.681 1.68v4.21zm-1.681 6.748c.926 0 1.682.756 1.682 1.681S11.036 16 10.11 16s-1.681-.756-1.681-1.68v-1.682h1.68zm0-.847c-.924 0-1.68-.755-1.68-1.68 0-.925.756-1.681 1.68-1.681h4.21c.924 0 1.68.756 1.68 1.68 0 .926-.756 1.681-1.68 1.681h-4.21z"/> </svg>
Advance Editor
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