Speaker Quiet Icon SVG

Speaker Quiet

Speaker quiet SVG Icon Code | Customize color

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Speaker quiet


Svg Code

<svg width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8 1.5C8 1.31062 7.893 1.13749 7.72361 1.05279C7.55421 0.968093 7.35151 0.986371 7.2 1.1L3.33333 4H1.5C0.671573 4 0 4.67158 0 5.5V9.5C0 10.3284 0.671573 11 1.5 11H3.33333L7.2 13.9C7.35151 14.0136 7.55421 14.0319 7.72361 13.9472C7.893 13.8625 8 13.6894 8 13.5V1.5ZM3.8 4.9L7 2.5V12.5L3.8 10.1C3.71345 10.0351 3.60819 10 3.5 10H1.5C1.22386 10 1 9.77614 1 9.5V5.5C1 5.22386 1.22386 5 1.5 5H3.5C3.60819 5 3.71345 4.96491 3.8 4.9ZM10.083 5.05577C9.96066 4.87185 9.71235 4.82195 9.52843 4.94432C9.3445 5.06669 9.2946 5.31499 9.41697 5.49892C10.2207 6.70693 10.2207 8.29303 9.41697 9.50104C9.2946 9.68496 9.3445 9.93326 9.52843 10.0556C9.71235 10.178 9.96066 10.1281 10.083 9.94418C11.0653 8.46773 11.0653 6.53222 10.083 5.05577Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg>

Speaker quiet


Svg Code

<svg style="color: white" width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8 1.5C8 1.31062 7.893 1.13749 7.72361 1.05279C7.55421 0.968093 7.35151 0.986371 7.2 1.1L3.33333 4H1.5C0.671573 4 0 4.67158 0 5.5V9.5C0 10.3284 0.671573 11 1.5 11H3.33333L7.2 13.9C7.35151 14.0136 7.55421 14.0319 7.72361 13.9472C7.893 13.8625 8 13.6894 8 13.5V1.5ZM3.8 4.9L7 2.5V12.5L3.8 10.1C3.71345 10.0351 3.60819 10 3.5 10H1.5C1.22386 10 1 9.77614 1 9.5V5.5C1 5.22386 1.22386 5 1.5 5H3.5C3.60819 5 3.71345 4.96491 3.8 4.9ZM10.083 5.05577C9.96066 4.87185 9.71235 4.82195 9.52843 4.94432C9.3445 5.06669 9.2946 5.31499 9.41697 5.49892C10.2207 6.70693 10.2207 8.29303 9.41697 9.50104C9.2946 9.68496 9.3445 9.93326 9.52843 10.0556C9.71235 10.178 9.96066 10.1281 10.083 9.94418C11.0653 8.46773 11.0653 6.53222 10.083 5.05577Z" fill="white"></path> </svg>

Speaker quiet


Svg Code

<svg style="color: red" width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8 1.5C8 1.31062 7.893 1.13749 7.72361 1.05279C7.55421 0.968093 7.35151 0.986371 7.2 1.1L3.33333 4H1.5C0.671573 4 0 4.67158 0 5.5V9.5C0 10.3284 0.671573 11 1.5 11H3.33333L7.2 13.9C7.35151 14.0136 7.55421 14.0319 7.72361 13.9472C7.893 13.8625 8 13.6894 8 13.5V1.5ZM3.8 4.9L7 2.5V12.5L3.8 10.1C3.71345 10.0351 3.60819 10 3.5 10H1.5C1.22386 10 1 9.77614 1 9.5V5.5C1 5.22386 1.22386 5 1.5 5H3.5C3.60819 5 3.71345 4.96491 3.8 4.9ZM10.083 5.05577C9.96066 4.87185 9.71235 4.82195 9.52843 4.94432C9.3445 5.06669 9.2946 5.31499 9.41697 5.49892C10.2207 6.70693 10.2207 8.29303 9.41697 9.50104C9.2946 9.68496 9.3445 9.93326 9.52843 10.0556C9.71235 10.178 9.96066 10.1281 10.083 9.94418C11.0653 8.46773 11.0653 6.53222 10.083 5.05577Z" fill="red"></path> </svg>

Speaker quiet


Svg Code

<svg style="color: blue" width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8 1.5C8 1.31062 7.893 1.13749 7.72361 1.05279C7.55421 0.968093 7.35151 0.986371 7.2 1.1L3.33333 4H1.5C0.671573 4 0 4.67158 0 5.5V9.5C0 10.3284 0.671573 11 1.5 11H3.33333L7.2 13.9C7.35151 14.0136 7.55421 14.0319 7.72361 13.9472C7.893 13.8625 8 13.6894 8 13.5V1.5ZM3.8 4.9L7 2.5V12.5L3.8 10.1C3.71345 10.0351 3.60819 10 3.5 10H1.5C1.22386 10 1 9.77614 1 9.5V5.5C1 5.22386 1.22386 5 1.5 5H3.5C3.60819 5 3.71345 4.96491 3.8 4.9ZM10.083 5.05577C9.96066 4.87185 9.71235 4.82195 9.52843 4.94432C9.3445 5.06669 9.2946 5.31499 9.41697 5.49892C10.2207 6.70693 10.2207 8.29303 9.41697 9.50104C9.2946 9.68496 9.3445 9.93326 9.52843 10.0556C9.71235 10.178 9.96066 10.1281 10.083 9.94418C11.0653 8.46773 11.0653 6.53222 10.083 5.05577Z" fill="blue"></path> </svg>

Speaker quiet


Svg Code

<svg style="color: #f3da35" width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8 1.5C8 1.31062 7.893 1.13749 7.72361 1.05279C7.55421 0.968093 7.35151 0.986371 7.2 1.1L3.33333 4H1.5C0.671573 4 0 4.67158 0 5.5V9.5C0 10.3284 0.671573 11 1.5 11H3.33333L7.2 13.9C7.35151 14.0136 7.55421 14.0319 7.72361 13.9472C7.893 13.8625 8 13.6894 8 13.5V1.5ZM3.8 4.9L7 2.5V12.5L3.8 10.1C3.71345 10.0351 3.60819 10 3.5 10H1.5C1.22386 10 1 9.77614 1 9.5V5.5C1 5.22386 1.22386 5 1.5 5H3.5C3.60819 5 3.71345 4.96491 3.8 4.9ZM10.083 5.05577C9.96066 4.87185 9.71235 4.82195 9.52843 4.94432C9.3445 5.06669 9.2946 5.31499 9.41697 5.49892C10.2207 6.70693 10.2207 8.29303 9.41697 9.50104C9.2946 9.68496 9.3445 9.93326 9.52843 10.0556C9.71235 10.178 9.96066 10.1281 10.083 9.94418C11.0653 8.46773 11.0653 6.53222 10.083 5.05577Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> </svg>

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