Tornado Icon SVG
Get Free Tornado Icon SVG code vector files and use them in websites, apps (Android/IOS), ppt, and other useful projects. Customize & Download the Tornado Icon SVG file (HMTL/CSS) in different colors and sizes. Tornado SVG icon white, black, red, green, blue, transparent, and other colors.
Tornado Icon Svg Code | Path | Download
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Tornado SVG Icon Code | Customize color
You can get svg icon tornado in blue, white, red color and transparent color from below list. You can also customize color using color picker.
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<svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-tornado" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M1.125 2.45A.892.892 0 0 1 1 2c0-.26.116-.474.258-.634a1.9 1.9 0 0 1 .513-.389c.387-.21.913-.385 1.52-.525C4.514.17 6.18 0 8 0c1.821 0 3.486.17 4.709.452.607.14 1.133.314 1.52.525.193.106.374.233.513.389. 0 1.011-.35 1.612-.634 2.102-.04.07-.08.137-.116.203a2.55 2.55 0 0 0-.313.809 2.938 2.938 0 0 0-.011.891.5.5 0 0 1 .428.849c-.06.06-.133.126-.215.195.204 1.116.088 1.99-.3 2.711-.453.84-1.231 1.383-2.02 1.856-.204.123-.412.243-.62.364-1.444.832-2.928 1.689-3.735 3.706a.5.5 0 0 1-.748.226l-.001-.001-.002-.001-.004-.003-.01-.008a2.142 2.142 0 0 1-.147-.115 4.095 4.095 0 0 1-1.179-1.656 3.786 3.786 0 0 1-.247-1.296A.498.498 0 0 1 5 12.5v-.018a.62.62 0 0 1 .008-.079.728.728 0 0 1 .188-.386c.09-.489.272-1.014.573-1.574a.5.5 0 0 1 .073-.918 3.29 3.29 0 0 1 .617-.144l.15-.193c.285-.356.404-.639.437-.861a.948.948 0 0 0-.122-.619c-.249-.455-.815-.903-1.613-1.43-.193-.127-.398-.258-.609-.394l-.119-.076a12.307 12.307 0 0 1-1.241-.334.5.5 0 0 1-.285-.707l-.23-.18C2.117 4.01 1.463 3.32 1.125 2.45zm1.973 1.051c. 1.515 1.06 1.54.317 3.632.5 5.43.14a.5.5 0 0 1 .197.981c-1.216.244-2.537.26-3.759.157.399.326.744.682.963 1.247-.05.33-.182.657-.39.985. 1.47.01a.5.5 0 1 1 .317.95c-.888.295-1.505.141-2.023.012l-.006-.002a3.894 3.894 0 0 0-.644-.123c-.37.55-.598 1.05-.726 1.497. 0 1 1-.448.894 3.11 3.11 0 0 0-.148-.07c.012.345.084.643.18.895.14.369.342.666.528.886.992-1.903 2.583-2.814 3.885-3.56.203-.116.399-.228.584-.34.775-.464 1.34-.89 1.653-1.472.212-.393.33-.9.26-1.617A6.74 6.74 0 0 1 10 8.5a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1 5.76 5.76 0 0 0 3.017-.872.515.515 0 0 1-.007-.03c-.135-.673-.14-1.207-.056-1.665.084-.46.253-.81.421-1.113l.131-.23c.065-.112.126-.22.182-.327-.29.107-.62.202-.98.285C11.487 3.83 9.822 4 8 4c-1.821 0-3.486-.17-4.709-.452-.065-.015-.13-.03-.193-.047zM13.964 2a1.12 1.12 0 0 0-.214-.145c-.272-.148-.697-.297-1.266-.428C11.354 1.166 9.769 1 8 1c-1.769 0-3.354.166-4.484.427-.569.13-.994.28-1.266.428A1.12 1.12 0 0 0 2.036 2c. 1.266.428C4.646 2.834 6.231 3 8 3c1.769 0 3.354-.166 4.484-.427.569-.13.994-.28 1.266-.428A1.12 1.12 0 0 0 13.964 2z"/> </svg>
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<svg style='color: white' xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-tornado" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M1.125 2.45A.892.892 0 0 1 1 2c0-.26.116-.474.258-.634a1.9 1.9 0 0 1 .513-.389c.387-.21.913-.385 1.52-.525C4.514.17 6.18 0 8 0c1.821 0 3.486.17 4.709.452.607.14 1.133.314 1.52.525.193.106.374.233.513.389. 0 1.011-.35 1.612-.634 2.102-.04.07-.08.137-.116.203a2.55 2.55 0 0 0-.313.809 2.938 2.938 0 0 0-.011.891.5.5 0 0 1 .428.849c-.06.06-.133.126-.215.195.204 1.116.088 1.99-.3 2.711-.453.84-1.231 1.383-2.02 1.856-.204.123-.412.243-.62.364-1.444.832-2.928 1.689-3.735 3.706a.5.5 0 0 1-.748.226l-.001-.001-.002-.001-.004-.003-.01-.008a2.142 2.142 0 0 1-.147-.115 4.095 4.095 0 0 1-1.179-1.656 3.786 3.786 0 0 1-.247-1.296A.498.498 0 0 1 5 12.5v-.018a.62.62 0 0 1 .008-.079.728.728 0 0 1 .188-.386c.09-.489.272-1.014.573-1.574a.5.5 0 0 1 .073-.918 3.29 3.29 0 0 1 .617-.144l.15-.193c.285-.356.404-.639.437-.861a.948.948 0 0 0-.122-.619c-.249-.455-.815-.903-1.613-1.43-.193-.127-.398-.258-.609-.394l-.119-.076a12.307 12.307 0 0 1-1.241-.334.5.5 0 0 1-.285-.707l-.23-.18C2.117 4.01 1.463 3.32 1.125 2.45zm1.973 1.051c. 1.515 1.06 1.54.317 3.632.5 5.43.14a.5.5 0 0 1 .197.981c-1.216.244-2.537.26-3.759.157.399.326.744.682.963 1.247-.05.33-.182.657-.39.985. 1.47.01a.5.5 0 1 1 .317.95c-.888.295-1.505.141-2.023.012l-.006-.002a3.894 3.894 0 0 0-.644-.123c-.37.55-.598 1.05-.726 1.497. 0 1 1-.448.894 3.11 3.11 0 0 0-.148-.07c.012.345.084.643.18.895.14.369.342.666.528.886.992-1.903 2.583-2.814 3.885-3.56.203-.116.399-.228.584-.34.775-.464 1.34-.89 1.653-1.472.212-.393.33-.9.26-1.617A6.74 6.74 0 0 1 10 8.5a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1 5.76 5.76 0 0 0 3.017-.872.515.515 0 0 1-.007-.03c-.135-.673-.14-1.207-.056-1.665.084-.46.253-.81.421-1.113l.131-.23c.065-.112.126-.22.182-.327-.29.107-.62.202-.98.285C11.487 3.83 9.822 4 8 4c-1.821 0-3.486-.17-4.709-.452-.065-.015-.13-.03-.193-.047zM13.964 2a1.12 1.12 0 0 0-.214-.145c-.272-.148-.697-.297-1.266-.428C11.354 1.166 9.769 1 8 1c-1.769 0-3.354.166-4.484.427-.569.13-.994.28-1.266.428A1.12 1.12 0 0 0 2.036 2c. 1.266.428C4.646 2.834 6.231 3 8 3c1.769 0 3.354-.166 4.484-.427.569-.13.994-.28 1.266-.428A1.12 1.12 0 0 0 13.964 2z"/> </svg>
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<svg style='color: red' xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-tornado" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M1.125 2.45A.892.892 0 0 1 1 2c0-.26.116-.474.258-.634a1.9 1.9 0 0 1 .513-.389c.387-.21.913-.385 1.52-.525C4.514.17 6.18 0 8 0c1.821 0 3.486.17 4.709.452.607.14 1.133.314 1.52.525.193.106.374.233.513.389. 0 1.011-.35 1.612-.634 2.102-.04.07-.08.137-.116.203a2.55 2.55 0 0 0-.313.809 2.938 2.938 0 0 0-.011.891.5.5 0 0 1 .428.849c-.06.06-.133.126-.215.195.204 1.116.088 1.99-.3 2.711-.453.84-1.231 1.383-2.02 1.856-.204.123-.412.243-.62.364-1.444.832-2.928 1.689-3.735 3.706a.5.5 0 0 1-.748.226l-.001-.001-.002-.001-.004-.003-.01-.008a2.142 2.142 0 0 1-.147-.115 4.095 4.095 0 0 1-1.179-1.656 3.786 3.786 0 0 1-.247-1.296A.498.498 0 0 1 5 12.5v-.018a.62.62 0 0 1 .008-.079.728.728 0 0 1 .188-.386c.09-.489.272-1.014.573-1.574a.5.5 0 0 1 .073-.918 3.29 3.29 0 0 1 .617-.144l.15-.193c.285-.356.404-.639.437-.861a.948.948 0 0 0-.122-.619c-.249-.455-.815-.903-1.613-1.43-.193-.127-.398-.258-.609-.394l-.119-.076a12.307 12.307 0 0 1-1.241-.334.5.5 0 0 1-.285-.707l-.23-.18C2.117 4.01 1.463 3.32 1.125 2.45zm1.973 1.051c. 1.515 1.06 1.54.317 3.632.5 5.43.14a.5.5 0 0 1 .197.981c-1.216.244-2.537.26-3.759.157.399.326.744.682.963 1.247-.05.33-.182.657-.39.985. 1.47.01a.5.5 0 1 1 .317.95c-.888.295-1.505.141-2.023.012l-.006-.002a3.894 3.894 0 0 0-.644-.123c-.37.55-.598 1.05-.726 1.497. 0 1 1-.448.894 3.11 3.11 0 0 0-.148-.07c.012.345.084.643.18.895.14.369.342.666.528.886.992-1.903 2.583-2.814 3.885-3.56.203-.116.399-.228.584-.34.775-.464 1.34-.89 1.653-1.472.212-.393.33-.9.26-1.617A6.74 6.74 0 0 1 10 8.5a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1 5.76 5.76 0 0 0 3.017-.872.515.515 0 0 1-.007-.03c-.135-.673-.14-1.207-.056-1.665.084-.46.253-.81.421-1.113l.131-.23c.065-.112.126-.22.182-.327-.29.107-.62.202-.98.285C11.487 3.83 9.822 4 8 4c-1.821 0-3.486-.17-4.709-.452-.065-.015-.13-.03-.193-.047zM13.964 2a1.12 1.12 0 0 0-.214-.145c-.272-.148-.697-.297-1.266-.428C11.354 1.166 9.769 1 8 1c-1.769 0-3.354.166-4.484.427-.569.13-.994.28-1.266.428A1.12 1.12 0 0 0 2.036 2c. 1.266.428C4.646 2.834 6.231 3 8 3c1.769 0 3.354-.166 4.484-.427.569-.13.994-.28 1.266-.428A1.12 1.12 0 0 0 13.964 2z"/> </svg>
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<svg style='color: blue' xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-tornado" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M1.125 2.45A.892.892 0 0 1 1 2c0-.26.116-.474.258-.634a1.9 1.9 0 0 1 .513-.389c.387-.21.913-.385 1.52-.525C4.514.17 6.18 0 8 0c1.821 0 3.486.17 4.709.452.607.14 1.133.314 1.52.525.193.106.374.233.513.389. 0 1.011-.35 1.612-.634 2.102-.04.07-.08.137-.116.203a2.55 2.55 0 0 0-.313.809 2.938 2.938 0 0 0-.011.891.5.5 0 0 1 .428.849c-.06.06-.133.126-.215.195.204 1.116.088 1.99-.3 2.711-.453.84-1.231 1.383-2.02 1.856-.204.123-.412.243-.62.364-1.444.832-2.928 1.689-3.735 3.706a.5.5 0 0 1-.748.226l-.001-.001-.002-.001-.004-.003-.01-.008a2.142 2.142 0 0 1-.147-.115 4.095 4.095 0 0 1-1.179-1.656 3.786 3.786 0 0 1-.247-1.296A.498.498 0 0 1 5 12.5v-.018a.62.62 0 0 1 .008-.079.728.728 0 0 1 .188-.386c.09-.489.272-1.014.573-1.574a.5.5 0 0 1 .073-.918 3.29 3.29 0 0 1 .617-.144l.15-.193c.285-.356.404-.639.437-.861a.948.948 0 0 0-.122-.619c-.249-.455-.815-.903-1.613-1.43-.193-.127-.398-.258-.609-.394l-.119-.076a12.307 12.307 0 0 1-1.241-.334.5.5 0 0 1-.285-.707l-.23-.18C2.117 4.01 1.463 3.32 1.125 2.45zm1.973 1.051c. 1.515 1.06 1.54.317 3.632.5 5.43.14a.5.5 0 0 1 .197.981c-1.216.244-2.537.26-3.759.157.399.326.744.682.963 1.247-.05.33-.182.657-.39.985. 1.47.01a.5.5 0 1 1 .317.95c-.888.295-1.505.141-2.023.012l-.006-.002a3.894 3.894 0 0 0-.644-.123c-.37.55-.598 1.05-.726 1.497. 0 1 1-.448.894 3.11 3.11 0 0 0-.148-.07c.012.345.084.643.18.895.14.369.342.666.528.886.992-1.903 2.583-2.814 3.885-3.56.203-.116.399-.228.584-.34.775-.464 1.34-.89 1.653-1.472.212-.393.33-.9.26-1.617A6.74 6.74 0 0 1 10 8.5a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1 5.76 5.76 0 0 0 3.017-.872.515.515 0 0 1-.007-.03c-.135-.673-.14-1.207-.056-1.665.084-.46.253-.81.421-1.113l.131-.23c.065-.112.126-.22.182-.327-.29.107-.62.202-.98.285C11.487 3.83 9.822 4 8 4c-1.821 0-3.486-.17-4.709-.452-.065-.015-.13-.03-.193-.047zM13.964 2a1.12 1.12 0 0 0-.214-.145c-.272-.148-.697-.297-1.266-.428C11.354 1.166 9.769 1 8 1c-1.769 0-3.354.166-4.484.427-.569.13-.994.28-1.266.428A1.12 1.12 0 0 0 2.036 2c. 1.266.428C4.646 2.834 6.231 3 8 3c1.769 0 3.354-.166 4.484-.427.569-.13.994-.28 1.266-.428A1.12 1.12 0 0 0 13.964 2z"/> </svg>
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<svg style='color: #f3da35' xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-tornado" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M1.125 2.45A.892.892 0 0 1 1 2c0-.26.116-.474.258-.634a1.9 1.9 0 0 1 .513-.389c.387-.21.913-.385 1.52-.525C4.514.17 6.18 0 8 0c1.821 0 3.486.17 4.709.452.607.14 1.133.314 1.52.525.193.106.374.233.513.389. 0 1.011-.35 1.612-.634 2.102-.04.07-.08.137-.116.203a2.55 2.55 0 0 0-.313.809 2.938 2.938 0 0 0-.011.891.5.5 0 0 1 .428.849c-.06.06-.133.126-.215.195.204 1.116.088 1.99-.3 2.711-.453.84-1.231 1.383-2.02 1.856-.204.123-.412.243-.62.364-1.444.832-2.928 1.689-3.735 3.706a.5.5 0 0 1-.748.226l-.001-.001-.002-.001-.004-.003-.01-.008a2.142 2.142 0 0 1-.147-.115 4.095 4.095 0 0 1-1.179-1.656 3.786 3.786 0 0 1-.247-1.296A.498.498 0 0 1 5 12.5v-.018a.62.62 0 0 1 .008-.079.728.728 0 0 1 .188-.386c.09-.489.272-1.014.573-1.574a.5.5 0 0 1 .073-.918 3.29 3.29 0 0 1 .617-.144l.15-.193c.285-.356.404-.639.437-.861a.948.948 0 0 0-.122-.619c-.249-.455-.815-.903-1.613-1.43-.193-.127-.398-.258-.609-.394l-.119-.076a12.307 12.307 0 0 1-1.241-.334.5.5 0 0 1-.285-.707l-.23-.18C2.117 4.01 1.463 3.32 1.125 2.45zm1.973 1.051c. 1.515 1.06 1.54.317 3.632.5 5.43.14a.5.5 0 0 1 .197.981c-1.216.244-2.537.26-3.759.157.399.326.744.682.963 1.247-.05.33-.182.657-.39.985. 1.47.01a.5.5 0 1 1 .317.95c-.888.295-1.505.141-2.023.012l-.006-.002a3.894 3.894 0 0 0-.644-.123c-.37.55-.598 1.05-.726 1.497. 0 1 1-.448.894 3.11 3.11 0 0 0-.148-.07c.012.345.084.643.18.895.14.369.342.666.528.886.992-1.903 2.583-2.814 3.885-3.56.203-.116.399-.228.584-.34.775-.464 1.34-.89 1.653-1.472.212-.393.33-.9.26-1.617A6.74 6.74 0 0 1 10 8.5a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1 5.76 5.76 0 0 0 3.017-.872.515.515 0 0 1-.007-.03c-.135-.673-.14-1.207-.056-1.665.084-.46.253-.81.421-1.113l.131-.23c.065-.112.126-.22.182-.327-.29.107-.62.202-.98.285C11.487 3.83 9.822 4 8 4c-1.821 0-3.486-.17-4.709-.452-.065-.015-.13-.03-.193-.047zM13.964 2a1.12 1.12 0 0 0-.214-.145c-.272-.148-.697-.297-1.266-.428C11.354 1.166 9.769 1 8 1c-1.769 0-3.354.166-4.484.427-.569.13-.994.28-1.266.428A1.12 1.12 0 0 0 2.036 2c. 1.266.428C4.646 2.834 6.231 3 8 3c1.769 0 3.354-.166 4.484-.427.569-.13.994-.28 1.266-.428A1.12 1.12 0 0 0 13.964 2z"/> </svg>
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Tornado Icon SVG - Faq(s)?
⭐Can I get Free Tornado Icon SVG?Yes, you can get free Tornado SVG icons.
⭐ How to download free Tornado Icon SVG code?To download free Tornado icons in SVG code click on the copy code button.
⭐How to find the Tornado Icon SVG path file?You can get the Tornado SVG file path from the above section.
⭐ What are the colors available for SVG Tornado Icon?You can check the Tornado SVG in your brand color i.e, White, Black, Blue, Red, Green, Pink & Yellow.