Utensils Icon SVG

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Utensils Icon Svg Code | Path | Download

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Utensils SVG Icon Code | Customize color

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Svg Code

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><!--! Font Awesome Free 6.1.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M221.6 148.7C224.7 161.3 224.8 174.5 222.1 187.2C219.3 199.1 213.6 211.9 205.6 222.1C191.1 238.6 173 249.1 151.1 254.1V472C151.1 482.6 147.8 492.8 140.3 500.3C132.8 507.8 122.6 512 111.1 512C101.4 512 91.22 507.8 83.71 500.3C76.21 492.8 71.1 482.6 71.1 472V254.1C50.96 250.1 31.96 238.9 18.3 222.4C10.19 212.2 4.529 200.3 1.755 187.5C-1.019 174.7-.8315 161.5 2.303 148.8L32.51 12.45C33.36 8.598 35.61 5.197 38.82 2.9C42.02 .602 45.97-.4297 49.89 .0026C53.82 .4302 57.46 2.303 60.1 5.259C62.74 8.214 64.18 12.04 64.16 16V160H81.53L98.62 11.91C99.02 8.635 100.6 5.621 103.1 3.434C105.5 1.248 108.7 .0401 111.1 .0401C115.3 .0401 118.5 1.248 120.9 3.434C123.4 5.621 124.1 8.635 125.4 11.91L142.5 160H159.1V16C159.1 12.07 161.4 8.268 163.1 5.317C166.6 2.366 170.2 .474 174.1 .0026C178-.4262 181.1 .619 185.2 2.936C188.4 5.253 190.6 8.677 191.5 12.55L221.6 148.7zM448 472C448 482.6 443.8 492.8 436.3 500.3C428.8 507.8 418.6 512 408 512C397.4 512 387.2 507.8 379.7 500.3C372.2 492.8 368 482.6 368 472V352H351.2C342.8 352 334.4 350.3 326.6 347.1C318.9 343.8 311.8 339.1 305.8 333.1C299.9 327.1 295.2 320 291.1 312.2C288.8 304.4 287.2 296 287.2 287.6L287.1 173.8C288 136.9 299.1 100.8 319.8 70.28C340.5 39.71 369.8 16.05 404.1 2.339C408.1 .401 414.2-.3202 419.4 .2391C424.6 .7982 429.6 2.62 433.9 5.546C438.2 8.472 441.8 12.41 444.2 17.03C446.7 21.64 447.1 26.78 448 32V472z"/></svg>



Svg Code

<svg style='color: white' xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><!--! Font Awesome Free 6.1.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M221.6 148.7C224.7 161.3 224.8 174.5 222.1 187.2C219.3 199.1 213.6 211.9 205.6 222.1C191.1 238.6 173 249.1 151.1 254.1V472C151.1 482.6 147.8 492.8 140.3 500.3C132.8 507.8 122.6 512 111.1 512C101.4 512 91.22 507.8 83.71 500.3C76.21 492.8 71.1 482.6 71.1 472V254.1C50.96 250.1 31.96 238.9 18.3 222.4C10.19 212.2 4.529 200.3 1.755 187.5C-1.019 174.7-.8315 161.5 2.303 148.8L32.51 12.45C33.36 8.598 35.61 5.197 38.82 2.9C42.02 .602 45.97-.4297 49.89 .0026C53.82 .4302 57.46 2.303 60.1 5.259C62.74 8.214 64.18 12.04 64.16 16V160H81.53L98.62 11.91C99.02 8.635 100.6 5.621 103.1 3.434C105.5 1.248 108.7 .0401 111.1 .0401C115.3 .0401 118.5 1.248 120.9 3.434C123.4 5.621 124.1 8.635 125.4 11.91L142.5 160H159.1V16C159.1 12.07 161.4 8.268 163.1 5.317C166.6 2.366 170.2 .474 174.1 .0026C178-.4262 181.1 .619 185.2 2.936C188.4 5.253 190.6 8.677 191.5 12.55L221.6 148.7zM448 472C448 482.6 443.8 492.8 436.3 500.3C428.8 507.8 418.6 512 408 512C397.4 512 387.2 507.8 379.7 500.3C372.2 492.8 368 482.6 368 472V352H351.2C342.8 352 334.4 350.3 326.6 347.1C318.9 343.8 311.8 339.1 305.8 333.1C299.9 327.1 295.2 320 291.1 312.2C288.8 304.4 287.2 296 287.2 287.6L287.1 173.8C288 136.9 299.1 100.8 319.8 70.28C340.5 39.71 369.8 16.05 404.1 2.339C408.1 .401 414.2-.3202 419.4 .2391C424.6 .7982 429.6 2.62 433.9 5.546C438.2 8.472 441.8 12.41 444.2 17.03C446.7 21.64 447.1 26.78 448 32V472z"/></svg>



Svg Code

<svg style='color: red' xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><!--! Font Awesome Free 6.1.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M221.6 148.7C224.7 161.3 224.8 174.5 222.1 187.2C219.3 199.1 213.6 211.9 205.6 222.1C191.1 238.6 173 249.1 151.1 254.1V472C151.1 482.6 147.8 492.8 140.3 500.3C132.8 507.8 122.6 512 111.1 512C101.4 512 91.22 507.8 83.71 500.3C76.21 492.8 71.1 482.6 71.1 472V254.1C50.96 250.1 31.96 238.9 18.3 222.4C10.19 212.2 4.529 200.3 1.755 187.5C-1.019 174.7-.8315 161.5 2.303 148.8L32.51 12.45C33.36 8.598 35.61 5.197 38.82 2.9C42.02 .602 45.97-.4297 49.89 .0026C53.82 .4302 57.46 2.303 60.1 5.259C62.74 8.214 64.18 12.04 64.16 16V160H81.53L98.62 11.91C99.02 8.635 100.6 5.621 103.1 3.434C105.5 1.248 108.7 .0401 111.1 .0401C115.3 .0401 118.5 1.248 120.9 3.434C123.4 5.621 124.1 8.635 125.4 11.91L142.5 160H159.1V16C159.1 12.07 161.4 8.268 163.1 5.317C166.6 2.366 170.2 .474 174.1 .0026C178-.4262 181.1 .619 185.2 2.936C188.4 5.253 190.6 8.677 191.5 12.55L221.6 148.7zM448 472C448 482.6 443.8 492.8 436.3 500.3C428.8 507.8 418.6 512 408 512C397.4 512 387.2 507.8 379.7 500.3C372.2 492.8 368 482.6 368 472V352H351.2C342.8 352 334.4 350.3 326.6 347.1C318.9 343.8 311.8 339.1 305.8 333.1C299.9 327.1 295.2 320 291.1 312.2C288.8 304.4 287.2 296 287.2 287.6L287.1 173.8C288 136.9 299.1 100.8 319.8 70.28C340.5 39.71 369.8 16.05 404.1 2.339C408.1 .401 414.2-.3202 419.4 .2391C424.6 .7982 429.6 2.62 433.9 5.546C438.2 8.472 441.8 12.41 444.2 17.03C446.7 21.64 447.1 26.78 448 32V472z"/></svg>



Svg Code

<svg style='color: blue' xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><!--! Font Awesome Free 6.1.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M221.6 148.7C224.7 161.3 224.8 174.5 222.1 187.2C219.3 199.1 213.6 211.9 205.6 222.1C191.1 238.6 173 249.1 151.1 254.1V472C151.1 482.6 147.8 492.8 140.3 500.3C132.8 507.8 122.6 512 111.1 512C101.4 512 91.22 507.8 83.71 500.3C76.21 492.8 71.1 482.6 71.1 472V254.1C50.96 250.1 31.96 238.9 18.3 222.4C10.19 212.2 4.529 200.3 1.755 187.5C-1.019 174.7-.8315 161.5 2.303 148.8L32.51 12.45C33.36 8.598 35.61 5.197 38.82 2.9C42.02 .602 45.97-.4297 49.89 .0026C53.82 .4302 57.46 2.303 60.1 5.259C62.74 8.214 64.18 12.04 64.16 16V160H81.53L98.62 11.91C99.02 8.635 100.6 5.621 103.1 3.434C105.5 1.248 108.7 .0401 111.1 .0401C115.3 .0401 118.5 1.248 120.9 3.434C123.4 5.621 124.1 8.635 125.4 11.91L142.5 160H159.1V16C159.1 12.07 161.4 8.268 163.1 5.317C166.6 2.366 170.2 .474 174.1 .0026C178-.4262 181.1 .619 185.2 2.936C188.4 5.253 190.6 8.677 191.5 12.55L221.6 148.7zM448 472C448 482.6 443.8 492.8 436.3 500.3C428.8 507.8 418.6 512 408 512C397.4 512 387.2 507.8 379.7 500.3C372.2 492.8 368 482.6 368 472V352H351.2C342.8 352 334.4 350.3 326.6 347.1C318.9 343.8 311.8 339.1 305.8 333.1C299.9 327.1 295.2 320 291.1 312.2C288.8 304.4 287.2 296 287.2 287.6L287.1 173.8C288 136.9 299.1 100.8 319.8 70.28C340.5 39.71 369.8 16.05 404.1 2.339C408.1 .401 414.2-.3202 419.4 .2391C424.6 .7982 429.6 2.62 433.9 5.546C438.2 8.472 441.8 12.41 444.2 17.03C446.7 21.64 447.1 26.78 448 32V472z"/></svg>



Svg Code

<svg style='color: #f3da35' xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><!--! Font Awesome Free 6.1.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M221.6 148.7C224.7 161.3 224.8 174.5 222.1 187.2C219.3 199.1 213.6 211.9 205.6 222.1C191.1 238.6 173 249.1 151.1 254.1V472C151.1 482.6 147.8 492.8 140.3 500.3C132.8 507.8 122.6 512 111.1 512C101.4 512 91.22 507.8 83.71 500.3C76.21 492.8 71.1 482.6 71.1 472V254.1C50.96 250.1 31.96 238.9 18.3 222.4C10.19 212.2 4.529 200.3 1.755 187.5C-1.019 174.7-.8315 161.5 2.303 148.8L32.51 12.45C33.36 8.598 35.61 5.197 38.82 2.9C42.02 .602 45.97-.4297 49.89 .0026C53.82 .4302 57.46 2.303 60.1 5.259C62.74 8.214 64.18 12.04 64.16 16V160H81.53L98.62 11.91C99.02 8.635 100.6 5.621 103.1 3.434C105.5 1.248 108.7 .0401 111.1 .0401C115.3 .0401 118.5 1.248 120.9 3.434C123.4 5.621 124.1 8.635 125.4 11.91L142.5 160H159.1V16C159.1 12.07 161.4 8.268 163.1 5.317C166.6 2.366 170.2 .474 174.1 .0026C178-.4262 181.1 .619 185.2 2.936C188.4 5.253 190.6 8.677 191.5 12.55L221.6 148.7zM448 472C448 482.6 443.8 492.8 436.3 500.3C428.8 507.8 418.6 512 408 512C397.4 512 387.2 507.8 379.7 500.3C372.2 492.8 368 482.6 368 472V352H351.2C342.8 352 334.4 350.3 326.6 347.1C318.9 343.8 311.8 339.1 305.8 333.1C299.9 327.1 295.2 320 291.1 312.2C288.8 304.4 287.2 296 287.2 287.6L287.1 173.8C288 136.9 299.1 100.8 319.8 70.28C340.5 39.71 369.8 16.05 404.1 2.339C408.1 .401 414.2-.3202 419.4 .2391C424.6 .7982 429.6 2.62 433.9 5.546C438.2 8.472 441.8 12.41 444.2 17.03C446.7 21.64 447.1 26.78 448 32V472z"/></svg>

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Utensils Icon SVG - Faq(s)?

⭐Can I get Free Utensils Icon SVG?

Yes, you can get free Utensils SVG icons.

⭐ How to download free Utensils Icon SVG code?

To download free Utensils icons in SVG code click on the copy code button.

⭐How to find the Utensils Icon SVG path file?

You can get the Utensils SVG file path from the above section.

⭐ What are the colors available for SVG Utensils Icon?

You can check the Utensils SVG in your brand color i.e, White, Black, Blue, Red, Green, Pink & Yellow.


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