Velog Icon SVG
Velog SVG Icons refers to (vlogs, US vlogs) Word forms: Plural vlogs. quantifiable noun. A vlog is a set of videos that someone posts regularly on the Internet in which they record their thoughts or experiences or talk about a topic.
Velog SVG Icon Code | Customize color
You can get svg icon velog in blue, white, red color and transparent color from below list. You can also customize color using color picker.
DownloadSvg Code
<svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><title>Velog</title><path d="M3 0C1.338 0 0 1.338 0 3v18c0 1.662 1.338 3 3 3h18c1.662 0 3-1.338 3-3V3c0-1.662-1.338-3-3-3H3Zm6.883 6.25c.63 0 1.005.3 1.125.9l1.463 8.303c.465-.615.846-1.133 1.146-1.553.465-.66.893-1.418 1.283-2.273.405-.855.608-1.62.608-2.295 0-.405-.113-.727-.338-.967-.21-.255-.608-.577-1.193-.967.6-.765 1.35-1.148 2.25-1.148.48 0 .878.143 1.193.428.33.285.494.704.494 1.26 0 .93-.39 2.093-1.17 3.488-.765 1.38-2.241 3.457-4.431 6.232l-2.227.156-1.711-9.628h-2.25V7.24c.6-.195 1.305-.406 2.115-.63.81-.24 1.358-.36 1.643-.36Z"/></svg>
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<svg style="color: white" role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><title>Velog</title><path d="M3 0C1.338 0 0 1.338 0 3v18c0 1.662 1.338 3 3 3h18c1.662 0 3-1.338 3-3V3c0-1.662-1.338-3-3-3H3Zm6.883 6.25c.63 0 1.005.3 1.125.9l1.463 8.303c.465-.615.846-1.133 1.146-1.553.465-.66.893-1.418 1.283-2.273.405-.855.608-1.62.608-2.295 0-.405-.113-.727-.338-.967-.21-.255-.608-.577-1.193-.967.6-.765 1.35-1.148 2.25-1.148.48 0 .878.143 1.193.428.33.285.494.704.494 1.26 0 .93-.39 2.093-1.17 3.488-.765 1.38-2.241 3.457-4.431 6.232l-2.227.156-1.711-9.628h-2.25V7.24c.6-.195 1.305-.406 2.115-.63.81-.24 1.358-.36 1.643-.36Z" fill="white"></path></svg>
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<svg style="color: red" role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><title>Velog</title><path d="M3 0C1.338 0 0 1.338 0 3v18c0 1.662 1.338 3 3 3h18c1.662 0 3-1.338 3-3V3c0-1.662-1.338-3-3-3H3Zm6.883 6.25c.63 0 1.005.3 1.125.9l1.463 8.303c.465-.615.846-1.133 1.146-1.553.465-.66.893-1.418 1.283-2.273.405-.855.608-1.62.608-2.295 0-.405-.113-.727-.338-.967-.21-.255-.608-.577-1.193-.967.6-.765 1.35-1.148 2.25-1.148.48 0 .878.143 1.193.428.33.285.494.704.494 1.26 0 .93-.39 2.093-1.17 3.488-.765 1.38-2.241 3.457-4.431 6.232l-2.227.156-1.711-9.628h-2.25V7.24c.6-.195 1.305-.406 2.115-.63.81-.24 1.358-.36 1.643-.36Z" fill="red"></path></svg>
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<svg style="color: blue" role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><title>Velog</title><path d="M3 0C1.338 0 0 1.338 0 3v18c0 1.662 1.338 3 3 3h18c1.662 0 3-1.338 3-3V3c0-1.662-1.338-3-3-3H3Zm6.883 6.25c.63 0 1.005.3 1.125.9l1.463 8.303c.465-.615.846-1.133 1.146-1.553.465-.66.893-1.418 1.283-2.273.405-.855.608-1.62.608-2.295 0-.405-.113-.727-.338-.967-.21-.255-.608-.577-1.193-.967.6-.765 1.35-1.148 2.25-1.148.48 0 .878.143 1.193.428.33.285.494.704.494 1.26 0 .93-.39 2.093-1.17 3.488-.765 1.38-2.241 3.457-4.431 6.232l-2.227.156-1.711-9.628h-2.25V7.24c.6-.195 1.305-.406 2.115-.63.81-.24 1.358-.36 1.643-.36Z" fill="blue"></path></svg>
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<svg style="color: #f3da35" role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><title>Velog</title><path d="M3 0C1.338 0 0 1.338 0 3v18c0 1.662 1.338 3 3 3h18c1.662 0 3-1.338 3-3V3c0-1.662-1.338-3-3-3H3Zm6.883 6.25c.63 0 1.005.3 1.125.9l1.463 8.303c.465-.615.846-1.133 1.146-1.553.465-.66.893-1.418 1.283-2.273.405-.855.608-1.62.608-2.295 0-.405-.113-.727-.338-.967-.21-.255-.608-.577-1.193-.967.6-.765 1.35-1.148 2.25-1.148.48 0 .878.143 1.193.428.33.285.494.704.494 1.26 0 .93-.39 2.093-1.17 3.488-.765 1.38-2.241 3.457-4.431 6.232l-2.227.156-1.711-9.628h-2.25V7.24c.6-.195 1.305-.406 2.115-.63.81-.24 1.358-.36 1.643-.36Z" fill="#f3da35"></path></svg>
Advance Editor
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