Countdown Timer Icon SVG

Countdown Timer SVG Icons refers to a virtual clock on a landing page that counts down date to indicate the start or a certain number or end of an event or offer.

Countdown timer SVG Icon Code | Customize color

You can get svg icon countdown timer in blue, white, red color and transparent color from below list. You can also customize color using color picker.

Countdown timer


Svg Code

<svg width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M13.15 7.49998C13.15 4.66458 10.9402 1.84998 7.50002 1.84998C4.7217 1.84998 3.34851 3.90636 2.76336 4.99997H4.5C4.77614 4.99997 5 5.22383 5 5.49997C5 5.77611 4.77614 5.99997 4.5 5.99997H1.5C1.22386 5.99997 1 5.77611 1 5.49997V2.49997C1 2.22383 1.22386 1.99997 1.5 1.99997C1.77614 1.99997 2 2.22383 2 2.49997V4.31318C2.70453 3.07126 4.33406 0.849976 7.50002 0.849976C11.5628 0.849976 14.15 4.18537 14.15 7.49998C14.15 10.8146 11.5628 14.15 7.50002 14.15C5.55618 14.15 3.93778 13.3808 2.78548 12.2084C2.16852 11.5806 1.68668 10.839 1.35816 10.0407C1.25306 9.78536 1.37488 9.49315 1.63024 9.38806C1.8856 9.28296 2.17781 9.40478 2.2829 9.66014C2.56374 10.3425 2.97495 10.9745 3.4987 11.5074C4.47052 12.4963 5.83496 13.15 7.50002 13.15C10.9402 13.15 13.15 10.3354 13.15 7.49998ZM7 10V5.00001H8V10H7Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg>

Countdown timer


Svg Code

<svg style="color: white" width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M13.15 7.49998C13.15 4.66458 10.9402 1.84998 7.50002 1.84998C4.7217 1.84998 3.34851 3.90636 2.76336 4.99997H4.5C4.77614 4.99997 5 5.22383 5 5.49997C5 5.77611 4.77614 5.99997 4.5 5.99997H1.5C1.22386 5.99997 1 5.77611 1 5.49997V2.49997C1 2.22383 1.22386 1.99997 1.5 1.99997C1.77614 1.99997 2 2.22383 2 2.49997V4.31318C2.70453 3.07126 4.33406 0.849976 7.50002 0.849976C11.5628 0.849976 14.15 4.18537 14.15 7.49998C14.15 10.8146 11.5628 14.15 7.50002 14.15C5.55618 14.15 3.93778 13.3808 2.78548 12.2084C2.16852 11.5806 1.68668 10.839 1.35816 10.0407C1.25306 9.78536 1.37488 9.49315 1.63024 9.38806C1.8856 9.28296 2.17781 9.40478 2.2829 9.66014C2.56374 10.3425 2.97495 10.9745 3.4987 11.5074C4.47052 12.4963 5.83496 13.15 7.50002 13.15C10.9402 13.15 13.15 10.3354 13.15 7.49998ZM7 10V5.00001H8V10H7Z" fill="white"></path> </svg>

Countdown timer


Svg Code

<svg style="color: red" width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M13.15 7.49998C13.15 4.66458 10.9402 1.84998 7.50002 1.84998C4.7217 1.84998 3.34851 3.90636 2.76336 4.99997H4.5C4.77614 4.99997 5 5.22383 5 5.49997C5 5.77611 4.77614 5.99997 4.5 5.99997H1.5C1.22386 5.99997 1 5.77611 1 5.49997V2.49997C1 2.22383 1.22386 1.99997 1.5 1.99997C1.77614 1.99997 2 2.22383 2 2.49997V4.31318C2.70453 3.07126 4.33406 0.849976 7.50002 0.849976C11.5628 0.849976 14.15 4.18537 14.15 7.49998C14.15 10.8146 11.5628 14.15 7.50002 14.15C5.55618 14.15 3.93778 13.3808 2.78548 12.2084C2.16852 11.5806 1.68668 10.839 1.35816 10.0407C1.25306 9.78536 1.37488 9.49315 1.63024 9.38806C1.8856 9.28296 2.17781 9.40478 2.2829 9.66014C2.56374 10.3425 2.97495 10.9745 3.4987 11.5074C4.47052 12.4963 5.83496 13.15 7.50002 13.15C10.9402 13.15 13.15 10.3354 13.15 7.49998ZM7 10V5.00001H8V10H7Z" fill="red"></path> </svg>

Countdown timer


Svg Code

<svg style="color: blue" width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M13.15 7.49998C13.15 4.66458 10.9402 1.84998 7.50002 1.84998C4.7217 1.84998 3.34851 3.90636 2.76336 4.99997H4.5C4.77614 4.99997 5 5.22383 5 5.49997C5 5.77611 4.77614 5.99997 4.5 5.99997H1.5C1.22386 5.99997 1 5.77611 1 5.49997V2.49997C1 2.22383 1.22386 1.99997 1.5 1.99997C1.77614 1.99997 2 2.22383 2 2.49997V4.31318C2.70453 3.07126 4.33406 0.849976 7.50002 0.849976C11.5628 0.849976 14.15 4.18537 14.15 7.49998C14.15 10.8146 11.5628 14.15 7.50002 14.15C5.55618 14.15 3.93778 13.3808 2.78548 12.2084C2.16852 11.5806 1.68668 10.839 1.35816 10.0407C1.25306 9.78536 1.37488 9.49315 1.63024 9.38806C1.8856 9.28296 2.17781 9.40478 2.2829 9.66014C2.56374 10.3425 2.97495 10.9745 3.4987 11.5074C4.47052 12.4963 5.83496 13.15 7.50002 13.15C10.9402 13.15 13.15 10.3354 13.15 7.49998ZM7 10V5.00001H8V10H7Z" fill="blue"></path> </svg>

Countdown timer


Svg Code

<svg style="color: #f3da35" width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M13.15 7.49998C13.15 4.66458 10.9402 1.84998 7.50002 1.84998C4.7217 1.84998 3.34851 3.90636 2.76336 4.99997H4.5C4.77614 4.99997 5 5.22383 5 5.49997C5 5.77611 4.77614 5.99997 4.5 5.99997H1.5C1.22386 5.99997 1 5.77611 1 5.49997V2.49997C1 2.22383 1.22386 1.99997 1.5 1.99997C1.77614 1.99997 2 2.22383 2 2.49997V4.31318C2.70453 3.07126 4.33406 0.849976 7.50002 0.849976C11.5628 0.849976 14.15 4.18537 14.15 7.49998C14.15 10.8146 11.5628 14.15 7.50002 14.15C5.55618 14.15 3.93778 13.3808 2.78548 12.2084C2.16852 11.5806 1.68668 10.839 1.35816 10.0407C1.25306 9.78536 1.37488 9.49315 1.63024 9.38806C1.8856 9.28296 2.17781 9.40478 2.2829 9.66014C2.56374 10.3425 2.97495 10.9745 3.4987 11.5074C4.47052 12.4963 5.83496 13.15 7.50002 13.15C10.9402 13.15 13.15 10.3354 13.15 7.49998ZM7 10V5.00001H8V10H7Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> </svg>

Advance Editor

You can edit countdown timer as below. Change size color and background color of icon using below tool.

tab 2 content
Tab 3 content


count-down,launch procedure,program,countup,preparation,timer,hold



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