Football Line Icon SVG
Football Line
Football line SVG Icon Code | Customize color
You can get svg icon football line in blue, white, red color and transparent color from below list. You can also customize color using color picker.
Svg Code
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <g> <path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/> <path fill-rule="nonzero" d="M12 2c5.523 0 10 4.477 10 10s-4.477 10-10 10S2 17.523 2 12 6.477 2 12 2zm1.67 14h-3.34l-1.38 1.897.554 1.706A7.993 7.993 0 0 0 12 20c.871 0 1.71-.14 2.496-.397l.553-1.706L13.669 16zm-8.376-5.128l-1.292.937L4 12c0 1.73.549 3.331 1.482 4.64h1.91l1.323-1.82-1.028-3.17-2.393-.778zm13.412 0l-2.393.778-1.028 3.17 1.322 1.82h1.91A7.964 7.964 0 0 0 20 12l-.003-.19-1.291-.938zM12 9.536l-2.344 1.702.896 2.762h2.895l.896-2.762L12 9.536zm2.291-5.203L13 5.273V7.79l2.694 1.957 2.239-.727.554-1.703a8.014 8.014 0 0 0-4.196-2.984zm-4.583 0a8.014 8.014 0 0 0-4.195 2.985l.554 1.702 2.239.727L11 7.79V5.273l-1.292-.94z"/> </g> </svg>
Svg Code
<svg style="color: white" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <g> <path fill="white" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"></path> <path fill-rule="nonzero" d="M12 2c5.523 0 10 4.477 10 10s-4.477 10-10 10S2 17.523 2 12 6.477 2 12 2zm1.67 14h-3.34l-1.38 1.897.554 1.706A7.993 7.993 0 0 0 12 20c.871 0 1.71-.14 2.496-.397l.553-1.706L13.669 16zm-8.376-5.128l-1.292.937L4 12c0 1.73.549 3.331 1.482 4.64h1.91l1.323-1.82-1.028-3.17-2.393-.778zm13.412 0l-2.393.778-1.028 3.17 1.322 1.82h1.91A7.964 7.964 0 0 0 20 12l-.003-.19-1.291-.938zM12 9.536l-2.344 1.702.896 2.762h2.895l.896-2.762L12 9.536zm2.291-5.203L13 5.273V7.79l2.694 1.957 2.239-.727.554-1.703a8.014 8.014 0 0 0-4.196-2.984zm-4.583 0a8.014 8.014 0 0 0-4.195 2.985l.554 1.702 2.239.727L11 7.79V5.273l-1.292-.94z" fill="white"></path> </g> </svg>
Svg Code
<svg style="color: red" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <g> <path fill="red" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"></path> <path fill-rule="nonzero" d="M12 2c5.523 0 10 4.477 10 10s-4.477 10-10 10S2 17.523 2 12 6.477 2 12 2zm1.67 14h-3.34l-1.38 1.897.554 1.706A7.993 7.993 0 0 0 12 20c.871 0 1.71-.14 2.496-.397l.553-1.706L13.669 16zm-8.376-5.128l-1.292.937L4 12c0 1.73.549 3.331 1.482 4.64h1.91l1.323-1.82-1.028-3.17-2.393-.778zm13.412 0l-2.393.778-1.028 3.17 1.322 1.82h1.91A7.964 7.964 0 0 0 20 12l-.003-.19-1.291-.938zM12 9.536l-2.344 1.702.896 2.762h2.895l.896-2.762L12 9.536zm2.291-5.203L13 5.273V7.79l2.694 1.957 2.239-.727.554-1.703a8.014 8.014 0 0 0-4.196-2.984zm-4.583 0a8.014 8.014 0 0 0-4.195 2.985l.554 1.702 2.239.727L11 7.79V5.273l-1.292-.94z" fill="red"></path> </g> </svg>
Svg Code
<svg style="color: blue" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <g> <path fill="blue" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"></path> <path fill-rule="nonzero" d="M12 2c5.523 0 10 4.477 10 10s-4.477 10-10 10S2 17.523 2 12 6.477 2 12 2zm1.67 14h-3.34l-1.38 1.897.554 1.706A7.993 7.993 0 0 0 12 20c.871 0 1.71-.14 2.496-.397l.553-1.706L13.669 16zm-8.376-5.128l-1.292.937L4 12c0 1.73.549 3.331 1.482 4.64h1.91l1.323-1.82-1.028-3.17-2.393-.778zm13.412 0l-2.393.778-1.028 3.17 1.322 1.82h1.91A7.964 7.964 0 0 0 20 12l-.003-.19-1.291-.938zM12 9.536l-2.344 1.702.896 2.762h2.895l.896-2.762L12 9.536zm2.291-5.203L13 5.273V7.79l2.694 1.957 2.239-.727.554-1.703a8.014 8.014 0 0 0-4.196-2.984zm-4.583 0a8.014 8.014 0 0 0-4.195 2.985l.554 1.702 2.239.727L11 7.79V5.273l-1.292-.94z" fill="blue"></path> </g> </svg>
Svg Code
<svg style="color: #f3da35" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <g> <path fill="#f3da35" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"></path> <path fill-rule="nonzero" d="M12 2c5.523 0 10 4.477 10 10s-4.477 10-10 10S2 17.523 2 12 6.477 2 12 2zm1.67 14h-3.34l-1.38 1.897.554 1.706A7.993 7.993 0 0 0 12 20c.871 0 1.71-.14 2.496-.397l.553-1.706L13.669 16zm-8.376-5.128l-1.292.937L4 12c0 1.73.549 3.331 1.482 4.64h1.91l1.323-1.82-1.028-3.17-2.393-.778zm13.412 0l-2.393.778-1.028 3.17 1.322 1.82h1.91A7.964 7.964 0 0 0 20 12l-.003-.19-1.291-.938zM12 9.536l-2.344 1.702.896 2.762h2.895l.896-2.762L12 9.536zm2.291-5.203L13 5.273V7.79l2.694 1.957 2.239-.727.554-1.703a8.014 8.014 0 0 0-4.196-2.984zm-4.583 0a8.014 8.014 0 0 0-4.195 2.985l.554 1.702 2.239.727L11 7.79V5.273l-1.292-.94z" fill="#f3da35"></path> </g> </svg>
Advance Editor
You can edit football line as below. Change size color and background color of icon using below tool.