Multi Ring Icon SVG

Multi Ring

Multi ring SVG Icon Code | Customize color

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Multi ring


Svg Code

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><svg width="45" height="45" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""><rect width="48" height="48" fill="white" fill-opacity="0.01"/><path d="M30 10C30 6.68629 27.3137 4 24 4C20.6863 4 18 6.68629 18 10V24C18 27.3137 20.6863 30 24 30C27.3137 30 30 27.3137 30 24V10Z" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/><path d="M38.1421 18.3431C40.4852 16 40.4852 12.201 38.1421 9.85786C35.7989 7.51471 31.9999 7.51471 29.6568 9.85786L19.7573 19.7574C17.4141 22.1005 17.4141 25.8995 19.7573 28.2426C22.1004 30.5858 25.8994 30.5858 28.2426 28.2426L38.1421 18.3431Z" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/><path d="M38 30C41.3137 30 44 27.3137 44 24C44 20.6863 41.3137 18 38 18H24C20.6863 18 18 20.6863 18 24C18 27.3137 20.6863 30 24 30H38Z" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/><path d="M29.6568 38.1421C32 40.4853 35.799 40.4853 38.1421 38.1421C40.4853 35.799 40.4853 32 38.1421 29.6568L28.2426 19.7574C25.8995 17.4142 22.1005 17.4142 19.7573 19.7574C17.4142 22.1005 17.4142 25.8995 19.7573 28.2426L29.6568 38.1421Z" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/><path d="M18 38C18 41.3137 20.6863 44 24 44C27.3137 44 30 41.3137 30 38L30 24C30 20.6863 27.3137 18 24 18C20.6863 18 18 20.6863 18 24V38Z" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/><path d="M9.85795 29.6569C7.5148 32 7.5148 35.799 9.85795 38.1421C12.2011 40.4853 16.0001 40.4853 18.3432 38.1421L28.2427 28.2426C30.5859 25.8995 30.5859 22.1005 28.2427 19.7574C25.8996 17.4142 22.1006 17.4142 19.7574 19.7574L9.85795 29.6569Z" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/><path d="M10 18C6.68629 18 4 20.6863 4 24C4 27.3137 6.68629 30 10 30L24 30C27.3137 30 30 27.3137 30 24C30 20.6863 27.3137 18 24 18L10 18Z" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/><path d="M18.3432 9.85787C16 7.51472 12.201 7.51472 9.85787 9.85787C7.51473 12.201 7.51473 16 9.85788 18.3432L19.7574 28.2426C22.1005 30.5858 25.8995 30.5858 28.2426 28.2426C30.5858 25.8995 30.5858 22.1005 28.2427 19.7574L18.3432 9.85787Z" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/></svg>

Multi ring


Svg Code

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Multi ring


Svg Code

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Multi ring


Svg Code

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Multi ring


Svg Code

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