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Svg Code

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9.140625 11.550781 L 9.980469 11.550781 C 10.074219 11.550781 10.140625 11.617188 10.140625 11.707031 L 10.140625 17.414062 C 10.140625 17.503906 10.074219 17.570312 9.980469 17.570312 L 9.140625 17.570312 C 9.046875 17.570312 8.980469 17.503906 8.980469 17.414062 Z M 18.8125 12.527344 C 18.347656 12.527344 17.988281 12.625 17.695312 13.015625 C 17.417969 13.386719 17.265625 13.855469 17.265625 14.535156 C 17.265625 15.175781 17.296875 15.710938 17.523438 16.058594 C 17.75 16.40625 18.097656 16.621094 18.5625 16.621094 C 19.070312 16.621094 19.445312 16.492188 19.449219 16.488281 C 19.453125 16.488281 19.453125 16.488281 19.453125 16.484375 L 19.453125 15.210938 C 19.453125 15.207031 19.453125 15.207031 19.453125 15.207031 C 19.449219 15.203125 19.449219 15.203125 19.445312 15.203125 L 18.570312 15.203125 C 18.476562 15.203125 18.410156 15.136719 18.410156 15.046875 L 18.410156 14.308594 C 18.410156 14.21875 18.476562 14.152344 18.570312 14.152344 L 20.457031 14.152344 C 20.546875 14.152344 20.613281 14.21875 20.613281 14.308594 L 20.613281 17.203125 C 20.550781 17.234375 19.636719 17.671875 18.5 17.671875 C 17.554688 17.671875 17.023438 17.320312 16.644531 16.839844 C 16.210938 16.28125 16.058594 15.378906 16.058594 14.53125 C 16.058594 13.9375 16.140625 13.378906 16.351562 12.902344 C 16.578125 12.394531 16.933594 12.023438 17.316406 11.800781 C 17.742188 11.554688 18.261719 11.472656 18.75 11.472656 L 18.890625 11.472656 C 19.65625 11.472656 20.125 11.648438 20.28125 11.726562 C 20.402344 11.785156 20.441406 11.832031 20.441406 11.914062 L 20.441406 12.621094 C 20.441406 12.671875 20.425781 12.710938 20.394531 12.734375 C 20.363281 12.757812 20.320312 12.765625 20.273438 12.753906 C 19.972656 12.65625 19.523438 12.523438 18.910156 12.523438 Z M 18.8125 12.527344 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><g clip-path="url(#id2)"><path fill="rgb(69.018555%, 83.139038%, 0%)" d="M 26.878906 8.226562 C 26.734375 8.226562 26.675781 8.316406 26.625 8.40625 L 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Svg Code

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17.503906 8.375 17.523438 C 8.355469 17.554688 8.320312 17.570312 8.273438 17.570312 L 7.214844 17.570312 C 7.09375 17.570312 7.050781 17.503906 7.003906 17.414062 L 5.917969 15.457031 C 5.917969 15.457031 5.914062 15.453125 5.914062 15.453125 C 5.910156 15.453125 5.90625 15.457031 5.90625 15.457031 L 4.820312 17.414062 C 4.773438 17.503906 4.730469 17.570312 4.609375 17.570312 L 3.550781 17.570312 C 3.507812 17.570312 3.472656 17.554688 3.453125 17.523438 C 3.429688 17.488281 3.429688 17.441406 3.453125 17.402344 L 5.09375 14.496094 C 5.09375 14.492188 5.09375 14.492188 5.09375 14.488281 L 3.539062 11.71875 C 3.515625 11.679688 3.515625 11.632812 3.539062 11.601562 C 3.558594 11.570312 3.59375 11.550781 3.636719 11.550781 L 4.695312 11.550781 C 4.828125 11.550781 4.867188 11.632812 4.90625 11.710938 L 5.90625 13.527344 C 5.90625 13.53125 5.910156 13.53125 5.914062 13.53125 C 5.914062 13.53125 5.917969 13.53125 5.917969 13.527344 Z M 14.164062 15.152344 C 14.167969 15.152344 14.167969 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8.40625 L 24.496094 12.09375 L 25.855469 14.527344 C 25.902344 14.609375 25.976562 14.707031 26.121094 14.707031 L 27.074219 14.707031 C 27.132812 14.707031 27.179688 14.683594 27.203125 14.644531 C 27.226562 14.605469 27.226562 14.554688 27.199219 14.5 L 25.855469 12.09375 C 25.851562 12.09375 25.851562 12.089844 25.855469 12.089844 L 27.96875 8.429688 C 27.992188 8.378906 27.996094 8.328125 27.96875 8.289062 C 27.945312 8.25 27.902344 8.226562 27.84375 8.226562 Z M 26.878906 8.226562 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><path fill="rgb(0%, 39.608765%, 40.388489%)" d="M 22.867188 9.503906 C 22.808594 9.503906 22.765625 9.527344 22.742188 9.566406 C 22.714844 9.605469 22.71875 9.65625 22.742188 9.710938 L 23.390625 10.800781 C 23.394531 10.800781 23.394531 10.804688 23.390625 10.804688 L 22.375 12.558594 C 22.351562 12.613281 22.347656 12.664062 22.371094 12.703125 C 22.398438 12.742188 22.441406 12.761719 22.5 12.761719 L 23.457031 12.761719 C 23.601562 12.761719 23.664062 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Svg Code

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17.503906 8.375 17.523438 C 8.355469 17.554688 8.320312 17.570312 8.273438 17.570312 L 7.214844 17.570312 C 7.09375 17.570312 7.050781 17.503906 7.003906 17.414062 L 5.917969 15.457031 C 5.917969 15.457031 5.914062 15.453125 5.914062 15.453125 C 5.910156 15.453125 5.90625 15.457031 5.90625 15.457031 L 4.820312 17.414062 C 4.773438 17.503906 4.730469 17.570312 4.609375 17.570312 L 3.550781 17.570312 C 3.507812 17.570312 3.472656 17.554688 3.453125 17.523438 C 3.429688 17.488281 3.429688 17.441406 3.453125 17.402344 L 5.09375 14.496094 C 5.09375 14.492188 5.09375 14.492188 5.09375 14.488281 L 3.539062 11.71875 C 3.515625 11.679688 3.515625 11.632812 3.539062 11.601562 C 3.558594 11.570312 3.59375 11.550781 3.636719 11.550781 L 4.695312 11.550781 C 4.828125 11.550781 4.867188 11.632812 4.90625 11.710938 L 5.90625 13.527344 C 5.90625 13.53125 5.910156 13.53125 5.914062 13.53125 C 5.914062 13.53125 5.917969 13.53125 5.917969 13.527344 Z M 14.164062 15.152344 C 14.167969 15.152344 14.167969 15.148438 14.167969 15.148438 L 14.167969 11.707031 C 14.167969 11.617188 14.234375 11.550781 14.328125 11.550781 L 15.171875 11.550781 C 15.261719 11.550781 15.328125 11.617188 15.328125 11.707031 L 15.328125 17.414062 C 15.328125 17.503906 15.261719 17.570312 15.171875 17.570312 L 14.292969 17.570312 C 14.175781 17.570312 14.121094 17.484375 14.082031 17.414062 L 12.257812 13.972656 C 12.257812 13.96875 12.253906 13.96875 12.25 13.96875 C 12.246094 13.96875 12.246094 13.972656 12.246094 13.976562 L 12.246094 17.414062 C 12.246094 17.503906 12.179688 17.570312 12.085938 17.570312 L 11.246094 17.570312 C 11.152344 17.570312 11.085938 17.503906 11.085938 17.414062 L 11.085938 11.707031 C 11.085938 11.617188 11.152344 11.550781 11.246094 11.550781 L 12.121094 11.550781 C 12.253906 11.550781 12.292969 11.632812 12.332031 11.710938 L 14.15625 15.148438 C 14.160156 15.152344 14.164062 15.15625 14.164062 15.152344 Z M 8.980469 17.417969 L 8.980469 11.707031 C 8.980469 11.617188 9.046875 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20.546875 14.152344 20.613281 14.21875 20.613281 14.308594 L 20.613281 17.203125 C 20.550781 17.234375 19.636719 17.671875 18.5 17.671875 C 17.554688 17.671875 17.023438 17.320312 16.644531 16.839844 C 16.210938 16.28125 16.058594 15.378906 16.058594 14.53125 C 16.058594 13.9375 16.140625 13.378906 16.351562 12.902344 C 16.578125 12.394531 16.933594 12.023438 17.316406 11.800781 C 17.742188 11.554688 18.261719 11.472656 18.75 11.472656 L 18.890625 11.472656 C 19.65625 11.472656 20.125 11.648438 20.28125 11.726562 C 20.402344 11.785156 20.441406 11.832031 20.441406 11.914062 L 20.441406 12.621094 C 20.441406 12.671875 20.425781 12.710938 20.394531 12.734375 C 20.363281 12.757812 20.320312 12.765625 20.273438 12.753906 C 19.972656 12.65625 19.523438 12.523438 18.910156 12.523438 Z M 18.8125 12.527344 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><g clip-path="url(#id2)"><path fill="rgb(69.018555%, 83.139038%, 0%)" d="M 26.878906 8.226562 C 26.734375 8.226562 26.675781 8.316406 26.625 8.40625 L 24.496094 12.09375 L 25.855469 14.527344 C 25.902344 14.609375 25.976562 14.707031 26.121094 14.707031 L 27.074219 14.707031 C 27.132812 14.707031 27.179688 14.683594 27.203125 14.644531 C 27.226562 14.605469 27.226562 14.554688 27.199219 14.5 L 25.855469 12.09375 C 25.851562 12.09375 25.851562 12.089844 25.855469 12.089844 L 27.96875 8.429688 C 27.992188 8.378906 27.996094 8.328125 27.96875 8.289062 C 27.945312 8.25 27.902344 8.226562 27.84375 8.226562 Z M 26.878906 8.226562 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><path fill="rgb(0%, 39.608765%, 40.388489%)" d="M 22.867188 9.503906 C 22.808594 9.503906 22.765625 9.527344 22.742188 9.566406 C 22.714844 9.605469 22.71875 9.65625 22.742188 9.710938 L 23.390625 10.800781 C 23.394531 10.800781 23.394531 10.804688 23.390625 10.804688 L 22.375 12.558594 C 22.351562 12.613281 22.347656 12.664062 22.371094 12.703125 C 22.398438 12.742188 22.441406 12.761719 22.5 12.761719 L 23.457031 12.761719 C 23.601562 12.761719 23.664062 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