Xing Logo Icon SVG

Xing Logo SVG Icons refers to an example of a modern minimalist logo. It's clean and easy to understand, yet efficient. Despite its simplicity, it manages to have more or less recognizable icons, something that current design trends are difficult to achieve.

Xing logo SVG Icon Code | Customize color

You can get svg icon xing logo in blue, white, red color and transparent color from below list. You can also customize color using color picker.

Xing logo


Svg Code

<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 14 2.902344 L 26.960938 2.902344 L 26.960938 26.128906 L 14 26.128906 Z M 14 2.902344 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath><clipPath id="id2"><path d="M 6.640625 7 L 16 7 L 16 20 L 6.640625 20 Z M 6.640625 7 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(69.018555%, 83.139038%, 0%)" d="M 22.898438 2.902344 C 22.386719 2.902344 22.167969 3.21875 21.984375 3.542969 L 14.398438 16.757812 L 19.242188 25.492188 C 19.410156 25.789062 19.671875 26.128906 20.195312 26.128906 L 23.597656 26.128906 C 23.804688 26.128906 23.96875 26.054688 24.050781 25.910156 C 24.140625 25.769531 24.140625 25.578125 24.042969 25.394531 L 19.238281 16.769531 C 19.234375 16.761719 19.234375 16.753906 19.238281 16.746094 L 26.785156 3.632812 C 26.882812 3.449219 26.882812 3.261719 26.792969 3.117188 C 26.707031 2.980469 26.546875 2.902344 26.339844 2.902344 Z M 22.898438 2.902344 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><g clip-path="url(#id2)"><path fill="rgb(0%, 39.608765%, 40.388489%)" d="M 8.574219 7.484375 C 8.367188 7.484375 8.207031 7.5625 8.121094 7.699219 C 8.03125 7.84375 8.035156 8.03125 8.128906 8.21875 L 10.449219 12.128906 C 10.453125 12.136719 10.453125 12.144531 10.449219 12.152344 L 6.816406 18.4375 C 6.722656 18.621094 6.71875 18.808594 6.8125 18.953125 C 6.898438 19.089844 7.058594 19.167969 7.261719 19.167969 L 10.679688 19.167969 C 11.191406 19.167969 11.421875 18.839844 11.59375 18.527344 L 15.289062 12.140625 C 15.273438 12.117188 12.933594 8.125 12.933594 8.125 C 12.765625 7.828125 12.503906 7.484375 11.980469 7.484375 Z M 8.574219 7.484375 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g></svg>

Xing logo


Svg Code

<svg style="color: white" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 14 2.902344 L 26.960938 2.902344 L 26.960938 26.128906 L 14 26.128906 Z M 14 2.902344 " clip-rule="nonzero" fill="white"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="id2"><path d="M 6.640625 7 L 16 7 L 16 20 L 6.640625 20 Z M 6.640625 7 " clip-rule="nonzero" fill="white"></path></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="white" d="M 22.898438 2.902344 C 22.386719 2.902344 22.167969 3.21875 21.984375 3.542969 L 14.398438 16.757812 L 19.242188 25.492188 C 19.410156 25.789062 19.671875 26.128906 20.195312 26.128906 L 23.597656 26.128906 C 23.804688 26.128906 23.96875 26.054688 24.050781 25.910156 C 24.140625 25.769531 24.140625 25.578125 24.042969 25.394531 L 19.238281 16.769531 C 19.234375 16.761719 19.234375 16.753906 19.238281 16.746094 L 26.785156 3.632812 C 26.882812 3.449219 26.882812 3.261719 26.792969 3.117188 C 26.707031 2.980469 26.546875 2.902344 26.339844 2.902344 Z M 22.898438 2.902344 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><g clip-path="url(#id2)"><path fill="white" d="M 8.574219 7.484375 C 8.367188 7.484375 8.207031 7.5625 8.121094 7.699219 C 8.03125 7.84375 8.035156 8.03125 8.128906 8.21875 L 10.449219 12.128906 C 10.453125 12.136719 10.453125 12.144531 10.449219 12.152344 L 6.816406 18.4375 C 6.722656 18.621094 6.71875 18.808594 6.8125 18.953125 C 6.898438 19.089844 7.058594 19.167969 7.261719 19.167969 L 10.679688 19.167969 C 11.191406 19.167969 11.421875 18.839844 11.59375 18.527344 L 15.289062 12.140625 C 15.273438 12.117188 12.933594 8.125 12.933594 8.125 C 12.765625 7.828125 12.503906 7.484375 11.980469 7.484375 Z M 8.574219 7.484375 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g></svg>

Xing logo


Svg Code

<svg style="color: red" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 14 2.902344 L 26.960938 2.902344 L 26.960938 26.128906 L 14 26.128906 Z M 14 2.902344 " clip-rule="nonzero" fill="red"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="id2"><path d="M 6.640625 7 L 16 7 L 16 20 L 6.640625 20 Z M 6.640625 7 " clip-rule="nonzero" fill="red"></path></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="red" d="M 22.898438 2.902344 C 22.386719 2.902344 22.167969 3.21875 21.984375 3.542969 L 14.398438 16.757812 L 19.242188 25.492188 C 19.410156 25.789062 19.671875 26.128906 20.195312 26.128906 L 23.597656 26.128906 C 23.804688 26.128906 23.96875 26.054688 24.050781 25.910156 C 24.140625 25.769531 24.140625 25.578125 24.042969 25.394531 L 19.238281 16.769531 C 19.234375 16.761719 19.234375 16.753906 19.238281 16.746094 L 26.785156 3.632812 C 26.882812 3.449219 26.882812 3.261719 26.792969 3.117188 C 26.707031 2.980469 26.546875 2.902344 26.339844 2.902344 Z M 22.898438 2.902344 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><g clip-path="url(#id2)"><path fill="red" d="M 8.574219 7.484375 C 8.367188 7.484375 8.207031 7.5625 8.121094 7.699219 C 8.03125 7.84375 8.035156 8.03125 8.128906 8.21875 L 10.449219 12.128906 C 10.453125 12.136719 10.453125 12.144531 10.449219 12.152344 L 6.816406 18.4375 C 6.722656 18.621094 6.71875 18.808594 6.8125 18.953125 C 6.898438 19.089844 7.058594 19.167969 7.261719 19.167969 L 10.679688 19.167969 C 11.191406 19.167969 11.421875 18.839844 11.59375 18.527344 L 15.289062 12.140625 C 15.273438 12.117188 12.933594 8.125 12.933594 8.125 C 12.765625 7.828125 12.503906 7.484375 11.980469 7.484375 Z M 8.574219 7.484375 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g></svg>

Xing logo


Svg Code

<svg style="color: blue" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 14 2.902344 L 26.960938 2.902344 L 26.960938 26.128906 L 14 26.128906 Z M 14 2.902344 " clip-rule="nonzero" fill="blue"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="id2"><path d="M 6.640625 7 L 16 7 L 16 20 L 6.640625 20 Z M 6.640625 7 " clip-rule="nonzero" fill="blue"></path></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="blue" d="M 22.898438 2.902344 C 22.386719 2.902344 22.167969 3.21875 21.984375 3.542969 L 14.398438 16.757812 L 19.242188 25.492188 C 19.410156 25.789062 19.671875 26.128906 20.195312 26.128906 L 23.597656 26.128906 C 23.804688 26.128906 23.96875 26.054688 24.050781 25.910156 C 24.140625 25.769531 24.140625 25.578125 24.042969 25.394531 L 19.238281 16.769531 C 19.234375 16.761719 19.234375 16.753906 19.238281 16.746094 L 26.785156 3.632812 C 26.882812 3.449219 26.882812 3.261719 26.792969 3.117188 C 26.707031 2.980469 26.546875 2.902344 26.339844 2.902344 Z M 22.898438 2.902344 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><g clip-path="url(#id2)"><path fill="blue" d="M 8.574219 7.484375 C 8.367188 7.484375 8.207031 7.5625 8.121094 7.699219 C 8.03125 7.84375 8.035156 8.03125 8.128906 8.21875 L 10.449219 12.128906 C 10.453125 12.136719 10.453125 12.144531 10.449219 12.152344 L 6.816406 18.4375 C 6.722656 18.621094 6.71875 18.808594 6.8125 18.953125 C 6.898438 19.089844 7.058594 19.167969 7.261719 19.167969 L 10.679688 19.167969 C 11.191406 19.167969 11.421875 18.839844 11.59375 18.527344 L 15.289062 12.140625 C 15.273438 12.117188 12.933594 8.125 12.933594 8.125 C 12.765625 7.828125 12.503906 7.484375 11.980469 7.484375 Z M 8.574219 7.484375 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g></svg>

Xing logo


Svg Code

<svg style="color: #f3da35" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 14 2.902344 L 26.960938 2.902344 L 26.960938 26.128906 L 14 26.128906 Z M 14 2.902344 " clip-rule="nonzero" fill="#f3da35"></path></clipPath><clipPath id="id2"><path d="M 6.640625 7 L 16 7 L 16 20 L 6.640625 20 Z M 6.640625 7 " clip-rule="nonzero" fill="#f3da35"></path></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="#f3da35" d="M 22.898438 2.902344 C 22.386719 2.902344 22.167969 3.21875 21.984375 3.542969 L 14.398438 16.757812 L 19.242188 25.492188 C 19.410156 25.789062 19.671875 26.128906 20.195312 26.128906 L 23.597656 26.128906 C 23.804688 26.128906 23.96875 26.054688 24.050781 25.910156 C 24.140625 25.769531 24.140625 25.578125 24.042969 25.394531 L 19.238281 16.769531 C 19.234375 16.761719 19.234375 16.753906 19.238281 16.746094 L 26.785156 3.632812 C 26.882812 3.449219 26.882812 3.261719 26.792969 3.117188 C 26.707031 2.980469 26.546875 2.902344 26.339844 2.902344 Z M 22.898438 2.902344 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><g clip-path="url(#id2)"><path fill="#f3da35" d="M 8.574219 7.484375 C 8.367188 7.484375 8.207031 7.5625 8.121094 7.699219 C 8.03125 7.84375 8.035156 8.03125 8.128906 8.21875 L 10.449219 12.128906 C 10.453125 12.136719 10.453125 12.144531 10.449219 12.152344 L 6.816406 18.4375 C 6.722656 18.621094 6.71875 18.808594 6.8125 18.953125 C 6.898438 19.089844 7.058594 19.167969 7.261719 19.167969 L 10.679688 19.167969 C 11.191406 19.167969 11.421875 18.839844 11.59375 18.527344 L 15.289062 12.140625 C 15.273438 12.117188 12.933594 8.125 12.933594 8.125 C 12.765625 7.828125 12.503906 7.484375 11.980469 7.484375 Z M 8.574219 7.484375 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g></svg>

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