WorldCoin Logo SVG / PNG - Download SamAltman Crypto Currency WorldCoin Icon SVG Code

The WorldCoin logo is a symbolic representation of the cryptocurrency project's mission. It aims to provide a reliable online human authentication system called World ID, countering bots and fake identities facilitated by artificial intelligence. The WorldCoin logo, available in SVG Code and Download PNG formats, is a visual representation of the cryptocurrency project's fundamental principles and aspirations,
โ The WorldCoin Logo / Icon features three key elements:
- The Globe: Symbolizing global reach and accessibility.
- The Iris Scanner: Representing cutting-edge human identity verification technology.
- Interconnected Lines: Signifying unity within the WorldCoin network.
WorldCoin Logo SVG / PNG - Additional Description
WorldCoin was founded in 2019 by Sam Altman, Max Novendstern, and Alex Blanca. It is backed by prominent venture capital firms, including Andreessen Horowitz. The native token, WLD, operates on the Layer 2 Ethereum-based blockchain.
The World ID verification process relies on advanced iris scanning technology, ensuring robust user authentication. Currently, in beta testing, WorldCoin is striving to create a future-ready cryptocurrency project.
For the WorldCoin Icon in SVG format, use the corresponding code to download and incorporate it into your projects, propagating the vision of an inclusive and equitable global economy.

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Worldcoin Logo SVG Code
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Worldcoin Logo With Text SVG Code
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WorldCoin Logo Vs Other Crypto Currencies Logo Meaning and Usage
Cryptocurrency | Logo | Meaning | Usage |
Worldcoin | Globe with Eye | Eye scan verification and global reach | Represents the cryptocurrency and is used in branding. |
Bitcoin | Stylized B with Lines | Symbolizes Bitcoin and the two halves of the blockchain | Represents the cryptocurrency and is used in branding. |
Ethereum | "eth" with Infinity Symbol | This signifies Ethereum's potential and limitless platform | Represents the cryptocurrency and is used in branding. |