Globe Americas Icon SVG
Globe Americas
Globe americas SVG Icon Code | Customize color
You can get svg icon globe americas in blue, white, red color and transparent color from below list. You can also customize color using color picker.
Svg Code
<svg width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M7.5 0C3.35786 0 0 3.35786 0 7.5C0 11.6421 3.35786 15 7.5 15C11.6421 15 15 11.6421 15 7.5C15 3.35786 11.6421 0 7.5 0ZM1.19729 5.90436C1.06845 6.41489 1 6.94945 1 7.5C1 10.5736 3.1333 13.1489 6 13.8261V13.2071L5 12.2071V10.7071L4 9.70711V8.5C4 8.22386 4.22386 8 4.5 8H8.5C9.32843 8 10 8.67157 10 9.5V10.0118C10.5109 10.0849 10.9151 10.4891 10.9882 11H12.9782C13.625 9.9897 14 8.78864 14 7.5C14 4.79606 12.349 2.47775 10 1.49818V2.5C10 3.32843 9.32846 4 8.50004 4H7.50004C7.2239 4 7.00004 4.22386 7.00004 4.5C7.00004 5.32843 6.32846 6 5.50004 6H5.00004V6.70711L4.5607 7.14645C3.97491 7.73223 3.02516 7.73223 2.43938 7.14645L1.19729 5.90436Z" fill="black"/> </svg>
Svg Code
<svg style="color: white" width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M7.5 0C3.35786 0 0 3.35786 0 7.5C0 11.6421 3.35786 15 7.5 15C11.6421 15 15 11.6421 15 7.5C15 3.35786 11.6421 0 7.5 0ZM1.19729 5.90436C1.06845 6.41489 1 6.94945 1 7.5C1 10.5736 3.1333 13.1489 6 13.8261V13.2071L5 12.2071V10.7071L4 9.70711V8.5C4 8.22386 4.22386 8 4.5 8H8.5C9.32843 8 10 8.67157 10 9.5V10.0118C10.5109 10.0849 10.9151 10.4891 10.9882 11H12.9782C13.625 9.9897 14 8.78864 14 7.5C14 4.79606 12.349 2.47775 10 1.49818V2.5C10 3.32843 9.32846 4 8.50004 4H7.50004C7.2239 4 7.00004 4.22386 7.00004 4.5C7.00004 5.32843 6.32846 6 5.50004 6H5.00004V6.70711L4.5607 7.14645C3.97491 7.73223 3.02516 7.73223 2.43938 7.14645L1.19729 5.90436Z" fill="white"></path> </svg>
Svg Code
<svg style="color: red" width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M7.5 0C3.35786 0 0 3.35786 0 7.5C0 11.6421 3.35786 15 7.5 15C11.6421 15 15 11.6421 15 7.5C15 3.35786 11.6421 0 7.5 0ZM1.19729 5.90436C1.06845 6.41489 1 6.94945 1 7.5C1 10.5736 3.1333 13.1489 6 13.8261V13.2071L5 12.2071V10.7071L4 9.70711V8.5C4 8.22386 4.22386 8 4.5 8H8.5C9.32843 8 10 8.67157 10 9.5V10.0118C10.5109 10.0849 10.9151 10.4891 10.9882 11H12.9782C13.625 9.9897 14 8.78864 14 7.5C14 4.79606 12.349 2.47775 10 1.49818V2.5C10 3.32843 9.32846 4 8.50004 4H7.50004C7.2239 4 7.00004 4.22386 7.00004 4.5C7.00004 5.32843 6.32846 6 5.50004 6H5.00004V6.70711L4.5607 7.14645C3.97491 7.73223 3.02516 7.73223 2.43938 7.14645L1.19729 5.90436Z" fill="red"></path> </svg>
Svg Code
<svg style="color: blue" width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M7.5 0C3.35786 0 0 3.35786 0 7.5C0 11.6421 3.35786 15 7.5 15C11.6421 15 15 11.6421 15 7.5C15 3.35786 11.6421 0 7.5 0ZM1.19729 5.90436C1.06845 6.41489 1 6.94945 1 7.5C1 10.5736 3.1333 13.1489 6 13.8261V13.2071L5 12.2071V10.7071L4 9.70711V8.5C4 8.22386 4.22386 8 4.5 8H8.5C9.32843 8 10 8.67157 10 9.5V10.0118C10.5109 10.0849 10.9151 10.4891 10.9882 11H12.9782C13.625 9.9897 14 8.78864 14 7.5C14 4.79606 12.349 2.47775 10 1.49818V2.5C10 3.32843 9.32846 4 8.50004 4H7.50004C7.2239 4 7.00004 4.22386 7.00004 4.5C7.00004 5.32843 6.32846 6 5.50004 6H5.00004V6.70711L4.5607 7.14645C3.97491 7.73223 3.02516 7.73223 2.43938 7.14645L1.19729 5.90436Z" fill="blue"></path> </svg>
Svg Code
<svg style="color: #f3da35" width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M7.5 0C3.35786 0 0 3.35786 0 7.5C0 11.6421 3.35786 15 7.5 15C11.6421 15 15 11.6421 15 7.5C15 3.35786 11.6421 0 7.5 0ZM1.19729 5.90436C1.06845 6.41489 1 6.94945 1 7.5C1 10.5736 3.1333 13.1489 6 13.8261V13.2071L5 12.2071V10.7071L4 9.70711V8.5C4 8.22386 4.22386 8 4.5 8H8.5C9.32843 8 10 8.67157 10 9.5V10.0118C10.5109 10.0849 10.9151 10.4891 10.9882 11H12.9782C13.625 9.9897 14 8.78864 14 7.5C14 4.79606 12.349 2.47775 10 1.49818V2.5C10 3.32843 9.32846 4 8.50004 4H7.50004C7.2239 4 7.00004 4.22386 7.00004 4.5C7.00004 5.32843 6.32846 6 5.50004 6H5.00004V6.70711L4.5607 7.14645C3.97491 7.73223 3.02516 7.73223 2.43938 7.14645L1.19729 5.90436Z" fill="#f3da35"></path> </svg>
Advance Editor
You can edit globe americas as below. Change size color and background color of icon using below tool.