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<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 3.386719 3.050781 L 27.339844 3.050781 L 27.339844 27 L 3.386719 27 Z M 3.386719 3.050781 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" d="M 26.488281 19.507812 L 20.734375 24.007812 C 20.011719 24.570312 19.117188 24.875 18.199219 24.867188 L 16.683594 24.855469 L 11.199219 24.808594 C 11.097656 24.808594 11.003906 24.761719 10.941406 24.683594 L 6.40625 19.015625 C 6.292969 18.871094 6.316406 18.664062 6.464844 18.550781 L 8.796875 16.738281 C 9.507812 16.1875 10.382812 15.886719 11.285156 15.886719 L 11.996094 15.886719 L 15.105469 15.882812 L 18.265625 15.878906 C 19.195312 15.878906 19.949219 16.621094 19.949219 17.539062 C 19.949219 18.457031 19.199219 19.199219 18.269531 19.203125 L 15.414062 19.203125 C 14.949219 19.203125 14.574219 19.578125 14.574219 20.035156 C 14.574219 20.492188 14.953125 20.863281 15.414062 20.863281 L 15.734375 20.863281 L 18.824219 20.859375 C 19.125 20.859375 19.414062 20.761719 19.652344 20.578125 L 24.40625 16.894531 C 25.136719 16.328125 26.191406 16.453125 26.765625 17.171875 C 27.34375 17.894531 27.21875 18.9375 26.488281 19.507812 Z M 5.089844 20.046875 C 4.972656 19.902344 4.761719 19.878906 4.617188 19.992188 L 3.5625 20.816406 C 3.417969 20.929688 3.394531 21.136719 3.507812 21.28125 L 7.933594 26.8125 C 8.046875 26.957031 8.257812 26.980469 8.40625 26.867188 L 9.457031 26.042969 C 9.605469 25.929688 9.628906 25.71875 9.515625 25.578125 Z M 13.128906 12.894531 L 15.960938 12.894531 C 16.183594 12.894531 16.367188 12.714844 16.367188 12.496094 L 16.367188 9.335938 C 16.367188 9.113281 16.546875 8.933594 16.769531 8.933594 L 19.238281 8.933594 C 19.464844 8.933594 19.644531 9.113281 19.644531 9.335938 L 19.644531 12.496094 C 19.644531 12.714844 19.828125 12.894531 20.050781 12.894531 L 22.882812 12.894531 C 23.109375 12.894531 23.289062 12.714844 23.289062 12.496094 L 23.289062 7.675781 C 23.289062 7.558594 23.238281 7.449219 23.148438 7.375 L 18.269531 3.199219 C 18.117188 3.066406 17.890625 3.066406 17.738281 3.199219 L 12.863281 7.375 C 12.773438 7.449219 12.722656 7.558594 12.722656 7.675781 L 12.722656 12.496094 C 12.722656 12.714844 12.902344 12.894531 13.128906 12.894531 Z M 13.128906 12.894531 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g></svg>

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Svg Code

<svg style='color: white' xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 3.386719 3.050781 L 27.339844 3.050781 L 27.339844 27 L 3.386719 27 Z M 3.386719 3.050781 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" d="M 26.488281 19.507812 L 20.734375 24.007812 C 20.011719 24.570312 19.117188 24.875 18.199219 24.867188 L 16.683594 24.855469 L 11.199219 24.808594 C 11.097656 24.808594 11.003906 24.761719 10.941406 24.683594 L 6.40625 19.015625 C 6.292969 18.871094 6.316406 18.664062 6.464844 18.550781 L 8.796875 16.738281 C 9.507812 16.1875 10.382812 15.886719 11.285156 15.886719 L 11.996094 15.886719 L 15.105469 15.882812 L 18.265625 15.878906 C 19.195312 15.878906 19.949219 16.621094 19.949219 17.539062 C 19.949219 18.457031 19.199219 19.199219 18.269531 19.203125 L 15.414062 19.203125 C 14.949219 19.203125 14.574219 19.578125 14.574219 20.035156 C 14.574219 20.492188 14.953125 20.863281 15.414062 20.863281 L 15.734375 20.863281 L 18.824219 20.859375 C 19.125 20.859375 19.414062 20.761719 19.652344 20.578125 L 24.40625 16.894531 C 25.136719 16.328125 26.191406 16.453125 26.765625 17.171875 C 27.34375 17.894531 27.21875 18.9375 26.488281 19.507812 Z M 5.089844 20.046875 C 4.972656 19.902344 4.761719 19.878906 4.617188 19.992188 L 3.5625 20.816406 C 3.417969 20.929688 3.394531 21.136719 3.507812 21.28125 L 7.933594 26.8125 C 8.046875 26.957031 8.257812 26.980469 8.40625 26.867188 L 9.457031 26.042969 C 9.605469 25.929688 9.628906 25.71875 9.515625 25.578125 Z M 13.128906 12.894531 L 15.960938 12.894531 C 16.183594 12.894531 16.367188 12.714844 16.367188 12.496094 L 16.367188 9.335938 C 16.367188 9.113281 16.546875 8.933594 16.769531 8.933594 L 19.238281 8.933594 C 19.464844 8.933594 19.644531 9.113281 19.644531 9.335938 L 19.644531 12.496094 C 19.644531 12.714844 19.828125 12.894531 20.050781 12.894531 L 22.882812 12.894531 C 23.109375 12.894531 23.289062 12.714844 23.289062 12.496094 L 23.289062 7.675781 C 23.289062 7.558594 23.238281 7.449219 23.148438 7.375 L 18.269531 3.199219 C 18.117188 3.066406 17.890625 3.066406 17.738281 3.199219 L 12.863281 7.375 C 12.773438 7.449219 12.722656 7.558594 12.722656 7.675781 L 12.722656 12.496094 C 12.722656 12.714844 12.902344 12.894531 13.128906 12.894531 Z M 13.128906 12.894531 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g></svg>

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<svg style='color: red' xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 3.386719 3.050781 L 27.339844 3.050781 L 27.339844 27 L 3.386719 27 Z M 3.386719 3.050781 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" d="M 26.488281 19.507812 L 20.734375 24.007812 C 20.011719 24.570312 19.117188 24.875 18.199219 24.867188 L 16.683594 24.855469 L 11.199219 24.808594 C 11.097656 24.808594 11.003906 24.761719 10.941406 24.683594 L 6.40625 19.015625 C 6.292969 18.871094 6.316406 18.664062 6.464844 18.550781 L 8.796875 16.738281 C 9.507812 16.1875 10.382812 15.886719 11.285156 15.886719 L 11.996094 15.886719 L 15.105469 15.882812 L 18.265625 15.878906 C 19.195312 15.878906 19.949219 16.621094 19.949219 17.539062 C 19.949219 18.457031 19.199219 19.199219 18.269531 19.203125 L 15.414062 19.203125 C 14.949219 19.203125 14.574219 19.578125 14.574219 20.035156 C 14.574219 20.492188 14.953125 20.863281 15.414062 20.863281 L 15.734375 20.863281 L 18.824219 20.859375 C 19.125 20.859375 19.414062 20.761719 19.652344 20.578125 L 24.40625 16.894531 C 25.136719 16.328125 26.191406 16.453125 26.765625 17.171875 C 27.34375 17.894531 27.21875 18.9375 26.488281 19.507812 Z M 5.089844 20.046875 C 4.972656 19.902344 4.761719 19.878906 4.617188 19.992188 L 3.5625 20.816406 C 3.417969 20.929688 3.394531 21.136719 3.507812 21.28125 L 7.933594 26.8125 C 8.046875 26.957031 8.257812 26.980469 8.40625 26.867188 L 9.457031 26.042969 C 9.605469 25.929688 9.628906 25.71875 9.515625 25.578125 Z M 13.128906 12.894531 L 15.960938 12.894531 C 16.183594 12.894531 16.367188 12.714844 16.367188 12.496094 L 16.367188 9.335938 C 16.367188 9.113281 16.546875 8.933594 16.769531 8.933594 L 19.238281 8.933594 C 19.464844 8.933594 19.644531 9.113281 19.644531 9.335938 L 19.644531 12.496094 C 19.644531 12.714844 19.828125 12.894531 20.050781 12.894531 L 22.882812 12.894531 C 23.109375 12.894531 23.289062 12.714844 23.289062 12.496094 L 23.289062 7.675781 C 23.289062 7.558594 23.238281 7.449219 23.148438 7.375 L 18.269531 3.199219 C 18.117188 3.066406 17.890625 3.066406 17.738281 3.199219 L 12.863281 7.375 C 12.773438 7.449219 12.722656 7.558594 12.722656 7.675781 L 12.722656 12.496094 C 12.722656 12.714844 12.902344 12.894531 13.128906 12.894531 Z M 13.128906 12.894531 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g></svg>

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<svg style='color: blue' xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 3.386719 3.050781 L 27.339844 3.050781 L 27.339844 27 L 3.386719 27 Z M 3.386719 3.050781 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" d="M 26.488281 19.507812 L 20.734375 24.007812 C 20.011719 24.570312 19.117188 24.875 18.199219 24.867188 L 16.683594 24.855469 L 11.199219 24.808594 C 11.097656 24.808594 11.003906 24.761719 10.941406 24.683594 L 6.40625 19.015625 C 6.292969 18.871094 6.316406 18.664062 6.464844 18.550781 L 8.796875 16.738281 C 9.507812 16.1875 10.382812 15.886719 11.285156 15.886719 L 11.996094 15.886719 L 15.105469 15.882812 L 18.265625 15.878906 C 19.195312 15.878906 19.949219 16.621094 19.949219 17.539062 C 19.949219 18.457031 19.199219 19.199219 18.269531 19.203125 L 15.414062 19.203125 C 14.949219 19.203125 14.574219 19.578125 14.574219 20.035156 C 14.574219 20.492188 14.953125 20.863281 15.414062 20.863281 L 15.734375 20.863281 L 18.824219 20.859375 C 19.125 20.859375 19.414062 20.761719 19.652344 20.578125 L 24.40625 16.894531 C 25.136719 16.328125 26.191406 16.453125 26.765625 17.171875 C 27.34375 17.894531 27.21875 18.9375 26.488281 19.507812 Z M 5.089844 20.046875 C 4.972656 19.902344 4.761719 19.878906 4.617188 19.992188 L 3.5625 20.816406 C 3.417969 20.929688 3.394531 21.136719 3.507812 21.28125 L 7.933594 26.8125 C 8.046875 26.957031 8.257812 26.980469 8.40625 26.867188 L 9.457031 26.042969 C 9.605469 25.929688 9.628906 25.71875 9.515625 25.578125 Z M 13.128906 12.894531 L 15.960938 12.894531 C 16.183594 12.894531 16.367188 12.714844 16.367188 12.496094 L 16.367188 9.335938 C 16.367188 9.113281 16.546875 8.933594 16.769531 8.933594 L 19.238281 8.933594 C 19.464844 8.933594 19.644531 9.113281 19.644531 9.335938 L 19.644531 12.496094 C 19.644531 12.714844 19.828125 12.894531 20.050781 12.894531 L 22.882812 12.894531 C 23.109375 12.894531 23.289062 12.714844 23.289062 12.496094 L 23.289062 7.675781 C 23.289062 7.558594 23.238281 7.449219 23.148438 7.375 L 18.269531 3.199219 C 18.117188 3.066406 17.890625 3.066406 17.738281 3.199219 L 12.863281 7.375 C 12.773438 7.449219 12.722656 7.558594 12.722656 7.675781 L 12.722656 12.496094 C 12.722656 12.714844 12.902344 12.894531 13.128906 12.894531 Z M 13.128906 12.894531 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g></svg>

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<svg style='color: #f3da35' xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 3.386719 3.050781 L 27.339844 3.050781 L 27.339844 27 L 3.386719 27 Z M 3.386719 3.050781 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" d="M 26.488281 19.507812 L 20.734375 24.007812 C 20.011719 24.570312 19.117188 24.875 18.199219 24.867188 L 16.683594 24.855469 L 11.199219 24.808594 C 11.097656 24.808594 11.003906 24.761719 10.941406 24.683594 L 6.40625 19.015625 C 6.292969 18.871094 6.316406 18.664062 6.464844 18.550781 L 8.796875 16.738281 C 9.507812 16.1875 10.382812 15.886719 11.285156 15.886719 L 11.996094 15.886719 L 15.105469 15.882812 L 18.265625 15.878906 C 19.195312 15.878906 19.949219 16.621094 19.949219 17.539062 C 19.949219 18.457031 19.199219 19.199219 18.269531 19.203125 L 15.414062 19.203125 C 14.949219 19.203125 14.574219 19.578125 14.574219 20.035156 C 14.574219 20.492188 14.953125 20.863281 15.414062 20.863281 L 15.734375 20.863281 L 18.824219 20.859375 C 19.125 20.859375 19.414062 20.761719 19.652344 20.578125 L 24.40625 16.894531 C 25.136719 16.328125 26.191406 16.453125 26.765625 17.171875 C 27.34375 17.894531 27.21875 18.9375 26.488281 19.507812 Z M 5.089844 20.046875 C 4.972656 19.902344 4.761719 19.878906 4.617188 19.992188 L 3.5625 20.816406 C 3.417969 20.929688 3.394531 21.136719 3.507812 21.28125 L 7.933594 26.8125 C 8.046875 26.957031 8.257812 26.980469 8.40625 26.867188 L 9.457031 26.042969 C 9.605469 25.929688 9.628906 25.71875 9.515625 25.578125 Z M 13.128906 12.894531 L 15.960938 12.894531 C 16.183594 12.894531 16.367188 12.714844 16.367188 12.496094 L 16.367188 9.335938 C 16.367188 9.113281 16.546875 8.933594 16.769531 8.933594 L 19.238281 8.933594 C 19.464844 8.933594 19.644531 9.113281 19.644531 9.335938 L 19.644531 12.496094 C 19.644531 12.714844 19.828125 12.894531 20.050781 12.894531 L 22.882812 12.894531 C 23.109375 12.894531 23.289062 12.714844 23.289062 12.496094 L 23.289062 7.675781 C 23.289062 7.558594 23.238281 7.449219 23.148438 7.375 L 18.269531 3.199219 C 18.117188 3.066406 17.890625 3.066406 17.738281 3.199219 L 12.863281 7.375 C 12.773438 7.449219 12.722656 7.558594 12.722656 7.675781 L 12.722656 12.496094 C 12.722656 12.714844 12.902344 12.894531 13.128906 12.894531 Z M 13.128906 12.894531 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g></svg>

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