Home Heart Icon SVG
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Home Heart
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Home heart
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<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.953125 2.324219 L 26.902344 2.324219 L 26.902344 26.277344 L 2.953125 26.277344 Z M 2.953125 2.324219 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" d="M 26.65625 13.503906 L 23.820312 10.664062 L 23.820312 2.921875 C 23.820312 2.648438 23.597656 2.425781 23.324219 2.425781 L 19.347656 2.425781 C 19.074219 2.425781 18.851562 2.648438 18.851562 2.921875 L 18.851562 5.699219 L 16.078125 2.921875 C 15.4375 2.28125 14.320312 2.28125 13.679688 2.921875 L 3.097656 13.503906 C 2.953125 13.644531 2.910156 13.859375 2.988281 14.042969 C 3.066406 14.230469 3.246094 14.351562 3.449219 14.351562 L 5.933594 14.351562 L 5.933594 25.78125 C 5.933594 26.054688 6.15625 26.277344 6.429688 26.277344 L 23.324219 26.277344 C 23.601562 26.277344 23.824219 26.054688 23.824219 25.78125 L 23.824219 14.351562 L 26.308594 14.351562 C 26.507812 14.351562 26.691406 14.230469 26.765625 14.042969 C 26.84375 13.859375 26.800781 13.644531 26.65625 13.503906 Z M 18.164062 17.84375 C 17.464844 18.695312 15.335938 21.046875 15.246094 21.144531 C 15.148438 21.25 15.015625 21.308594 14.875 21.308594 C 14.738281 21.308594 14.601562 21.25 14.507812 21.144531 C 14.417969 21.046875 12.285156 18.695312 11.589844 17.84375 C 11.140625 17.292969 10.902344 16.660156 10.902344 16.007812 C 10.902344 14.546875 12.007812 13.355469 13.363281 13.355469 C 13.917969 13.355469 14.449219 13.554688 14.875 13.914062 C 15.304688 13.554688 15.832031 13.355469 16.390625 13.355469 C 17.746094 13.355469 18.851562 14.546875 18.851562 16.007812 C 18.851562 16.660156 18.613281 17.292969 18.164062 17.84375 Z M 18.164062 17.84375 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g></svg>
Home heart
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<svg style='color: white' xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.953125 2.324219 L 26.902344 2.324219 L 26.902344 26.277344 L 2.953125 26.277344 Z M 2.953125 2.324219 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" d="M 26.65625 13.503906 L 23.820312 10.664062 L 23.820312 2.921875 C 23.820312 2.648438 23.597656 2.425781 23.324219 2.425781 L 19.347656 2.425781 C 19.074219 2.425781 18.851562 2.648438 18.851562 2.921875 L 18.851562 5.699219 L 16.078125 2.921875 C 15.4375 2.28125 14.320312 2.28125 13.679688 2.921875 L 3.097656 13.503906 C 2.953125 13.644531 2.910156 13.859375 2.988281 14.042969 C 3.066406 14.230469 3.246094 14.351562 3.449219 14.351562 L 5.933594 14.351562 L 5.933594 25.78125 C 5.933594 26.054688 6.15625 26.277344 6.429688 26.277344 L 23.324219 26.277344 C 23.601562 26.277344 23.824219 26.054688 23.824219 25.78125 L 23.824219 14.351562 L 26.308594 14.351562 C 26.507812 14.351562 26.691406 14.230469 26.765625 14.042969 C 26.84375 13.859375 26.800781 13.644531 26.65625 13.503906 Z M 18.164062 17.84375 C 17.464844 18.695312 15.335938 21.046875 15.246094 21.144531 C 15.148438 21.25 15.015625 21.308594 14.875 21.308594 C 14.738281 21.308594 14.601562 21.25 14.507812 21.144531 C 14.417969 21.046875 12.285156 18.695312 11.589844 17.84375 C 11.140625 17.292969 10.902344 16.660156 10.902344 16.007812 C 10.902344 14.546875 12.007812 13.355469 13.363281 13.355469 C 13.917969 13.355469 14.449219 13.554688 14.875 13.914062 C 15.304688 13.554688 15.832031 13.355469 16.390625 13.355469 C 17.746094 13.355469 18.851562 14.546875 18.851562 16.007812 C 18.851562 16.660156 18.613281 17.292969 18.164062 17.84375 Z M 18.164062 17.84375 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g></svg>
Home heart
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<svg style='color: red' xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.953125 2.324219 L 26.902344 2.324219 L 26.902344 26.277344 L 2.953125 26.277344 Z M 2.953125 2.324219 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" d="M 26.65625 13.503906 L 23.820312 10.664062 L 23.820312 2.921875 C 23.820312 2.648438 23.597656 2.425781 23.324219 2.425781 L 19.347656 2.425781 C 19.074219 2.425781 18.851562 2.648438 18.851562 2.921875 L 18.851562 5.699219 L 16.078125 2.921875 C 15.4375 2.28125 14.320312 2.28125 13.679688 2.921875 L 3.097656 13.503906 C 2.953125 13.644531 2.910156 13.859375 2.988281 14.042969 C 3.066406 14.230469 3.246094 14.351562 3.449219 14.351562 L 5.933594 14.351562 L 5.933594 25.78125 C 5.933594 26.054688 6.15625 26.277344 6.429688 26.277344 L 23.324219 26.277344 C 23.601562 26.277344 23.824219 26.054688 23.824219 25.78125 L 23.824219 14.351562 L 26.308594 14.351562 C 26.507812 14.351562 26.691406 14.230469 26.765625 14.042969 C 26.84375 13.859375 26.800781 13.644531 26.65625 13.503906 Z M 18.164062 17.84375 C 17.464844 18.695312 15.335938 21.046875 15.246094 21.144531 C 15.148438 21.25 15.015625 21.308594 14.875 21.308594 C 14.738281 21.308594 14.601562 21.25 14.507812 21.144531 C 14.417969 21.046875 12.285156 18.695312 11.589844 17.84375 C 11.140625 17.292969 10.902344 16.660156 10.902344 16.007812 C 10.902344 14.546875 12.007812 13.355469 13.363281 13.355469 C 13.917969 13.355469 14.449219 13.554688 14.875 13.914062 C 15.304688 13.554688 15.832031 13.355469 16.390625 13.355469 C 17.746094 13.355469 18.851562 14.546875 18.851562 16.007812 C 18.851562 16.660156 18.613281 17.292969 18.164062 17.84375 Z M 18.164062 17.84375 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g></svg>
Home heart
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<svg style='color: blue' xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.953125 2.324219 L 26.902344 2.324219 L 26.902344 26.277344 L 2.953125 26.277344 Z M 2.953125 2.324219 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" d="M 26.65625 13.503906 L 23.820312 10.664062 L 23.820312 2.921875 C 23.820312 2.648438 23.597656 2.425781 23.324219 2.425781 L 19.347656 2.425781 C 19.074219 2.425781 18.851562 2.648438 18.851562 2.921875 L 18.851562 5.699219 L 16.078125 2.921875 C 15.4375 2.28125 14.320312 2.28125 13.679688 2.921875 L 3.097656 13.503906 C 2.953125 13.644531 2.910156 13.859375 2.988281 14.042969 C 3.066406 14.230469 3.246094 14.351562 3.449219 14.351562 L 5.933594 14.351562 L 5.933594 25.78125 C 5.933594 26.054688 6.15625 26.277344 6.429688 26.277344 L 23.324219 26.277344 C 23.601562 26.277344 23.824219 26.054688 23.824219 25.78125 L 23.824219 14.351562 L 26.308594 14.351562 C 26.507812 14.351562 26.691406 14.230469 26.765625 14.042969 C 26.84375 13.859375 26.800781 13.644531 26.65625 13.503906 Z M 18.164062 17.84375 C 17.464844 18.695312 15.335938 21.046875 15.246094 21.144531 C 15.148438 21.25 15.015625 21.308594 14.875 21.308594 C 14.738281 21.308594 14.601562 21.25 14.507812 21.144531 C 14.417969 21.046875 12.285156 18.695312 11.589844 17.84375 C 11.140625 17.292969 10.902344 16.660156 10.902344 16.007812 C 10.902344 14.546875 12.007812 13.355469 13.363281 13.355469 C 13.917969 13.355469 14.449219 13.554688 14.875 13.914062 C 15.304688 13.554688 15.832031 13.355469 16.390625 13.355469 C 17.746094 13.355469 18.851562 14.546875 18.851562 16.007812 C 18.851562 16.660156 18.613281 17.292969 18.164062 17.84375 Z M 18.164062 17.84375 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g></svg>
Home heart
DownloadSvg Code
<svg style='color: #f3da35' xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.953125 2.324219 L 26.902344 2.324219 L 26.902344 26.277344 L 2.953125 26.277344 Z M 2.953125 2.324219 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" d="M 26.65625 13.503906 L 23.820312 10.664062 L 23.820312 2.921875 C 23.820312 2.648438 23.597656 2.425781 23.324219 2.425781 L 19.347656 2.425781 C 19.074219 2.425781 18.851562 2.648438 18.851562 2.921875 L 18.851562 5.699219 L 16.078125 2.921875 C 15.4375 2.28125 14.320312 2.28125 13.679688 2.921875 L 3.097656 13.503906 C 2.953125 13.644531 2.910156 13.859375 2.988281 14.042969 C 3.066406 14.230469 3.246094 14.351562 3.449219 14.351562 L 5.933594 14.351562 L 5.933594 25.78125 C 5.933594 26.054688 6.15625 26.277344 6.429688 26.277344 L 23.324219 26.277344 C 23.601562 26.277344 23.824219 26.054688 23.824219 25.78125 L 23.824219 14.351562 L 26.308594 14.351562 C 26.507812 14.351562 26.691406 14.230469 26.765625 14.042969 C 26.84375 13.859375 26.800781 13.644531 26.65625 13.503906 Z M 18.164062 17.84375 C 17.464844 18.695312 15.335938 21.046875 15.246094 21.144531 C 15.148438 21.25 15.015625 21.308594 14.875 21.308594 C 14.738281 21.308594 14.601562 21.25 14.507812 21.144531 C 14.417969 21.046875 12.285156 18.695312 11.589844 17.84375 C 11.140625 17.292969 10.902344 16.660156 10.902344 16.007812 C 10.902344 14.546875 12.007812 13.355469 13.363281 13.355469 C 13.917969 13.355469 14.449219 13.554688 14.875 13.914062 C 15.304688 13.554688 15.832031 13.355469 16.390625 13.355469 C 17.746094 13.355469 18.851562 14.546875 18.851562 16.007812 C 18.851562 16.660156 18.613281 17.292969 18.164062 17.84375 Z M 18.164062 17.84375 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g></svg>
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Home Heart Icon SVG - Faq(s)?
⭐Can I get Free Home Heart Icon SVG?Yes, you can get free Home Heart SVG icons.
⭐ How to download free Home Heart Icon SVG code?To download free Home Heart icons in SVG code click on the copy code button.
⭐How to find the Home Heart Icon SVG path file?You can get the Home Heart SVG file path from the above section.
⭐ What are the colors available for SVG Home Heart Icon?You can check the Home Heart SVG in your brand color i.e, White, Black, Blue, Red, Green, Pink & Yellow.