Draggable and Resizable Div Javascript
JavaScript has the ability to drag and resize HTML elements using the mouse. In this article, we will learn how to implement this functionality using JavaScript for creating draggable and resizable div elements through mouse drag. We will use the div element as an example, but the same technique can be applied to any other element. The solutions involved in making the div element draggable and resizable by mouse drag will be discussed
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How to Create Draggable and Reszie Div in Javascript?
JavaScript Draggable and Resizeable Div by Mouse Drag: To resize a div element on drag using JavaScript, you can add event listeners to track the mouse movements. First, obtain a reference to the div element and set the initial dimensions. Then, attach a 'mousedown' event listener to capture the start position. Next, add a 'mousemove' event listener to calculate the distance moved and adjust the div size accordingly or change the size of the div. Finally, remove the event listeners when the mouse button is released using the 'mouseup' event. By continuously updating the div dimensions based on the mouse movements, you can achieve a Javascript resizable div element that responds to drag actions.