Canada Flag Icon SVG

Canada Flag SVG Icons refers to the national flag of Canada, often referred to simply as the Canadian flag or informally as the maple leaf or l'unifolie, is one that has a white square at its center in the ratio 1∶2∶1. area. Shown with a stylized, red, 11-pointed maple leaf charged in the center.

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Canada flag Icon Svg Code | Path | Download

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Canada flag SVG Icon Code | Customize color

You can get svg icon canada flag in blue, white, red color and transparent color from below list. You can also customize color using color picker.

Canada flag


Svg Code

<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.574219 5.546875 L 27.253906 5.546875 L 27.253906 23.695312 L 2.574219 23.695312 Z M 2.574219 5.546875 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath><clipPath id="id2"><path d="M 9 5.546875 L 21 5.546875 L 21 23.695312 L 9 23.695312 Z M 9 5.546875 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(83.529663%, 16.859436%, 11.759949%)" d="M 5.328125 5.546875 C 3.8125 5.546875 2.585938 6.796875 2.585938 8.339844 L 2.585938 20.902344 C 2.585938 22.445312 3.8125 23.695312 5.328125 23.695312 L 9.433594 23.695312 L 9.433594 5.546875 Z M 24.503906 5.546875 L 20.394531 5.546875 L 20.394531 23.695312 L 24.503906 23.695312 C 26.015625 23.695312 27.242188 22.445312 27.242188 20.902344 L 27.242188 8.339844 C 27.242188 6.796875 26.015625 5.546875 24.503906 5.546875 Z M 24.503906 5.546875 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><g clip-path="url(#id2)"><path fill="rgb(93.328857%, 93.328857%, 93.328857%)" d="M 9.433594 5.546875 L 20.394531 5.546875 L 20.394531 23.695312 L 9.433594 23.695312 Z M 9.433594 5.546875 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><path fill="rgb(83.529663%, 16.859436%, 11.759949%)" d="M 15.335938 17.492188 C 16.15625 17.589844 16.890625 17.675781 17.710938 17.769531 L 17.503906 17.070312 C 17.46875 16.949219 17.515625 16.816406 17.613281 16.738281 L 19.996094 14.761719 L 19.5 14.523438 C 19.285156 14.445312 19.34375 14.320312 19.421875 14.019531 L 19.785156 12.671875 L 18.402344 12.96875 C 18.265625 12.988281 18.175781 12.902344 18.15625 12.816406 L 17.976562 12.183594 L 16.882812 13.433594 C 16.726562 13.636719 16.414062 13.636719 16.511719 13.171875 L 16.980469 10.636719 L 16.351562 10.96875 C 16.175781 11.066406 16 11.085938 15.902344 10.90625 L 15.035156 9.253906 L 15.035156 9.296875 L 15.035156 9.253906 L 14.167969 10.90625 C 14.070312 11.085938 13.894531 11.066406 13.71875 10.96875 L 13.089844 10.636719 L 13.558594 13.171875 C 13.65625 13.636719 13.339844 13.636719 13.183594 13.433594 L 12.089844 12.183594 L 11.914062 12.820312 C 11.890625 12.902344 11.800781 12.988281 11.667969 12.96875 L 10.28125 12.671875 L 10.644531 14.023438 C 10.722656 14.320312 10.785156 14.445312 10.566406 14.527344 L 10.074219 14.761719 L 12.457031 16.742188 C 12.550781 16.816406 12.597656 16.949219 12.566406 17.074219 L 12.355469 17.773438 L 14.730469 17.492188 C 14.804688 17.492188 14.851562 17.53125 14.851562 17.617188 L 14.707031 20.203125 L 15.359375 20.203125 L 15.214844 17.617188 C 15.214844 17.53125 15.261719 17.492188 15.335938 17.492188 Z M 15.335938 17.492188 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>

Canada flag


Svg Code

<svg style='color: white' xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.574219 5.546875 L 27.253906 5.546875 L 27.253906 23.695312 L 2.574219 23.695312 Z M 2.574219 5.546875 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath><clipPath id="id2"><path d="M 9 5.546875 L 21 5.546875 L 21 23.695312 L 9 23.695312 Z M 9 5.546875 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(83.529663%, 16.859436%, 11.759949%)" d="M 5.328125 5.546875 C 3.8125 5.546875 2.585938 6.796875 2.585938 8.339844 L 2.585938 20.902344 C 2.585938 22.445312 3.8125 23.695312 5.328125 23.695312 L 9.433594 23.695312 L 9.433594 5.546875 Z M 24.503906 5.546875 L 20.394531 5.546875 L 20.394531 23.695312 L 24.503906 23.695312 C 26.015625 23.695312 27.242188 22.445312 27.242188 20.902344 L 27.242188 8.339844 C 27.242188 6.796875 26.015625 5.546875 24.503906 5.546875 Z M 24.503906 5.546875 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><g clip-path="url(#id2)"><path fill="rgb(93.328857%, 93.328857%, 93.328857%)" d="M 9.433594 5.546875 L 20.394531 5.546875 L 20.394531 23.695312 L 9.433594 23.695312 Z M 9.433594 5.546875 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><path fill="rgb(83.529663%, 16.859436%, 11.759949%)" d="M 15.335938 17.492188 C 16.15625 17.589844 16.890625 17.675781 17.710938 17.769531 L 17.503906 17.070312 C 17.46875 16.949219 17.515625 16.816406 17.613281 16.738281 L 19.996094 14.761719 L 19.5 14.523438 C 19.285156 14.445312 19.34375 14.320312 19.421875 14.019531 L 19.785156 12.671875 L 18.402344 12.96875 C 18.265625 12.988281 18.175781 12.902344 18.15625 12.816406 L 17.976562 12.183594 L 16.882812 13.433594 C 16.726562 13.636719 16.414062 13.636719 16.511719 13.171875 L 16.980469 10.636719 L 16.351562 10.96875 C 16.175781 11.066406 16 11.085938 15.902344 10.90625 L 15.035156 9.253906 L 15.035156 9.296875 L 15.035156 9.253906 L 14.167969 10.90625 C 14.070312 11.085938 13.894531 11.066406 13.71875 10.96875 L 13.089844 10.636719 L 13.558594 13.171875 C 13.65625 13.636719 13.339844 13.636719 13.183594 13.433594 L 12.089844 12.183594 L 11.914062 12.820312 C 11.890625 12.902344 11.800781 12.988281 11.667969 12.96875 L 10.28125 12.671875 L 10.644531 14.023438 C 10.722656 14.320312 10.785156 14.445312 10.566406 14.527344 L 10.074219 14.761719 L 12.457031 16.742188 C 12.550781 16.816406 12.597656 16.949219 12.566406 17.074219 L 12.355469 17.773438 L 14.730469 17.492188 C 14.804688 17.492188 14.851562 17.53125 14.851562 17.617188 L 14.707031 20.203125 L 15.359375 20.203125 L 15.214844 17.617188 C 15.214844 17.53125 15.261719 17.492188 15.335938 17.492188 Z M 15.335938 17.492188 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>

Canada flag


Svg Code

<svg style='color: red' xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.574219 5.546875 L 27.253906 5.546875 L 27.253906 23.695312 L 2.574219 23.695312 Z M 2.574219 5.546875 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath><clipPath id="id2"><path d="M 9 5.546875 L 21 5.546875 L 21 23.695312 L 9 23.695312 Z M 9 5.546875 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(83.529663%, 16.859436%, 11.759949%)" d="M 5.328125 5.546875 C 3.8125 5.546875 2.585938 6.796875 2.585938 8.339844 L 2.585938 20.902344 C 2.585938 22.445312 3.8125 23.695312 5.328125 23.695312 L 9.433594 23.695312 L 9.433594 5.546875 Z M 24.503906 5.546875 L 20.394531 5.546875 L 20.394531 23.695312 L 24.503906 23.695312 C 26.015625 23.695312 27.242188 22.445312 27.242188 20.902344 L 27.242188 8.339844 C 27.242188 6.796875 26.015625 5.546875 24.503906 5.546875 Z M 24.503906 5.546875 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><g clip-path="url(#id2)"><path fill="rgb(93.328857%, 93.328857%, 93.328857%)" d="M 9.433594 5.546875 L 20.394531 5.546875 L 20.394531 23.695312 L 9.433594 23.695312 Z M 9.433594 5.546875 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><path fill="rgb(83.529663%, 16.859436%, 11.759949%)" d="M 15.335938 17.492188 C 16.15625 17.589844 16.890625 17.675781 17.710938 17.769531 L 17.503906 17.070312 C 17.46875 16.949219 17.515625 16.816406 17.613281 16.738281 L 19.996094 14.761719 L 19.5 14.523438 C 19.285156 14.445312 19.34375 14.320312 19.421875 14.019531 L 19.785156 12.671875 L 18.402344 12.96875 C 18.265625 12.988281 18.175781 12.902344 18.15625 12.816406 L 17.976562 12.183594 L 16.882812 13.433594 C 16.726562 13.636719 16.414062 13.636719 16.511719 13.171875 L 16.980469 10.636719 L 16.351562 10.96875 C 16.175781 11.066406 16 11.085938 15.902344 10.90625 L 15.035156 9.253906 L 15.035156 9.296875 L 15.035156 9.253906 L 14.167969 10.90625 C 14.070312 11.085938 13.894531 11.066406 13.71875 10.96875 L 13.089844 10.636719 L 13.558594 13.171875 C 13.65625 13.636719 13.339844 13.636719 13.183594 13.433594 L 12.089844 12.183594 L 11.914062 12.820312 C 11.890625 12.902344 11.800781 12.988281 11.667969 12.96875 L 10.28125 12.671875 L 10.644531 14.023438 C 10.722656 14.320312 10.785156 14.445312 10.566406 14.527344 L 10.074219 14.761719 L 12.457031 16.742188 C 12.550781 16.816406 12.597656 16.949219 12.566406 17.074219 L 12.355469 17.773438 L 14.730469 17.492188 C 14.804688 17.492188 14.851562 17.53125 14.851562 17.617188 L 14.707031 20.203125 L 15.359375 20.203125 L 15.214844 17.617188 C 15.214844 17.53125 15.261719 17.492188 15.335938 17.492188 Z M 15.335938 17.492188 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>

Canada flag


Svg Code

<svg style='color: blue' xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.574219 5.546875 L 27.253906 5.546875 L 27.253906 23.695312 L 2.574219 23.695312 Z M 2.574219 5.546875 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath><clipPath id="id2"><path d="M 9 5.546875 L 21 5.546875 L 21 23.695312 L 9 23.695312 Z M 9 5.546875 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(83.529663%, 16.859436%, 11.759949%)" d="M 5.328125 5.546875 C 3.8125 5.546875 2.585938 6.796875 2.585938 8.339844 L 2.585938 20.902344 C 2.585938 22.445312 3.8125 23.695312 5.328125 23.695312 L 9.433594 23.695312 L 9.433594 5.546875 Z M 24.503906 5.546875 L 20.394531 5.546875 L 20.394531 23.695312 L 24.503906 23.695312 C 26.015625 23.695312 27.242188 22.445312 27.242188 20.902344 L 27.242188 8.339844 C 27.242188 6.796875 26.015625 5.546875 24.503906 5.546875 Z M 24.503906 5.546875 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><g clip-path="url(#id2)"><path fill="rgb(93.328857%, 93.328857%, 93.328857%)" d="M 9.433594 5.546875 L 20.394531 5.546875 L 20.394531 23.695312 L 9.433594 23.695312 Z M 9.433594 5.546875 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><path fill="rgb(83.529663%, 16.859436%, 11.759949%)" d="M 15.335938 17.492188 C 16.15625 17.589844 16.890625 17.675781 17.710938 17.769531 L 17.503906 17.070312 C 17.46875 16.949219 17.515625 16.816406 17.613281 16.738281 L 19.996094 14.761719 L 19.5 14.523438 C 19.285156 14.445312 19.34375 14.320312 19.421875 14.019531 L 19.785156 12.671875 L 18.402344 12.96875 C 18.265625 12.988281 18.175781 12.902344 18.15625 12.816406 L 17.976562 12.183594 L 16.882812 13.433594 C 16.726562 13.636719 16.414062 13.636719 16.511719 13.171875 L 16.980469 10.636719 L 16.351562 10.96875 C 16.175781 11.066406 16 11.085938 15.902344 10.90625 L 15.035156 9.253906 L 15.035156 9.296875 L 15.035156 9.253906 L 14.167969 10.90625 C 14.070312 11.085938 13.894531 11.066406 13.71875 10.96875 L 13.089844 10.636719 L 13.558594 13.171875 C 13.65625 13.636719 13.339844 13.636719 13.183594 13.433594 L 12.089844 12.183594 L 11.914062 12.820312 C 11.890625 12.902344 11.800781 12.988281 11.667969 12.96875 L 10.28125 12.671875 L 10.644531 14.023438 C 10.722656 14.320312 10.785156 14.445312 10.566406 14.527344 L 10.074219 14.761719 L 12.457031 16.742188 C 12.550781 16.816406 12.597656 16.949219 12.566406 17.074219 L 12.355469 17.773438 L 14.730469 17.492188 C 14.804688 17.492188 14.851562 17.53125 14.851562 17.617188 L 14.707031 20.203125 L 15.359375 20.203125 L 15.214844 17.617188 C 15.214844 17.53125 15.261719 17.492188 15.335938 17.492188 Z M 15.335938 17.492188 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>

Canada flag


Svg Code

<svg style='color: #f3da35' xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.574219 5.546875 L 27.253906 5.546875 L 27.253906 23.695312 L 2.574219 23.695312 Z M 2.574219 5.546875 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath><clipPath id="id2"><path d="M 9 5.546875 L 21 5.546875 L 21 23.695312 L 9 23.695312 Z M 9 5.546875 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(83.529663%, 16.859436%, 11.759949%)" d="M 5.328125 5.546875 C 3.8125 5.546875 2.585938 6.796875 2.585938 8.339844 L 2.585938 20.902344 C 2.585938 22.445312 3.8125 23.695312 5.328125 23.695312 L 9.433594 23.695312 L 9.433594 5.546875 Z M 24.503906 5.546875 L 20.394531 5.546875 L 20.394531 23.695312 L 24.503906 23.695312 C 26.015625 23.695312 27.242188 22.445312 27.242188 20.902344 L 27.242188 8.339844 C 27.242188 6.796875 26.015625 5.546875 24.503906 5.546875 Z M 24.503906 5.546875 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><g clip-path="url(#id2)"><path fill="rgb(93.328857%, 93.328857%, 93.328857%)" d="M 9.433594 5.546875 L 20.394531 5.546875 L 20.394531 23.695312 L 9.433594 23.695312 Z M 9.433594 5.546875 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><path fill="rgb(83.529663%, 16.859436%, 11.759949%)" d="M 15.335938 17.492188 C 16.15625 17.589844 16.890625 17.675781 17.710938 17.769531 L 17.503906 17.070312 C 17.46875 16.949219 17.515625 16.816406 17.613281 16.738281 L 19.996094 14.761719 L 19.5 14.523438 C 19.285156 14.445312 19.34375 14.320312 19.421875 14.019531 L 19.785156 12.671875 L 18.402344 12.96875 C 18.265625 12.988281 18.175781 12.902344 18.15625 12.816406 L 17.976562 12.183594 L 16.882812 13.433594 C 16.726562 13.636719 16.414062 13.636719 16.511719 13.171875 L 16.980469 10.636719 L 16.351562 10.96875 C 16.175781 11.066406 16 11.085938 15.902344 10.90625 L 15.035156 9.253906 L 15.035156 9.296875 L 15.035156 9.253906 L 14.167969 10.90625 C 14.070312 11.085938 13.894531 11.066406 13.71875 10.96875 L 13.089844 10.636719 L 13.558594 13.171875 C 13.65625 13.636719 13.339844 13.636719 13.183594 13.433594 L 12.089844 12.183594 L 11.914062 12.820312 C 11.890625 12.902344 11.800781 12.988281 11.667969 12.96875 L 10.28125 12.671875 L 10.644531 14.023438 C 10.722656 14.320312 10.785156 14.445312 10.566406 14.527344 L 10.074219 14.761719 L 12.457031 16.742188 C 12.550781 16.816406 12.597656 16.949219 12.566406 17.074219 L 12.355469 17.773438 L 14.730469 17.492188 C 14.804688 17.492188 14.851562 17.53125 14.851562 17.617188 L 14.707031 20.203125 L 15.359375 20.203125 L 15.214844 17.617188 C 15.214844 17.53125 15.261719 17.492188 15.335938 17.492188 Z M 15.335938 17.492188 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>

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