India Flag Icon SVG

India Flag SVG Icons refers to the top stripe of the national flag of India is saffron, which represents the strength and courage of the country. The white band in the middle indicates peace and truth with the Dharma Chakra. The last stripe is green, indicating fertility, growth, and good omens for the land.

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India flag


Svg Code

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12.324219 15.242188 12.25 14.871094 12.25 14.488281 C 12.25 14.101562 12.324219 13.730469 12.464844 13.375 C 12.609375 13.019531 12.8125 12.707031 13.078125 12.433594 C 13.34375 12.164062 13.648438 11.953125 13.992188 11.804688 C 14.339844 11.65625 14.699219 11.585938 15.074219 11.585938 C 15.445312 11.585938 15.804688 11.65625 16.152344 11.804688 C 16.496094 11.953125 16.804688 12.164062 17.066406 12.433594 C 17.332031 12.707031 17.535156 13.019531 17.679688 13.375 C 17.820312 13.730469 17.894531 14.101562 17.894531 14.488281 Z M 17.894531 14.488281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="rgb(93.328857%, 93.328857%, 93.328857%)" d="M 17.1875 14.488281 C 17.1875 14.777344 17.136719 15.054688 17.027344 15.320312 C 16.921875 15.585938 16.765625 15.824219 16.570312 16.027344 C 16.371094 16.230469 16.140625 16.390625 15.882812 16.5 C 15.621094 16.609375 15.351562 16.664062 15.074219 16.664062 C 14.792969 16.664062 14.523438 16.609375 14.261719 16.5 C 14.003906 16.390625 13.773438 16.230469 13.578125 16.027344 C 13.378906 15.824219 13.226562 15.585938 13.117188 15.320312 C 13.011719 15.054688 12.957031 14.777344 12.957031 14.488281 C 12.957031 14.199219 13.011719 13.921875 13.117188 13.65625 C 13.226562 13.386719 13.378906 13.152344 13.578125 12.949219 C 13.773438 12.742188 14.003906 12.585938 14.261719 12.476562 C 14.523438 12.367188 14.792969 12.308594 15.074219 12.308594 C 15.351562 12.308594 15.621094 12.367188 15.882812 12.476562 C 16.140625 12.585938 16.371094 12.742188 16.570312 12.949219 C 16.765625 13.152344 16.921875 13.386719 17.027344 13.65625 C 17.136719 13.921875 17.1875 14.199219 17.1875 14.488281 Z M 17.1875 14.488281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="rgb(39.99939%, 39.99939%, 70.199585%)" d="M 15.074219 12.308594 L 15.175781 13.953125 L 15.882812 12.476562 L 15.367188 14.035156 L 16.570312 12.949219 L 15.511719 14.183594 L 17.027344 13.65625 L 15.589844 14.382812 L 17.1875 14.488281 L 15.589844 14.59375 L 17.027344 15.320312 L 15.511719 14.789062 L 16.570312 16.027344 L 15.367188 14.941406 L 15.882812 16.5 L 15.175781 15.023438 L 15.074219 16.664062 L 14.96875 15.023438 L 14.261719 16.5 L 14.777344 14.941406 L 13.574219 16.027344 L 14.632812 14.789062 L 13.117188 15.320312 L 14.554688 14.59375 L 12.957031 14.488281 L 14.554688 14.382812 L 13.117188 13.65625 L 14.632812 14.183594 L 13.574219 12.949219 L 14.777344 14.035156 L 14.261719 12.476562 L 14.96875 13.953125 Z M 15.074219 12.308594 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 50.19989%)" d="M 15.777344 14.488281 C 15.777344 14.6875 15.707031 14.859375 15.570312 15 C 15.433594 15.140625 15.265625 15.214844 15.074219 15.214844 C 14.878906 15.214844 14.710938 15.140625 14.574219 15 C 14.4375 14.859375 14.367188 14.6875 14.367188 14.488281 C 14.367188 14.289062 14.4375 14.117188 14.574219 13.972656 C 14.710938 13.832031 14.878906 13.761719 15.074219 13.761719 C 15.265625 13.761719 15.433594 13.832031 15.570312 13.972656 C 15.707031 14.117188 15.777344 14.289062 15.777344 14.488281 Z M 15.777344 14.488281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>

India flag


Svg Code

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12.464844 15.597656 C 12.324219 15.242188 12.25 14.871094 12.25 14.488281 C 12.25 14.101562 12.324219 13.730469 12.464844 13.375 C 12.609375 13.019531 12.8125 12.707031 13.078125 12.433594 C 13.34375 12.164062 13.648438 11.953125 13.992188 11.804688 C 14.339844 11.65625 14.699219 11.585938 15.074219 11.585938 C 15.445312 11.585938 15.804688 11.65625 16.152344 11.804688 C 16.496094 11.953125 16.804688 12.164062 17.066406 12.433594 C 17.332031 12.707031 17.535156 13.019531 17.679688 13.375 C 17.820312 13.730469 17.894531 14.101562 17.894531 14.488281 Z M 17.894531 14.488281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="rgb(93.328857%, 93.328857%, 93.328857%)" d="M 17.1875 14.488281 C 17.1875 14.777344 17.136719 15.054688 17.027344 15.320312 C 16.921875 15.585938 16.765625 15.824219 16.570312 16.027344 C 16.371094 16.230469 16.140625 16.390625 15.882812 16.5 C 15.621094 16.609375 15.351562 16.664062 15.074219 16.664062 C 14.792969 16.664062 14.523438 16.609375 14.261719 16.5 C 14.003906 16.390625 13.773438 16.230469 13.578125 16.027344 C 13.378906 15.824219 13.226562 15.585938 13.117188 15.320312 C 13.011719 15.054688 12.957031 14.777344 12.957031 14.488281 C 12.957031 14.199219 13.011719 13.921875 13.117188 13.65625 C 13.226562 13.386719 13.378906 13.152344 13.578125 12.949219 C 13.773438 12.742188 14.003906 12.585938 14.261719 12.476562 C 14.523438 12.367188 14.792969 12.308594 15.074219 12.308594 C 15.351562 12.308594 15.621094 12.367188 15.882812 12.476562 C 16.140625 12.585938 16.371094 12.742188 16.570312 12.949219 C 16.765625 13.152344 16.921875 13.386719 17.027344 13.65625 C 17.136719 13.921875 17.1875 14.199219 17.1875 14.488281 Z M 17.1875 14.488281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="rgb(39.99939%, 39.99939%, 70.199585%)" d="M 15.074219 12.308594 L 15.175781 13.953125 L 15.882812 12.476562 L 15.367188 14.035156 L 16.570312 12.949219 L 15.511719 14.183594 L 17.027344 13.65625 L 15.589844 14.382812 L 17.1875 14.488281 L 15.589844 14.59375 L 17.027344 15.320312 L 15.511719 14.789062 L 16.570312 16.027344 L 15.367188 14.941406 L 15.882812 16.5 L 15.175781 15.023438 L 15.074219 16.664062 L 14.96875 15.023438 L 14.261719 16.5 L 14.777344 14.941406 L 13.574219 16.027344 L 14.632812 14.789062 L 13.117188 15.320312 L 14.554688 14.59375 L 12.957031 14.488281 L 14.554688 14.382812 L 13.117188 13.65625 L 14.632812 14.183594 L 13.574219 12.949219 L 14.777344 14.035156 L 14.261719 12.476562 L 14.96875 13.953125 Z M 15.074219 12.308594 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 50.19989%)" d="M 15.777344 14.488281 C 15.777344 14.6875 15.707031 14.859375 15.570312 15 C 15.433594 15.140625 15.265625 15.214844 15.074219 15.214844 C 14.878906 15.214844 14.710938 15.140625 14.574219 15 C 14.4375 14.859375 14.367188 14.6875 14.367188 14.488281 C 14.367188 14.289062 14.4375 14.117188 14.574219 13.972656 C 14.710938 13.832031 14.878906 13.761719 15.074219 13.761719 C 15.265625 13.761719 15.433594 13.832031 15.570312 13.972656 C 15.707031 14.117188 15.777344 14.289062 15.777344 14.488281 Z M 15.777344 14.488281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>

India flag


Svg Code

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12.464844 15.597656 C 12.324219 15.242188 12.25 14.871094 12.25 14.488281 C 12.25 14.101562 12.324219 13.730469 12.464844 13.375 C 12.609375 13.019531 12.8125 12.707031 13.078125 12.433594 C 13.34375 12.164062 13.648438 11.953125 13.992188 11.804688 C 14.339844 11.65625 14.699219 11.585938 15.074219 11.585938 C 15.445312 11.585938 15.804688 11.65625 16.152344 11.804688 C 16.496094 11.953125 16.804688 12.164062 17.066406 12.433594 C 17.332031 12.707031 17.535156 13.019531 17.679688 13.375 C 17.820312 13.730469 17.894531 14.101562 17.894531 14.488281 Z M 17.894531 14.488281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="rgb(93.328857%, 93.328857%, 93.328857%)" d="M 17.1875 14.488281 C 17.1875 14.777344 17.136719 15.054688 17.027344 15.320312 C 16.921875 15.585938 16.765625 15.824219 16.570312 16.027344 C 16.371094 16.230469 16.140625 16.390625 15.882812 16.5 C 15.621094 16.609375 15.351562 16.664062 15.074219 16.664062 C 14.792969 16.664062 14.523438 16.609375 14.261719 16.5 C 14.003906 16.390625 13.773438 16.230469 13.578125 16.027344 C 13.378906 15.824219 13.226562 15.585938 13.117188 15.320312 C 13.011719 15.054688 12.957031 14.777344 12.957031 14.488281 C 12.957031 14.199219 13.011719 13.921875 13.117188 13.65625 C 13.226562 13.386719 13.378906 13.152344 13.578125 12.949219 C 13.773438 12.742188 14.003906 12.585938 14.261719 12.476562 C 14.523438 12.367188 14.792969 12.308594 15.074219 12.308594 C 15.351562 12.308594 15.621094 12.367188 15.882812 12.476562 C 16.140625 12.585938 16.371094 12.742188 16.570312 12.949219 C 16.765625 13.152344 16.921875 13.386719 17.027344 13.65625 C 17.136719 13.921875 17.1875 14.199219 17.1875 14.488281 Z M 17.1875 14.488281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="rgb(39.99939%, 39.99939%, 70.199585%)" d="M 15.074219 12.308594 L 15.175781 13.953125 L 15.882812 12.476562 L 15.367188 14.035156 L 16.570312 12.949219 L 15.511719 14.183594 L 17.027344 13.65625 L 15.589844 14.382812 L 17.1875 14.488281 L 15.589844 14.59375 L 17.027344 15.320312 L 15.511719 14.789062 L 16.570312 16.027344 L 15.367188 14.941406 L 15.882812 16.5 L 15.175781 15.023438 L 15.074219 16.664062 L 14.96875 15.023438 L 14.261719 16.5 L 14.777344 14.941406 L 13.574219 16.027344 L 14.632812 14.789062 L 13.117188 15.320312 L 14.554688 14.59375 L 12.957031 14.488281 L 14.554688 14.382812 L 13.117188 13.65625 L 14.632812 14.183594 L 13.574219 12.949219 L 14.777344 14.035156 L 14.261719 12.476562 L 14.96875 13.953125 Z M 15.074219 12.308594 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 50.19989%)" d="M 15.777344 14.488281 C 15.777344 14.6875 15.707031 14.859375 15.570312 15 C 15.433594 15.140625 15.265625 15.214844 15.074219 15.214844 C 14.878906 15.214844 14.710938 15.140625 14.574219 15 C 14.4375 14.859375 14.367188 14.6875 14.367188 14.488281 C 14.367188 14.289062 14.4375 14.117188 14.574219 13.972656 C 14.710938 13.832031 14.878906 13.761719 15.074219 13.761719 C 15.265625 13.761719 15.433594 13.832031 15.570312 13.972656 C 15.707031 14.117188 15.777344 14.289062 15.777344 14.488281 Z M 15.777344 14.488281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>

India flag


Svg Code

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12.464844 15.597656 C 12.324219 15.242188 12.25 14.871094 12.25 14.488281 C 12.25 14.101562 12.324219 13.730469 12.464844 13.375 C 12.609375 13.019531 12.8125 12.707031 13.078125 12.433594 C 13.34375 12.164062 13.648438 11.953125 13.992188 11.804688 C 14.339844 11.65625 14.699219 11.585938 15.074219 11.585938 C 15.445312 11.585938 15.804688 11.65625 16.152344 11.804688 C 16.496094 11.953125 16.804688 12.164062 17.066406 12.433594 C 17.332031 12.707031 17.535156 13.019531 17.679688 13.375 C 17.820312 13.730469 17.894531 14.101562 17.894531 14.488281 Z M 17.894531 14.488281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="rgb(93.328857%, 93.328857%, 93.328857%)" d="M 17.1875 14.488281 C 17.1875 14.777344 17.136719 15.054688 17.027344 15.320312 C 16.921875 15.585938 16.765625 15.824219 16.570312 16.027344 C 16.371094 16.230469 16.140625 16.390625 15.882812 16.5 C 15.621094 16.609375 15.351562 16.664062 15.074219 16.664062 C 14.792969 16.664062 14.523438 16.609375 14.261719 16.5 C 14.003906 16.390625 13.773438 16.230469 13.578125 16.027344 C 13.378906 15.824219 13.226562 15.585938 13.117188 15.320312 C 13.011719 15.054688 12.957031 14.777344 12.957031 14.488281 C 12.957031 14.199219 13.011719 13.921875 13.117188 13.65625 C 13.226562 13.386719 13.378906 13.152344 13.578125 12.949219 C 13.773438 12.742188 14.003906 12.585938 14.261719 12.476562 C 14.523438 12.367188 14.792969 12.308594 15.074219 12.308594 C 15.351562 12.308594 15.621094 12.367188 15.882812 12.476562 C 16.140625 12.585938 16.371094 12.742188 16.570312 12.949219 C 16.765625 13.152344 16.921875 13.386719 17.027344 13.65625 C 17.136719 13.921875 17.1875 14.199219 17.1875 14.488281 Z M 17.1875 14.488281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="rgb(39.99939%, 39.99939%, 70.199585%)" d="M 15.074219 12.308594 L 15.175781 13.953125 L 15.882812 12.476562 L 15.367188 14.035156 L 16.570312 12.949219 L 15.511719 14.183594 L 17.027344 13.65625 L 15.589844 14.382812 L 17.1875 14.488281 L 15.589844 14.59375 L 17.027344 15.320312 L 15.511719 14.789062 L 16.570312 16.027344 L 15.367188 14.941406 L 15.882812 16.5 L 15.175781 15.023438 L 15.074219 16.664062 L 14.96875 15.023438 L 14.261719 16.5 L 14.777344 14.941406 L 13.574219 16.027344 L 14.632812 14.789062 L 13.117188 15.320312 L 14.554688 14.59375 L 12.957031 14.488281 L 14.554688 14.382812 L 13.117188 13.65625 L 14.632812 14.183594 L 13.574219 12.949219 L 14.777344 14.035156 L 14.261719 12.476562 L 14.96875 13.953125 Z M 15.074219 12.308594 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 50.19989%)" d="M 15.777344 14.488281 C 15.777344 14.6875 15.707031 14.859375 15.570312 15 C 15.433594 15.140625 15.265625 15.214844 15.074219 15.214844 C 14.878906 15.214844 14.710938 15.140625 14.574219 15 C 14.4375 14.859375 14.367188 14.6875 14.367188 14.488281 C 14.367188 14.289062 14.4375 14.117188 14.574219 13.972656 C 14.710938 13.832031 14.878906 13.761719 15.074219 13.761719 C 15.265625 13.761719 15.433594 13.832031 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India flag


Svg Code

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12.464844 15.597656 C 12.324219 15.242188 12.25 14.871094 12.25 14.488281 C 12.25 14.101562 12.324219 13.730469 12.464844 13.375 C 12.609375 13.019531 12.8125 12.707031 13.078125 12.433594 C 13.34375 12.164062 13.648438 11.953125 13.992188 11.804688 C 14.339844 11.65625 14.699219 11.585938 15.074219 11.585938 C 15.445312 11.585938 15.804688 11.65625 16.152344 11.804688 C 16.496094 11.953125 16.804688 12.164062 17.066406 12.433594 C 17.332031 12.707031 17.535156 13.019531 17.679688 13.375 C 17.820312 13.730469 17.894531 14.101562 17.894531 14.488281 Z M 17.894531 14.488281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="rgb(93.328857%, 93.328857%, 93.328857%)" d="M 17.1875 14.488281 C 17.1875 14.777344 17.136719 15.054688 17.027344 15.320312 C 16.921875 15.585938 16.765625 15.824219 16.570312 16.027344 C 16.371094 16.230469 16.140625 16.390625 15.882812 16.5 C 15.621094 16.609375 15.351562 16.664062 15.074219 16.664062 C 14.792969 16.664062 14.523438 16.609375 14.261719 16.5 C 14.003906 16.390625 13.773438 16.230469 13.578125 16.027344 C 13.378906 15.824219 13.226562 15.585938 13.117188 15.320312 C 13.011719 15.054688 12.957031 14.777344 12.957031 14.488281 C 12.957031 14.199219 13.011719 13.921875 13.117188 13.65625 C 13.226562 13.386719 13.378906 13.152344 13.578125 12.949219 C 13.773438 12.742188 14.003906 12.585938 14.261719 12.476562 C 14.523438 12.367188 14.792969 12.308594 15.074219 12.308594 C 15.351562 12.308594 15.621094 12.367188 15.882812 12.476562 C 16.140625 12.585938 16.371094 12.742188 16.570312 12.949219 C 16.765625 13.152344 16.921875 13.386719 17.027344 13.65625 C 17.136719 13.921875 17.1875 14.199219 17.1875 14.488281 Z M 17.1875 14.488281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="rgb(39.99939%, 39.99939%, 70.199585%)" d="M 15.074219 12.308594 L 15.175781 13.953125 L 15.882812 12.476562 L 15.367188 14.035156 L 16.570312 12.949219 L 15.511719 14.183594 L 17.027344 13.65625 L 15.589844 14.382812 L 17.1875 14.488281 L 15.589844 14.59375 L 17.027344 15.320312 L 15.511719 14.789062 L 16.570312 16.027344 L 15.367188 14.941406 L 15.882812 16.5 L 15.175781 15.023438 L 15.074219 16.664062 L 14.96875 15.023438 L 14.261719 16.5 L 14.777344 14.941406 L 13.574219 16.027344 L 14.632812 14.789062 L 13.117188 15.320312 L 14.554688 14.59375 L 12.957031 14.488281 L 14.554688 14.382812 L 13.117188 13.65625 L 14.632812 14.183594 L 13.574219 12.949219 L 14.777344 14.035156 L 14.261719 12.476562 L 14.96875 13.953125 Z M 15.074219 12.308594 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 50.19989%)" d="M 15.777344 14.488281 C 15.777344 14.6875 15.707031 14.859375 15.570312 15 C 15.433594 15.140625 15.265625 15.214844 15.074219 15.214844 C 14.878906 15.214844 14.710938 15.140625 14.574219 15 C 14.4375 14.859375 14.367188 14.6875 14.367188 14.488281 C 14.367188 14.289062 14.4375 14.117188 14.574219 13.972656 C 14.710938 13.832031 14.878906 13.761719 15.074219 13.761719 C 15.265625 13.761719 15.433594 13.832031 15.570312 13.972656 C 15.707031 14.117188 15.777344 14.289062 15.777344 14.488281 Z M 15.777344 14.488281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>

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bunting,gonfalon,black flag, Jolly Roger,tricolor,white flag,banner,emblem,streamer,standard,Bharat ,hindustan


India Flag Icon SVG - Faq(s)?

⭐Can I get Free India Flag Icon SVG?

Yes, you can get free India Flag SVG icons.

⭐ How to download free India Flag Icon SVG code?

To download free India Flag icons in SVG code click on the copy code button.

⭐How to find the India Flag Icon SVG path file?

You can get the India Flag SVG file path from the above section.

⭐ What are the colors available for SVG India Flag Icon?

You can check the India Flag SVG in your brand color i.e, White, Black, Blue, Red, Green, Pink & Yellow.


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