Indonesia Flag Icon SVG

Indonesia Flag SVG Icons refers to the flag of a simple design of red and white stripes has a long history. It was first associated with the Majapahit kingdom, which flourished in eastern Java between the 13th and 16th centuries, and includes traditional color symbolism: red for courage and white for honesty.

Get Free Indonesia flag Icon SVG code vector files and use them in websites, apps (Android/IOS), ppt, and other useful projects. Customize & Download the Indonesia flag Icon SVG file (HMTL/CSS) in different colors and sizes. Indonesia flag SVG icon white, black, red, green, blue, transparent, and other colors.

Indonesia flag Icon Svg Code | Path | Download

Download free Indonesia Flag SVG icons in different sizes (16*16, 24*24, 32*32, 64*64 & Other). Check and download the Indonesia Flag Icon SVG code in HTML/Css from below.

Indonesia flag SVG Icon Code | Customize color

You can get svg icon indonesia flag in blue, white, red color and transparent color from below list. You can also customize color using color picker.

Indonesia flag


Svg Code

<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.128906 5.222656 L 27.53125 5.222656 L 27.53125 15 L 2.128906 15 Z M 2.128906 5.222656 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath><clipPath id="id2"><path d="M 2.128906 14 L 27.53125 14 L 27.53125 23.371094 L 2.128906 23.371094 Z M 2.128906 14 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(86.268616%, 12.159729%, 14.898682%)" d="M 24.703125 5.222656 L 4.957031 5.222656 C 3.398438 5.222656 2.132812 6.472656 2.132812 8.015625 L 2.132812 14.296875 L 27.523438 14.296875 L 27.523438 8.015625 C 27.523438 6.472656 26.261719 5.222656 24.703125 5.222656 Z M 24.703125 5.222656 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><g clip-path="url(#id2)"><path fill="rgb(93.328857%, 93.328857%, 93.328857%)" d="M 27.523438 20.578125 C 27.523438 22.121094 26.261719 23.371094 24.703125 23.371094 L 4.957031 23.371094 C 3.398438 23.371094 2.132812 22.121094 2.132812 20.578125 L 2.132812 14.296875 L 27.523438 14.296875 Z M 27.523438 20.578125 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g></svg>

Indonesia flag


Svg Code

<svg style='color: white' xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.128906 5.222656 L 27.53125 5.222656 L 27.53125 15 L 2.128906 15 Z M 2.128906 5.222656 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath><clipPath id="id2"><path d="M 2.128906 14 L 27.53125 14 L 27.53125 23.371094 L 2.128906 23.371094 Z M 2.128906 14 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(86.268616%, 12.159729%, 14.898682%)" d="M 24.703125 5.222656 L 4.957031 5.222656 C 3.398438 5.222656 2.132812 6.472656 2.132812 8.015625 L 2.132812 14.296875 L 27.523438 14.296875 L 27.523438 8.015625 C 27.523438 6.472656 26.261719 5.222656 24.703125 5.222656 Z M 24.703125 5.222656 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><g clip-path="url(#id2)"><path fill="rgb(93.328857%, 93.328857%, 93.328857%)" d="M 27.523438 20.578125 C 27.523438 22.121094 26.261719 23.371094 24.703125 23.371094 L 4.957031 23.371094 C 3.398438 23.371094 2.132812 22.121094 2.132812 20.578125 L 2.132812 14.296875 L 27.523438 14.296875 Z M 27.523438 20.578125 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g></svg>

Indonesia flag


Svg Code

<svg style='color: red' xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.128906 5.222656 L 27.53125 5.222656 L 27.53125 15 L 2.128906 15 Z M 2.128906 5.222656 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath><clipPath id="id2"><path d="M 2.128906 14 L 27.53125 14 L 27.53125 23.371094 L 2.128906 23.371094 Z M 2.128906 14 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(86.268616%, 12.159729%, 14.898682%)" d="M 24.703125 5.222656 L 4.957031 5.222656 C 3.398438 5.222656 2.132812 6.472656 2.132812 8.015625 L 2.132812 14.296875 L 27.523438 14.296875 L 27.523438 8.015625 C 27.523438 6.472656 26.261719 5.222656 24.703125 5.222656 Z M 24.703125 5.222656 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><g clip-path="url(#id2)"><path fill="rgb(93.328857%, 93.328857%, 93.328857%)" d="M 27.523438 20.578125 C 27.523438 22.121094 26.261719 23.371094 24.703125 23.371094 L 4.957031 23.371094 C 3.398438 23.371094 2.132812 22.121094 2.132812 20.578125 L 2.132812 14.296875 L 27.523438 14.296875 Z M 27.523438 20.578125 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g></svg>

Indonesia flag


Svg Code

<svg style='color: blue' xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.128906 5.222656 L 27.53125 5.222656 L 27.53125 15 L 2.128906 15 Z M 2.128906 5.222656 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath><clipPath id="id2"><path d="M 2.128906 14 L 27.53125 14 L 27.53125 23.371094 L 2.128906 23.371094 Z M 2.128906 14 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(86.268616%, 12.159729%, 14.898682%)" d="M 24.703125 5.222656 L 4.957031 5.222656 C 3.398438 5.222656 2.132812 6.472656 2.132812 8.015625 L 2.132812 14.296875 L 27.523438 14.296875 L 27.523438 8.015625 C 27.523438 6.472656 26.261719 5.222656 24.703125 5.222656 Z M 24.703125 5.222656 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><g clip-path="url(#id2)"><path fill="rgb(93.328857%, 93.328857%, 93.328857%)" d="M 27.523438 20.578125 C 27.523438 22.121094 26.261719 23.371094 24.703125 23.371094 L 4.957031 23.371094 C 3.398438 23.371094 2.132812 22.121094 2.132812 20.578125 L 2.132812 14.296875 L 27.523438 14.296875 Z M 27.523438 20.578125 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g></svg>

Indonesia flag


Svg Code

<svg style='color: #f3da35' xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.128906 5.222656 L 27.53125 5.222656 L 27.53125 15 L 2.128906 15 Z M 2.128906 5.222656 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath><clipPath id="id2"><path d="M 2.128906 14 L 27.53125 14 L 27.53125 23.371094 L 2.128906 23.371094 Z M 2.128906 14 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(86.268616%, 12.159729%, 14.898682%)" d="M 24.703125 5.222656 L 4.957031 5.222656 C 3.398438 5.222656 2.132812 6.472656 2.132812 8.015625 L 2.132812 14.296875 L 27.523438 14.296875 L 27.523438 8.015625 C 27.523438 6.472656 26.261719 5.222656 24.703125 5.222656 Z M 24.703125 5.222656 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><g clip-path="url(#id2)"><path fill="rgb(93.328857%, 93.328857%, 93.328857%)" d="M 27.523438 20.578125 C 27.523438 22.121094 26.261719 23.371094 24.703125 23.371094 L 4.957031 23.371094 C 3.398438 23.371094 2.132812 22.121094 2.132812 20.578125 L 2.132812 14.296875 L 27.523438 14.296875 Z M 27.523438 20.578125 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g></svg>

Advance Editor

You can edit indonesia flag as below. Change size color and background color of icon using below tool.

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