China Flag Icon SVG

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China flag Icon Svg Code | Path | Download

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China Flag

China flag SVG Icon Code | Customize color

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China flag


Svg Code

<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.546875 5.527344 L 27.226562 5.527344 L 27.226562 23.671875 L 2.546875 23.671875 Z M 2.546875 5.527344 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(87.059021%, 16.079712%, 6.269836%)" d="M 27.214844 20.882812 C 27.214844 22.425781 25.988281 23.671875 24.476562 23.671875 L 5.296875 23.671875 C 3.785156 23.671875 2.558594 22.425781 2.558594 20.882812 L 2.558594 8.320312 C 2.558594 6.777344 3.785156 5.527344 5.296875 5.527344 L 24.476562 5.527344 C 25.988281 5.527344 27.214844 6.777344 27.214844 8.320312 Z M 27.214844 20.882812 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><path fill="rgb(100%, 87.059021%, 0.779724%)" d="M 10.1875 8.304688 L 10.691406 8.550781 L 11.09375 8.15625 L 11.019531 8.722656 L 11.511719 8.992188 L 10.960938 9.09375 L 10.863281 9.652344 L 10.597656 9.152344 L 10.042969 9.230469 L 10.429688 8.816406 Z M 13.382812 10.355469 L 13.136719 10.871094 L 13.523438 11.28125 L 12.972656 11.203125 L 12.707031 11.707031 L 12.609375 11.144531 L 12.058594 11.042969 L 12.550781 10.773438 L 12.472656 10.210938 L 12.878906 10.605469 Z M 12.726562 12.992188 L 12.910156 13.53125 L 13.46875 13.542969 L 13.023438 13.890625 L 13.183594 14.433594 L 12.726562 14.109375 L 12.265625 14.433594 L 12.429688 13.890625 L 11.980469 13.542969 L 12.542969 13.53125 Z M 10.1875 15.28125 L 10.691406 15.53125 L 11.09375 15.136719 L 11.019531 15.703125 L 11.511719 15.972656 L 10.960938 16.070312 L 10.863281 16.632812 L 10.597656 16.128906 L 10.042969 16.207031 L 10.429688 15.796875 Z M 7.351562 9.683594 L 7.988281 11.546875 L 9.925781 11.585938 L 8.382812 12.777344 L 8.941406 14.667969 L 7.351562 13.539062 L 5.761719 14.667969 L 6.324219 12.777344 L 4.78125 11.585938 L 6.71875 11.546875 Z M 7.351562 9.683594 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>

China flag


Svg Code

<svg style='color: white' xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.546875 5.527344 L 27.226562 5.527344 L 27.226562 23.671875 L 2.546875 23.671875 Z M 2.546875 5.527344 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(87.059021%, 16.079712%, 6.269836%)" d="M 27.214844 20.882812 C 27.214844 22.425781 25.988281 23.671875 24.476562 23.671875 L 5.296875 23.671875 C 3.785156 23.671875 2.558594 22.425781 2.558594 20.882812 L 2.558594 8.320312 C 2.558594 6.777344 3.785156 5.527344 5.296875 5.527344 L 24.476562 5.527344 C 25.988281 5.527344 27.214844 6.777344 27.214844 8.320312 Z M 27.214844 20.882812 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><path fill="rgb(100%, 87.059021%, 0.779724%)" d="M 10.1875 8.304688 L 10.691406 8.550781 L 11.09375 8.15625 L 11.019531 8.722656 L 11.511719 8.992188 L 10.960938 9.09375 L 10.863281 9.652344 L 10.597656 9.152344 L 10.042969 9.230469 L 10.429688 8.816406 Z M 13.382812 10.355469 L 13.136719 10.871094 L 13.523438 11.28125 L 12.972656 11.203125 L 12.707031 11.707031 L 12.609375 11.144531 L 12.058594 11.042969 L 12.550781 10.773438 L 12.472656 10.210938 L 12.878906 10.605469 Z M 12.726562 12.992188 L 12.910156 13.53125 L 13.46875 13.542969 L 13.023438 13.890625 L 13.183594 14.433594 L 12.726562 14.109375 L 12.265625 14.433594 L 12.429688 13.890625 L 11.980469 13.542969 L 12.542969 13.53125 Z M 10.1875 15.28125 L 10.691406 15.53125 L 11.09375 15.136719 L 11.019531 15.703125 L 11.511719 15.972656 L 10.960938 16.070312 L 10.863281 16.632812 L 10.597656 16.128906 L 10.042969 16.207031 L 10.429688 15.796875 Z M 7.351562 9.683594 L 7.988281 11.546875 L 9.925781 11.585938 L 8.382812 12.777344 L 8.941406 14.667969 L 7.351562 13.539062 L 5.761719 14.667969 L 6.324219 12.777344 L 4.78125 11.585938 L 6.71875 11.546875 Z M 7.351562 9.683594 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>

China flag


Svg Code

<svg style='color: red' xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.546875 5.527344 L 27.226562 5.527344 L 27.226562 23.671875 L 2.546875 23.671875 Z M 2.546875 5.527344 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(87.059021%, 16.079712%, 6.269836%)" d="M 27.214844 20.882812 C 27.214844 22.425781 25.988281 23.671875 24.476562 23.671875 L 5.296875 23.671875 C 3.785156 23.671875 2.558594 22.425781 2.558594 20.882812 L 2.558594 8.320312 C 2.558594 6.777344 3.785156 5.527344 5.296875 5.527344 L 24.476562 5.527344 C 25.988281 5.527344 27.214844 6.777344 27.214844 8.320312 Z M 27.214844 20.882812 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><path fill="rgb(100%, 87.059021%, 0.779724%)" d="M 10.1875 8.304688 L 10.691406 8.550781 L 11.09375 8.15625 L 11.019531 8.722656 L 11.511719 8.992188 L 10.960938 9.09375 L 10.863281 9.652344 L 10.597656 9.152344 L 10.042969 9.230469 L 10.429688 8.816406 Z M 13.382812 10.355469 L 13.136719 10.871094 L 13.523438 11.28125 L 12.972656 11.203125 L 12.707031 11.707031 L 12.609375 11.144531 L 12.058594 11.042969 L 12.550781 10.773438 L 12.472656 10.210938 L 12.878906 10.605469 Z M 12.726562 12.992188 L 12.910156 13.53125 L 13.46875 13.542969 L 13.023438 13.890625 L 13.183594 14.433594 L 12.726562 14.109375 L 12.265625 14.433594 L 12.429688 13.890625 L 11.980469 13.542969 L 12.542969 13.53125 Z M 10.1875 15.28125 L 10.691406 15.53125 L 11.09375 15.136719 L 11.019531 15.703125 L 11.511719 15.972656 L 10.960938 16.070312 L 10.863281 16.632812 L 10.597656 16.128906 L 10.042969 16.207031 L 10.429688 15.796875 Z M 7.351562 9.683594 L 7.988281 11.546875 L 9.925781 11.585938 L 8.382812 12.777344 L 8.941406 14.667969 L 7.351562 13.539062 L 5.761719 14.667969 L 6.324219 12.777344 L 4.78125 11.585938 L 6.71875 11.546875 Z M 7.351562 9.683594 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>

China flag


Svg Code

<svg style='color: blue' xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.546875 5.527344 L 27.226562 5.527344 L 27.226562 23.671875 L 2.546875 23.671875 Z M 2.546875 5.527344 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(87.059021%, 16.079712%, 6.269836%)" d="M 27.214844 20.882812 C 27.214844 22.425781 25.988281 23.671875 24.476562 23.671875 L 5.296875 23.671875 C 3.785156 23.671875 2.558594 22.425781 2.558594 20.882812 L 2.558594 8.320312 C 2.558594 6.777344 3.785156 5.527344 5.296875 5.527344 L 24.476562 5.527344 C 25.988281 5.527344 27.214844 6.777344 27.214844 8.320312 Z M 27.214844 20.882812 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><path fill="rgb(100%, 87.059021%, 0.779724%)" d="M 10.1875 8.304688 L 10.691406 8.550781 L 11.09375 8.15625 L 11.019531 8.722656 L 11.511719 8.992188 L 10.960938 9.09375 L 10.863281 9.652344 L 10.597656 9.152344 L 10.042969 9.230469 L 10.429688 8.816406 Z M 13.382812 10.355469 L 13.136719 10.871094 L 13.523438 11.28125 L 12.972656 11.203125 L 12.707031 11.707031 L 12.609375 11.144531 L 12.058594 11.042969 L 12.550781 10.773438 L 12.472656 10.210938 L 12.878906 10.605469 Z M 12.726562 12.992188 L 12.910156 13.53125 L 13.46875 13.542969 L 13.023438 13.890625 L 13.183594 14.433594 L 12.726562 14.109375 L 12.265625 14.433594 L 12.429688 13.890625 L 11.980469 13.542969 L 12.542969 13.53125 Z M 10.1875 15.28125 L 10.691406 15.53125 L 11.09375 15.136719 L 11.019531 15.703125 L 11.511719 15.972656 L 10.960938 16.070312 L 10.863281 16.632812 L 10.597656 16.128906 L 10.042969 16.207031 L 10.429688 15.796875 Z M 7.351562 9.683594 L 7.988281 11.546875 L 9.925781 11.585938 L 8.382812 12.777344 L 8.941406 14.667969 L 7.351562 13.539062 L 5.761719 14.667969 L 6.324219 12.777344 L 4.78125 11.585938 L 6.71875 11.546875 Z M 7.351562 9.683594 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>

China flag


Svg Code

<svg style='color: #f3da35' xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.546875 5.527344 L 27.226562 5.527344 L 27.226562 23.671875 L 2.546875 23.671875 Z M 2.546875 5.527344 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(87.059021%, 16.079712%, 6.269836%)" d="M 27.214844 20.882812 C 27.214844 22.425781 25.988281 23.671875 24.476562 23.671875 L 5.296875 23.671875 C 3.785156 23.671875 2.558594 22.425781 2.558594 20.882812 L 2.558594 8.320312 C 2.558594 6.777344 3.785156 5.527344 5.296875 5.527344 L 24.476562 5.527344 C 25.988281 5.527344 27.214844 6.777344 27.214844 8.320312 Z M 27.214844 20.882812 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><path fill="rgb(100%, 87.059021%, 0.779724%)" d="M 10.1875 8.304688 L 10.691406 8.550781 L 11.09375 8.15625 L 11.019531 8.722656 L 11.511719 8.992188 L 10.960938 9.09375 L 10.863281 9.652344 L 10.597656 9.152344 L 10.042969 9.230469 L 10.429688 8.816406 Z M 13.382812 10.355469 L 13.136719 10.871094 L 13.523438 11.28125 L 12.972656 11.203125 L 12.707031 11.707031 L 12.609375 11.144531 L 12.058594 11.042969 L 12.550781 10.773438 L 12.472656 10.210938 L 12.878906 10.605469 Z M 12.726562 12.992188 L 12.910156 13.53125 L 13.46875 13.542969 L 13.023438 13.890625 L 13.183594 14.433594 L 12.726562 14.109375 L 12.265625 14.433594 L 12.429688 13.890625 L 11.980469 13.542969 L 12.542969 13.53125 Z M 10.1875 15.28125 L 10.691406 15.53125 L 11.09375 15.136719 L 11.019531 15.703125 L 11.511719 15.972656 L 10.960938 16.070312 L 10.863281 16.632812 L 10.597656 16.128906 L 10.042969 16.207031 L 10.429688 15.796875 Z M 7.351562 9.683594 L 7.988281 11.546875 L 9.925781 11.585938 L 8.382812 12.777344 L 8.941406 14.667969 L 7.351562 13.539062 L 5.761719 14.667969 L 6.324219 12.777344 L 4.78125 11.585938 L 6.71875 11.546875 Z M 7.351562 9.683594 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>

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