Japan Flag Icon SVG

Japan Flag

Japan flag SVG Icon Code | Customize color

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Japan flag


Svg Code

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.226562 6.132812 L 27.628906 6.132812 L 27.628906 24.277344 L 2.226562 24.277344 Z M 2.226562 6.132812 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(93.328857%, 93.328857%, 93.328857%)" d="M 27.621094 21.488281 C 27.621094 23.027344 26.359375 24.277344 24.800781 24.277344 L 5.054688 24.277344 C 3.496094 24.277344 2.234375 23.027344 2.234375 21.488281 L 2.234375 8.925781 C 2.234375 7.382812 3.496094 6.132812 5.054688 6.132812 L 24.800781 6.132812 C 26.359375 6.132812 27.621094 7.382812 27.621094 8.925781 Z M 27.621094 21.488281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><path fill="rgb(92.939758%, 10.5896%, 18.429565%)" d="M 19.863281 15.207031 C 19.863281 15.527344 19.832031 15.84375 19.769531 16.160156 C 19.707031 16.472656 19.613281 16.78125 19.488281 17.074219 C 19.363281 17.371094 19.210938 17.652344 19.03125 17.921875 C 18.851562 18.1875 18.648438 18.433594 18.417969 18.660156 C 18.1875 18.886719 17.941406 19.089844 17.671875 19.269531 C 17.402344 19.445312 17.117188 19.597656 16.816406 19.71875 C 16.515625 19.84375 16.207031 19.933594 15.890625 19.996094 C 15.574219 20.058594 15.25 20.089844 14.925781 20.089844 C 14.601562 20.089844 14.28125 20.058594 13.964844 19.996094 C 13.644531 19.933594 13.335938 19.84375 13.039062 19.71875 C 12.738281 19.597656 12.453125 19.445312 12.183594 19.269531 C 11.914062 19.089844 11.664062 18.886719 11.4375 18.660156 C 11.207031 18.433594 11.003906 18.1875 10.824219 17.921875 C 10.644531 17.652344 10.492188 17.371094 10.367188 17.074219 C 10.242188 16.78125 10.148438 16.472656 10.085938 16.160156 C 10.023438 15.84375 9.992188 15.527344 9.992188 15.207031 C 9.992188 14.886719 10.023438 14.566406 10.085938 14.253906 C 10.148438 13.9375 10.242188 13.632812 10.367188 13.335938 C 10.492188 13.039062 10.644531 12.757812 10.824219 12.492188 C 11.003906 12.226562 11.207031 11.980469 11.4375 11.75 C 11.664062 11.523438 11.914062 11.324219 12.183594 11.144531 C 12.453125 10.964844 12.738281 10.816406 13.039062 10.691406 C 13.335938 10.570312 13.644531 10.476562 13.964844 10.414062 C 14.28125 10.351562 14.601562 10.320312 14.925781 10.320312 C 15.25 10.320312 15.574219 10.351562 15.890625 10.414062 C 16.207031 10.476562 16.515625 10.570312 16.816406 10.691406 C 17.117188 10.816406 17.402344 10.964844 17.671875 11.144531 C 17.941406 11.324219 18.1875 11.523438 18.417969 11.75 C 18.648438 11.980469 18.851562 12.226562 19.03125 12.492188 C 19.210938 12.757812 19.363281 13.039062 19.488281 13.335938 C 19.613281 13.632812 19.707031 13.9375 19.769531 14.253906 C 19.832031 14.566406 19.863281 14.886719 19.863281 15.207031 Z M 19.863281 15.207031 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>

Japan flag


Svg Code

<svg style='color: white' xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.226562 6.132812 L 27.628906 6.132812 L 27.628906 24.277344 L 2.226562 24.277344 Z M 2.226562 6.132812 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(93.328857%, 93.328857%, 93.328857%)" d="M 27.621094 21.488281 C 27.621094 23.027344 26.359375 24.277344 24.800781 24.277344 L 5.054688 24.277344 C 3.496094 24.277344 2.234375 23.027344 2.234375 21.488281 L 2.234375 8.925781 C 2.234375 7.382812 3.496094 6.132812 5.054688 6.132812 L 24.800781 6.132812 C 26.359375 6.132812 27.621094 7.382812 27.621094 8.925781 Z M 27.621094 21.488281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><path fill="rgb(92.939758%, 10.5896%, 18.429565%)" d="M 19.863281 15.207031 C 19.863281 15.527344 19.832031 15.84375 19.769531 16.160156 C 19.707031 16.472656 19.613281 16.78125 19.488281 17.074219 C 19.363281 17.371094 19.210938 17.652344 19.03125 17.921875 C 18.851562 18.1875 18.648438 18.433594 18.417969 18.660156 C 18.1875 18.886719 17.941406 19.089844 17.671875 19.269531 C 17.402344 19.445312 17.117188 19.597656 16.816406 19.71875 C 16.515625 19.84375 16.207031 19.933594 15.890625 19.996094 C 15.574219 20.058594 15.25 20.089844 14.925781 20.089844 C 14.601562 20.089844 14.28125 20.058594 13.964844 19.996094 C 13.644531 19.933594 13.335938 19.84375 13.039062 19.71875 C 12.738281 19.597656 12.453125 19.445312 12.183594 19.269531 C 11.914062 19.089844 11.664062 18.886719 11.4375 18.660156 C 11.207031 18.433594 11.003906 18.1875 10.824219 17.921875 C 10.644531 17.652344 10.492188 17.371094 10.367188 17.074219 C 10.242188 16.78125 10.148438 16.472656 10.085938 16.160156 C 10.023438 15.84375 9.992188 15.527344 9.992188 15.207031 C 9.992188 14.886719 10.023438 14.566406 10.085938 14.253906 C 10.148438 13.9375 10.242188 13.632812 10.367188 13.335938 C 10.492188 13.039062 10.644531 12.757812 10.824219 12.492188 C 11.003906 12.226562 11.207031 11.980469 11.4375 11.75 C 11.664062 11.523438 11.914062 11.324219 12.183594 11.144531 C 12.453125 10.964844 12.738281 10.816406 13.039062 10.691406 C 13.335938 10.570312 13.644531 10.476562 13.964844 10.414062 C 14.28125 10.351562 14.601562 10.320312 14.925781 10.320312 C 15.25 10.320312 15.574219 10.351562 15.890625 10.414062 C 16.207031 10.476562 16.515625 10.570312 16.816406 10.691406 C 17.117188 10.816406 17.402344 10.964844 17.671875 11.144531 C 17.941406 11.324219 18.1875 11.523438 18.417969 11.75 C 18.648438 11.980469 18.851562 12.226562 19.03125 12.492188 C 19.210938 12.757812 19.363281 13.039062 19.488281 13.335938 C 19.613281 13.632812 19.707031 13.9375 19.769531 14.253906 C 19.832031 14.566406 19.863281 14.886719 19.863281 15.207031 Z M 19.863281 15.207031 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>

Japan flag


Svg Code

<svg style='color: red' xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.226562 6.132812 L 27.628906 6.132812 L 27.628906 24.277344 L 2.226562 24.277344 Z M 2.226562 6.132812 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(93.328857%, 93.328857%, 93.328857%)" d="M 27.621094 21.488281 C 27.621094 23.027344 26.359375 24.277344 24.800781 24.277344 L 5.054688 24.277344 C 3.496094 24.277344 2.234375 23.027344 2.234375 21.488281 L 2.234375 8.925781 C 2.234375 7.382812 3.496094 6.132812 5.054688 6.132812 L 24.800781 6.132812 C 26.359375 6.132812 27.621094 7.382812 27.621094 8.925781 Z M 27.621094 21.488281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><path fill="rgb(92.939758%, 10.5896%, 18.429565%)" d="M 19.863281 15.207031 C 19.863281 15.527344 19.832031 15.84375 19.769531 16.160156 C 19.707031 16.472656 19.613281 16.78125 19.488281 17.074219 C 19.363281 17.371094 19.210938 17.652344 19.03125 17.921875 C 18.851562 18.1875 18.648438 18.433594 18.417969 18.660156 C 18.1875 18.886719 17.941406 19.089844 17.671875 19.269531 C 17.402344 19.445312 17.117188 19.597656 16.816406 19.71875 C 16.515625 19.84375 16.207031 19.933594 15.890625 19.996094 C 15.574219 20.058594 15.25 20.089844 14.925781 20.089844 C 14.601562 20.089844 14.28125 20.058594 13.964844 19.996094 C 13.644531 19.933594 13.335938 19.84375 13.039062 19.71875 C 12.738281 19.597656 12.453125 19.445312 12.183594 19.269531 C 11.914062 19.089844 11.664062 18.886719 11.4375 18.660156 C 11.207031 18.433594 11.003906 18.1875 10.824219 17.921875 C 10.644531 17.652344 10.492188 17.371094 10.367188 17.074219 C 10.242188 16.78125 10.148438 16.472656 10.085938 16.160156 C 10.023438 15.84375 9.992188 15.527344 9.992188 15.207031 C 9.992188 14.886719 10.023438 14.566406 10.085938 14.253906 C 10.148438 13.9375 10.242188 13.632812 10.367188 13.335938 C 10.492188 13.039062 10.644531 12.757812 10.824219 12.492188 C 11.003906 12.226562 11.207031 11.980469 11.4375 11.75 C 11.664062 11.523438 11.914062 11.324219 12.183594 11.144531 C 12.453125 10.964844 12.738281 10.816406 13.039062 10.691406 C 13.335938 10.570312 13.644531 10.476562 13.964844 10.414062 C 14.28125 10.351562 14.601562 10.320312 14.925781 10.320312 C 15.25 10.320312 15.574219 10.351562 15.890625 10.414062 C 16.207031 10.476562 16.515625 10.570312 16.816406 10.691406 C 17.117188 10.816406 17.402344 10.964844 17.671875 11.144531 C 17.941406 11.324219 18.1875 11.523438 18.417969 11.75 C 18.648438 11.980469 18.851562 12.226562 19.03125 12.492188 C 19.210938 12.757812 19.363281 13.039062 19.488281 13.335938 C 19.613281 13.632812 19.707031 13.9375 19.769531 14.253906 C 19.832031 14.566406 19.863281 14.886719 19.863281 15.207031 Z M 19.863281 15.207031 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>

Japan flag


Svg Code

<svg style='color: blue' xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.226562 6.132812 L 27.628906 6.132812 L 27.628906 24.277344 L 2.226562 24.277344 Z M 2.226562 6.132812 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(93.328857%, 93.328857%, 93.328857%)" d="M 27.621094 21.488281 C 27.621094 23.027344 26.359375 24.277344 24.800781 24.277344 L 5.054688 24.277344 C 3.496094 24.277344 2.234375 23.027344 2.234375 21.488281 L 2.234375 8.925781 C 2.234375 7.382812 3.496094 6.132812 5.054688 6.132812 L 24.800781 6.132812 C 26.359375 6.132812 27.621094 7.382812 27.621094 8.925781 Z M 27.621094 21.488281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><path fill="rgb(92.939758%, 10.5896%, 18.429565%)" d="M 19.863281 15.207031 C 19.863281 15.527344 19.832031 15.84375 19.769531 16.160156 C 19.707031 16.472656 19.613281 16.78125 19.488281 17.074219 C 19.363281 17.371094 19.210938 17.652344 19.03125 17.921875 C 18.851562 18.1875 18.648438 18.433594 18.417969 18.660156 C 18.1875 18.886719 17.941406 19.089844 17.671875 19.269531 C 17.402344 19.445312 17.117188 19.597656 16.816406 19.71875 C 16.515625 19.84375 16.207031 19.933594 15.890625 19.996094 C 15.574219 20.058594 15.25 20.089844 14.925781 20.089844 C 14.601562 20.089844 14.28125 20.058594 13.964844 19.996094 C 13.644531 19.933594 13.335938 19.84375 13.039062 19.71875 C 12.738281 19.597656 12.453125 19.445312 12.183594 19.269531 C 11.914062 19.089844 11.664062 18.886719 11.4375 18.660156 C 11.207031 18.433594 11.003906 18.1875 10.824219 17.921875 C 10.644531 17.652344 10.492188 17.371094 10.367188 17.074219 C 10.242188 16.78125 10.148438 16.472656 10.085938 16.160156 C 10.023438 15.84375 9.992188 15.527344 9.992188 15.207031 C 9.992188 14.886719 10.023438 14.566406 10.085938 14.253906 C 10.148438 13.9375 10.242188 13.632812 10.367188 13.335938 C 10.492188 13.039062 10.644531 12.757812 10.824219 12.492188 C 11.003906 12.226562 11.207031 11.980469 11.4375 11.75 C 11.664062 11.523438 11.914062 11.324219 12.183594 11.144531 C 12.453125 10.964844 12.738281 10.816406 13.039062 10.691406 C 13.335938 10.570312 13.644531 10.476562 13.964844 10.414062 C 14.28125 10.351562 14.601562 10.320312 14.925781 10.320312 C 15.25 10.320312 15.574219 10.351562 15.890625 10.414062 C 16.207031 10.476562 16.515625 10.570312 16.816406 10.691406 C 17.117188 10.816406 17.402344 10.964844 17.671875 11.144531 C 17.941406 11.324219 18.1875 11.523438 18.417969 11.75 C 18.648438 11.980469 18.851562 12.226562 19.03125 12.492188 C 19.210938 12.757812 19.363281 13.039062 19.488281 13.335938 C 19.613281 13.632812 19.707031 13.9375 19.769531 14.253906 C 19.832031 14.566406 19.863281 14.886719 19.863281 15.207031 Z M 19.863281 15.207031 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>

Japan flag


Svg Code

<svg style='color: #f3da35' xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 2.226562 6.132812 L 27.628906 6.132812 L 27.628906 24.277344 L 2.226562 24.277344 Z M 2.226562 6.132812 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(93.328857%, 93.328857%, 93.328857%)" d="M 27.621094 21.488281 C 27.621094 23.027344 26.359375 24.277344 24.800781 24.277344 L 5.054688 24.277344 C 3.496094 24.277344 2.234375 23.027344 2.234375 21.488281 L 2.234375 8.925781 C 2.234375 7.382812 3.496094 6.132812 5.054688 6.132812 L 24.800781 6.132812 C 26.359375 6.132812 27.621094 7.382812 27.621094 8.925781 Z M 27.621094 21.488281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><path fill="rgb(92.939758%, 10.5896%, 18.429565%)" d="M 19.863281 15.207031 C 19.863281 15.527344 19.832031 15.84375 19.769531 16.160156 C 19.707031 16.472656 19.613281 16.78125 19.488281 17.074219 C 19.363281 17.371094 19.210938 17.652344 19.03125 17.921875 C 18.851562 18.1875 18.648438 18.433594 18.417969 18.660156 C 18.1875 18.886719 17.941406 19.089844 17.671875 19.269531 C 17.402344 19.445312 17.117188 19.597656 16.816406 19.71875 C 16.515625 19.84375 16.207031 19.933594 15.890625 19.996094 C 15.574219 20.058594 15.25 20.089844 14.925781 20.089844 C 14.601562 20.089844 14.28125 20.058594 13.964844 19.996094 C 13.644531 19.933594 13.335938 19.84375 13.039062 19.71875 C 12.738281 19.597656 12.453125 19.445312 12.183594 19.269531 C 11.914062 19.089844 11.664062 18.886719 11.4375 18.660156 C 11.207031 18.433594 11.003906 18.1875 10.824219 17.921875 C 10.644531 17.652344 10.492188 17.371094 10.367188 17.074219 C 10.242188 16.78125 10.148438 16.472656 10.085938 16.160156 C 10.023438 15.84375 9.992188 15.527344 9.992188 15.207031 C 9.992188 14.886719 10.023438 14.566406 10.085938 14.253906 C 10.148438 13.9375 10.242188 13.632812 10.367188 13.335938 C 10.492188 13.039062 10.644531 12.757812 10.824219 12.492188 C 11.003906 12.226562 11.207031 11.980469 11.4375 11.75 C 11.664062 11.523438 11.914062 11.324219 12.183594 11.144531 C 12.453125 10.964844 12.738281 10.816406 13.039062 10.691406 C 13.335938 10.570312 13.644531 10.476562 13.964844 10.414062 C 14.28125 10.351562 14.601562 10.320312 14.925781 10.320312 C 15.25 10.320312 15.574219 10.351562 15.890625 10.414062 C 16.207031 10.476562 16.515625 10.570312 16.816406 10.691406 C 17.117188 10.816406 17.402344 10.964844 17.671875 11.144531 C 17.941406 11.324219 18.1875 11.523438 18.417969 11.75 C 18.648438 11.980469 18.851562 12.226562 19.03125 12.492188 C 19.210938 12.757812 19.363281 13.039062 19.488281 13.335938 C 19.613281 13.632812 19.707031 13.9375 19.769531 14.253906 C 19.832031 14.566406 19.863281 14.886719 19.863281 15.207031 Z M 19.863281 15.207031 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>

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