Micronesia Flag Icon SVG
Micronesia Flag
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Micronesia flag
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<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 3.386719 6.132812 L 26.613281 6.132812 L 26.613281 22.828125 L 3.386719 22.828125 Z M 3.386719 6.132812 " clip-rule="nonzero"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="rgb(45.878601%, 69.799805%, 86.669922%)" d="M 24.027344 6.132812 L 5.972656 6.132812 C 4.550781 6.132812 3.394531 7.285156 3.394531 8.703125 L 3.394531 20.257812 C 3.394531 21.675781 4.550781 22.828125 5.972656 22.828125 L 24.027344 22.828125 C 25.449219 22.828125 26.605469 21.675781 26.605469 20.257812 L 26.605469 8.703125 C 26.605469 7.285156 25.449219 6.132812 24.027344 6.132812 Z M 24.027344 6.132812 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><path fill="rgb(100%, 100%, 100%)" d="M 15.195312 7.804688 L 14.816406 8.957031 L 13.597656 8.957031 L 14.585938 9.667969 L 14.207031 10.824219 L 15.195312 10.109375 L 16.179688 10.824219 L 15.800781 9.667969 L 16.789062 8.957031 L 15.570312 8.957031 Z M 20.738281 14.105469 L 20.738281 12.894531 L 20.023438 13.875 L 18.867188 13.5 L 19.582031 14.480469 L 18.867188 15.460938 L 20.023438 15.085938 L 20.738281 16.066406 L 20.738281 14.855469 L 21.898438 14.480469 Z M 15.800781 19.292969 L 16.179688 18.136719 L 15.195312 18.851562 L 14.207031 18.136719 L 14.585938 19.292969 L 13.597656 20.003906 L 14.816406 20.003906 L 15.195312 21.15625 L 15.570312 20.003906 L 16.789062 20.003906 Z M 10.363281 13.875 L 9.648438 12.894531 L 9.648438 14.105469 L 8.488281 14.480469 L 9.648438 14.855469 L 9.648438 16.066406 L 10.363281 15.085938 L 11.519531 15.460938 L 10.804688 14.480469 L 11.519531 13.5 Z M 10.363281 13.875 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>
Micronesia flag
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<svg style="color: white" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 3.386719 6.132812 L 26.613281 6.132812 L 26.613281 22.828125 L 3.386719 22.828125 Z M 3.386719 6.132812 " clip-rule="nonzero" fill="white"></path></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="white" d="M 24.027344 6.132812 L 5.972656 6.132812 C 4.550781 6.132812 3.394531 7.285156 3.394531 8.703125 L 3.394531 20.257812 C 3.394531 21.675781 4.550781 22.828125 5.972656 22.828125 L 24.027344 22.828125 C 25.449219 22.828125 26.605469 21.675781 26.605469 20.257812 L 26.605469 8.703125 C 26.605469 7.285156 25.449219 6.132812 24.027344 6.132812 Z M 24.027344 6.132812 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="white" d="M 15.195312 7.804688 L 14.816406 8.957031 L 13.597656 8.957031 L 14.585938 9.667969 L 14.207031 10.824219 L 15.195312 10.109375 L 16.179688 10.824219 L 15.800781 9.667969 L 16.789062 8.957031 L 15.570312 8.957031 Z M 20.738281 14.105469 L 20.738281 12.894531 L 20.023438 13.875 L 18.867188 13.5 L 19.582031 14.480469 L 18.867188 15.460938 L 20.023438 15.085938 L 20.738281 16.066406 L 20.738281 14.855469 L 21.898438 14.480469 Z M 15.800781 19.292969 L 16.179688 18.136719 L 15.195312 18.851562 L 14.207031 18.136719 L 14.585938 19.292969 L 13.597656 20.003906 L 14.816406 20.003906 L 15.195312 21.15625 L 15.570312 20.003906 L 16.789062 20.003906 Z M 10.363281 13.875 L 9.648438 12.894531 L 9.648438 14.105469 L 8.488281 14.480469 L 9.648438 14.855469 L 9.648438 16.066406 L 10.363281 15.085938 L 11.519531 15.460938 L 10.804688 14.480469 L 11.519531 13.5 Z M 10.363281 13.875 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></svg>
Micronesia flag
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<svg style="color: red" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 3.386719 6.132812 L 26.613281 6.132812 L 26.613281 22.828125 L 3.386719 22.828125 Z M 3.386719 6.132812 " clip-rule="nonzero" fill="red"></path></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="red" d="M 24.027344 6.132812 L 5.972656 6.132812 C 4.550781 6.132812 3.394531 7.285156 3.394531 8.703125 L 3.394531 20.257812 C 3.394531 21.675781 4.550781 22.828125 5.972656 22.828125 L 24.027344 22.828125 C 25.449219 22.828125 26.605469 21.675781 26.605469 20.257812 L 26.605469 8.703125 C 26.605469 7.285156 25.449219 6.132812 24.027344 6.132812 Z M 24.027344 6.132812 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="red" d="M 15.195312 7.804688 L 14.816406 8.957031 L 13.597656 8.957031 L 14.585938 9.667969 L 14.207031 10.824219 L 15.195312 10.109375 L 16.179688 10.824219 L 15.800781 9.667969 L 16.789062 8.957031 L 15.570312 8.957031 Z M 20.738281 14.105469 L 20.738281 12.894531 L 20.023438 13.875 L 18.867188 13.5 L 19.582031 14.480469 L 18.867188 15.460938 L 20.023438 15.085938 L 20.738281 16.066406 L 20.738281 14.855469 L 21.898438 14.480469 Z M 15.800781 19.292969 L 16.179688 18.136719 L 15.195312 18.851562 L 14.207031 18.136719 L 14.585938 19.292969 L 13.597656 20.003906 L 14.816406 20.003906 L 15.195312 21.15625 L 15.570312 20.003906 L 16.789062 20.003906 Z M 10.363281 13.875 L 9.648438 12.894531 L 9.648438 14.105469 L 8.488281 14.480469 L 9.648438 14.855469 L 9.648438 16.066406 L 10.363281 15.085938 L 11.519531 15.460938 L 10.804688 14.480469 L 11.519531 13.5 Z M 10.363281 13.875 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></svg>
Micronesia flag
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<svg style="color: blue" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 3.386719 6.132812 L 26.613281 6.132812 L 26.613281 22.828125 L 3.386719 22.828125 Z M 3.386719 6.132812 " clip-rule="nonzero" fill="blue"></path></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="blue" d="M 24.027344 6.132812 L 5.972656 6.132812 C 4.550781 6.132812 3.394531 7.285156 3.394531 8.703125 L 3.394531 20.257812 C 3.394531 21.675781 4.550781 22.828125 5.972656 22.828125 L 24.027344 22.828125 C 25.449219 22.828125 26.605469 21.675781 26.605469 20.257812 L 26.605469 8.703125 C 26.605469 7.285156 25.449219 6.132812 24.027344 6.132812 Z M 24.027344 6.132812 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="blue" d="M 15.195312 7.804688 L 14.816406 8.957031 L 13.597656 8.957031 L 14.585938 9.667969 L 14.207031 10.824219 L 15.195312 10.109375 L 16.179688 10.824219 L 15.800781 9.667969 L 16.789062 8.957031 L 15.570312 8.957031 Z M 20.738281 14.105469 L 20.738281 12.894531 L 20.023438 13.875 L 18.867188 13.5 L 19.582031 14.480469 L 18.867188 15.460938 L 20.023438 15.085938 L 20.738281 16.066406 L 20.738281 14.855469 L 21.898438 14.480469 Z M 15.800781 19.292969 L 16.179688 18.136719 L 15.195312 18.851562 L 14.207031 18.136719 L 14.585938 19.292969 L 13.597656 20.003906 L 14.816406 20.003906 L 15.195312 21.15625 L 15.570312 20.003906 L 16.789062 20.003906 Z M 10.363281 13.875 L 9.648438 12.894531 L 9.648438 14.105469 L 8.488281 14.480469 L 9.648438 14.855469 L 9.648438 16.066406 L 10.363281 15.085938 L 11.519531 15.460938 L 10.804688 14.480469 L 11.519531 13.5 Z M 10.363281 13.875 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></svg>
Micronesia flag
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<svg style="color: #f3da35" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="40" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 30 30.000001" height="40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"><defs><clipPath id="id1"><path d="M 3.386719 6.132812 L 26.613281 6.132812 L 26.613281 22.828125 L 3.386719 22.828125 Z M 3.386719 6.132812 " clip-rule="nonzero" fill="#f3da35"></path></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#id1)"><path fill="#f3da35" d="M 24.027344 6.132812 L 5.972656 6.132812 C 4.550781 6.132812 3.394531 7.285156 3.394531 8.703125 L 3.394531 20.257812 C 3.394531 21.675781 4.550781 22.828125 5.972656 22.828125 L 24.027344 22.828125 C 25.449219 22.828125 26.605469 21.675781 26.605469 20.257812 L 26.605469 8.703125 C 26.605469 7.285156 25.449219 6.132812 24.027344 6.132812 Z M 24.027344 6.132812 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g><path fill="#f3da35" d="M 15.195312 7.804688 L 14.816406 8.957031 L 13.597656 8.957031 L 14.585938 9.667969 L 14.207031 10.824219 L 15.195312 10.109375 L 16.179688 10.824219 L 15.800781 9.667969 L 16.789062 8.957031 L 15.570312 8.957031 Z M 20.738281 14.105469 L 20.738281 12.894531 L 20.023438 13.875 L 18.867188 13.5 L 19.582031 14.480469 L 18.867188 15.460938 L 20.023438 15.085938 L 20.738281 16.066406 L 20.738281 14.855469 L 21.898438 14.480469 Z M 15.800781 19.292969 L 16.179688 18.136719 L 15.195312 18.851562 L 14.207031 18.136719 L 14.585938 19.292969 L 13.597656 20.003906 L 14.816406 20.003906 L 15.195312 21.15625 L 15.570312 20.003906 L 16.789062 20.003906 Z M 10.363281 13.875 L 9.648438 12.894531 L 9.648438 14.105469 L 8.488281 14.480469 L 9.648438 14.855469 L 9.648438 16.066406 L 10.363281 15.085938 L 11.519531 15.460938 L 10.804688 14.480469 L 11.519531 13.5 Z M 10.363281 13.875 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></svg>
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