Television 2 Icon SVG

Icon Television 2 SVG code/vector file is given below and you can use that in websites, apps (Android/IOS), ppt, and other projects. You can use our svg code generator to edit svg icon. Icon can be customized in any color or size using color and size picker.

Television 2 Icon Svg Code | Path | Download

Download free Television 2 SVG icons in different sizes (16*16, 24*24, 32*32, 64*64 & Other). Check and download the Television 2 Icon SVG code in HTML/Css from below.

Television 2

Television 2 SVG Icon Code | Customize color

You can get svg icon television 2 in blue, white, red color and transparent color from below list. You can also customize color using color picker.

Television 2


Svg Code

<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M20.375 6.91239C20.1541 6.73647 19.89 6.63808 19.6996 6.57806C19.485 6.51041 19.2392 6.4546 18.9798 6.40708C18.4594 6.31174 17.8078 6.23611 17.0839 6.17697C15.6314 6.05832 13.8102 6 12 6C10.1899 6 8.36857 6.05832 6.91616 6.17697C6.19223 6.2361 5.54057 6.31174 5.02019 6.40708C4.76081 6.4546 4.51502 6.51041 4.30039 6.57806C4.10999 6.63808 3.84592 6.73647 3.62505 6.91238C3.40949 7.08407 3.28462 7.29928 3.21392 7.44347C3.13621 7.60197 3.07764 7.77214 3.03167 7.93418C2.93954 8.25891 2.8713 8.64765 2.81984 9.05684C2.71614 9.88131 2.66667 10.9039 2.66667 11.9173C2.66667 12.9315 2.71622 13.9683 2.81921 14.8223C2.87049 15.2475 2.93757 15.6493 3.02556 15.9896C3.10107 16.2815 3.23096 16.696 3.49692 16.9986C3.73744 17.2723 4.07035 17.3907 4.22569 17.4424C4.43435 17.5118 4.67621 17.5666 4.92705 17.6119C5.43301 17.7034 6.08328 17.7755 6.81165 17.8317C8.27474 17.9445 10.1431 18 12 18C13.8569 18 15.7253 17.9445 17.1883 17.8317C17.9167 17.7755 18.567 17.7034 19.0729 17.6119C19.3238 17.5666 19.5657 17.5118 19.7743 17.4424C19.9296 17.3907 20.2626 17.2723 20.5031 16.9986C20.769 16.696 20.8989 16.2815 20.9744 15.9896C21.0624 15.6493 21.1295 15.2475 21.1808 14.8223C21.2838 13.9683 21.3333 12.9315 21.3333 11.9173C21.3333 10.9039 21.2839 9.88132 21.1802 9.05685C21.1287 8.64766 21.0605 8.25891 20.9683 7.93418C20.9224 7.77214 20.8638 7.60197 20.7861 7.44347C20.7154 7.29928 20.5905 7.08407 20.375 6.91239Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M6 15H6.01" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Television 2


Svg Code

<svg style='color: white' width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M20.375 6.91239C20.1541 6.73647 19.89 6.63808 19.6996 6.57806C19.485 6.51041 19.2392 6.4546 18.9798 6.40708C18.4594 6.31174 17.8078 6.23611 17.0839 6.17697C15.6314 6.05832 13.8102 6 12 6C10.1899 6 8.36857 6.05832 6.91616 6.17697C6.19223 6.2361 5.54057 6.31174 5.02019 6.40708C4.76081 6.4546 4.51502 6.51041 4.30039 6.57806C4.10999 6.63808 3.84592 6.73647 3.62505 6.91238C3.40949 7.08407 3.28462 7.29928 3.21392 7.44347C3.13621 7.60197 3.07764 7.77214 3.03167 7.93418C2.93954 8.25891 2.8713 8.64765 2.81984 9.05684C2.71614 9.88131 2.66667 10.9039 2.66667 11.9173C2.66667 12.9315 2.71622 13.9683 2.81921 14.8223C2.87049 15.2475 2.93757 15.6493 3.02556 15.9896C3.10107 16.2815 3.23096 16.696 3.49692 16.9986C3.73744 17.2723 4.07035 17.3907 4.22569 17.4424C4.43435 17.5118 4.67621 17.5666 4.92705 17.6119C5.43301 17.7034 6.08328 17.7755 6.81165 17.8317C8.27474 17.9445 10.1431 18 12 18C13.8569 18 15.7253 17.9445 17.1883 17.8317C17.9167 17.7755 18.567 17.7034 19.0729 17.6119C19.3238 17.5666 19.5657 17.5118 19.7743 17.4424C19.9296 17.3907 20.2626 17.2723 20.5031 16.9986C20.769 16.696 20.8989 16.2815 20.9744 15.9896C21.0624 15.6493 21.1295 15.2475 21.1808 14.8223C21.2838 13.9683 21.3333 12.9315 21.3333 11.9173C21.3333 10.9039 21.2839 9.88132 21.1802 9.05685C21.1287 8.64766 21.0605 8.25891 20.9683 7.93418C20.9224 7.77214 20.8638 7.60197 20.7861 7.44347C20.7154 7.29928 20.5905 7.08407 20.375 6.91239Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M6 15H6.01" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Television 2


Svg Code

<svg style='color: red' width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M20.375 6.91239C20.1541 6.73647 19.89 6.63808 19.6996 6.57806C19.485 6.51041 19.2392 6.4546 18.9798 6.40708C18.4594 6.31174 17.8078 6.23611 17.0839 6.17697C15.6314 6.05832 13.8102 6 12 6C10.1899 6 8.36857 6.05832 6.91616 6.17697C6.19223 6.2361 5.54057 6.31174 5.02019 6.40708C4.76081 6.4546 4.51502 6.51041 4.30039 6.57806C4.10999 6.63808 3.84592 6.73647 3.62505 6.91238C3.40949 7.08407 3.28462 7.29928 3.21392 7.44347C3.13621 7.60197 3.07764 7.77214 3.03167 7.93418C2.93954 8.25891 2.8713 8.64765 2.81984 9.05684C2.71614 9.88131 2.66667 10.9039 2.66667 11.9173C2.66667 12.9315 2.71622 13.9683 2.81921 14.8223C2.87049 15.2475 2.93757 15.6493 3.02556 15.9896C3.10107 16.2815 3.23096 16.696 3.49692 16.9986C3.73744 17.2723 4.07035 17.3907 4.22569 17.4424C4.43435 17.5118 4.67621 17.5666 4.92705 17.6119C5.43301 17.7034 6.08328 17.7755 6.81165 17.8317C8.27474 17.9445 10.1431 18 12 18C13.8569 18 15.7253 17.9445 17.1883 17.8317C17.9167 17.7755 18.567 17.7034 19.0729 17.6119C19.3238 17.5666 19.5657 17.5118 19.7743 17.4424C19.9296 17.3907 20.2626 17.2723 20.5031 16.9986C20.769 16.696 20.8989 16.2815 20.9744 15.9896C21.0624 15.6493 21.1295 15.2475 21.1808 14.8223C21.2838 13.9683 21.3333 12.9315 21.3333 11.9173C21.3333 10.9039 21.2839 9.88132 21.1802 9.05685C21.1287 8.64766 21.0605 8.25891 20.9683 7.93418C20.9224 7.77214 20.8638 7.60197 20.7861 7.44347C20.7154 7.29928 20.5905 7.08407 20.375 6.91239Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M6 15H6.01" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Television 2


Svg Code

<svg style='color: blue' width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M20.375 6.91239C20.1541 6.73647 19.89 6.63808 19.6996 6.57806C19.485 6.51041 19.2392 6.4546 18.9798 6.40708C18.4594 6.31174 17.8078 6.23611 17.0839 6.17697C15.6314 6.05832 13.8102 6 12 6C10.1899 6 8.36857 6.05832 6.91616 6.17697C6.19223 6.2361 5.54057 6.31174 5.02019 6.40708C4.76081 6.4546 4.51502 6.51041 4.30039 6.57806C4.10999 6.63808 3.84592 6.73647 3.62505 6.91238C3.40949 7.08407 3.28462 7.29928 3.21392 7.44347C3.13621 7.60197 3.07764 7.77214 3.03167 7.93418C2.93954 8.25891 2.8713 8.64765 2.81984 9.05684C2.71614 9.88131 2.66667 10.9039 2.66667 11.9173C2.66667 12.9315 2.71622 13.9683 2.81921 14.8223C2.87049 15.2475 2.93757 15.6493 3.02556 15.9896C3.10107 16.2815 3.23096 16.696 3.49692 16.9986C3.73744 17.2723 4.07035 17.3907 4.22569 17.4424C4.43435 17.5118 4.67621 17.5666 4.92705 17.6119C5.43301 17.7034 6.08328 17.7755 6.81165 17.8317C8.27474 17.9445 10.1431 18 12 18C13.8569 18 15.7253 17.9445 17.1883 17.8317C17.9167 17.7755 18.567 17.7034 19.0729 17.6119C19.3238 17.5666 19.5657 17.5118 19.7743 17.4424C19.9296 17.3907 20.2626 17.2723 20.5031 16.9986C20.769 16.696 20.8989 16.2815 20.9744 15.9896C21.0624 15.6493 21.1295 15.2475 21.1808 14.8223C21.2838 13.9683 21.3333 12.9315 21.3333 11.9173C21.3333 10.9039 21.2839 9.88132 21.1802 9.05685C21.1287 8.64766 21.0605 8.25891 20.9683 7.93418C20.9224 7.77214 20.8638 7.60197 20.7861 7.44347C20.7154 7.29928 20.5905 7.08407 20.375 6.91239Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M6 15H6.01" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Television 2


Svg Code

<svg style='color: #f3da35' width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M20.375 6.91239C20.1541 6.73647 19.89 6.63808 19.6996 6.57806C19.485 6.51041 19.2392 6.4546 18.9798 6.40708C18.4594 6.31174 17.8078 6.23611 17.0839 6.17697C15.6314 6.05832 13.8102 6 12 6C10.1899 6 8.36857 6.05832 6.91616 6.17697C6.19223 6.2361 5.54057 6.31174 5.02019 6.40708C4.76081 6.4546 4.51502 6.51041 4.30039 6.57806C4.10999 6.63808 3.84592 6.73647 3.62505 6.91238C3.40949 7.08407 3.28462 7.29928 3.21392 7.44347C3.13621 7.60197 3.07764 7.77214 3.03167 7.93418C2.93954 8.25891 2.8713 8.64765 2.81984 9.05684C2.71614 9.88131 2.66667 10.9039 2.66667 11.9173C2.66667 12.9315 2.71622 13.9683 2.81921 14.8223C2.87049 15.2475 2.93757 15.6493 3.02556 15.9896C3.10107 16.2815 3.23096 16.696 3.49692 16.9986C3.73744 17.2723 4.07035 17.3907 4.22569 17.4424C4.43435 17.5118 4.67621 17.5666 4.92705 17.6119C5.43301 17.7034 6.08328 17.7755 6.81165 17.8317C8.27474 17.9445 10.1431 18 12 18C13.8569 18 15.7253 17.9445 17.1883 17.8317C17.9167 17.7755 18.567 17.7034 19.0729 17.6119C19.3238 17.5666 19.5657 17.5118 19.7743 17.4424C19.9296 17.3907 20.2626 17.2723 20.5031 16.9986C20.769 16.696 20.8989 16.2815 20.9744 15.9896C21.0624 15.6493 21.1295 15.2475 21.1808 14.8223C21.2838 13.9683 21.3333 12.9315 21.3333 11.9173C21.3333 10.9039 21.2839 9.88132 21.1802 9.05685C21.1287 8.64766 21.0605 8.25891 20.9683 7.93418C20.9224 7.77214 20.8638 7.60197 20.7861 7.44347C20.7154 7.29928 20.5905 7.08407 20.375 6.91239Z" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M6 15H6.01" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Advance Editor

You can edit television 2 as below. Change size color and background color of icon using below tool.

tab 2 content
Tab 3 content


Television 2 Icon SVG - Faq(s)?

⭐Can I get Free Television 2 Icon SVG?

Yes, you can get free Television 2 SVG icons.

⭐ How to download free Television 2 Icon SVG code?

To download free Television 2 icons in SVG code click on the copy code button.

⭐How to find the Television 2 Icon SVG path file?

You can get the Television 2 SVG file path from the above section.

⭐ What are the colors available for SVG Television 2 Icon?

You can check the Television 2 SVG in your brand color i.e, White, Black, Blue, Red, Green, Pink & Yellow.


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