Bread One Icon SVG

Bread One SVG Icons refers to a type of food made by mixing flour and water and cooked in an oven. Yeast is often added to rise the bread.

Bread one SVG Icon Code | Customize color

You can get svg icon bread one in blue, white, red color and transparent color from below list. You can also customize color using color picker.

Bread one


Svg Code

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><svg width="45" height="45" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M9 26C9 26 17 14 22 7.99998C25.1307 4.24312 31 2.75 36 5C41 7.25 43 12 41 16C39 20 31 35 31 35" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/><path d="M31 33.1882C31 36.3399 29.2441 39.1574 26.4861 41.0262C24.3203 42.4938 21.5366 41.867 18.5 41.867C15.2985 41.867 12.3782 42.3954 10.1667 40.7821C7.60938 38.9166 6 36.2056 6 33.1882C6 26.8125 11.5964 23 18.5 23C25.4036 23 31 27.5614 31 33.1882Z" fill="none" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/><path d="M23 33.2173C23 34.2126 22.3679 35.1023 21.375 35.6925C20.5953 36.1559 19.5932 35.958 18.5 35.958C17.3475 35.958 16.2961 36.1248 15.5 35.6154C14.5794 35.0263 14 34.1702 14 33.2173C14 31.2039 16.0147 30 18.5 30C20.9853 30 23 31.4404 23 33.2173Z" fill="none" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/><path d="M14.9998 18C14.9998 18 18.5 17 23 18" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/><path d="M19.9997 11C19.9997 11 23.5 9.5 26.9998 11" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/></svg>

Bread one


Svg Code

<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?--><svg style="color: white" width="45" height="45" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M9 26C9 26 17 14 22 7.99998C25.1307 4.24312 31 2.75 36 5C41 7.25 43 12 41 16C39 20 31 35 31 35" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" fill="white"></path><path d="M31 33.1882C31 36.3399 29.2441 39.1574 26.4861 41.0262C24.3203 42.4938 21.5366 41.867 18.5 41.867C15.2985 41.867 12.3782 42.3954 10.1667 40.7821C7.60938 38.9166 6 36.2056 6 33.1882C6 26.8125 11.5964 23 18.5 23C25.4036 23 31 27.5614 31 33.1882Z" fill="white" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path><path d="M23 33.2173C23 34.2126 22.3679 35.1023 21.375 35.6925C20.5953 36.1559 19.5932 35.958 18.5 35.958C17.3475 35.958 16.2961 36.1248 15.5 35.6154C14.5794 35.0263 14 34.1702 14 33.2173C14 31.2039 16.0147 30 18.5 30C20.9853 30 23 31.4404 23 33.2173Z" fill="white" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path><path d="M14.9998 18C14.9998 18 18.5 17 23 18" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" fill="white"></path><path d="M19.9997 11C19.9997 11 23.5 9.5 26.9998 11" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" fill="white"></path></svg>

Bread one


Svg Code

<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?--><svg style="color: red" width="45" height="45" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M9 26C9 26 17 14 22 7.99998C25.1307 4.24312 31 2.75 36 5C41 7.25 43 12 41 16C39 20 31 35 31 35" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" fill="red"></path><path d="M31 33.1882C31 36.3399 29.2441 39.1574 26.4861 41.0262C24.3203 42.4938 21.5366 41.867 18.5 41.867C15.2985 41.867 12.3782 42.3954 10.1667 40.7821C7.60938 38.9166 6 36.2056 6 33.1882C6 26.8125 11.5964 23 18.5 23C25.4036 23 31 27.5614 31 33.1882Z" fill="red" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path><path d="M23 33.2173C23 34.2126 22.3679 35.1023 21.375 35.6925C20.5953 36.1559 19.5932 35.958 18.5 35.958C17.3475 35.958 16.2961 36.1248 15.5 35.6154C14.5794 35.0263 14 34.1702 14 33.2173C14 31.2039 16.0147 30 18.5 30C20.9853 30 23 31.4404 23 33.2173Z" fill="red" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path><path d="M14.9998 18C14.9998 18 18.5 17 23 18" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" fill="red"></path><path d="M19.9997 11C19.9997 11 23.5 9.5 26.9998 11" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" fill="red"></path></svg>

Bread one


Svg Code

<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?--><svg style="color: blue" width="45" height="45" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M9 26C9 26 17 14 22 7.99998C25.1307 4.24312 31 2.75 36 5C41 7.25 43 12 41 16C39 20 31 35 31 35" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" fill="blue"></path><path d="M31 33.1882C31 36.3399 29.2441 39.1574 26.4861 41.0262C24.3203 42.4938 21.5366 41.867 18.5 41.867C15.2985 41.867 12.3782 42.3954 10.1667 40.7821C7.60938 38.9166 6 36.2056 6 33.1882C6 26.8125 11.5964 23 18.5 23C25.4036 23 31 27.5614 31 33.1882Z" fill="blue" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path><path d="M23 33.2173C23 34.2126 22.3679 35.1023 21.375 35.6925C20.5953 36.1559 19.5932 35.958 18.5 35.958C17.3475 35.958 16.2961 36.1248 15.5 35.6154C14.5794 35.0263 14 34.1702 14 33.2173C14 31.2039 16.0147 30 18.5 30C20.9853 30 23 31.4404 23 33.2173Z" fill="blue" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path><path d="M14.9998 18C14.9998 18 18.5 17 23 18" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" fill="blue"></path><path d="M19.9997 11C19.9997 11 23.5 9.5 26.9998 11" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" fill="blue"></path></svg>

Bread one


Svg Code

<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?--><svg style="color: #f3da35" width="45" height="45" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M9 26C9 26 17 14 22 7.99998C25.1307 4.24312 31 2.75 36 5C41 7.25 43 12 41 16C39 20 31 35 31 35" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" fill="#f3da35"></path><path d="M31 33.1882C31 36.3399 29.2441 39.1574 26.4861 41.0262C24.3203 42.4938 21.5366 41.867 18.5 41.867C15.2985 41.867 12.3782 42.3954 10.1667 40.7821C7.60938 38.9166 6 36.2056 6 33.1882C6 26.8125 11.5964 23 18.5 23C25.4036 23 31 27.5614 31 33.1882Z" fill="#f3da35" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path><path d="M23 33.2173C23 34.2126 22.3679 35.1023 21.375 35.6925C20.5953 36.1559 19.5932 35.958 18.5 35.958C17.3475 35.958 16.2961 36.1248 15.5 35.6154C14.5794 35.0263 14 34.1702 14 33.2173C14 31.2039 16.0147 30 18.5 30C20.9853 30 23 31.4404 23 33.2173Z" fill="#f3da35" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path><path d="M14.9998 18C14.9998 18 18.5 17 23 18" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" fill="#f3da35"></path><path d="M19.9997 11C19.9997 11 23.5 9.5 26.9998 11" stroke="#333" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" fill="#f3da35"></path></svg>

Advance Editor

You can edit bread one as below. Change size color and background color of icon using below tool.

tab 2 content
Tab 3 content


aliment.,comestibles.,diet.,fare.,feed.,grub.,necessities.,nourishment.,single ,singular ,sole ,solitary



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